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Lore:Molag Bal

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Molag Bal
"Indiscriminate death. Set upon by the gnawing and the rabid. Cyrodiil's candle flickers and is snuffed. Servants and superiors -- no one is spared the sharp tooth, ridged blade, or diseased hook, barb, or beak. And Molag Bal will watch from his palace in Coldharbour where everything stares back at him with his own face, and he will gloat, and mock, and gorge on the souls of mortals."
Flaccus Terentius

Molag Bal (Stone-Fire,[QD 1] or literally the "Fire Stone")[BK 1][nb 1] is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is the domination and enslavement of mortals.[BK 2] His ultimate desire is to harvest the souls of all mortals, bringing them within his sway by spreading seeds of strife and discord in the mortal realms.[BK 3][BK 4] To this end, he obsessively collects soul gems,[1][BK 5] and has even dragged pieces of Nirn into his realm to satisfy his insatiable desire for conquest.[2] The more souls he collects, the more he wants.[BK 6]

Molag Bal values patience and cunning. He often deceives those he deals with, and has no trouble waiting exceedingly long periods of time for his plans to come to fruition.[3][QD 2][Q 1] He also takes great pleasure in the suffering of mortals, and often has them tortured for his amusement.[BK 7] Those who fall into his clutches are forced to labor ceaselessly for his benefit.[4] The Prince has a penchant for necromancy,[BK 8][BK 9] often employing the use of the risen dead and forcing his followers to serve beyond the grave.[QD 3] He is capable of preserving live mortals far beyond their normal lifespan to prolong their suffering.[QD 4]

Molag Bal is acknowledged as the father of several children, though it is unclear what those relationships mean to him.[5] He has a son, Ozzozachar,[D 1] who is a Daedric Titan.[6] He also has a daughter named Molag Grunda, a Winged Twilight who took the lowly Frost Atronach Nomeg Gwai as her consort. Molag Bal did not approve of the relationship and had them both banished to Oblivion so he could punish them for eternity.[Q 2] A persistent legend about Haymon Camoran claims he is the progeny of Molag Bal and a Breton woman.[BK 10]

Molag Bal's enemies are Ebonarm,[7] Boethiah,[Q 3] Meridia,[BK 11] Lamae Bal[QD 5] and Arkay. He was at one point allied with Azura.[7] His summoning day is during Chil'a, on the 20th of Evening Star.[8] He appears before his cultists in the guise of a mortal when invoked on other dates.[BK 12]

It is rumored among the kyn who serve him that his second-favorite type of weapon after the mace is the axe, as it is the tool of the headsman. However, nobody is brave enough to ask him about it.[BK 13] He purportedly has terrible hygiene and smells of rotting flesh.[QD 6]


Mortals have often used descriptors and alternate names to refer to the Daedric Prince in conversation. Molag Bal is unique in that he is known by an exceedingly large amount of nicknames, some used by specific groups for different reasons. He is most commonly referred to as the God of Schemes,[BK 14] the Harvester of Souls,[D 2][BK 15][BK 16] the Lord of Domination,[QD 7] the Prince of Domination[9] and the Lord of Brutality.[D 3][BK 17] These terms are comparatively neutral, and can be used by anyone to describe him, from normal citizens to his greatest enemies and his most devout worshippers. These titles are descriptive, and utilize aspects of his sphere of influence to identify him as the subject of conversation. The Dark Lord is another neutral name, used by fearful slaves in hushed whispers, and uttered by the Prince's enemies in defiance.[QD 8][QD 9][QD 10] Molag Bal's minions use the name in reverence.[BK 18][D 4]

Several other nicknames which the mortals of Tamriel have identified Molag Bal with include the Harvester,[10] the Lord of Corruption,[BK 19]:293 the Corrupter, the Tormentor of Men,[D 5] the Lord of Troubles,[BK 20][D 6] the Prince of Schemes,[BK 21][QD 11] the God of Brutality,[D 7] the Sower of Strife[BK 22] and the Scheming Lord of Coldharbour.[BK 23] These nicknames share a common theme in that they describe Molag Bal's sphere of influence. These titles also draw from his most easily recognizable behaviors. Molag Bal is known to harvest souls, torment mortals for fun and corrupt the minds of good people with promises of power.[BK 24] He hatches elaborate schemes to spread his influence across Tamriel. The Prince of Murder is a more vague title that has been affixed to the Prince by the servants of his enemy, Meridia.[QD 12] The title does not frame murder as an aspect of his sphere in the way that it falls under Mephala's divine portfolio; rather, it illustrates the idea that Molag Bal is an individual of an unpleasant nature. In 2E 582, an ally of the Army of Meridia referred to Molag Bal as the Dark One.[QD 10]

The King of Rape[BK 25][BK 26] is a title that is used in the Living God Vivec's sermons; it draws upon Molag Bal's brutal nature. The Elder Spirit of Domination and Supreme Law is a moniker derived from the epistles of Amun-dro, an ancient Khajiit priest who committed the names of the old Khajiit deities to paper.[BK 27] Carlovac Townway referred to Molag Bal as the Prince of Rage in his popular historical fiction novel, 2920, The Last Year of the First Era.[BK 28] Sigillah Parate identified Molag Bal as the Schemer Princess in her work, Invocation of Azura.[BK 12]

Molag the Slave-Lord[BK 29] is a one-off nickname used by Phrastus of Elinhir in his lecture on the nature of Molag Bal's plane of Oblivion, Coldharbour. The name is in reference to Molag Bal's voracious desire to amass unfathomable amounts of souls, and his tendency to enslave those whose souls he comes into possession of. The Schemer,[BK 30] the Prince of Pain and the Captain of Corruption are monikers written in popular bardic performances from the Interregnum. The Plane Meld was a song that described the impending doom from the then-ongoing Planemeld. It likens Molag Bal to some sort of demented farmer, tilling the land of Tamriel and sowing corruption as far as he can reach.[11]

Bal Ur, a temple of great importance to Molag Bal's followers on Vvardenfell

The Dark Father,[QD 13][QD 14] the Father of Vampires,[D 8][D 9] Lord of the Undead,[BK 31] and the Father of Undeath[BK 6] are nicknames derived from Molag Bal's association with vampires and the undead. Regardless of whether or not they revere him, vampires who recognize Molag Bal as the progenitor of the first vampire may refer to him as the Dark Father. Scholars and laymen who are familiar with Molag Bal's association with vampires or his propensity for raising the dead may refer to him as either of the latter.[QD 13] The Defiler[QD 5] is a title of note among the scions of Lamae Bal, the first vampire. The vampires of Lamae's coven are encouraged to despise Molag Bal, and they acknowledge him as the one responsible for their matron's state of undeath.[BK 32] The scions of Lamae have also referred to Molag Bal as the Father of Torment and the King of Corruption[BK 32][QD 15] in light of the notion that Molag Bal takes great delight in the suffering of mortals, and actively seeks to corrupt anything he believes will further his goals or spread strife throughout Nirn.

The Lord of Lies[BK 33] and the Lord of Darkness[BK 34] are names that have been uttered by the Prince's adherents. The Dark Master[BK 33][D 10] and the Dread Lord[BK 35] are titles which have been explicitly used by Molag Bal's cultists and Daedric minions in the context of their service. The Daedra who serve Molag Bal refer to him as "the Dread Lord", "the Dark Lord" and their "Brutal Lord"[BK 36] in their missives. Servants both mortal and otherwise have identified their god with many variations on the words "lord" and "master", denoting the Prince's position of power above the denizens of his Plane.[BK 33][BK 37] An example of such a name is the Lord of Schemes.[BK 38][QD 16] The Lord of Coldharbour is a simple title that refers to his dominion over Coldharbour.[QD 17]

Religion and Culture[edit]


Ayleid statuette of Mola Gbal

Molag Bal was known as Mola Gbal to the Ayleids,[12] and was the patron deity of Abagarlas.[BK 39][BK 40]


The Bretons of the Iliac Bay share stories about the "Terrible Torchbug of Molag Bal" the night before Waking Day. The stories vary, but the one consistent part of every variation of the tale involves a fearsome, savage entity being followed by blue torchbugs.[13]


Molag Bal is a Daedric power of much importance in Morrowind, where he is always the archenemy of Boethiah, the Prince of Plots. He is seen as a primary obstacle to the Dunmer people (and their Chimer predecessors). In the legends, Molag Bal always tries to upset the bloodlines of Houses or otherwise ruin Dunmeri "purity".[BK 41] He is said to be the parent (along with Vivec) of a population of mutants that terrorized the Molag Amur region of Vvardenfell.[BK 42][14]

