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This article is about becoming a werewolf. For werewolf NPCs, see Werewolf (NPC).

A Werewolf

Werewolves are players infected with a certain strain of lycanthropy, which allows them to transform into bipedal wolf-like beasts. Becoming a werewolf adds the related skill line with which you can unlock extra bonuses.

Benefits and Disadvantages[edit]

Werewolves deal bleed damage with their melee light and heavy attacks which have an increased chance of applying the Hemorrhaging status effect and have increased stamina and stamina recovery. They can also use their forearms to block and bash, similar to normal weapon use. During the transformation, they retain buffs, passive skills from most skill lines, and benefits of equipped weapons and armor, including weapon enchantments. They also keep active buffs with a duration such as Lightning Form after they transform. Unlike in previous Elder Scrolls games, player werewolves can still interact with most objects, change equipped armor and weapons, speak with NPCs (who generally behave normally rather than attacking or fleeing), and end the transformation at will (by using the transformation skill a second time).

The main disadvantage of the werewolf transformation is that, while it lasts, the only active skills that can be used are the five from the werewolf skill line. Another significant disadvantage is the limited time on transformations, though this time can be increased by various means using the werewolf skill line. The time remaining of your transformation is shown as a small blue bar under your magicka bar. Also, werewolves will be stunned while transforming and returning to their original form. While in beast form, werewolves are also more vulnerable to Poison Damage. Whether in beast form or not, they are vulnerable to Fighters Guild abilities from players who have the Skilled Tracker passive skill. You cannot use crafting stations while in beast form, you will get a grayed "Your paws are too clumsy" instead of the action text. You cannot use your mounts while in beast form, you will get the message "Your paws are too clumsy to handle reins". You are forced in third person camera while in beast form.

All werewolves receive the Lycanthropy bonus, which is active all the time (whether you are in werewolf form or not):

Bonus Effect
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Call of the Pack.png Lycanthropy

You can transform into a savage beast.

  • Take 25% more damage from Poison Attacks while in werewolf form

Becoming a Werewolf[edit]

In order to become a werewolf, you must be infected with the disease Sanies Lupinus. There are two means of contracting this disease. One is to be scratched by one of a few special werewolf NPCs. These appear only at night, and only in a few locations. It is not necessary to kill the werewolf; once scratched, you can run away, allowing other players to contract the disease from the same werewolf. A Werewolf's Bite can also be bought from the Crown Store for 015001,500 Crowns. You do not need to do the following quest if you take this route, as the initial disease stage is skipped and the skill line is unlocked immediately. Note: If you purchase a werewolf bite from the Crown Store, make sure that you are logged onto the character you wish to apply the bite to when you purchase it. It will only apply to that single character.

The other way to contract Sanies Lupinus is to be infected by another player who is already a werewolf, and has the Bloodmoon ability.

Once you have the disease you'll need to go to Aldmeri Dominion Rawl'kha (Reaper's March), Ebonheart Pact Riften (The Rift), or Daggerfall Covenant Evermore (Bangkorai), depending on your alliance; you will be approached by an NPC, Thoreki, who senses your "blessing", and offers the quest Hircine's Gift. Upon completion of this quest, you'll gain access to the Werewolf skill tree and the ability to transform. If you instead seek a local priest, they will cure the Sanies Lupinus and you will not become a werewolf.

There is one zone for each faction where both contagious werewolves and the Hircine's Gift quest giver reside.

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Aldmeri Dominion[edit]

The werewolf questline in Dominion lands begins in Reaper's March. Once infected, seek out Thoreki at the wayshrine in Rawl'kha.

Players will be directed to the Werewolf Ritual Site west of the Fort Sphinxmoth Wayshrine.

Daggerfall Covenant[edit]

Contagious werewolves in Covenant lands are found in Northern Bangkorai. During a full moon, they spawn all along the road that leads from Troll's Toothpick Wayshrine, winds through the Viridian Woods, and ends at the gates of Pelin Graveyard. They can also be found in Southern Bangkorai, north/south of Old Tower Wayshrine. Once infected, seek out Thoreki in Evermore.

