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Location Bangkorai Garrison, Castle of the Worm, Coldharbour, Damar Farmstead, Dark Anchors, Dune, Font of Schemes, The Great Shackle, Hollow Waste Dolmen, Isles of Torment
The Deadlands: Testing Grounds
Ashalmawia, Esutanamus, TusenendMorrowind
Darkpool Mine, Rimmen NecropolisElsweyr
Deadlands: The Ashen Forest, Doomvault Capraxus, Doomvault Vulpinaz, Fort Redmane, Leyawiin Castle, The Silent Halls, Sul-Xan Ritual Site, Vandacia's Deadlands Keep, WelkeBlackwood
The Deadlands, Destruction's Solace, Isle of JoysThe Deadlands
Apocrypha, GorneNecrom
Species Daedroth
Health 119,538 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Daedra Husk, Daedra Heart, Poison Solvents
A daedroth attacking

Daedroth are a large reptilian Daedra. The common blue variety are associated with the Daedric Prince Molag Bal, while the green variety are associated with Mehrunes Dagon and can be found in the Deadlands and Apocrypha. They may sometimes be equipped with armor.

Daedroth guard gateways within The Brimstone Den in Vateshran Hollows. Certain Daedroth in The Deadlands can be seen biting the head off of a banekin when approaching them.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As they are considered elite creatures, daedroth are immune to all forms of crowd control effects.

Jagged Claw
A basic melee attack that deals minor physical damage.
Fiery Jaws
A basic attack that deals low fire damage.
Fiery Breath
The daedroth breathes fire, indicated by a red cone, dealing continuous moderate flame damage.
Ground Tremor
The daedroth winds up its foot before stomping down on the ground, sending four shockwaves forward close together but going in slightly different directions, indicated by moving red circles, dealing moderate physical damage each, staggering and snaring for 4 seconds. This can be interrupted to stagger the daedroth. Blocking doesn't negate the snaring but does negate the stagger.
Burst of Embers
When standing far away from the daedroth, it spits a fireball at its target, dealing high flame damage, knocking them back and creating a pool of lingering flames afterward at the target's position for additional constant low flame damage. Blocking prevents the knockback but not the pool of flames from forming. Avoiding the projectile with dodge roll negates all.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The siege daedroth

The Sublime Brazier[edit]

A daedroth is a part of General Malivus's siege on the Dragonfire Cathedral. He unleashes the beast upon the Cathedral when his soldiers prove ineffective in tearing down the barriers set up by the Immortal Eight. You and Captain Caudex must destroy it in defense of the Sublime Brazier.

Unique Daedroth[edit]


Generic Daedroths[edit]

Generic, unnamed Daedroth can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These Daedra have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of Daedroth, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Reaction Difficulty Condition Health
Heart's Grief Summoned by Molag Bal Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png 119,538
Eyevea Throughout the location Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png 148,800
Runs around the island along with a friendly banekin post-quest Friendly 39,959
Cyrodiil Bridges to the Imperial City Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png 182,120 (Invulnerable)
Imperial CityImperial City
Dark Fissures
Abyssal Depths, Arboretum, Antediluvian Vaults, Harena Hypogeum, Lambent PassageImperial City
Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png 108,669
The Banished Cells II Summoned by High Kinlord Rilis Hostile Normal(?)Veteran519,477
City of Ash II Knives of Discord Hostile Normal(?)Veteran(?)
Vaults of Madness In the Ancient One's room Hostile Normal(?)Veteran(?)
Dragonstar Arena Round 7: The Circle of Rituals Hostile Normal85,463Veteran422,963
Skyreach Catacombs Summoned by The Flame King Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png Spirit 118,500
Imperial CityImperial City Nobles District garrison defense Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png 247,500
Barathrum CentrataImperial City Throughout the location Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png 108,669
Summoned from the central portals Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png 141,270
Dragonfire CathedralImperial City Summoned by General Malivus Hostile ON-misc-Boss 2.png 336,836
Maelstrom ArenaOrsinium Stage 1: Vale of the Surreal Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png Normal39,400Veteran(?)
Vateshran Hollows: The Brimstone DenMarkarth Brimstone Den done first Hostile ON-misc-Boss 2.png Normal193,121Veteran319,132
Brimstone Den done second Hostile ON-misc-Boss 2.png Normal231,745Veteran(?)
Brimstone Den done third Hostile ON-misc-Boss 2.png Normal328,306Veteran(?)
Vateshran Hollows: The Brimstone Den
Magma Queen fightMarkarth
Brimstone Den done first Hostile ON-misc-Boss 2.png Normal(?)Veteran(?)
Brimstone Den done second Hostile ON-misc-Boss 2.png Normal(?)Veteran(?)
Brimstone Den done third Hostile ON-misc-Boss 2.png Normal(?)Veteran(?)
The CauldronFlames of Ambition Throughout the dungeon Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png Normal(?)Veteran(?)
The Shattered XanmeerBlackwood Summoned by Portals to the Deadlands Hostile ON-misc-Boss 2.png 155,074
RockgroveBlackwood Summoned by Xalvakka Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png Normal528,102Veteran1,955,000
Atoll of ImmolationBlackwoodThe Deadlands Public dungeon occupants Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png 119,538
Summoned by Ol'icath Hostile 15,200
Infinite Archive Archival Wings Hostile Varies
Bedlam VeilScions of Ithelia Hall of Barons Hostile Normal240,670Veteran(?)
Player has died once during a quest related to an instanced location.
Two deaths taken during a quest in an instanced location.
Three deaths taken during a quest in an instanced location.