He is known to the Dunmer as the third corner of the House of Troubles, and one of the Bad Daedra.[Q 4][BK 43] Dunmeri mythos cites Bal Ur as the "birthplace of Molag Bal",[BK 44] where the Doom Drum tricked him into becoming mortal.[QD 18] Bal Ur is a place of great importance for Vvardenfell's vampire clans, particularly the Aundae, who believe the ruin is important to their vampire heritage.[BK 20] In the days of old Resdayn, Molag Bal was not worshipped so much as he was placated.[15]


Molag Bal purportedly has connections to the dreugh. According to legend, the dreugh used to be far more intelligent and civilized than they are today. The dreugh were said to worship a creature known as the Ruddy Man. Not much is known about this entity, but it is believed to be a manifestation of Molag Bal.[LA 1] Dunmeri folklore alleges that Molag Bal was the chieftain of the dreugh in a time when they ruled the world. During that time, Molag Bal took on a form that was spiny, armored, and built for life beneath the waves. The Ruddy Man from the teachings of the Tribunal Temple is said to resemble this iteration of Molag Bal, and was supposedly a product of Vivec and Molag Bal's union.[BK 45]


"Hail Molag Bal, the Prince of Pain

Brutal master, lord of troubles
Giver of strength to slay and strive

For men are meant to struggle"
From Hail to the Ancient Spirits, an old Reach song
Reachfolk emblem for Molag Bal

Molag Bal is venerated by some Reachman clans. The people of the Reach recognize the Lord of Lies as a schemer who enjoys his tricks. Known as the Father of Torment, the Defiler and He Who Schemes in the Shadows, Molag Bal is a spirit that represents hardship.[D 11] He's somewhat of a testing god, acknowledged as a spirit who brings trouble, and in doing so, he teaches the people of the Reach to endure.[QD 19]

The Reachfolk understand that hardship is inevitable, but instead of bemoaning their sorrows, they embrace the pain as wisdom.[D 11] They look up to those who work hard,[D 12] and believe those that are plagued by troubled times are strengthened by their experiences. Molag Bal grants nothing but unexpected pain. Those of the Reach who venerate Molag Bal appreciate the lessons he teaches, growing resilient in his shadow.[D 11]

The Cinder-Heart Clan reveres the Defiler,[16] and their practices reflect the extreme horrors Molag Bal's sphere represents. They are known for their cruel treatment of captives, whom they burn alive. Their briarheart ritual is augmented with the intense pain of opening a subject's chest cavity and filling it with hot coals.[BK 46]

Reachmen are sometimes referred to as the Witchmen of High Rock, a name that stems from their use of dark "Reach-magic".[BK 47] Although Hircine is believed to be the source of the dark nature magic used by Reach hedge wizards,[17] Molag Bal can grant similar power. The name "gravesinger" is worn by some Reachman necromancers who broker deals with Bal[QD 20] in exchange for the power to command the loathsome dead.[BK 48] These gravesingers can command corpses by planting the seeds of foul vines in their victims' bodies. Molag Bal's "gifts" may leave a gravesinger's body in a state of decay.[D 13]


Some ancient Khajiit tribes knew him as Molagh, one of the twelve Demon Kings and the Elder Spirit of Domination and Supreme Law. In some forms of Khajiiti mythos, Molagh has a wife who freed Merrunz to weaponize his destructive nature. Molagh was the first to attempt an assault on the Lunar Lattice with intent alongside Merrunz and Merid-Nunda. Boethra fought him to a standstill before the Lattice, and Azurah brought him down. Amun-dro's writings say that he is to be faced along the Path and overcome by the Will Against Rule, a concept associated with Boethra.[BK 27]


Little is known about Maormer religion, but Keel Cutters, Maormer slave traders, were known to invoke the name of Molag Bal.[D 14]


A shrine to Molag Bal, as seen in Dawnguard

One legend claims that Molag Bal created the first vampire when he raped a Nedic virgin named Lamae Beolfag, who in turn slaughtered a group of nomads.[BK 49] He has also made pacts with mortals and bestowed the gift of vampirism upon them. However, they must be powerful in their own right before they can earn his trust; he only grants such gifts to his more impressive followers.[QD 21] One such example is Lord Harkon and his family, who are implied to be the original Volkihar Clan of vampires, having been turned by the Daedric Prince himself.[D 15] Female followers of Molag Bal are traditionally offered to him on his summoning day. Being selected as an offering is an honor; selectees are expected to go through with the ritual. Few survive, and those who do emerge as pure-blooded vampires.[QD 22] Molag Bal is also rumored to have bestowed upon ancient Vampire Lords several powerful artifacts that amplify vampiric powers.[QD 23] Among these treasures is the Amulet of Bats, which was found in the possession of Lord Falgravn in 2E 582.[18]

Molag Bal's gifts are never given freely. Those who seek to ask him for a favor must always pay a price, and it is usually paid in blood.[19]


A shrine to Molag Bal on Vvardenfell (ESO)

Cults that worship Molag Bal often perform live, unwilling sacrifices to please their god.[D 4] A core belief among his cults is that the weak must be punished by the strong, a tenant that Molag Bal himself touts.[Q 3] This belief is held highly by the Dremora who serve the Lord of Lies.[BK 50] The aforementioned cults use dark magic and necromancy as a tool, profaning the dead and using them to bring Molag Bal further toward his ultimate goal.[BK 9][QD 24] Cunning, deception and subterfuge are just as valued by the Prince as brutality is. Thus, bribery, blackmail and extortion are common tools of the Stonefire Cult.[BK 12][LA 2] Some groups, such as the Fen Witches of Hjaalmarch, engage in practices such as child abduction to bolster their ranks.[BK 51] Those unaffiliated with a cult who wish to contact the Prince may offer a lion's pelt at a shrine dedicated to Molag Bal. This practice has been observed in Cyrodiil.[Q 5]

"Mehrunes Dagon revels in direct destruction—his cultists will set your city on fire and burn it to the ground. Molag Bal exists to dominate and deceive—his cultists will persuade you that a plague is loose, and the only way to stop it is to burn your city down yourself."
Flaminius Auctor

The Order of the Black Worm served Molag Bal during the Planemeld.[BK 52] The Order was a prime example of a group that wielded necromancy in Molag Bal's name. In addition to raising an undead army in the wake of the Planemeld, the cult participated in the Planemeld in force, carrying out many schemes in his name.[Q 6][20] Additionally, they sacrificed thousands of souls to the Daedric Prince,[BK 48] and were responsible for constructing and activating the dolmens where Dark Anchors were to be dropped.[21][BK 18]

Molag Bal will bless his followers with undeath under certain circumstances. During the Planemeld, the Order of the Black Worm allied with the Stonetalon, Rageclaw and Boneshaper Reach clans.[Q 7] In exchange for releasing the ancient giant Sinmur, the Order promised to bless the clans with "the touch of their dark lord".[QD 25] The Order channeled the touch of Molag Bal throughout Vernim Woods, transforming the Reachmen into undead monstrosities known as the Graveborn.[Q 8] The leader of the Reachfolk clans who invaded the Rift, Stral Blackthroat, underwent the transformation himself within the nearby ruins, gaining immense power.[22] Molag Bal has also rewarded his followers with immortality through vampirism in return for sacrificing innocents in his name.[D 15] Those who offer themselves willingly to Molag Bal from beyond the grave may have the pleasure of being transformed into an undead abomination, be it a flaming bone colossus or some other monstrous creature.[QD 26][Q 9][23]

The Worm Cult sacrificed souls to Molag Bal in force during the Planemeld


The Lord of Lies is the center of a longstanding philosophical concept known as the Molag Bal Paradox. Revolving around the notion that Molag Bal consistently defies the will of others (often suppressing their will by imposing his own upon them), the paradox poses the following question: "If everyone would express the belief that [Molag Bal] exists, would he therefore cease to do so because his nature demands he oppose the wishes of others?" Assuming that Molag Bal is subject to the metaphysical rules of the Aurbis, philosophers have argued whether or not the Prince "truly" embodies the concept of domination.[D 16] The Molag Bal Paradox is considered a classic puzzle, and scholars have engaged with it since at least the Second Era.[D 17]


First Era[edit]