Players will be directed to the Werewolf Ritual Site just northeast of the Viridian Woods, located before the end of the waterfall.

Ebonheart Pact[edit]

The werewolf questline for the Pact begins in The Rift in the city of Riften. Thoreki is waiting near the Fighters Guild.

Players will be directed to the Werewolf Ritual Site just northeast of Giant Camp.

Curing Lycanthropy[edit]

To cure your lycanthropy, seek out Prelate Sabinus in the Mages Guild hall in Aldmeri Dominion Rawl'khaDaggerfall Covenant Evermore, or Ebonheart Pact Riften. He is also present in every capital city; Mournhold, Elden Root, Wayrest, as well as the DLC cities of Orsinium, Vivec City, Alinor, Rimmen, Solitude, Leyawiin, Gonfalon Bay and Necrom. You will be requested to donate a small amount of gold before being instantly cured.

Skill Perks[edit]


  • The numbers displayed here are the base values for the skills. Magicka/Stamina Cost is based on a character of Level 50 Champion Points160. Damage values are based on Max Magicka/Stamina 12000, Max Health 16000, and Weapon/Spell Damage 1000. The actual numbers you see in the game may depend on a variety of factors, including skill line rank, your equipped weapons and armor, other skills, enchantments, etc. As such, they should only be used as a comparative reference.

Ultimate Abilities[edit]

These abilities must be activated manually, for a cost of Ultimate.

Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Werewolf Transformation.png Werewolf Transformation 1 1 second Self 30 seconds 325 Ultimate
Cost: [400 / 375 / 350 / 325] Ultimate.
CRIMINAL ACT Transform into a beast, fearing nearby enemies for 3 seconds. While Transformed your Max Stamina is increased by 30%. While slotted, your Stamina Recovery is increased by 15%.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Pack Leader.png Pack Leader Reduces your damage taken, grants you and your group Minor Courage, and summons two direwolves to fight by your side.
Cost: 300 Ultimate.
CRIMINAL ACT Transform into a beast, fearing nearby enemies for 3 seconds. While transformed your Max Stamina is increased by 30%, you take 10% less damage, and you summon two direwolves. You also grant yourself and nearby group members Minor Courage, increasing their Weapon and Spell Damage by 215. While slotted, your Stamina Recovery is increased by 15%.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Werewolf Berserker.png Werewolf Berserker Augments your Light Attacks to gain a bleed, and your Heavy Attacks deal damage in a cone in front of you.
Cost: 300 Ultimate.
CRIMINAL ACT Transform into a beast, fearing nearby enemies for 3 seconds. While transformed, your Light Attacks apply a bleed for [9840 / 9940 / 10050 / 10159] Bleed Damage over 4 seconds, your Heavy Attacks deal 50% splash damage, and your Max Stamina is increased by 30%. While slotted, your Stamina Recovery is increased by 15%.

Active Abilities[edit]

These abilities must be activated manually, for a cost.

Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Pounce.png Pounce 2 Instant Enemy 22 meters 4016 Stamina
CRIMINAL ACT Pounce on an enemy with primal fury, dealing [4610 / 4660 / 4711 / 4761] Bleed Damage and applying the Hemorrhaging status effect. Activating the ability again within the next 5 seconds causes you to rip into an enemy and deal [3455 / 3492 / 3520 / 3564] Bleed Damage over 10 seconds, dealing up to 450% more damage to enemies under 100% Health.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Brutal Pounce.png Brutal Pounce Deals additional damage to other nearby enemies. Carnage now hits in a cone and increases your Weapon and Spell Damage every time you apply it to an enemy.
Area: 5 meters.
CRIMINAL ACT Pounce on an enemy with primal fury, dealing [4765 / 4816 / 4869 / 4920] Bleed Damage and applying the Hemorrhaging status effect to all nearby enemies. Activating the ability again within the next 5 seconds causes you to rip into all enemies in front of you to deal 3564 Bleed Damage over 10 seconds, dealing up to 450% more damage to enemies under 100% Health. Increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by [85 / 90 / 95 / 100] for each enemy hit, up to 6 times.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Feral Pounce.png Feral Pounce You restore Stamina and extend your Werewolf Transformation whenever you deal damage with the ability.
CRIMINAL ACT Pounce on an enemy with primal fury, dealing 4765 Bleed Damage and applying the Hemorrhaging status effect. Activating the ability again within the next 5 seconds causes you to rip into an enemy and deal 3564 Bleed Damage over 10 seconds, dealing up to 450% more damage to enemies under 100% Health. Dealing damage with either attack restores [85 / 90 / 95 / 100] Stamina and extends your Werewolf Transformation by 1 second.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Hircine's Bounty.png Hircine's Bounty 4 Instant Self 5737 Magicka
CRIMINAL ACT Invoke the Huntsman's blessing, healing you for [6000 / 6066 / 6131 / 6198] Health. This ability scales off your Max Health. If you are at full Health you instead restore [2700 / 2800 / 2900 / 3000] Stamina. While slotted you gain Major Brutality and Sorcery, increasing your Weapon and Spell Damage by 20%.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Hircine's Rage.png Hircine's Rage Reduces the cost. If cast at full Health, gain Major Berserk for a short duration after casting, but also increase your damage taken.
Cost: 5063 Magicka.
CRIMINAL ACT Invoke the Huntsman's blessing, healing you for 6197 Health. This portion of the ability scales off your Max Health. If you are at full Health you instead restore 3000 Stamina and gain Major Berserk, increasing your damage done by 10% for 10 seconds, but you also take [8 / 7 / 6 / 5]% more damage. While slotted you gain Major Brutality and Sorcery, increasing your Weapon and Spell Damage by 20%.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Hircine's Fortitude.png Hircine's Fortitude Increases the healing done and grants you Minor Endurance and Fortitude after casting.
CRIMINAL ACT Invoke the Huntsman's blessing, healing you for [7747 / 7832 / 7917 / 8002] Health. This portion of the ability scales off your Max Health. If you are at full Health you instead restore 3000 Stamina. You also gain Minor Endurance and Minor Fortitude, increasing your Health and Stamina Recovery by 15% for 20 seconds. While slotted you gain Major Brutality and Sorcery, increasing your Weapon and Spell Damage by 20%.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Roar.png Roar 5 Instant Area 6 meters 4 seconds 4303 Stamina
Duration: [3 / 3.3 / 3.7 / 4] seconds.
CRIMINAL ACT Roar with bloodlust to fear nearby enemies for [3 / 3.3 / 3.7 / 4] seconds, setting them Off Balance for 7 seconds, and making them Terrified for 10 seconds. While slotted you gain Major Savagery and Prophecy, increasing your Weapon Critical and Spell Critical rating by 2629.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Ferocious Roar.png Ferocious Roar Increases the speed of your Heavy Attacks after casting.
