Online:Mounts Furnishings/Ursines

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Image Name Cost Source Notes Description
ON-mount-Akaviri Potentate Bear.jpg Akaviri Potentate Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Akaviri Potentate Crate "Mirannah of Gwylim notes that the first Imperial bear calvary came into use in 2E 23. Scrawled next to this: '10th Legion steed?' and 'Leyawiin bear parade.' I can verify the date, but the latter two must be fiction notes."—Honorata Ancrus, Eyevea
ON-mount-All-Maker's Bear.jpg All-Maker's Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: All-Maker Crate The bears of Solstheim have a deep and ancient connection to the All-Maker. When the time comes to serve as a mount to the Skaal, or so the stories go, they enter the corral as mild-mannered as a cub.
Anniversary Fellowship Bear (page) Acquired: This bear is fiercely loyal to its rider, and it snaps and growls at anyone else who gets too close. It has a gentle disposition with its bonded rider and often snuffles around in search of treats in their pack.
ON-mount-Atmoran Snow Bear.jpg Atmoran Snow Bear (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Hollowjack Crate These fiercely noble Snow Bears are said to have been brought from the legendary frozen continent of Atmora by mighty Ysgramor himself, who deemed them the only worthy avatars of the ancient Nord Bear totem.
ON-mount-Badger Bear.jpg Badger Bear (page) 025002,500 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store
Crown Crates/Unknown
The Badger Bears of southern Blackwood were nearly extinct in the wild when they were saved by the intervention from an unlikely source, an Imperial noble, when Viscount Glorion of Leyawiin rescued the species by breeding them as mounts.
ON-mount-Bear-Lizard Steed.jpg Bear-Lizard Steed (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Xanmeer Crate "So, it's a Bear. Only it's a Lizard. And you can ride it? Shor's bones! That's all I need to know. I'll take it!" —Celebrated Nord Envoy Rigurt the Brash
ON-mount-Black Bear.jpg Black Bear (page) 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 CrownsDiscounted
00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Reaper's Harvest Crate
The Black Bear is common across Cyrodiil, but is also seen north into High Rock and Skyrim, where it is considered a warrior's mount.
ON-mount-Brindle Bear.jpg Brindle Bear (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Order of the Lamp Crate "I've only seen a wild brindle bear once, and I don't wish to repeat the experience. The creature found me in the woods, bagging up a deer. It growled. I froze. But then it walked right by me. It must have already eaten."—Scarius Barbatus of Kvatch
ON-mount-Buoyant Armiger Bear.jpg Buoyant Armiger Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Buoyant Armiger Crate "Vicious, the bear was, all a-rumble with menace, despite its chains. 'Let us please Lord Vivec with this two-toned creature. Its growls show promise in a world filled with craven whispers.' And so it began."—Armiger Tharys's Journal
ON-mount-Cave Bear.jpg Cave Bear (page) 018001800 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store, Orsinium Collector's Bundle Found throughout Tamriel's northern mountains, the Cave Bear makes a hardy and imposing mount.
ON-mount-Cursebound Bear.jpg Cursebound Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Nightfall Crate Bears afflicted by a necromancer's curse become baneful, easily enraged beasts. Loyal only to their masters, these transformed ursines show no fear in the face of danger, making them excellent battlefield companions.
Dragonclaw Imperial Warbear (page) Acquired: (?) Very few mounts take to battle as readily as a warbear. This one answers only to the strength of its rider. Between its fierce disposition and ursine defenses, it has little to fear from any foes on the battlefield.
ON-mount-Dragonscale Barded Bear.jpg Dragonscale Barded Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dragonscale Crate Dragonscale bard is just about the heaviest armor one can put on a mount, but bears bred as mounts are so strong they scarcely seem to notice it.
ON-mount-Dragonscale Draugr Bear.jpg Dragonscale Draugr Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store Riders of these draugr bears find the dragonscale barding does an exemplary job. There's exactly as much jouncing as you'd expect riding hard on a skeletal ursine's back. Plus, the frost magic imbued within adds a frisson of chill to keep riders alert.