The remains of the All Flags Navy

Sometime in the First Era, Molag Bal made a pact with King Styriche of Verkarth, a powerful vampire and the leader of the Gray Host.[BK 53] The terms of their agreement eventually brought thirteen of the Gray Host's exarchs into Coldharbour, where they were tortured for eternity by the Daedric Prince.[BK 53] Rada al-Saran, the last known surviving leader of the Gray Host, sought to free his kin from Coldharbour in 2E 582 with the help of the Icereach Coven.[BK 54] At some point, a Molag Bal-worshipping Ayleid clan that lived in Greenshade ceased making offerings to the Prince at Moonhenge. Their city was consumed in blue fire and transported to Coldharbour.[BK 55]

He is credited with the creation of two species of Daedra, both involved in his experiments in a facility known as the Vile Laboratory.[LA 3] The Xivkyn[BK 5] and the Daedric Titan are the products of his fascination with vestigial hybridization and the Dragons' dominion over mortalkind respectively. Both of these species were released upon the people of Tamriel for the first time during Molag Bal's invasion of Nirn.[BK 37]

A Dark Anchor

In 1E 2260, the All Flags Navy sailed to Thras and defeated the Sload. The Sloads' Coral Tower was destroyed during the siege, causing it to plunge into the sea.[BK 56] The Maelstrom of Bal[BK 57] opened up in the wake of the tower's fall, and a large chunk of the fleet was pulled beneath the Abecean Sea and into Coldharbour. Molag Bal appeared before the wreckage and struck a deal with the leader of the fallen fleet, giving the admiral complete control over his sailors with a relic known as the Crown of Bones.[BK 56][Q 10]

Molag Bal was responsible for the destruction of the Bosmeri settlement of Gil-Var-Delle at the end of the First Era, when he was summoned by King Dro'Zel of Senchal.[BK 58] Molag Bal consumed the souls of all mortals present that day, leaving nothing more than the charred remains of the town's once mighty graht-oak.[24] His corrupting influence lingered into the second era.[QD 11][BK 59] The disaster at Gil-Var-Delle was the catalyst that sparked the conception of the Coldharbour Compact. Molag Bal was present at the meeting where Sotha Sil sealed his famed bargain with the powers of Oblivion, and agreed to the terms the Living God set.[BK 30]

Second Era[edit]

Molag Bal is rumored to be responsible for the creation of the first soul gems.[UOL 1] This theory appears to have some grain of truth to it: Mannimarco and his cohorts, believing the Harvester held the secret to trapping souls, stole their first black soul gems from Coldharbour some time after the King of Worms' expulsion from Artaeum.[25]

In the 582nd year of the Second Era, Molag Bal attempted to merge Nirn with his plane of Coldharbour in an event known as the Planemeld. However, this campaign was halted by the Vestige.[QD 27] A last-ditch effort to claim the Mundus for his own occurred not long after, while his forces occupied the Imperial City.[BK 60][Q 11][UOL 2] Led by the King of Worms, the Order of the Black Worm and an offshoot of Legion traitors dubbed Legion Zero served beneath Molag Bal's Daedric minions to invade and maintain control over the city.[26] Molag Bal's minions had converted the centrata, the central hub of the City's sewers beneath the White-Gold Tower, into a terminal for portals to Coldharbour.[BK 60] Molag Bal sought to locate and destroy the Sublime Brazier so the Dragonfires could never be lit again.[QD 28][QD 29] This plot, along with a ritual known as the Planemeld Obverse which involved an Elder Scroll, were also foiled.[Q 11][Q 12]

The Planemeld Obverse is set into motion

Molag Bal also arranged to have biological weapons produced in the Imperial Prison. The City's citizens were to be brought to the prison and delivered to the prison's flesh sculptor, a powerful necromancer who held mastery over flesh. The sculptor would turn mortal skin and organs into carriers for plague and disease, creating flesh devices that would spew noxious clouds to contaminate the earth around them. Molag Bal's generals planned to deploy a thousand of these siege engines throughout the City, ending the Alliance War and turning the tide in Molag Bal's favor.[BK 61][BK 62]

The Imperial City under siege

Sometime prior to House Gardner's fall, Princess Violetta of House Gardner used Birdsong Tower as her garden-spot. It was a pleasant place just west of Wayrest, where flowers bloomed and birds sang. Molag Bal was offended by the tower's joyous environment, and sent a plague of undeath to profane it. Birdsong Tower became known as Soulshriven Tower.[QD 30] A hero curbed the tower's undead infestation in 2E 582.[Q 13] Molag Bal was also responsible for cursing the town of Westtry at some point between 2E 220 and 2E 582. The town was invaded by Nord raiders, and a priest of Stendarr sought aid from his god. He was answered by Molag Bal instead, and begged the Prince to save Westtry. Molag Bal subsequently cursed Westtry with undeath.[QD 31] The curse was lifted by the Vestige in 2E 582.[Q 14] That same year, Abagandra—the Lightless Remnant of the Doomcrag—was given to Molag Bal and transported to his realm to prevent it from devastating Rivenspire with a plague of vampirism.[QD 32]

During Mannimarco's service to Molag Bal, the King of Worms schemed to assume Molag Bal's place as the God of Brutality. Using the Amulet of Kings, the most powerful soul gem the world has ever known, Mannimarco intended to trap Molag Bal's essence and use it to ascend to godhood.[QD 33] This plot was foiled by the Vestige at Sancre Tor prior to the end of the Planemeld, and the God of Schemes dragged Mannimarco's soul to Coldharbour to administer punishment.[Q 15]

Third Era[edit]

Sometime around 3E 405, in exchange for power, Molag Bal tasked the agent of the Blades with eliminating a heretic mage who drew from his power without invoking his name.[Q 16] In 3E 427, Molag Bal asked the Nerevarine to banish a lazy Daedroth minion named Menta Na to the Outer Realms, where he would be punished for not wreaking havoc as he was created for.[Q 17] During the Oblivion Crisis, Molag Bal spread corruption by having the Hero of Kvatch incite a local pacifist to murder.[Q 5]

Fourth Era[edit]

Cultists worshipping Molag Bal

In 4E 201, Molag Bal's presence haunted a home within the city of Markarth, and attracted the attention of a Priest of Stendarr who came to purify the residence. The Last Dragonborn offered to assist, and when the pair entered the home, Molag Bal trapped them inside. He forced the Dragonborn and the priest to fight to the death, and the Dragonborn prevailed, proving themself the stronger of the two. With the Dragonborn having passed his "test", the Prince gave them a task: he offered them the Mace of Molag Bal as an incentive for capturing the soul of a priest of Boethiah who had been desecrating Molag Bal's shrine. The hero complied with the request.[Q 3]


The face that inspires Molag Bal's religious iconography

Molag Bal has been depicted several different ways by the sculptors who construct shrines dedicated to him. The only truly consistent trait across all portrayals is the presence of a tail, horns and/or frills, and a muscular frame with bestial legs. Some artists interpret him as a bipedal creature with the head of a reptile, long claws, three digits on each hand, and digitigrade legs on paws shaped like that of a lion[27] or a large reptile.[28] These depictions possess aquatic frills, and occasionally horns.[27] Molag Bal once manifested before an agent of the Blades as a green-skinned humanoid with red eyes, elven ears, the legs of a goat, a long, thin tail, a goat-like face, and curved black horns.[29] It is said that a bright red mist poured over Gilverdale in a wave, engulfing building after building in its wake, with Molag Bal arriving as a smiling, red-skinned giant.[BK 63]

An emblem representing Molag Bal

His most iconic appearance is depicted stylistically on his eponymous Mace: a face with ridged horns, aquatic frills, and sharp fangs. During the Planemeld, Molag Bal appeared in the form that inspired the Mace's rendering of his face. Molag Bal possesses a broad, sinewy, muscular frame carried by digitigrade legs with hips crowned by jagged protrusions. A row of spikes ran from the top of his head down the length of his back, and a bony tail extended from the base of his spine, ending in a tri-tipped axe-shaped structure. Ridges jutted up from his sternum, lining the space where the base of his neck and his shoulders met to frame a horned head with frills on each side.[30]

His face was reminiscent of a bare skull: a sunken nose, dark circles around light blue eyes that were overseen by pronounced eyebrows, angled cheeks, and rows of lengthy pointed teeth. Small spikes lined his chin. His flesh was blue-grey in coloration, and his horns were black. His extremities grew darker in color as they extended further away from his torso: while his shoulders were blue-grey, his hands were almost dark enough to match his black claws.[30]

