Online:Undercroft Furnishings/Sacred Pieces

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Image Name Cost Source Achievement or Quest Description
ON-furnishing-Agonymium Stone, Inert.jpg Agonymium Stone, Inert (page) 0001500015,000 Gold Reward for: The Dread Cellar Vanquisher This dormant agonymium stone no longer has the power to consume mortal misery, but its baleful history is sure to fill any room with creeping dread.
ON-furnishing-Alinor Pedestal, Shrine.jpg Alinor Pedestal, Shrine (page) 0001000010,000 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Alinor Shrine, Limestone.jpg Alinor Shrine, Limestone (page) 00150150 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Alinor Shrine, Limestone This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Alinor Shrine, Limestone Raised.jpg Alinor Shrine, Limestone Raised (page) 00150150 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Alinor Shrine, Limestone Raised This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Alinor Shrine, Magnus.jpg Alinor Shrine, Magnus (page) 0005000050,000 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Alinor Shrine, Phynaster.jpg Alinor Shrine, Phynaster (page) 0005000050,000 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Alinor Shrine, Trinimac.jpg Alinor Shrine, Trinimac (page) 0005000050,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Alinor Shrine, Y'ffre.jpg Alinor Shrine, Y'ffre (page) 0005000050,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Alinor Wall Shrine, Marble.jpg Alinor Wall Shrine, Marble (page) 00150150 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Alinor Wall Shrine, Marble This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Alkosh's Hourglass, Replica.jpg Alkosh's Hourglass, Replica (page) 00100100 Crown Gems This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Altar of the Divines.jpg Altar of the Divines (page) 0005000050,000 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Ancient Nedic Prayer Wheel Frame, Engraved.jpg Ancient Nedic Prayer Wheel Frame, Engraved (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Ancient Nedic Prayer Wheel, Four-Faced.jpg Ancient Nedic Prayer Wheel, Four-Faced (page) 0002500025,000 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Apocrypha Pool, Inky.jpg Apocrypha Pool, Inky (page) This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Apocryphal Obelisk.jpg Apocryphal Obelisk (page) 00075007,500Archival Fortunes Reward for: First Splurge! This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Argon Pedestal, Replica.jpg Argon Pedestal, Replica (page) 0001500015,000 Gold
Vendor: Harnwulf in Lilmoth
Reward for: The River of Rebirth This decorative pedestal is perfectly suited for displaying a Remnant of Argon replica.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Bark, Painted.jpg Argonian Bark, Painted (page) 00130130 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Argonian Bark, Painted This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Bone Chimes.jpg Argonian Bone Chimes (page) 00130130 Crowns Crafting: Design: Argonian Bone Chimes This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Drum, Ceremonial.jpg Argonian Drum, Ceremonial (page) Crafting: Pattern: Argonian Drum, Ceremonial This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Gravestick.jpg Argonian Gravestick (page) Crafting: Blueprint: Argonian Gravestick This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Pedestal, Altar.jpg Argonian Pedestal, Altar (page) 00130130 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Argonian Pedestal, Altar This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Pot, Ritual.jpg Argonian Pot, Ritual (page) 00130130 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Argonian Pot, Ritual This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Relic, Serpent.jpg Argonian Relic, Serpent (page) 00130130 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Argonian Relic, Serpent This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Relic, Small Serpent.jpg Argonian Relic, Small Serpent (page) 00130130 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Argonian Relic, Small Serpent This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Totem of the Snake.jpg Argonian Totem of the Snake (page) 00130130 Crowns Crafting: Design: Argonian Totem of the Snake This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Wind Chimes.jpg Argonian Wind Chimes (page) 0007070 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Argonian Wind Chimes This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Ashlander Altar, Anticipations.jpg Ashlander Altar, Anticipations (page) 0005000050,000 Gold Reward for: Clanfriend An altar of the Anticipations, crafted by devout Ashlanders.
ON-furnishing-Ashlander Fence, Totems.jpg Ashlander Fence, Totems (page) 0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Ashlands Relic Preserver A portion of a fence acquired through preserving the relics of the Ashlanders.
ON-furnishing-Ayleid Stele, Tall.jpg Ayleid Stele, Tall (page) 0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Gathareth in Skingrad
Reward for: Gold Road Master Explorer The intricate designs of this Ayleid stele provide an insight into the importance they placed on beauty and grace in their architecture.