ON-mount-Dragontail Mountain Bear.jpg Dragontail Mountain Bear (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dark Brotherhood Crate "Don't mind old Honeycheeks, here. He's just snuffling around to see if you have anything tasty on you. Don't worry, he's a strict vegetarian! Although he has been known to swallow a bee or two when he gets deep in a honeycomb."—Beniah Bear-friend
ON-mount-Druadach Mountain Bear.jpg Druadach Mountain Bear (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Nightfall Crate Originally tamed and bred as mounts by the ancient Grimfang Reach clan, these riding bears became popular among Nords who captured them in raids. Despite their inherent docility, these bears anger swiftly when threatened.
ON-mount-Dwarven Bear.jpg Dwarven Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dwarven Crate Scholar of the Dwemer Guylaine Marilie theorized that bear vamidiums were animunculi mounts reserved only for those Deep Elves of high rank or status. "Imagine a noble in full armor on a Dwarven Bear Mount," he wrote. "What could be more impressive?"
ON-mount-Flame Atronach Bear.jpg Flame Atronach Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Flame Atronach Crate When the Empress Hestra led her legions in harrying the Vampire King Styriche and his Gray Host into western Hammerfell, it's said she did so while riding a great Flame Atronach Bear Mount named Fiery Ursula.
ON-mount-Frost Atronach Bear.jpg Frost Atronach Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Frost Atronach Crate Orcish spellwrights rarely call for boons from Daedric realms beyond Malacath's Ashpit. Even so, the lure of a raging bear wrought from rock-hard ice is difficult to pass up.
ON-mount-Frostbane Bear.jpg Frostbane Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Scalecaller Crate The Bear was also one of the ancient Atmoran animal tokens, associated later with the Nord god Tsun, so the Frostbane Bear has historically been one of the most prestigious mounts a tradition-loving Nord could ride.
ON-mount-Gloomspore Bear.jpg Gloomspore Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Gloomspore Crate "A fellow named Rigurt requested a 'fortuitudinous' bear mount that 'shines up the face' of a friend. My glowing Gloomspore Bears, with their mora tapinella infusion, barrel through enemies to get a rider to safety. 'Fortuitudinous' galore."—Mage Naleldil
ON-mount-Graysmoke Forge Bear.jpg Graysmoke Forge Bear (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Frost Atronach Crate In honor of a fallen Warden, a Wayrest blacksmith continues to breed and sell these bears as mounts today. If you happen to notice a Warden watching you as you ride this steed, consider thanking her. She may be the fallen Warden's shade!
ON-mount-Grinning Terror Bear.jpg Grinning Terror Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Grim Harlequin Crate "You need more than colorful barding to harness one of these bears—a splash of blood freed by Neb-Crescen and a teardrop from a watcher's eye might bind one to your cause. Might. Otherwise, stand clear. You won't survive their hugs.—Mother Regrets
ON-mount-Harrowstorm Bear.jpg Harrowstorm Bear (page) 00600600 Crown Gems
00400400 Crown Gems
Acquired: Crown Store Tainted by proximity to active harrowstorms, these bears have become hexed abominations—perfect for warriors with cold blood and dark intentions.
ON-mount-Hollowjack Rider Bear.jpg Hollowjack Rider Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Hollowjack Crate When the moons rise over the Witches Festival, Jaque o' the Hollow haunts the mounts of mortals, cursing their riders to gallop headless through the night. Even the doughty bear mounts of the Nords are susceptible.
ON-mount-Icerage Bear.jpg Icerage Bear (page) 012001,200 Crown Gems
1600016,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Ragebound Crate Scrolls from Direfrost Keep indicate that the ice witches first invoked these creatures as vessels to contain their rage and hunt those who had wronged them. Presumably they wanted loyal familiars, but found the bears also make formidable mounts.
