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This page details the ten playable races in Elder Scrolls Online, as well as the many non-playable NPC races you can encounter.

"NPCs" are programmed and classified differently than "creatures" in-game, with the former sharing similar shapes and animations to the playable characters while the latter consist of non-humanoid monsters and animals; this article defines "races" based on this technical categorization.

Playable Races[edit]

There are ten playable races in ESO. Each race has a home province (with the exception of Orcs), as well as an alliance that they are a member of. The races can be organized by what alliance they are loyal to:

Aldmeri Dominion Daggerfall Covenant Ebonheart Pact Other


All playable races have an associated skill line that complements their lore, such as the Dunmer proficiency with fire based magicka, which unlocks at level 5. The skill lines also give a bonus to one weapon or armor type which also complements their lore, such as the Nords bonus to Two Handed weapons.

Race bonuses at maximum level
Alliance Race +15% exp
gain in skill
Max Magicka
Magicka Recovery
Spell Damage Spell Damage
Max Health
Health Recovery
Max Stamina
Stamina Recovery
Weapon DamageWeapon Damage
Other Bonuses
Aldmeri Dominion
High Elf
Destruction Staff +2000 Max
+258 Spell Damage
+258 Weapon Damage
  • Activating an ability restores 625 Magicka or Stamina, based on whichever is lowest, once every 6 sec.
  • Take 5% less damage when using ability with a channel or cast time.
  • Increased experience gain by 1%.
Wood Elf
Bow +2000 Max
+258 Recovery
Medium Armor +915 Max
+90 Recovery
+915 Max
+90 Recovery
+915 Max
+90 Recovery
Daggerfall Covenant
Light Armor +2000 Max
+130 Recovery
One Hand and Shield +2000 Max
  • Increased duration of any eaten food by 15 minutes.
  • Reduced cost of weapon abilities by 8%.
  • Reduces the effectiveness of snares by 15%.
  • Dealing damage restores 1005 Stamina once every 5 seconds.
Heavy Armor +258 Spell Damage +1000 Max
+1000 Max
+258 Weapon Damage
  • Increased crafting inspiration gain by 10%.
  • Dealing damage restores 2125 Health once every 4 seconds.
  • The cost of Sprinting is reduced by 12%, and its speed bonus is increased by 10%.
Ebonheart Pact
Two Handed +1000 Max +1500 Max
Dark Elf
Dual Wield +1910 Max
+258 Spell Damage
+1910 Max
+258 Weapon Damage
  • Reduces damage taken from environmental lava by 50%.
  • Increased Flame Resistance by 4620.
Restoration Staff +1000 Max +1000 Max +1000 Max
  • Increased swimming speed by 50%.
  • Increased healing done by 6%.
  • Increased Disease and Poison Resistance by 2310.
  • Restore 3125 Health, Magicka, and Stamina when drinking a potion.
Any Imperial
One Hand and Shield +2000 Max +2000 Max
  • Increased gold gain by 1%.
  • Reduced cost of all abilities by 6%.

Many of the above 'other bonuses' do not unlock until player level 25 or above. Details can be found on each race's associated page.

Non-Playable Races[edit]

There are a number of other races throughout the game that are not available for you to play as (although some are available as polymorphs):

Subspecies of Playable Races[edit]



*These races are of the same species as playable ones, but are classified as "creatures" in-game due to being non-humanoid.

Other Extant Races[edit]

Historical Races[edit]

These races are extinct in the present day, but can be encountered in undead form or in flashbacks.

Monstrous Humanoids[edit]

These races are uncivilized beings that are nonetheless humanoid enough to share the same programming template as NPCs from playable races as opposed to being "creatures".

Daedric Races[edit]

These races are varieties of the demonic Daedra that are classified as humanoid NPCs as opposed to their more monstrous brethren.

Synthetic Races[edit]

The following are robotic humanoid beings.

Technical Races[edit]

These "races" do not fictionally represent such, but are still programmed and classified as their own in-game humanoid "species".


  • Your choice of Alliance when creating your character, usually dictated by race, is the single biggest influence on how your game will differ compared to other players.
  • The Imperials are only a playable race for those with the Imperial Edition of the game.