ON-furnishing-Ayleid Window, Large.jpg Ayleid Window, Large (page) 0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Gathareth in Skingrad
What wonders did this relic once look out upon? What wonders will it see now that its in your care?
ON-furnishing-Blessed Dais of Almalexia.jpg Blessed Dais of Almalexia (page) 00100000100,000 Gold Elegant. Grand. Pointed. Much like Almalexia herself. Woe unto those who would let this blessed dais fall into dust and disuse.
ON-furnishing-Daedric Altar, Four Alcoves.jpg Daedric Altar, Four Alcoves (page) 00200200 Crowns This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Daedric Altar, Molag Bal.jpg Daedric Altar, Molag Bal (page) 00380380 Crowns This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Daedric Platform, Sarcophagus.jpg Daedric Platform, Sarcophagus (page) 000080008,000 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Daedric Plinth, Sacrificial.jpg Daedric Plinth, Sacrificial (page) 00200200 Crowns This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Dark Elf Altar, Ceremonial.jpg Dark Elf Altar, Ceremonial (page) 0001500015,000 Gold A simple Dark Elf altar drawn from the ancient hinterlands of Deshaan. This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Dark Elf Ash Garden, Familial.jpg Dark Elf Ash Garden, Familial (page) 0001000010,000 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Depleted Sigil Stone.jpg Depleted Sigil Stone (page) 000050005,000 Gold Reward for: The Valley of Blades A mystic runestone, now drained, once used to hold open an Oblivion gate.
ON-furnishing-Druidic Dolmen, Stone.jpg Druidic Dolmen, Stone (page) 00160160 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Druidic Dolmen, Stone This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Eldertide Torus, Stone.jpg Eldertide Torus, Stone (page) 00310310 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Eldtertide Torus, Stone This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Altar, Ancient Stone.jpg Elsweyr Altar, Ancient Stone (page) 00150150 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Altar, Ancient Stone This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Altar, Dark Moons.jpg Elsweyr Altar, Dark Moons (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Large.jpg Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Large (page) 00280280 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Large This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Multilevel.jpg Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Multilevel (page) Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Multilevel This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Small.jpg Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Small (page) 00150150 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Small This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Stone.jpg Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Stone (page) 00300300 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Entwined Snakes, Crystal Holder.jpg Entwined Snakes, Crystal Holder (page) 0001200012,000 Gold Reward for: Defender of Blackwood An ancient Argonian artisan captured this endless struggle between fang-baring serpents, crafting a stone dance of poison and fang that can hold a crystalline light. The jaws of these snakes gape open, ready to hold another light source of your choice.
ON-furnishing-Firesong Sculpture, Arch.jpg Firesong Sculpture, Arch (page) 00310310 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Firesong Sculpture, Arch This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Firesong Sculpture, Archdruid's Staff.jpg Firesong Sculpture, Archdruid's Staff (page) 00160160 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Firesong Sculpture, Archdruid's Staff This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Firesong Sculpture, Brood Hen.jpg Firesong Sculpture, Brood Hen (page) 00310310 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Firesong Sculpture, Brood Hen This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Firesong Sculpture, Chimera's Tail.jpg Firesong Sculpture, Chimera's Tail (page) 00160160 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Firesong Sculpture, Chimera's Tail This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Firesong Sculpture, Menhir.jpg Firesong Sculpture, Menhir (page) 00160160 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Firesong Sculpture, Menhir This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Firesong Sculpture, Y'ffelon's Claw.jpg Firesong Sculpture, Y'ffelon's Claw (page) 00310310 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Firesong Sculpture, Y'ffelon's Claw This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Full Moons Tile.jpg Full Moons Tile (page) 000050005,000 Gold
Vendor: Athrahgor in Rawl'kha
Reward for: Reaper's March Adventurer Depicts Jone and Jode, both full and bright.
ON-furnishing-Glenmoril Wyrd Stone.jpg Glenmoril Wyrd Stone (page) 000040004,000 Gold
Vendor: Lozotusk in Evermore
Reward for: Bangkorai Adventurer The prevailing theory is that the red pigment on these stones is derived from a rare crimson flower, and is not the "blood of trespassing children," as claimed by some in Evermore.
ON-furnishing-Goblin Totem.jpg Goblin Totem (page) REPLACE ME!
ON-furnishing-Greensong Gathering Circle.jpg Greensong Gathering Circle (page) 0001250012,500 Gold
Vendor: Athrahgor in Marbruk
With this cauldron, you can gather companions to honor the Green or simply display it as an interesting Wood Elf creation.