ON-mount-Iron Atronach Bear.jpg Iron Atronach Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Iron Atronach Crate Aer, the Conjurer Magnificent, summoned the first of these Iron Bears in 1E 2150. According to her notes, the lumbering, ursine frame matches the atronach's temperament perfectly, making the calling-ritual far easier.
ON-mount-Keptu Bear.jpg Keptu Bear (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Sunken Trove Crate "Long ago, during the annual Ket Keptu hunt, Tula the Skullcleaver and their bear Falk rose above the others in the amount of prey they killed for the shared larder. In celebration, Falk received these markings of Hircine's favor."—Fori, Keptu Scholar
ON-mount-Mara's Awe Bear.jpg Mara's Awe Bear (page) 030003,000 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store The gifting of live animals is sometimes practiced among Mara's faithful as a sign of a couple's commitment to one another. Though bears are rarely used for this purpose, this one is immeasurably affectionate, with soft fur that begs to be petted.
ON-mount-Masked Bear.jpg Masked Bear (page) 025002,500 Crowns
00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Flame Atronach Crate
Both swift and strong, the Masked Bear of the Jerall Mountains is a popular mount along the high passes between Bruma and Falkreath.
ON-mount-Nenalata Ayleid Bear.jpg Nenalata Ayleid Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Ayleid Crate "During the long journey from Nenalata to High Rock, beloved mounts became saviors. A song, nearly forgotten, details how a bear named Sunnawend saved Ayleids from a watery grave as they sought to cross a rain-swollen river."—Beredalmo the Signifier
ON-mount-New Moon Bear.jpg New Moon Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: New Moon Crate "Dark as a starless night, Cult of the New Moon bears move through shadows silently to attack their prey. Never anger one of these." —Jonnet of the Sunwalkers
ON-mount-Nightmare Bear.jpg Nightmare Bear (page) 030003,000 Crowns
040004,000 Crowns (The Deadlands Collector's Bundle)
Acquired: Crown Store: The Deadlands Collector's Bundle Foolhardy warriors travel into the charred Deadlands forests to face off against the ursine horrors that reside there. Lucky adventurers return to their homelands alive, but forever haunted by the sound of red-hot claws digging into ashen dirt.
ON-mount-Psijic Bear Exemplar.jpg Psijic Bear Exemplar (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Psijic Vault Crate According to Nord legend, bears—like the Nords themselves—originated on the frozen continent of Atmora. And some Nords think that's where the Psijic monks went to find the original model of their Psiiic Bear Exemplar. The Psijic mages aren't saying.
Psijic Bear v2 (page) Acquired:
ON-mount-Ragebound Bear.jpg Ragebound Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Ragebound Crate "Each pelt and bone on this monster of a bear reminds its rider of past battles. Rage turned to an end. Victory ripped from the rider's enemies. You know the feeling, I think. It's in your eyes. Rage. Barely controlled."—Arparnagh of Markarth
ON-mount-Reefborn Bear.jpg Reefborn Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Sunken Trove Crate "If you visit Abecean islands, you need to be ready to handle reefborn creatures. The bears, for example, do bear things. Mostly. But watch them near saltwater—they'll roll in it whether you're on them or not."—Saissula, Stablemaster
ON-mount-Sai-Sahan's Revelry Ursine.jpg Sai-Sahan's Revelry Ursine (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Diamond Anniversary Crate "Ah, this is a beast worthy of a hero! Don't worry, faithful Minana here has seen her share of battles and more than earned the armor she now wears. She will be a staunch companion to you, no matter where HoonDing bids you."—Dragonguard Zarina
ON-mount-Shoal Bear.jpg Shoal Bear (page) Acquired: Golden Pursuit: Frosty Fun (Capstone Reward: 20 Activities) "It's a strange creature, no doubt about that. I'm not sure if it's a bear that became enchanted too close to the sea, or a magical oceanic construct that just happens to look like a bear. Either way, it's a good swimmer."—Mage Adept Erwan Cottret
ON-mount-Skeletal Bear.jpg Skeletal Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Reaper's Harvest Crate A re-animated Skeletal Bear makes a fearsome mount, and is a favorite of northern Tamriel's necromancers.
