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Online:Sapiarch Style

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Sapiarch Style
Book Crafting Motif 62: Sapiarch
Material ON-icon-style material-Culanda Lacquer.pngCulanda Lacquer
Outfit System
Armor Styles 1 Weapon Styles 1
Small Armor 00000500500 Gold 1-Handed 000015001500 Gold
Large Armor 000010001000 Gold 2-Handed 000030003000 Gold
"The distinctive style of the robes of the Sapiarchs has not been designed so much as it's been refined, the style distilling the clothing choices of a hundred generations of the Wise. Every detail has its own deep history, all memorialized, of course, in the Apparel Archives of the Crystal Tower." –Artuudawen Thousand-Shoes"Crown Store description

The Sapiarch Style is a crafting motif worn by the Sapiarchs and can be learned by reading the chapters of the ON-icon-quest-Book 01.pngCrafting Motif 62: Sapiarch Style book. These chapters (or rarely the entire book) can be found by completing daily quests on behalf of the Divine Prosecution, as well as interacting with Psijic Portals in Summerset. As of June 2024, the entire book is also a Legendary-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crown Crates and purchasable for 00100100 Crown Gems / 036003,600 Seals of Endeavor when the crate is available. The associated style material is ON-icon-style material-Culanda Lacquer.pngCulanda Lacquer. Like all styles, it is purely cosmetic. Items will have the same stats regardless of the style you use.


Type Items
Light Armor ON-icon-armor-Hat-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Epaulets-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Jerkin-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Robe-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Gloves-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Sash-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Breeches-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Shoes-Sapiarch.png
Hat Epaulets Jerkin Robe Gloves Sash Breeches Shoes
Medium Armor ON-icon-armor-Helmet-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Arm Cops-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Jack-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Bracers-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Belt-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Guards-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Boots-Sapiarch.png
Helmet Arm Cops Jack Bracers Belt Guards Boots
Heavy Armor ON-icon-armor-Helm-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Pauldrons-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Cuirass-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Gauntlets-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Girdle-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Greaves-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Sabatons-Sapiarch.png
Helm Pauldrons Cuirass Gauntlets Girdle Greaves Sabatons
Light Armor
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor

Weapons and Shields[edit]

Weapons and Shields
ON-icon-weapon-Dagger-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-weapon-Sword-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-weapon-Axe-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-weapon-Mace-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-weapon-Greatsword-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-weapon-Battle Axe-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-weapon-Maul-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-weapon-Bow-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-weapon-Staff-Sapiarch.png ON-icon-armor-Shield-Sapiarch.png
Dagger Sword Axe Mace Greatsword Battle Axe Maul Bow Staff Shield
One-handed Weapons and Shield
Two-handed Weapons



There is one achievement associated with this style:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Sapiarch Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Sapiarch style book, occasionally found as rewards for completing daily jobs for the Divine Prosecution.