CRIMINAL ACT Roar with bloodlust to fear nearby enemies for 4 seconds, setting them Off Balance for 7 seconds, and making them Terrified for 10 seconds. Your Heavy Attacks also are 33% faster for [7 / 8 / 9 / 10] seconds after casting. While slotted you gain Major Savagery and Prophecy, increasing your Weapon Critical and Spell Critical rating by 2629.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Deafening Roar.png Deafening Roar Converts the ability to grant Major Protection and causes your Heavy Attacks to taunt enemies while slotted. No longer terrifies enemies hit and instead applies Major Breach and Minor Maim.
CRIMINAL ACT Roar with bloodlust to fear nearby enemies for 4 seconds and setting them Off Balance for 7 seconds. Your roar also leaves enemies dazed, applying Major Breach and Minor Maim, reducing their Physical and Spell Resistance by 5948 and damage done by 5% for [7 / 8 / 9 / 10] seconds. While slotted you gain Major Protection and your Heavy Attacks taunt enemies for 15 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Piercing Howl.png Piercing Howl 6 Instant Enemy 10 meters 2869 Stamina
CRIMINAL ACT Crush an enemy with a deafening howl, dealing [7687 / 7772 / 7857 / 7940] Physical Damage. Deals 10% more damage to enemies that are Terrified.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Howl of Despair.png Howl of Despair Grants a synergy to you or allies that grants them Empower and Minor Force.
CRIMINAL ACT Crush an enemy with a deafening howl, dealing [7940 / 8027 / 8115 / 8202] Physical Damage. Enemies who are Terrified take 10% more damage from this attack. You or an ally targeting the enemy can activate the ON-icon-synergy-Feeding Frenzy.png Feeding Frenzy synergy, which grants them Empower and Minor Force for 20 seconds, increasing their damage done with Heavy Attacks against monsters by 70% and their Critical Damage by 10%.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Howl of Agony.png Howl of Agony Reduces cost as the ability ranks up and deals additional damage against Off Balance enemies.
Cost: [2869 / 2779 / 2689 / 2599] Stamina.
CRIMINAL ACT Crush an enemy with a deafening howl, dealing 7940 Physical Damage. Deals 10% more damage to enemies that are Terrified and 10% more to enemies that are Off Balance.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Infectious Claws.png Infectious Claws 9 Instant Cone 7 meters 20 seconds 3442 Stamina
CRIMINAL ACT Shred enemies in front of you with your tainted claws, dealing [5764 / 5827 / 5890 / 5953] Disease Damage and an additional [9595 / 9699 / 9800 / 9911] Disease Damage over 20 seconds. Enemies hit by the initial hit are afflicted with the Diseased status effect.
Morph ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Claws of Anguish.png Claws of Anguish Afflicts enemies with Major Defile and each tick now also applies the Diseased status effect.
CRIMINAL ACT Shred enemies in front of you with your tainted claws, dealing 5953 Disease Damage and an additional 9908 Disease Damage over 20 seconds. Afflicts enemies with Major Defile for [2 / 2.7 / 3.3 / 4] seconds, reducing their healing received and damage shield strength by 12%. Enemies hit by any part of the ability are afflicted with the Diseased status effect.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Claws of Life.png Claws of Life The damage over time heals you for a portion of the damage caused.
CRIMINAL ACT Shred enemies in front of you with your tainted claws, dealing [5953 / 6018 / 6084 / 6148] Disease Damage and an additional 9908 Disease Damage over 20 seconds. You are healed for [63 / 64 / 65 / 66]% of the damage over time caused. Enemies hit by the initial hit are afflicted with the Diseased status effect.