ON-mount-Snow Bear.jpg Snow Bear (page) 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 Crowns 20% discount
Acquired: Crown Store The Snow Bear makes a superior mount for northern climes, as it's undaunted by even the fiercest winter weather.
ON-mount-Soulrazer Bear.jpg Soulrazer Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dark Chivalry Crate "We know that a crazed necromancer forged these creatures with his dying breath. They are unrelenting, and never stop even when the Ritemaster commands them. Inexplicably, some of the bears sit calmly at the feet of the apprentices."—Yrssin, Psijic Order
ON-mount-Sovngarde Stoutheart Bear.jpg Sovngarde Stoutheart Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Sovngarde Crate "During times of great need, Sovngarde releases some of its heroes back into the world, and legendary beasts to serve them. The stoutheart bear is one such creature. A fearless companion to carry true warriors to battle."—Clever Woman Moritra
ON-mount-Star-Born Guardian Bear.jpg Star-Born Guardian Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Celestial Crate "Don't let this bear's mesmerizing stars fool you into thinking it's a harmless bit of magical transport. Recall the sway of the Constellations, and understand that this creature embodies that power."—Wheezing Wilren
ON-mount-Stonelore Bear.jpg Stonelore Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Stonelore Crate Each of the druid circles keeps a different ursine companion. The Stonelore bear was originally bred to help with ambitious construction projects. While druids shaped heavy stone slabs, their bears supported the more fragile components of the structures.
ON-mount-Storm Atronach Bear.jpg Storm Atronach Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Storm Atronach Crate According to Nord legend, in his wars against the Snow Elves the mighty Ysgramor the Harbinger rode a Storm Atronach Bear Mount conjured for him by his personal Clever Man.
ON-mount-Sunback Bear.jpg Sunback Bear (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Grim Harlequin Crate A staple of Morthal wardens, these imposing bears trundle near the outskirts of town, serving as extra guards when not in use as steeds or resting. Those who seek to one day become valiant defenders of their town often sneak away to feed them extra treats.
ON-mount-Sweetroll Grizzly.jpg Sweetroll Grizzly (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dragonscale Crate The rare Sweetroll Grizzly Bears prowl the golden forests of the Rift on the northern slopes of the Jerall Mountains. They're big strong cuddly hug machines—except when they're angry.
ON-mount-Tuxedo Bear.jpg Tuxedo Bear (page) 019001,900 Crowns
00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Baandari Pedlar Crate
Though the famed bard Svaknir wrote a hilarious song in which the Tuxedo was mocked as "the Chub Loon of Bears," this magnificent ursine mount has been esteemed by Nord nobles since the early First Era.
ON-mount-Wealdspirit Bear.jpg Wealdspirit Bear (page) 012001,200 Crown Gems
1600016,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dark Chivalry Crate "A whole bear? You grew a whole bear? Well? What are you doing with it still? Get out there! Burn a fort to the ground! Make it hit some rocks with its paws! Bask in bear-y devastation!" —Glooredel, Vinedusk Ranger
ON-mount-Wild Hunt Bear.jpg Wild Hunt Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Wild Hunt Crate The Wild Hunt Bear is a forest beast that has lost its Y'ffre-given ability to choose between being plant or animal, reverting to the primal chaos of the Dawn Era.
Wind Keep Bear (page) Acquired: Carnaval Crate It's no surprise that this unique bear has found a home for itself in the peaceful, rolling hills of Wind Keep. With few natural predators, the beasts are quite docile, and riders appreciate the animal's agreeable nature.
ON-mount-Wraithtide Bear.jpg Wraithtide Bear (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Wraithtide Crate "Where mages born from water gather, they enact ancient rites. Together they bind the essence of bear and sea and death, forming it into a mount one of their number may ride. Or so the tales go."—Druid Sandire


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.