The iconography of the Coldharbour Elite Guard

Molag Bal's face is quite literally plastered all over Coldharbour. Decorative seals on fortress walls and floors depict a threatening fanged grimace.[31] Sconces lit with cold fire look like stylized, simplified sculptures of his head,[32] as do the accents on some braziers[33] and bookshelves,[34] as well as the spouts on fountains.[35][36] Flaccus Terentius describes this show of hubris rather succinctly in his account of Molag Bal's palace, a place where "everything stares back at [Molag Bal] with his own face".[BK 6] This iconography has made its way onto the tapestries woven by his followers,[37] as well as the banners carried by his soldiers into battle.[38] Molag Bal's face is a common symbol in his worship.[39]

Molag Bal is often depicted as scarce in the way of clothing by stonemasons: during the Planemeld, he opted for a loincloth adorned with skulls, tusks, and bits of metal and bone.[30] If one were to take a blade and cut into his physical form, a viscous blue substance would leak from the wound.[40]


Molag Bal is a master of all forms of domination over mortals, including the arts of illusion. As a matter of course the Lord of Brutality prefers lies to the truth—except when the truth is more cruel.[41]

Molag Bal is arrogant, calculating, and cares little for the welfare of mortalkind.[QD 7][BK 64] He views pacifism as a form of weakness.[Q 5] He is also fond of ostentatious and macabre displays of power, occasionally going out of his way to hold elaborate ceremonies. An example of such an event was the "first Daedric Titan unveiling and Soul Shriven impalement celebration".[QD 34]

The God of Brutality has little patience for failure. He scorns the Daedra beneath him for falling in battle, considering their "weakness" a blemish on their reputation and deserving of recourse.[D 18] Independent thought is among that which Molag Bal's servants consider "weak": they believe absolute obedience to the Prince is a virtue, and indeed a point of strength.[D 19] Weakness is, of course, punished by pain.[D 10]

A Mind-Shriven thrall

Molag Bal is quite keen on depriving mortals of free will. To this end, Molag Bal wields a form of mind magic: he intrudes upon the minds of mortals as a form of torture. It is an invasive, agonizing experience.[QD 35] By forcing his way into a mortal's mind, he can show them horrific visions.[QD 36] He also does this to Daedra, particularly magically-gifted Xivkyn. These augurs share a mental link with Molag Bal, acting as vessels to carry out his dark whims.[42] This practice has unintended risks, as mortals who have had a mental connection to the Prince forced upon them can see through his eyes if they concentrate hard enough. Molag Bal can feel the presence of one who accomplishes such a feat, and he doesn't appreciate the trespass. During the Planemeld, Varen Aquilarios did just that to distract the Daedric Prince, allowing the Vestige to traverse Coldharbour unmolested. Molag Bal was enraged by Varen's presence, leaving him blind to the hero's deeds in his realm while he dealt with the former Emperor.[QD 35]

Molag Bal wields souls as ammunition

Some mortals have had their force of will completely sapped as a result of Molag Bal tampering with their mind.[BK 65] Such was the case with the infamous pirate, Captain Blackheart, whose entire crew was transformed into undead slaves.[Q 18][BK 66] He was cursed when a relic the crew had plundered spoke to him, claiming to be Molag Bal. The Prince uttered a spell, transforming the crew and making them unable to disobey their Captain's orders:[QD 37] the Captain also fell utterly under Molag Bal's control.[BK 67] Following the crew's enslavement, Molag Bal proceeded to slaughter hundreds of innocents with Captain Blackheart's hands, tormenting him with fleeting moments of independent thought.[BK 65] Captain Blackheart never killed the inhabitants of the ships he plundered until he fell into the Prince's grasp.[BK 67]

The practice of stealing the minds of mortals is not restricted to spellcraft, as Molag Bal also accomplishes this through alchemy. The Mind-Shriven are created when mortals are forced to imbibe a poison called the Blood of Coldharbour. These individuals have their force of will stolen by the Daedric Prince,[43] and become unnaturally aggressive as a result of their transformation.[QD 38]

As is expected of a Daedric Prince, Molag Bal can summon his Daedric minions at will. Unfortunately for those who oppose him, this means he can summon a horde of Daedric Titans.[Q 19] Molag Bal can weaponize souls and cold fire to assault those who wrong him.[QD 39][44] Those who offend Molag Bal may find themselves suddenly missing important features, such as their skin. He is not above turning people into ravenous undead creatures.[45] Molag Bal manipulates shadows to imprison powerful servants of Meridia.[QD 4]

Relations with Other Entities[edit]

The politics of Oblivion are complex. Alliances come and go, and what each Daedric Prince thinks of one another is largely unknown. However, Molag Bal has a few clearly defined relationships with other Princes, particularly Meridia. The two aren't very fond of each other. Molag Bal revels in undeath and destruction,[BK 8] while Meridia believes that the sanctity of life energies is not to be perverted.[46] Though they both share a strong distaste for free will,[QD 40] these fundamental beliefs are the foundation for their bitter rivalry.

A confrontation between gods

The two have actively antagonized each other throughout the course of Tamrielic history: Meridia's role in halting the Planemeld is a prominent example of this. Meridia sent a city under her protection[BK 39] into Coldharbour to host an invasion force of her own making,[Q 20][Q 21] wrested control of the Fighters Guild to turn its attention toward interfering with the Planemeld,[Q 1] and personally appeared in the heart of Molag Bal's stronghold to destroy the Planar Vortex. Meridia plotted to oppose the Planemeld for years in advance.[47]

During the same time period, Meridia foiled Molag Bal's efforts to use the Mortuum Vivicus, a relic that siphons mortal souls and is capable of unleashing a storm of undeath.[Q 1] This would be the second time Meridia has thwarted Bal's attempts to release the Vivicus upon Tamriel, the first occurring in the First Era during the time of Abagarlas and Delodiil. Molag Bal's worshippers plotted to harvest the souls of Meridia's faithful and unleash the Mortuum Vivicus' necromantic potential,[BK 68] and the Lady of Light destroyed the Abagarlan's city in response.[BK 69]

Meridia exchanges words with Molag Bal

Molag Bal became so familiar with Meridia's methods during their years of conflict that he had a facility constructed specifically to imprison her servants.[BK 11] Some ancient Khajiiti tales suggest that Meridia and Molag Bal once fought for a common goal during Bal's assault on the Lunar Lattice,[BK 27] but for the most part, their history is rife with conflict.

Boethiah is another Prince with whom Molag Bal isn't necessarily "on good terms". This is another case of a difference in fundamental beliefs: Molag Bal expects those who worship him to obey without question.[D 20] On the other hand, Boethiah expects her followers to actively question and oppose authority, and despises mortals who attempt to appeal to her with bent knees and words of adoration.[BK 70] Molag Bal seeks strength for himself, while Boethiah looks for strength in others.[LA 4] Their differences aren't the only thing setting them apart; the two Princes have some record of antagonizing one another. In the past, Boethiah has sent her followers to desecrate Molag Bal's holy sites, and Molag Bal has retaliated in kind.[Q 3]

Molag Bal exacts vengeance upon a priestess of Azura

Molag Bal is apparently bitter rivals with Mehrunes Dagon, and the two will thwart each other at every given opportunity.[LA 2] The Order of the Waking Flame alleges that Mehrunes Dagon once personally freed a group of his faithful from imprisonment in Coldharbour by sending a projection of himself to do battle against Molag Bal while the faithful were transported to the Deadlands.[BK 71] Malacath views Molag Bal's desire for adulation as unnecessary, interpreting it as a weakness.[QD 41] The servants of Molag Bal and Azura have also thwarted each other in the past. The most noteworthy of such instances revolved around a priestess of Azura who brokered peace between two groups in Valenwood whom Molag Bal's minions were sent to divide, foiling his plan.[Q 22][QD 42][BK 16]

Molag Bal doesn't just have conflict with other Princes, but the Divines as well. Molag Bal has a particular distaste for Arkay, who is invoked when the souls and bodies of deceased mortals are consecrated for burial. Molag Bal delights in the art of necromancy, and Arkay's opposition to the undead contradicts Molag Bal's belief that corpses are tools for him to use to further his goals.[BK 41] In the legend of the first vampire's creation, Molag Bal invents a new form of undeath to spite Arkay's sway over the cycle of life and death.[QD 13][BK 49][BK 72] While Arkay and Molag Bal never engage each other personally, their servants are likely to find themselves at odds with one another. The Order of Arkay is an organization that seeks to protect the autonomy of mortal souls and prevent their misuse by necromancers and Daedra. They oppose the necromantic energies wielded by Bal's cultists and the very existence of vampires.[BK 73] Additionally, Arkay's blessing is capable of preventing mortal souls from being perverted by Molag Bal's dark influence.[Q 23][QD 43]

