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This is a listing of all standard Epaulets in the game. These can be used with the Light Armor skill and crafted with the Clothing skill.

Type Level Armor Value Materials
Base Fine Superior Epic Legendary
Homespun Epaulets 1 21 26 31 36 41 5 Jute
4 26 31 36 41 46 6 Jute
6 31 36 41 46 51 7 Jute
8 35 40 45 50 55 8 Jute
10 38 43 48 53 58 9 Jute
12 41 46 51 56 61 10 Jute
14 45 50 55 60 65 11 Jute
ON-icon-armor-Homespun Epaulets-High Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Homespun Epaulets-Argonian.png ON-icon-armor-Homespun Epaulets-Wood Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Homespun Epaulets-Breton.png ON-icon-armor-Homespun Epaulets-Dark Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Homespun Epaulets-Imperial.png ON-icon-armor-Homespun Epaulets-Khajiit.png ON-icon-armor-Homespun Epaulets-Nord.png ON-icon-armor-Homespun Epaulets-Orc.png ON-icon-armor-Homespun Epaulets-Redguard.png
Altmer Argonian Bosmer Breton Dunmer Imperial Khajiit Nord Orc Redguard
Linen Epaulets 16 48 53 58 63 68 6 Flax
18 51 56 61 66 71 7 Flax
20 55 60 65 70 75 8 Flax
22 58 63 68 73 78 9 Flax
24 61 66 71 76 81 10 Flax
ON-icon-armor-Linen Epaulets-High Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Linen Epaulets-Argonian.png ON-icon-armor-Linen Epaulets-Wood Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Linen Epaulets-Breton.png ON-icon-armor-Linen Epaulets-Dark Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Linen Epaulets-Imperial.png ON-icon-armor-Linen Epaulets-Khajiit.png ON-icon-armor-Linen Epaulets-Nord.png ON-icon-armor-Linen Epaulets-Orc.png ON-icon-armor-Linen Epaulets-Redguard.png
Altmer Argonian Bosmer Breton Dunmer Imperial Khajiit Nord Orc Redguard
Cotton Epaulets 26 65 70 75 80 85 7 Cotton
28 68 73 78 83 88 8 Cotton
30 71 76 81 86 91 9 Cotton
32 75 80 85 90 95 10 Cotton
34 78 83 88 93 98 11 Cotton
ON-icon-armor-Cotton Epaulets-High Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Cotton Epaulets-Argonian.png ON-icon-armor-Cotton Epaulets-Wood Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Cotton Epaulets-Breton.png ON-icon-armor-Cotton Epaulets-Dark Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Cotton Epaulets-Imperial.png ON-icon-armor-Cotton Epaulets-Khajiit.png ON-icon-armor-Cotton Epaulets-Nord.png ON-icon-armor-Cotton Epaulets-Orc.png ON-icon-armor-Cotton Epaulets-Redguard.png
Altmer Argonian Bosmer Breton Dunmer Imperial Khajiit Nord Orc Redguard
Spidersilk Epaulets 36 81 86 91 96 101 8 Spidersilk
38 85 90 95 100 104 9 Spidersilk
40 88 93 98 103 108 10 Spidersilk
42 91 96 101 106 111 11 Spidersilk
44 95 100 104 109 114 12 Spidersilk
ON-icon-armor-Spidersilk Epaulets-High Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Spidersilk Epaulets-Argonian.png ON-icon-armor-Spidersilk Epaulets-Wood Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Spidersilk Epaulets-Breton.png ON-icon-armor-Spidersilk Epaulets-Dark Elf.png ON-icon-armor-Spidersilk Epaulets-Imperial.png ON-icon-armor-Spidersilk Epaulets-Khajiit.png ON-icon-armor-Spidersilk Epaulets-Nord.png ON-icon-armor-Spidersilk Epaulets-Orc.png ON-icon-armor-Spidersilk Epaulets-Redguard.png
Altmer Argonian Bosmer Breton Dunmer Imperial Khajiit Nord Orc Redguard
Ebonthread Epaulets 46 98 103 108 113 118 9 Ebonthread
48 101 106 111 116 121 10 Ebonthread
50 104 109 114 119 124 11 Ebonthread
Kresh Epaulets V1 104 109 114 118 123 10 Kresh Fiber
V2 108 113 118 121 126 11 Kresh Fiber
V3 109 114 119 123 128 12 Kresh Fiber
Ironthread Epaulets V4 113 118 123 126 131 11 Ironthread
V5 114 119 124 128 133 12 Ironthread
V6 118 123 128 131 136 13 Ironthread
Silverweave Epaulets V7 119 124 129 133 138 12 Silverweave
V8 123 128 133 136 141 13 Silverweave
Shadowspun Epaulets V9 124 129 134 138 143 13 Void Cloth
V10 128 133 138 141 146 14 Void Cloth
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