ON-furnishing-Hagraven Totem.jpg Hagraven Totem (page) 000050005,000 Gold
Vendor: Lozotusk in Daggerfall
Reward for: Glenumbra Adventurer Folk legends claim that if you camp in the Hag Fens, you will awaken to find yourself rooted in place, your body slowly twisting into the form of a withered tree.
ON-furnishing-Hagraven Totem, Skull.jpg Hagraven Totem, Skull (page) 00260260 Crowns This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Handfast.jpg Handfast (page) 0002500025,000 Gold Reward for: Malabal Tor Adventurer A memorial for the heroic resolution of the Bosmeri existential crisis in Malabal Tor.
ON-furnishing-Handfast Pedestal.jpg Handfast Pedestal (page) 000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Matchmaker An altar for solemnizing the sacred marriage vows of the Wood Elves.
ON-furnishing-Imperial Altar of the Bay.jpg Imperial Altar of the Bay (page) 00610610 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Imperial Pedestal, Chiseled.jpg Imperial Pedestal, Chiseled (page) 00310310 Crowns This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Imperial Pedestal, Stone.jpg Imperial Pedestal, Stone (page) 0007070 Crowns This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Khajiit Ponder Sphere.jpg Khajiit Ponder Sphere (page) A bauble used to occupy the hands while the mind chews on strange ideas. This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Lucent Orb, Replica.jpg Lucent Orb, Replica (page) 00680680 Crowns Crafting: Formula: Lucent Orb, Replica This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Lunar Reflector, Dormant.jpg Lunar Reflector, Dormant (page) 0004000040,000 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Maormeri Serpent Shrine.jpg Maormeri Serpent Shrine (page) 000075007,500 Gold
Vendor: Athrahgor in Skywatch
The Maormer are said to tame the great serpents of the sea, but while such magnificent creatures may be out of reach, this winding statue is the next best thing.
ON-furnishing-Mirror of Truth, Replica.jpg Mirror of Truth, Replica (page) 0002500025,000 Gold
Vendor: Gathareth in Skingrad
Reward for: West Weald Skyshard Hunter The cracks in this ornate mirror remind many of something they can't quite recollect. And you dare not tell them.
ON-furnishing-Monolith, Lord Hircine Ritual.jpg Monolith, Lord Hircine Ritual (page) 00170170 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Moons-Blessed Ceremonial Pool.jpg Moons-Blessed Ceremonial Pool (page) 0007500075,000 Gold Khajiiti legends claim that moon sugar comes from the light of the Two Moons trapped in the blessed waters of their homeland. The wondrous twinkling of this moonpool would lead you to believe it.
ON-furnishing-Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl.jpg Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl (page) 0001000010,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Don't mistake this humble bowl as a simple object of sanitation! This cleansing bowl is believed to have removed impurities from the fingers of Moth Priests before they went about reading the Elder Scrolls.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Coiled.jpg Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Coiled (page) 00170170 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Coiled This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Figure.jpg Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Figure (page)
Looting: Possible reward for Cyrodilic Collections Dailies
This is a tiny house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Looming.jpg Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Looming (page) 00190190 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Looming This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Rearing.jpg Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Rearing (page) 00140140 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Rearing This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Relief.jpg Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Relief (page)
Looting: Possible reward for Cyrodilic Collections Dailies
This is a tiny house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Pedestal, Low.jpg Murkmire Pedestal, Low (page) 0007575 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Murkmire Pedestal, Low This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Pedestal, Winged.jpg Murkmire Pedestal, Winged (page) 00120120 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Murkmire Pedestal, Winged This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Coiled.jpg Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Coiled (page) 00380380 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Coiled This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Figure.jpg Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Figure (page) 00260260 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Figure This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Looming.jpg Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Looming (page) 00270270 Crowns This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Rearing.jpg Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Rearing (page) 00320320 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Rearing This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Relief.jpg Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Relief (page) 00260260 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Relief This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Necrom Monolith, Stone.jpg Necrom Monolith, Stone (page) 00310310 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Necrom Monolith, Stone This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Nest of Shadows.jpg Nest of Shadows (page) 0004000040,000 Gold Deadly and dramatic, this metal serpent encircles, and some say threatens, the lavender-hued egg nestled in its coils.
ON-furnishing-New Moons Tile.jpg New Moons Tile (page) 000050005,000 Gold
Vendor: Athrahgor in Rawl'kha
Reward for: Reaper's March Adventurer Depicts Jone and Jode, both new and dark.