The followers of Stendarr have also opposed the God of Schemes. Cardinal Belforte of the Order of Stendarr devoted his life to ridding Tamriel of Daedric corruption, and he was especially thorough in his persecution of Molag Bal's faithful. He acquired numerous tracts from the cults his order extinguished, which furthered scholars' understanding of the Daedric Prince's motivations.[BK 29]


Crown of Bones[edit]

The Crown of Bones was created by Molag Bal for the Admiral of the Lost Fleet.[QD 44][QD 45] It was a crown that allowed the wearer to control the skeletons of sailors whose ships were dragged into the Maelstrom of Bal.[BK 56]

The Mace of Molag Bal (Skyrim)

Mace of Molag Bal[edit]

The Mace of Molag Bal, also known as the Vampire's Mace, is a Daedric artifact attributed to Molag Bal, the Lord of Domination and Enslavement. Its enchantment drains the stamina and magicka of its victims and transfers them to the bearer. It also has been known to have the ability to transfer an enemy's strength to its wielder or trap their soul. It has been said to be a good weapon of choice for vanquishing wizards.[48][49]

Many legends surround the mace, but its origins can be traced back to when Molag Bal deceived an Orcish blacksmith and enslaved him in pits of Coldharbour. The blacksmith was turned into a Soul Shriven and forced to forge the mace.[UOL 3][50]

Due to Molag Bal's penchant for meddling in mortal affairs, he grants the mace to those he deems worthy but has also been quite free with his artifact. Molag Bal assumes that when such a powerful artifact falls into mortal hands, a trail of death and destruction is sure to follow.[48][UOL 3] Some believe the mace to be an object of Daedra worship.[51] Molag Bal's followers refer to it as the Master's Mace,[52][53] and often swear by it.[54]

The Mortuum Vivicus

Mortuum Vivicus[edit]

The Mortuum Vivicus was a powerful weapon created by the Daedric Prince Molag Bal. It was a massive spell that was capable of holding and harnessing thousands of souls, and could destroy all of Tamriel if it were released.[55] It had no physical form, instead appearing as a large orb of cold light. It was originally given as a gift to the Ayleid King Anumaril of Abagarlas, a Daedraphile settlement on City Isle that was dedicated to Bal.

One of the Harvest Hearts (ESO)

Harvest Hearts[edit]

Harvest Hearts are artifacts that Molag Bal uses to enslave large communities and empower specific parts of his divine portfolio.[QD 46]

During the Planemeld, the Vestige destroyed a Heart within a portion of Coldharbour known as the Orchard, a large graveyard full of vampires. That particular heart greatly increased the rate at which vampirism spreads, and turned a few of the Coldharbour invasion force's own into bloodfiends. While that Heart was intact, the vampires in the Orchard were completely under Molag Bal's control, unable to disobey their orders to protect the area.[QD 47]

The Rings of Blood Magic

Rings of Blood Magic[edit]

The Rings of Blood Magic are a set of two ancient enchanted rings which enhance the wearer's Blood Magic and vampiric powers.[56] The Ring of the Erudite fortifies the wearer's magicka,[57] while the Ring of the Beast fortifies the wearer's health and increases the power of a Vampire Lord's claws.[58][59] Both rings are triple-banded with two gemstone insets; the Ring of the Erudite is brassy and possesses green gems, while the Ring of the Beast is golden with red gems.[57][58][59]

According to myth, Molag Bal himself gave these rings to ancient and powerful Vampire Lords.[56]

One of the Stones of Cold Fire

Stones of Cold Fire[edit]

The seven Stones of Cold Fire are artifacts that were gifted directly from Molag Bal and distributed throughout Daedric ruins on Vvardenfell that were dedicated to the Lord of Lies. These stones hold the power to summon and compel Daedra. They were used during the Interregnum by Mistress Dratha to make a deal with a Dremora named Xykenaz to prolong her life. The stones were located at Ashalmawia, Bal Ur, Esutanamus, Kushtashpi, Ramimilk, Yansirramus, and Tusenend.[Q 24][QD 48]

The stones have a polished black surface and are cold to the touch. Blue flames swirl within them.[60]

A vampiric shard

Vampiric Shards[edit]

Vampiric Shards are foul relics that corrupt whatever they come in contact with. When the Saxhleel village of Haj Uxith was brought to Coldharbour, Molag Bal gave the Argonians one of these crystals to keep their Hist alive; it was the only thing sustaining the Hist in Coldharbour's inhospitable soil. Over time, the shard poisoned the Hist. The Hist was dying, but the shard kept it from passing, forcing it to endure constant torment.[QD 49]


Heart's Grief's vestibule, where the most wretched of failures are tormented

Coldharbour is a realm of Oblivion created and ruled over by Molag Bal, the Daedric Prince of Domination. As befits his sphere, Bal's realm is a desolate, apocalyptic image of Nirn, which is achieved by both mocking imitation and outright theft of parts of the mortal realm. It is inhabited by Daedra and the eternally-tormented husks of mortals called Soul Shriven.[61]

Mortals who made deals with Molag Bal can also be found living in Coldharbour.[62][63] The souls of vampires are sent to Coldharbour when they die.[64][65][66] Coldharbour has been described as a manifestation of fear and exploitation.[67] Descriptions of the plane vary widely, but all accounts agree that Coldharbour is a dismal, cold, and largely lifeless realm.[61]

Coldharbour is full of innumerable facilities, all built to further Molag Bal's dark schemes. Among these facilities is the Library of Dusk, a library filled with propaganda that serves as a trap for scholars.[68] It is available for use by Molag Bal's minions.[BK 74] There is another library in Coldharbour that is slightly less accessible. It is Molag Bal's personal collection, located in his stronghold. The shelves in Molag Bal's library span entire cliffs and run deep into a chasm. Unsurprisingly, plenty of the books on his shelves are very disturbing.[QD 50]

Molag Bal's citadel

The realm possesses several qualities that function as security measures. Things that teleport into Coldharbour will find themselves scattered, ending up in locations they did not intend to land.[QD 51][QD 52] Magical constructs known as Coldharbour Sentinels are used by Molag Bal to guide his vision in Coldharbour. With their aid, he can see into whatever prison they're anchored in. These Sentinels are magically connected, so destroying one will blind the other Sentinels it was bound to.[QD 53]

Coldharbour mostly consists of prisons, but other facilities include those where research is conducted. He is fascinated by the metamagical technology of Soul Gems, and often has a mystical research project or two in the works to develop new and more efficient methods of stealing and imprisoning the souls of mortals.[69] Not every part of Coldharbour serves a practical use; there are a lot of graveyards in Molag Bal's plane of Oblivion for no other reason than because he likes them.[70]


Molag Bal maintains a strong military within his realm. He expects complete loyalty from his servants, and does not tolerate weakness among his ranks.[71][Q 25][D 20] Daedra most commonly seen in his service include Dremora, Clannfear, Daedroth,[BK 43] Grievous Twilights, Daedric Titans, Cold-Flame Atronachs, Banekin and Harvesters. Ogrim, Scamps, Watchers, Winged Twilights, Xivilai, Spider Daedra and Dark Seducers are also found in his service. The Xivkyn are a Daedric race that is exclusively loyal to Molag Bal, and serve as his personal guard.[BK 60] They behave much like their master; they constantly scheme against one another and they obsessively collect soul gems.[BK 5][72]

Molag Bal forbade ordinary Flame Atronachs from being summoned in his realm after a subordinate conjured one in his palace and damaged his favorite ice sculpture. Their presence within Coldharbour was eventually replaced by Cold-Flame Atronachs.[BK 75]

One of the Xivkyn

The Dremora within his service are divided into two clans, the Deathbringers and the Foolkillers, who struggle against each other for prominence within Molag Bal's ranks.[BK 76] During the Interregnum, the Deathbringers were at the forefront of this struggle.[Q 26] Their Valkynaz was a trusted servant of Molag Bal who was tasked with guarding the key to the Prince's inner sanctum and had access to the Daedric Prince himself.[QD 54] Three other Dremora are known to have been part of Molag Bal's inner council.[73] Aside from playing a part in Coldharbour's politics, they fill the ranks as soldiers, couriers, guards, and torturers, among other roles.[BK 77][74]