Passive Abilities[edit]

Passive abilities are active all the time.

Name Line Rank Skill Rank Description
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Devour.png Devour 1 1 free (WHILE YOU ARE IN WEREWOLF FORM) Allows you to devour corpses to increase the duration of your Werewolf Transformation and restore your Health. Every second you spend devouring a corpse adds 3 seconds to the duration of your Werewolf Transformation and restores 8% of your Max Health. Each corpse can be devoured for up to 4 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Pursuit.png Pursuit 3 1 (WHILE YOU ARE IN WEREWOLF FORM) Increases your Movement Speed by 15%. Increases the Stamina your Heavy Attacks restore by 25%.
7 2 (WHILE YOU ARE IN WEREWOLF FORM) Increases your Movement Speed by 30%. Increases the Stamina your Heavy Attacks restore by 50%.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Blood Rage.png Blood Rage 4 1 (WHILE YOU ARE IN WEREWOLF FORM) When you deal damage, the duration of your Werewolf Transformation is increased by 2 seconds. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.
8 2 (WHILE YOU ARE IN WEREWOLF FORM) When you deal damage, the duration of your Werewolf Transformation is increased by 4 seconds. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Bloodmoon.png Bloodmoon 6 1 Allows you to infect another player with Lycanthropy once every week by returning to the Werewolf ritual site. Players already infected with Noxiphilic Sanguivoria cannot be infected with Lycanthropy.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Savage Strength.png Savage Strength 6 1 (WHILE YOU ARE IN WEREWOLF FORM) Increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 9%. Grants you Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 5948.
9 2 (WHILE YOU ARE IN WEREWOLF FORM) Increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 18%. Grants you Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 5948.
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Call of the Pack.png Call of the Pack 7 1 (WHILE YOU ARE IN WEREWOLF FORM) Reduces the cost of remaining in your Werewolf Transformation by 10% for each transformed werewolf or direwolf in your group, including yourself, up to a maximum of 40%.
10 2 (WHILE YOU ARE IN WEREWOLF FORM) Reduces the cost of remaining in your Werewolf Transformation by 20% for each transformed werewolf or direwolf in your group, including yourself, up to a maximum of 80%.


Earn kills while in Werewolf form to advance this skill line. Each kill advances your skill rank by 5 points.

Rank Points Required
for Next Rank
Total Points
for Rank
1 25 0
2 50 25
3 75 75
4 100 150
5 125 250
6 150 375
7 175 525
8 200 700
9 225 900
10 - 1125


  • The 5-item Salvation set bonus "Reduce cost of Werewolf Transformation by 33%" results in a net cost of 200 Ultimate.


There are seven achievements associated with Lycanthropy:

Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Deafening Roar.png Lycanthropy 10 Become a Werewolf. Wolf's Fur BrownWolf's Fur Brown
Skill Line: Werewolf
ON-icon-skill-Werewolf-Pounce.png Lycanthropy Master 50 Reach the max level of the Werewolf Skill line. Lycanthrope GrayLycanthrope Gray
ON-icon-achievement-Werewolf Corpse Taster.png Werewolf Corpse Taster 5 Devour 1 corpse while in Werewolf form.
ON-icon-achievement-Werewolf Corpse Eater.png Werewolf Corpse Eater 10 Devour 10 corpses while in Werewolf form.
ON-icon-achievement-Werewolf Corpse Devourer.png Werewolf Corpse Devourer 15 Devour 100 corpses while in Werewolf form.
ON-icon-achievement-Wandering Werewolf.png Wandering Werewolf 10 Transform into a werewolf and devour a corpse in the capital cities of all three alliances.
ON-icon-achievement-Werewolf Sire.png Werewolf Sire 5 Infect another player with Lycanthropy.


  • As of Patch 4.1.5, skill points spent in the Werewolf skill line are refunded after you cure yourself of Lycanthropy.
  • Any experience you previously gained will remain, allowing you to become a werewolf again at a later point without any progression loss if you choose to cure yourself.
  • Leveling up the Active skills in the Werewolf line can take longer than expected, since you will only earn experience towards these skills while they are slotted in your skill bar, which can only happen while you are in werewolf form. The Werewolf Transformation skill itself will level even when you are not in werewolf form, so long as it is slotted (since it is an Ultimate), but the regular Active skills require you to transform regularly in order to level them.
  • As of Patch 4.1.5, the ability bar can be rearranged without being in werewolf form.
  • As of Patch 6.0.5, Werewolf skills were altered. Transforming into a Werewolf and using Werewolf active abilities will now be considered a criminal act, and there are now seven Achievements associated with being a Werewolf under Character Achievements.
  • It is possible to remain permanently transformed as a werewolf while visiting the Hunter's GladeCrown Store player home.
  • You cannot crouch and get in stealth mode while in werewolf form.
  • Werewolves do not have any animation for when they use a Skyshard.
  • You always transform back to your humanoid form when changing zone. Teleporting inside the same zone works normaly. You will get interrupted if you use a door while changing back to your human form.