ON-furnishing-Nirncrux Bowl.jpg Nirncrux Bowl (page) 000040004,000 Gold
Vendor: Lozotusk in Belkarth
Reward for: Nirncrux Inspector The rare material Nirncrux is so prized by the miners of Craglorn that it is conveyed in special bowls.
ON-furnishing-Nisswo's Soul Tender.jpg Nisswo's Soul Tender (page) 0001750017,500 Gold
Vendor: Harnwulf in Lilmoth
This pedestal is considered sacred to the "nothing speakers" of Sithis, but it is believed to play a part in the eternal cycle of creation and destruction.
ON-furnishing-Null Arca, Replica.jpg Null Arca, Replica (page) 0007500075,000 Gold
Vendor: Gathareth in Skingrad
Reward for: Lucent Citadel Vanquisher This replica of the Null Arca may not actually contain and stabilize the Arcane Knot, but it adds a sense of wonder to your living space.
ON-furnishing-Obelisk, Lord Hircine Ritual.jpg Obelisk, Lord Hircine Ritual (page) 00150150 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Obelisk, Lord Hircine Ritual This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Orcish Battle Totem.jpg Orcish Battle Totem (page) 000075007,500 Gold
Vendor: Lozotusk in Orsinium
Reward for: Wrothgar Pathfinder Orcs like to announce great events by erecting symbolic totems: this one foretells battle.
100px Orcish Shrine, Malacath (page) REPLACE ME!
ON-furnishing-Orcish Totem.jpg Orcish Totem (page) 0001000010,000 Gold
Vendor: Lozotusk in Orsinium
Reward for: Wrothgar Grand Adventurer Orcs like to announce events by erecting symbolic totems: this one marks territory.
ON-furnishing-Orcish War Totem.jpg Orcish War Totem (page) 000050005,000 Gold
Vendor: Lozotusk in Orsinium
Reward for: Wrothgar Trailblazer Orcs like to announce great events by erecting symbolic totems: this one heralds war.
ON-furnishing-Orsinium Sarcophagus, Honor's Rest.jpg Orsinium Sarcophagus, Honor's Rest (page) 0002500025,000 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Primal Altar to Hircine.jpg Primal Altar to Hircine (page) 0005000050,000 Gold Reward for: Lycanthropy Master Display your feral devotion to the Father of Manbeasts with this rustic altar.
ON-furnishing-Projection Stone, Moons.jpg Projection Stone, Moons (page) 0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Betrayer Breaker Both shiny and colorful, this projection stone shows the phases of the moons. Perfect for your midnight garden or bedroom!
ON-furnishing-Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Gilded Cat.jpg Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Gilded Cat (page) 00360360 Crowns This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Gilded Ibis.jpg Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Gilded Ibis (page) 00360360 Crowns This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Gilded Servant.jpg Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Gilded Servant (page) 00360360 Crowns This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Miniature Ibis.jpg Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Miniature Ibis (page) 0001500015,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Stone Cat.jpg Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Stone Cat (page) 00360360 Crowns This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Reach Briarheart, Blood Red.jpg Reach Briarheart, Blood Red (page) 0001500015,000 Gold This is a tiny house item.
ON-furnishing-Reach Briarheart, Corpse Blue.jpg Reach Briarheart, Corpse Blue (page) 0001500015,000 Gold This is a tiny house item.
ON-furnishing-Reach Effigy of Turnabout.jpg Reach Effigy of Turnabout (page) 0001000010,000 Gold
Vendor: Tirudilmo in Markarth
Reward for: Vateshran Hollows Conqueror The bones, twigs, and hide that make up this effigy all receive blood-blessings from the clan's witchfolk, who claim it sends spirits with ill intentions back to plague their erstwhile masters.
ON-furnishing-Reach Totem, Mammoth Rib.jpg Reach Totem, Mammoth Rib (page) 000045004,500 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Reliquary Skull.jpg Reliquary Skull (page) 0002500025,000 Gold Reward for: Welcome to the Thieves Guild A replica of the Giovessen Skull, a relic whose history extends back nearly 600 years.
ON-furnishing-Remnant of Argon, Replica.jpg Remnant of Argon, Replica (page) 0007500075,000 Gold
Vendor: Harnwulf in Lilmoth
Reward for: The River of Rebirth An Argonian craftsman carved this brilliant, amber orb to resemble the legendary Remnant of Argon. The likeness is uncanny.