It is a fairly simple task to discern a minion of Molag Bal from those in service to another Prince: the easiest way to tell is by looking at their eyes. The eyes of Daedra within Molag Bal's service tend to be icy blue, just like their masters', and many of them have blue or blue-grey skin.[BK 78][75] Stonefire Scamps are particularly easy to discern as servants of Molag Bal, as their flesh and fur are a rich blue-grey, their eyes are the same tone as their master's and they have deep black horns.[76] Daedrats and Fiendroths can be seen scuttling around in Coldharbour and in places on Mundus where Molag Bal's influence is pervasive.[77]

Slate-Skinned Daedrats are a breed whose distinct markings and blue eyes stem from their diet of corpses that have been touched by the Lord of Brutality. While not brazen minions of Molag Bal, they bear characteristics common in his servants, and are often studied by those interested in researching or thwarting the Prince.[78]

A Watcher that serves Molag Bal

The rules that govern Molag Bal's minions are outlined in two known doctrines: the Seven-Hundred-and-One Edicts is the primary set of rules, and the Mandatory Codicils cover special cases. Breaking one of these rules lands the offending party a sentence to a facility known as the Scathe-Rings, where those imprisoned can be sentenced to many excruciating punishments.[79] One such punishment is "Second-Degree Gradual Discorporation".[BK 11] Strict uniform codes are among the guidelines that govern Bal's servants.[BK 13][BK 35] Those whose service is exceptional (i.e.: exceeding quotas in certain realms of employment) may earn themselves time in the Bliss-Cells.[BK 7]

Daedra are not the only ones rewarded in Coldharbour's work culture. Soul-Shriven slaves who inform on their compatriots can be rewarded with shifts of lighter labor or a visit to the Grotto of Depravity,[80] a cave that serves as the site of an eternal party. This doesn't mean the shriven get to have fun: there's a high probability that the Daedra who are actually enjoying themselves will torment the soulless husks in some manner, and shriven suffering is often mandated.[BK 79] Despite this, the shriven assigned to the grotto are permitted brief reprieve, even fishing in the plasm pools under constant Daedric supervision.[81]

If one of Molag Bal's servants is "put on trial" for their transgressions, they are tried in a facility known as the Court of Contempt, where they are entitled to a counsel of Scamps outfitted in puffy wigs. Scamps are not allowed to speak in the Court of Contempt, and the Court has a one-hundred-percent conviction rate of defendants, otherwise known as "the Guilty". These trials are mostly for show and never end fairly.[BK 80][BK 81] One notable instance of a minion incurring the Daedric Prince's wrath is an incident known as "The Seat of Tyranny Rude Cushion Incident", wherein a Dremora named Xykenaz was imprisoned in a nanoplane for seven epochs for putting a whoopie-cushion on Molag Bal's throne.[82]

A Daedroth general in service to Bal

Molag Bal has appointed quite a few powerful servants to serve as generals or other high-ranking officers. Among these servants are spies,[83] agents of chaos, brutal prison wardens, and gifted mages.[D 20][D 1] Molag Bal values cunning as well as strength, and seems to grant power to those he finds interesting or strong... even if their claim to fame is upsetting the balance of power among the other Daedra within his service. Though he would prefer his military hierarchy remains stable, he has rewarded servants of his for displays of guile in the past.[D 20][QD 24][84] Molag Bal has also employed a scribe named Denogorath, whose full title is "Dread Archivist and Promulgator of Mandatory Doctrine".[85]

Mortals also serve the Daedric Prince in his realm. Apart from the cultists that worship him on Nirn, Molag Bal has the Soul-Shriven and Mind-Shriven as slaves, with the Dremora as their common overseers.[86] Vampires may also be found serving the Daedric Prince.[87][BK 82]

The extent that the Seven-Hundred-and-One Edicts applies to mortals is not known, but there are consequences for mortals who displease Molag Bal nonetheless. Agents who disappoint the Daedric Prince harshly enough are pitted against each other in an endless war at the Cliffs of Failure. The basic premise of the "game" at the Cliffs is for the participants to fight to win back the Dark Lord's favor.[QD 16] However, there is no end to the "game", and these individuals are doomed to fight for Molag Bal's amusement forever.[D 13] Mortals and Daedra who anger Molag Bal severely are tormented in the vestibule of Heart's Grief.[QD 55] These individuals have usually failed the Daedric Prince[Q 27] or committed some other egregious infraction.[Q 28]



  • ^  "Bal Molag" translates directly to "Stone Fire" in Dark Elvish,[QD 56] however, the Daedric Prince Meridia refers to him directly as "Stone-Fire",[QD 1] suggesting that this is also the meaning of his name in Ehlnofex or other archaic languages.
  • Molag Bal appears in Tavi Dromio's fictional work, Vernaccus and Bourlor. In the narrative, Dromio mentions that other Daedra are always quick to agree with Bal's opinions.
  • Concept art for Daggerfall reveals that an earlier name for Molag Bal was "Moloch Baal" (both names, Moloch and Baal, have real world theological origins).[UOL 4] Of note as well, a religious faction in Arena was called the Conclave of Baal.[88]

See Also[edit]



NPC Dialogue[edit]

  1. ^ a b Molag Bal's dialogue while summoning a general at Dark Anchors in ESO
  2. ^ Yushi's dialogue in Oblivion
  3. ^ Afneer Cold-Moon's dialogue in ESO
  4. ^ a b Ambient Dialogue from Dremora in the Imperial City in ESO
  5. ^ Amir's dialogue in Oblivion
  6. ^ Galur Rithari's dialogue in ESO
  7. ^ Nardis' dialogue in ESO
  8. ^ Noryon's dialogue in ESO
  9. ^ The Freed Soul's dialogue in ESO
  10. ^ a b Overheard dialogue from Xivkyn in ESO: Imperial City
  11. ^ a b c Aydolan's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  12. ^ Hereline's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
  13. ^ a b Angof the Undying's dialogue in ESO
  14. ^ Captain Virindi Slave-Taker's dialogue in ESO: Thieves Guild
  15. ^ a b Lord Harkon's dialogue in Skyrim: Dawnguard
  16. ^ Isayas' dialogue in ESO: Gold Road
  17. ^ Agmund the Insightful's dialogue in ESO: Gold Road
  18. ^ Molag Bal's dialogue at Dark Anchors in ESO: "My subjects failed me. They deserve to be destroyed.""Kill my minions and you only remove the weaklings from my service."
  19. ^ Overheard dialogue from Dremora in ESO: Imperial City ("Thought is weakness. Obedience is the true power.")
  20. ^ a b c d Molag Bal's dialogue at Dark Anchors in ESO

Quest Events[edit]

  1. ^ a b c Events of the Fighters Guild questline in ESO
  2. ^ Events of A Cure for Vampirism in Morrowind
  3. ^ a b c d Events of The House of Horrors and Molag Bal's dialogue during the quest in Skyrim
  4. ^ Events of Molag Bal of the House of Troubles in Morrowind, and the spells rewarded during the quest: Command of the Third Corner and Blessings of the Third Corner
  5. ^ a b c Molag Bal's quest in Oblivion
  6. ^ Events of The Rift's zone story quests in ESO
  7. ^ Events of Raise the Colors and Dangerous Union in ESO
  8. ^ Events of Gift of the Worm in ESO
  9. ^ The Lastblood's emergence during Torn Asunder in ESO
  10. ^ Events of Between Blood and Bone in ESO
  11. ^ a b Appearance and description of the Imperial City in ESO
  12. ^ Events of Planemeld Obverse in ESO
  13. ^ Events of Abominations from Beyond in ESO
  14. ^ Events of Memento Mori in ESO
  15. ^ Events of Shadow of Sancre Tor in ESO
  16. ^ Events of Molag Bal's Quest in Daggerfall
  17. ^ Events of Molag Bal's Quest in Morrowind
  18. ^ Events of Jumping Ship in ESO
  19. ^ Events of God of Schemes in ESO
  20. ^ Events of The Hollow City in ESO
  21. ^ The War Council in ESO
  22. ^ Events of Eyes of Azura in ESO
  23. ^ Events of Will of the Broken in ESO
  24. ^ Events of At Any Cost in ESO
  25. ^ Events of The Endless War and subsequent quests at the Cliffs of Failure in ESO
  26. ^ Events of The Citadel Must Fall in ESO
  27. ^ Aelif's presence in Heart's Grief during God of Schemes in ESO
  28. ^ Mannimarco's presence in Heart's Grief during God of Schemes in ESO

