Imperial City

Online:General Nazenaechar

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General Nazenaechar
Location Imperial SewersAntediluvian Vaults (Feeding Pits)
Species Daedroth
Health 572,296 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Daedra Hearts, Tel Var Stones, Imperial Fragments
Lead: Hecatomb Tassets
General Nazenaechar

General Nazenaechar is an armored daedroth group boss found in the Antediluvian Vaults of the Imperial City Sewers. He governs the Feeding Pits section, which is described as "General Nazenaechar makes use of fallen Imperial citizens."

There is a Daedric portal near him, which banekin run in and out of. The banekin pick at the Imperial corpses around the arena. Nazenaechar walks back and forth, approaching them and roaring, which scares the creatures back into the portal.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Jagged Claw
The General swipes at you with his claws at close range, dealing moderate physical damage.
Daedroth's Heat
General Nazenaechar punches the ground, and he's enveloped in blue flames that deal major flame damage to anyone standing near him. Afterwards, a large blue flame aura is applied around him, as shown by a red circular AoE, which lasts for a long time and deals continuous minor flame damage to targets in the area. He also enrages which increases its damage output and gains a ~143k damage shield.
Shocking Feast
Every now and then a banekin will glow blue, super charged by electricity. The General will run over to that banekin, scoop it up in one clawed hand, and bite its head off. The feast heals the General. After he's chewed on the head for a few seconds and heals, he throws the charged corpse onto the ground and it explodes, dealing major shock damage to those in range, and sending electric charges careening in five directions away from the boss.
Nazenaechar's Charge
General Nazenaechar charges at a target, dealing major physical damage and stunning the target.
The General spits a fireball, knocking down the target and dealing moderate flame damage, then an area dealing continuous minor flame damage is created on the ground. Can cause Burning.
Summon Banekin
Banekin consistently run out of the large portal in the back of the room, in groups of three.


There is one achievement associated with this creature.

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Sewer Subjugator.png Sewer Subjugator 15 Kill all the named champions lurking in the Imperial Sewers.