100px Replica Mirrormoor Loom, Altar (page) This is a large house item.
100px Replica Mirrormoor Loom, Backing (page) This is a huge house item.
100px Replica Mirrormoor Loom, Spindle (page) This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Replica Mnemic Egg.jpg Replica Mnemic Egg (page) 00100000100,000 Gold Reward for: Shadowfen Adventurer Following attempts by the Aldmeri Dominion to capture the Mnemic Egg, several replicas were created to foil future attempts.
ON-furnishing-Replica Stone of Ashalmawia.jpg Replica Stone of Ashalmawia (page) 0007500075,000 Gold Reward for: Hand of the Mistress A replica from Tel Mora and Mistress Dratha.
ON-furnishing-Replica of Shattered Ansei Sword.jpg Replica of Shattered Ansei Sword (page) 0003500035,000 Gold
Vendor: Lozotusk in Kozanset
Reward for: Consecrated Ground The remains of one of several decoys commisioned by King Fahara'jad.
ON-furnishing-Ritual Chalice, Hircine.jpg Ritual Chalice, Hircine (page) 000050005,000 Gold Reward for: March of Sacrifices Vanquisher The empty eyes of this skull seem to warn against drinking the thick, warm liquid within.
ON-furnishing-Ritual Fetish, Hircine.jpg Ritual Fetish, Hircine (page) 00200200 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Ritual Fetish, Hircine This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Ritual Stone, Hircine.jpg Ritual Stone, Hircine (page) 00150150 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Ritual Stone, Hircine This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Ruby Dragon Skull.jpg Ruby Dragon Skull (page) 0002500025,000 Gold The size and luster of this ruby would be a magnificent addition to any Dragon's hoard, even if wasn't masterfully cut into their likeness.
ON-furnishing-Sacred Chalice of Ysgramor.jpg Sacred Chalice of Ysgramor (page) 000075007,500 Gold Whether you choose to honor the Harbinger by keeping this chalice on display or by filling it with the best mead in Skyrim, it will serve you well.
ON-furnishing-Sacrificial Altar, Hircine.jpg Sacrificial Altar, Hircine (page) 00250250 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Sacrificial Altar, Hircine This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Seal of Molag Bal.jpg Seal of Molag Bal (page) This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Seed Doll, Turtle.jpg Seed Doll, Turtle (page) 0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Harnwulf in Lilmoth
Reward for: Sap-Sleeper Bright-Throat elders contend that the turtle is a powerful and unruly totem—one that sees both the very old and the very new with perfect clarity.
ON-furnishing-Serien's Stand.jpg Serien's Stand (page) 0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: General Serien's Demise A remembrance of the last stand of the obstreperous General Serien.
ON-furnishing-Shrine, Sithis Figure Anointed.jpg Shrine, Sithis Figure Anointed (page) 00140140 Crowns This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Shrine, Sithis Looming Anointed.jpg Shrine, Sithis Looming Anointed (page) 00170170 Crowns This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Sigil Stand.jpg Sigil Stand (page) 0001500015,000 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Sigil, Akatosh.jpg Sigil, Akatosh (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Sigil, Arkay.jpg Sigil, Arkay (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Sigil, Dibella.jpg Sigil, Dibella (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Sigil, Julianos.jpg Sigil, Julianos (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Sigil, Kynareth.jpg Sigil, Kynareth (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Sigil, Mara.jpg Sigil, Mara (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Sigil, Stendarr.jpg Sigil, Stendarr (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Sigil, Zenithar.jpg Sigil, Zenithar (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Sir Socks's Ball of Yarn.jpg Sir Socks's Ball of Yarn (page) Reward for: Nothing to Sneeze At This tangled mass of yarn looks well-loved … and completely useless. This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Skull Totem, Hircine Worship.jpg Skull Totem, Hircine Worship (page) 000075007,500 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Sorcerer-King's Blade.jpg Sorcerer-King's Blade (page) 0004000040,000 Gold
Vendor: Athrahgor in Rawl'kha
Complete with its own stone display furnishing, this broken blade was once wielded by an Ayleid ruler who held mastery over great magic.
ON-furnishing-Standing Slab.jpg Standing Slab (page) 000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Eastmarch Adventurer This menhir of the ancient Nords stands in solemn tribute to the hero of Eastmarch.