Quest Dialogue[edit]

  1. ^ a b Meridia's dialogue during God of Schemes in ESO
  2. ^ Faraniel's dialogue during The Shadow's Embrace in ESO
  3. ^ Molag Bal's dialogue during The Prismatic Core
  4. ^ a b King Laloriaran Dynar's dialogue during Light from the Darkness in ESO
  5. ^ a b Lamae Bal's dialogue during Scion of the Blood Matron in ESO
  6. ^ Irrai's dialogue during Eyes of Azura in ESO
  7. ^ a b Molag Bal's dialogue during God of Schemes in ESO
  8. ^ Jurisa Denter's dialogue during Vanus Unleashed in ESO
  9. ^ Meridia's dialogue during The Final Assault in ESO
  10. ^ a b Tzik'nith's dialogue during The Final Assault in ESO
  11. ^ a b High Ordinator Danys' dialogue during The Wakening Dark in ESO
  12. ^ The Groundskeeper's dialogue during The Hollow City in ESO
  13. ^ a b c Rahaja's dialogue during Scion of the Blood Matron in ESO
  14. ^ Lafara's dialogue during The Final Assault in ESO
  15. ^ Logrolf the Willful's dialogue during The House of Horrors in Skyrim
  16. ^ a b The Observer's dialogue during The Endless War in ESO
  17. ^ The Cursed Skull's dialogue during Curse of Skulls in ESO
  18. ^ Tholer Saryoni's dialogue during Molag Bal of the House of Troubles in Morrowind
  19. ^ Apprentice Fialyn's dialogue during After the Storm in ESO: Markarth
  20. ^ Zhagush gro-Korlag's dialogue during Swine Thief in ESO
  21. ^ Serana's dialogue during Prophet in Skyrim: Dawnguard
  22. ^ Valerica's dialogue during Beyond Death‎ in Skyrim: Dawnguard
  23. ^ Feran Sadri's dialogue during Amulets of Night Power and Rings of Blood Magic in Skyrim: Dawnguard
  24. ^ a b Lord Warden Dusk's dialogue during Summary Execution in ESO
  25. ^ Worm Nightfrenzy's dialogue during Dangerous Union in ESO
  26. ^ Sonya Lastblood's dialogue during Torn Asunder in ESO
  27. ^ The Prophet's dialogue during The Harborage in ESO
  28. ^ The Rat's dialogue during The Watcher in the Walls in ESO
  29. ^ The Drake of Blades' dialogue during The Watcher in the Walls in ESO
  30. ^ Priestess Pietine's dialogue during Abominations from Beyond in ESO
  31. ^ Leon Milielle's dialogue during The Ghosts of Westtry in ESO
  32. ^ Count Verandis Ravenwatch's dialogue during The Lightless Remnant in ESO
  33. ^ Mannimarco's dialogue during Shadow of Sancre Tor in ESO
  34. ^ Cadwell's dialogue during The Heir of Anequina in ESO: Elsweyr
  35. ^ a b The Prophet's dialogue during Daughter of Giants in ESO
  36. ^ Varen Aquilarios' dialogue during Council of the Five Companions in ESO
  37. ^ Shifty Tom's dialogue during Jumping Ship in ESO
  38. ^ Captain Regilus' dialogue during The Lock and the Legion in ESO: Imperial City
  39. ^ Molag Bal's actions and dialogue during The Final Assault in ESO
  40. ^ Urgarlag Chief-bane's dialogue during Pledge: Depths of Malatar in ESO
  41. ^ Malacath's dialogue during Flames of Forge and Fallen in ESO
  42. ^ Azura's dialogue during Eyes of Azura in ESO
  43. ^ Mallius Falto's dialogue during Will of the Broken in ESO
  44. ^ The Argonian Skeleton's dialogue during Between Blood and Bone in ESO
  45. ^ Captain One-Eye's dialogue during Between Blood and Bone in ESO
  46. ^ Vanus Galerion's dialogue during The Harvest Heart in ESO
  47. ^ Virgar the Red's dialogue during The Harvest Heart in ESO
  48. ^ Mistress Dratha's dialogue during At Any Cost in ESO
  49. ^ Treeminder Xohaneel's dialogue during Wisdom of the Ages in ESO
  50. ^ Kireth Vanos' dialogue during The Final Assault in ESO
  51. ^ Malkur Valos' dialogue during Hall of Judgment in ESO
  52. ^ The Groundskeeper's dialogue during The Army of Meridia in ESO
  53. ^ Lyris Titanborn's dialogue during Soul Shriven in Coldharbour in ESO
  54. ^ Vanus Galerion's dialogue during The Citadel Must Fall in ESO
  55. ^ The Prophet's dialogue as you enter Heart's Grief Vestibule during God of Schemes in ESO
  56. ^ Gentleman Jim Stacey's dialogue in Morrowind


  1. ^ Dream Journal of FirilanyaMadam Firilanya
  2. ^ The Book of Daedra
  3. ^ The Requisite Book of Daedra
  4. ^ The Spawn of Molag Bal
  5. ^ a b c On the XivkynPelagius Habor, Council Daedrologist-in-Residence
  6. ^ a b c The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Dreams of CyrodiilFlaccus Terentius, 2E 581
  7. ^ a b The Slave Pits of Coldharbour
  8. ^ a b Valasha's JournalValasha
  9. ^ a b Unhallowed LegionsPhrastus of Elinhir
  10. ^ The Daggerfall Chronicles, pg.8
  11. ^ a b c The Lightless Oubliette
  12. ^ a b c Invocation of AzuraSigillah Parate
  13. ^ a b Crafting Motif 63: Dremora StyleLyranth the Foolkiller
  14. ^ Chronicles of the Five Companions 1Lyris Titanborn
  15. ^ Closing the Octal Cage
  16. ^ a b Journal of CulanweCulanwe
  17. ^ Stonefire Ritual Tome
  18. ^ a b Our Continued Labor
  19. ^ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Prima Official Game Guide — David Hodgson
  20. ^ a b Ongoing Journal of Galur RithariGalur Rithari
  21. ^ Alvada's Journal — Alvada
  22. ^ Ritual of Resonance
  23. ^ To All Who Pass ThroughDutheil
  24. ^ Hadmal Lastblood's JournalHadmal Lastblood
  25. ^ The House of Troubles
  26. ^ 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 12Vivec
  27. ^ a b c The Adversarial SpiritsAmun-dro, the Silent Priest
  28. ^ 2920, Rain's HandCarlovac Townway
  29. ^ a b On the Nature of ColdharbourPhrastus of Elinhir
  30. ^ a b The Coldharbour Compact
  31. ^ Crafting Motif 60: Worm Cult Style — The Worm of Songs
  32. ^ a b Rite of the Scion
  33. ^ a b c Notes on the Mortuum Vivicus
  34. ^ Letter to Diabolist Volcatia — Dreadlord Naucratius
  35. ^ a b Crafting Motif 17: Xivkyn StyleDenogorath, Dread Archivist and Promulgator of Mandatory Doctrine
  36. ^ Crumpled Arena FlyerDredaza the Ringmaster
  37. ^ a b Daedra Dossier: The TitansDenogorath the Dread Archivist
  38. ^ Powering the Dark Anchors
  39. ^ a b The Whithering of Delodiil — Unknown
  40. ^ The Unholy Temple
  41. ^ a b Varieties of Faith in TamrielBrother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College
  42. ^ 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 14Vivec
  43. ^ a b Darkest Darkness
  44. ^ Vampires of Vvardenfell
  45. ^ 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 28Vivec
  46. ^ On the Clans of the ReachTheopho Harvian, Imperial Scribe
  47. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: High RockImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  48. ^ a b The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Northern Bangkorai and the MountainsFlaccus Terentius, 2E 581
  49. ^ a b Opusculus Lamae Bal ta MezzamortieMabei Aywenil, Scribe
  50. ^ The Will of DrulshasaDrulshasa
  51. ^ The Glenmoril WyrdLady Cinnabar of Taneth
  52. ^ The Order of the Black WormEvoker Brucille
  53. ^ a b My Beloved Siblings, the ExarchsRada al-Saran
  54. ^ Gray Host OrdersRada al-Saran
  55. ^ The Swallowed CityBeredalmo the Signifier
  56. ^ a b c Journal of Tsona-EiTsona-Ei
  57. ^ The Doors of OblivionSeif-ij Hidja
  58. ^ History of Senchal: An OverviewSulema, Initiate Scholar of the Pa'alatiin
  59. ^ From the notes of Culalanwe, Sapiarch of Oblivion StudiesCulalanwe
  60. ^ a b c Naryu's Journal/Imperial CityNaryu Virian
  61. ^ Tattered Note
  62. ^ Necromancer's Journal
  63. ^ 2920, Sun's DawnCarlovac Townway
  64. ^ On OblivionMorian Zenas
  65. ^ a b Captain Blackheart's LogCaptain Blackheart
  66. ^ Deckhand's Log
  67. ^ a b Martha's JournalMartha the Wench
  68. ^ By the Master's Mace
  69. ^ Curano's JournalCurano
  70. ^ Boethiah's Proving — Anonymous
  71. ^ Epics of Mehrunes Dagon, Volume 2High Chronicler Valentine Liore of the Order of the Waking Flame
  72. ^ Manifesto Cyrodiil Vampyrum
  73. ^ The Consecrations of ArkayPunctilius Tyrus
  74. ^ The Library of Dusk: Rare Books
  75. ^ Daedra Dossier: Cold-Flame AtronachDenogorath the Dread Archivist
  76. ^ Oath of a Dishonored ClanLyranth
  77. ^ I was Summoned by a MortalKynval Zzedenkathik of Clan Deathbringer
  78. ^ Kyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion; Ogrim and Scamp, Winged Twilight
  79. ^ Party ThemeNerazakan
  80. ^ Protocols of the Court of ContemptJudge Xiven
  81. ^ On the Matter of the Prisoners
  82. ^ Lanath's JournalLanath


