Online:Worm Cult Style (original)

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Worm Cult Style (original)
Material None
Outfit System
Armor Styles 1 Weapon Styles 0
Small Armor 00000000Gold 1-Handed 000000000 Gold
Large Armor 000000000 Gold 2-Handed 000000000 Gold

This article is about the non-craftable Worm Cult Style. For the craftable version, see Worm Cult Style.

The Worm Cult Style is a crafting motif that is currently unobtainable. The style is worn by some Worm Cultists, and is also seen on certain pieces of dropped armor in the Vaults of Madness. It was known as the original Worm Cult style on launch, but after the 2018 Four Year Anniversary event, it was replaced with an updated design and craftable motif of the same name.


Sets bearing this style are:

Set Name Bonuses Location(s) Set Type
Worm's Raiment

2 items: Adds 3-129 Magicka Recovery
3 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Magicka
4 items: Adds 3-129 Magicka Recovery
5 items: Grants 3-145 Magicka Recovery to you and up to 11 other group members within 28 meters of you. This bonus persists through death.

Vaults of Madness Light Armor


Type Items
Light Armor ON-icon-armor-Hat-Worm Cult2.png ON-icon-armor-Epaulets-Worm Cult2.png ON-icon-armor-Jerkin-Worm Cult2.png ON-icon-armor-Robe-Worm Cult2.png ON-icon-armor-Gloves-Worm Cult2.png ON-icon-armor-Sash-Worm Cult2.png ON-icon-armor-Breeches-Worm Cult2.png ON-icon-armor-Shoes-Worm Cult2.png
Hat Epaulets Jerkin Robe Gloves Sash Breeches Shoes