ON-furnishing-Stele, Hist Cultivation.jpg Stele, Hist Cultivation (page) 00450450 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Stele, Hist Guardians.jpg Stele, Hist Guardians (page) 00450450 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Stone, Lava-Etched.jpg Stone, Lava-Etched (page) Crafting: Praxis: Stone, Lava-Etched This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Stonelore Tale Pillar, Cliff Stone.jpg Stonelore Tale Pillar, Cliff Stone (page) 00160160 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Stonelore Tale Pillar, Cliff Stone This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-The Keeper's Oath.jpg The Keeper's Oath (page) 0007500075,000 Gold
Vendor: Tarmimn in Alinor
Reward for: Relics of Summerset "Oh, blessed be the Keepers' eyes …."
ON-furnishing-Totem of the Reach.jpg Totem of the Reach (page) 000040004,000 Gold Reward for: Reach Crusher This totem doesn't seem to carry the usual death curse. No one's died yet, at least.
ON-furnishing-Totem of the Serpent.jpg Totem of the Serpent (page) 0001000010,000 Gold
Vendor: Lozotusk in Belkarth
Reward for: Celestial Investigator A memorial commemorating the defeat of the Serpent Constellation's machinations in Craglorn.
ON-furnishing-Tri-Angled Truth Altar.jpg Tri-Angled Truth Altar (page) 000075007,500 Gold With markings that show veneration to old gods, this splendid altar required consummate geometric knowledge to create.
ON-furnishing-Tribunal Altar.jpg Tribunal Altar (page) 0002500025,000 Gold Reward for: Temple Knight Each side of this pillar represents one of the three members of the Tribunal: Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec.
ON-furnishing-Triptych of the Triune.jpg Triptych of the Triune (page) 0002000020,000 Gold Reward for: The Pilgrim's Path A dedication to the Tribunal, acquired after reading the inscriptions at each of the Shrines of the Seven Graces.
ON-furnishing-Veloth's Reliquary.jpg Veloth's Reliquary (page) 0005000050,000 Gold Reward for: Vox Slayer Relish this replica reliquary for retaining relics of the revered Veloth.
ON-furnishing-Velothi Kneeler, Prayer.jpg Velothi Kneeler, Prayer (page) 000030003,000 Gold This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Velothi Seat, Meditation.jpg Velothi Seat, Meditation (page) 0001000010,000 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Waning Moons Tile.jpg Waning Moons Tile (page) 000050005,000 Gold
Vendor: Athrahgor in Rawl'kha
Reward for: Hallowed Moons Depicts Jone and Jode, both in the waning phase.
ON-furnishing-Waxing Moons Wall Tile.jpg Waxing Moons Wall Tile (page) 000050005,000 Gold
Vendor: Athrahgor in Rawl'kha
Reward for: Hallowed Moons Depicts Jone and Jode, both in the waxing phase.
ON-furnishing-Witch Pike, Quiescent.jpg Witch Pike, Quiescent (page) 0001500015,000 Gold
Vendor: Netinndel in Solitude
Reward for: Champion of Solitude This odd bundle of sticks, vines, and witch magic looks inert—even safely impressive—but is it?
ON-furnishing-Wood Elf Hearth, Forest.jpg Wood Elf Hearth, Forest (page) 00200200 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Wood Elf Hearth, Forest This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Wood Orc Dream Catcher.jpg Wood Orc Dream Catcher (page) 000040004,000 Gold Reward for: Hound Hinderer It's well documented that Wood Orc shamans collect dreams, but what they do with them is a closely guarded secret.
ON-furnishing-Wyrdstone.jpg Wyrdstone (page) 000025002,500 Gold
Vendor: Lozotusk in Daggerfall
Reward for: Wyrd Friend Marks an area that is under the protection of the Beldama Wyrd.
ON-furnishing-Xi-Tsei Stone Idol.jpg Xi-Tsei Stone Idol (page) 000040004,000 Gold Reward for: Blackwood Master Explorer Though no blood or moss mars this Argonian idol, similar symbols decorate the infamous Xi-Tsei xanmeer where the Fourth Imperial Legion met its end in 1E 2820. Did this particular stone guardian watch over the legion's bloody massacre? Who can say?
ON-furnishing-Z'en Idol.jpg Z'en Idol (page) 0001000010,000 Gold This elegant Kothringi idol revering the god of agriculture once served as meditative focal piece for several Blackwood gardens and farms before vanishing—or so some Gideon natives claim.


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.