  1. ^ Appearance of The Wailing Maw, the Castle of the Worm, the Foundry of Woe and several other locations where soul gems are piled high in ESO
  2. ^ Appearance of Haj Uxith, The Moonless Walk and the Reaver Citadel within Coldharbour in ESO
  3. ^ Haj Uxith's appearance in Coldharbour in ESO
  4. ^ The Halls of Torment loading screen text in ESO
  5. ^ Grunda's Gatehouse loading screen text in ESO
  6. ^ Ozzozachar's appearance in ESO
  7. ^ a b Oblivion Faction data in Daggerfall
  8. ^ Holidays in Daggerfall
  9. ^ Mace of Molag Bal Artifact Style flavor text in ESO
  10. ^ Abnab's 29th, 30th and 31st hireling correspondence mails from ESO
  11. ^ Bardic Performances in ESO
  12. ^ Halls of Submission loading screen text in ESO
  13. ^ Blue Torchbug pet description in ESO
  14. ^ Tusenend loading screen text in ESO: Morrowind
  15. ^ Bal Ur loading screen text in ESO
  16. ^ Cinder-Heart Clan Camp's shrine to Molag Bal in ESO
  17. ^ Vernim Woods's loading screen in ESO
  18. ^ Amulet of Bats quest starter, which is associated with The Fight for Kyne's Aegis, and drops off of Lord Falgravn's corpse in ESO: Greymoor
  19. ^ Legend of Haman ForgefireRogar Cliffside, Talespinner
  20. ^ The Worm Cult's presence at Ashalmawia and the rituals they performed there in ESO
  21. ^ Worm Cultists' presence at Dark Anchors and their role in activating them in ESO
  22. ^ Stral Blackthroat's dialogue, actions and abilities during Through the Shroud in ESO
  23. ^ Aelif's transformation during Will of the Council in ESO
  24. ^ Appearance of Gil-Var-Delle in ESO
  25. ^ The Legend of VastarieAfwa, a Student and Friend
  26. ^ The Worm Cult's presence in the Memorial District and the Legion Zero traitors' presence in the Elven Gardens and Nobles Districts
  27. ^ a b Appearance of Molag Bal's shrine in Oblivion
  28. ^ Appearance of Molag Bal's shrine in Morrowind
  29. ^ Molag Bal's appearance in Daggerfall
  30. ^ a b c Molag Bal's appearance in ESO
  31. ^ Seal of Molag Bal in ESO
  32. ^ Daedric Sconce, Molag Bal in ESO
  33. ^ Molag Bal Brazier in ESO
  34. ^ Coldharbour Bookshelf, Black Laboratory in ESO
  35. ^ Daedric Spout, Arched in ESO
  36. ^ Daedric Spout, Block in ESO
  37. ^ Various blue and red banners and tapestries depicting Molag Bal's emblem in ESO
  38. ^ Banners worn by the Coldharbour Elite Guard in ESO
  39. ^ Bloody Worship Emblem item description in ESO: Gold Road
  40. ^ Detail in the animation that plays during the scripted sequence of the end of the fight against Molag Bal during God of Schemes in ESO
  41. ^ The Manor of Revelry loading screen text in ESO
  42. ^ Xivkyn Augur Polymorph description in ESO
  43. ^ Mind-Shriven skin description in ESO
  44. ^ Molag Bal's abilities during God of Schemes in ESO
  45. ^ Aelif's transformation into a Bloody Skeleton during God of Schemes in ESO
  46. ^ Meridia-related Loading screen text in Skyrim
  47. ^ Meridia's dialogue and actions during The Final Assault in ESO
  48. ^ a b Tamrielic LoreYagrum Bagarn
  49. ^ Events of The House of Horrors in Skyrim
  50. ^ Crafting Motif 14: Daedric StyleSeif-ij Hidja
  51. ^ Modern HereticsHaderus of Gottlesfont
  52. ^ By the Master's Mace
  53. ^ Javad Tharn's dialogue in ESO
  54. ^ Aelif's dialogue during Will of the Council in ESO
  55. ^ Guildmaster Sees-All-Colors' dialogue during The Prismatic Core in ESO
  56. ^ a b Feran Sadri's dialogue in Dawnguard
  57. ^ a b Ring of the Erudite in Dawnguard
  58. ^ a b Ring of The Beast in Dawnguard
  59. ^ a b Ring of the Beast in Legends Asia
  60. ^ Stone of Ramimilk item description in ESO: Morrowind
  61. ^ a b On the Nature of ColdharbourPhrastus of Elinhir
  62. ^ How We Came to Coldharbour
  63. ^ Faraniel's dialogue in ESO
  64. ^ Yushiha's dialogue during Blood and Tears in ESO: Elsweyr
  65. ^ A Daedric ProposalGaldrus Salobar, Sanguimancer Supreme
  66. ^ Gwendis' dialogue during The Gray Council in ESO
  67. ^ Daedric Pillar of Torment codex entries in ESO
  68. ^ Loading screen text for the Library of Dusk in ESO
  69. ^ Loading Screen text for the Wailing Maw in ESO
  70. ^ Loading Screen text for Mal Sorra's Tomb in ESO
  71. ^ The Duchess of Anguish's appearance at Heart's Grief in ESO
  72. ^ Appearance of the Coldharbour Elite Guard in ESO
  73. ^ Clorsatari, Kehothar and Verkynvayl's appearance and role during The Final Assault in ESO
  74. ^ The Dremora's role in the Wailing Prison in ESO
  75. ^ Appearance of Daedra found in Coldharbour (such as blue Ogrim and black Spider Daedra) and those that are sent to Mundus from Coldharbour (such as grey Clannfear)
  76. ^ Appearance of Stonefire Scamps during Molag Bal's occupation of the Imperial City in ESO
  77. ^ Appearance of Daedrats and Fiendroths in Ashalmawia and the Daedra-infested Imperial Sewers in ESO
  78. ^ Slate-Skinned Daedrat pet description in ESO
  79. ^ Loading screen text for the Lightless Cell in ESO
  80. ^ The Grotto of Depravity loading screen text in ESO
  81. ^ Shriven Travelers fishing at the Grotto of Depravity in ESO
  82. ^ Prison of Xykenaz loading screen text in ESO: Morrowind
  83. ^ Yggmanei's appearance at Dark Anchors in ESO
  84. ^ The fact that Lyranth is still breathing after the events of The Citadel Must Fall and Summary Execution in ESO
  85. ^ Denogorath's name, title and purpose as entailed by his three available publications, which can be found in ESO
  86. ^ Appearance of the Soul-Shriven and Mind-Shriven, and their Dremora overseers in ESO
  87. ^ Appearance of the vampire guards in The Orchard and the working vampires in The Black Forge in ESO
  88. ^ Temples in the cities in Arena

Official Out-of-Game Sources[edit]

These references come from official web content, such as Loremaster's Archive posts and articles from the official ESO website.

Unofficial Lore[edit]

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.