- Xanmeers! Those mysterious Argonian step pyramids of the deep swamp. Made from stone as if intended to last thousands of years, but then largely abandoned due to—what? No one in Black Marsh seems to know, nor do they seem to care that many Xanmeers are packed with old relics others find valuable. Somehow those abandoned relics, enchanted and mundane, get smuggled out of Black Marsh, crated up, and then made available—to you!
This Season is themed after the Murkmire DLC, with the card back and name paying tribute to the eponymous Xanmeers scattered throughout Black Marsh. It became available on December 6, 2018.
The Radiant Apexes from this Season were not originally available for purchase with Crown Gems and could only be won in crates. This was changed after the crates were made available again from March 17–24, 2022. They were also made available for purchase with Seals of Endeavor at this time.
Two crates were included in the Cliff Ram Pack promotion, available from June 28 to September 20, 2022.
The possible rewards are as follows, grouped by rarity with Radiant Apex rewards being the rarest:
Radiant Apex Rewards[edit]
- 012001200
/ 025002500
/ 016001600
/ 012001,200
/ 1600016,000 
Apex Rewards[edit]
- 00400400
/ 080008,000 
Duplicate Apex rewards grant 00132132
from extraction, *except the Resplendent Sweetroll, which grants 00400400
and cannot be bought in the Gem Store.
Legendary Rewards[edit]
- 00100100
/ 036003,600 
Duplicate Legendary rewards grant 0003333
from extraction.
Epic Rewards[edit]
- 0004040
/ 020002,000 
Duplicate Epic rewards grant 0001313
from extraction.
Superior Rewards[edit]
- 0001616
/ 010001,000 
Duplicate Superior Rewards grant 000055
from extraction.
Fine Rewards[edit]
- 000055
/ 00360360 
Unwanted Fine Rewards grant 000011
from extraction.
Common Rewards[edit]
- 000033
/ 00360360 
Unwanted Common Rewards grant 000011
from extraction.
Appearances: 6
- December 6, 2018 - March 28, 2019
- February 20, 2020 - March 3, 2020
- March 17, 2022 - March 24, 2022 (now with SealsSeals
and Gem]]Crown Gem
Radiant Apexes)
- Cliff Ram Pack — June 28, 2022 - September 20, 2022
- Daily rewards — May 2024
- May 23, 2024 - June 6, 2024 (ESO Plus discount on 15-crate bundle: 035003,500
External Links[edit]