Online:Non-Combat Pets Furnishings/Flying Pets

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Image Name Cost Source Notes Description
10-Year Anniversary Golden Wisp (page) Acquired: Celebrate the 10-Year Anniversary by dancing in the golden light of this summoned wisp.
ON-pet-Amaranthine Pocket Watcher.jpg Amaranthine Pocket Watcher (page) 00200200 Crown Gems
040004,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store "My notes indicate these vibrantly hued watchers once inhabited the ruins of Zaintiraris until an unfortunate explorer set them free. Given their color and origin, I suspect Sheogorath holds some sway over them. Also unfortunate."—Warlock Aldaale
ON-pet-Ancestor Moth Swarm.jpg Ancestor Moth Swarm (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Wild Hunt Crate "The Ancestor Moths that accompany some mystically-attuned mortals are more than mere insects—they are animated by the loving spirits of the dearly departed, and may grant wisdom and awareness to those they visit." —Sister Terran Arminus
ON-pet-Aurulun Fledgling Gryphon.jpg Aurulun Fledgling Gryphon (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Sunken Trove Crate Spring blossoms nod their heads as if recognizing kin in this Elf-pampered companion. Some caretakers claim these gryphons provide a sense of ease to those who care for them—and pain for those who seek their demise.
ON-pet-Baby Netch.jpg Baby Netch (page) 00700700 Crowns
0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Wild Hunt Crate
Once this young Netch calf imprints on a master, it will follow him or her anywhere, floating along and tootling happily.
Bitter Coast Wasp (page) Acquired: "My family thinks wasps are the worst, but one of these solitary fellows helped me stave off a cliff strider attack. It started following me after it nibbled on a strider I'd killed. I guess it likes to eat them."—Gellius Nuncius, Wanderer
ON-pet-Blue Dragon Imp.jpg Blue Dragon Imp (page) 021002,100 Crowns
Acquired: Elsweyr Pre-Order Bonus Pack
Crown Store: Elsweyr Collector's Pack
"A 'Baby Dragon,' you say? No such thing. What you have there is a clever Illusion Imp that's found a way to get free handouts and a warm place to sleep. Young folk these days: so gullible." —Divayth Fyr
ON-pet-Blue Shock Nixad.jpg Blue Shock Nixad (page) 012001,200 Crowns
00960960 CrownsESO Plus discount
0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Gloomspore Crate
The rare and colorful Shock Nixad looks rather like a tiny, winged Storm Atronach, though without the whirling electric rocks. They make loyal companions—though they may also make your hair stand on end!
Blue Torchbug (page) Acquired: (?) The night before Waking Day, Iliac Bay Bretons share stories about the Terrible Torchbug of Molag Bal. While the story varies, all agree on one thing: those followed by a cobalt-hued torchbug possess a savagery in battle that haunts any who survive.
ON-pet-Bright Moons Dragon Imp.jpg Bright Moons Dragon Imp (page) Acquired: Daily Rewards "A very talented Imp, no? It cannot be denied Jone and Jode have blessed this creature with their light. Some even speak of having to hide their moon sugar from it!" —Adept Lakjo
ON-pet-Bright Moons Lunar Moth.jpg Bright Moons Lunar Moth (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Gloomspore Crate "When a Bright Moons Lunar Moth follows you, the blessings of Jone and Jode flutter close behind."—Moon-Priest Tedaza
ON-pet-Brimstone Nixad.jpg Brimstone Nixad (page) 010801,080 Crowns ESO Plus
012001,200 Crowns
00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Iron Atronach Crate
The legend among the underworld explorers of the Undaunted is that these little incendiary sprites are responsible for lighting all the candles, torches, and lanterns found burning underground, flying ahead of adventurers to ignite them in the dark.
ON-pet-Brown Steeple Bat.jpg Brown Steeple Bat (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Nightfall Crate "People blessed by these brown bat companions experience very few issues with insects. They love hiding in your pack during the day, and they'll keep you bug-free while you sleep at night."—Tanandra, Scholar-Errant
ON-pet-Cantaloupe Swamp Jelly.jpg Cantaloupe Swamp Jelly (page) 010001,000 Crowns
040004,000 Crowns (Murkmire Collector's Bundle)
00800800 Crowns Discounted
0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Murkmire Collector's Bundle
Crown Store
Sovngarde Crate
Though Argonians do relish the elastic flesh of the Black Marsh Swamp Jellies, the whimsical names they give them refer more to their appearance than to their flavor.
ON-pet-Carmine Wood Moth.jpg Carmine Wood Moth (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Grim Harlequin Crate Nearly driven to extinction a century ago by Nibenese, who used their brilliant ruby wing dust as rouge, these moths made a comeback in a different area: Valenwood. Friendly to a fault, they are now favored companions among alchemists.
ON-pet-Cipher's Eye Pocket Watcher.jpg Cipher's Eye Pocket Watcher (page) Acquired: ESO: Necrom Deluxe Edition "What have you learned, Watcher? Mortals on Nirn keep small companions. Oh, is that so? Names you say? As my small companion, you wish one? Very well, I shall call you Ocula. You have indeed earned it."—Morian Zenas
ON-pet-Conjured Dragon Imp.jpg Conjured Dragon Imp (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Order of the Lamp Crate This impressive vision is the work of a very dedicated illusion imp. The shimmering form sparks the adoration of all who see it, making for easy handouts and safe havens for this tiny so-called Dragon.
ON-pet-Crimson Torchbug.jpg Crimson Torchbug (page) Free for limited time
Acquired: Crown Store Khajiit claim these torchbugs are the light of Jode given form, which allows them to dance amid the moon-sugar cane and bless the crops. Now you can have one flitting about you! After all, having Jode's blessing is never a bad thing, right?
100px Crystaljack (page) Acquired: Complete In Memory Of These mesmerizing creatures hail from the Daedric realm of Mirrormoor. Unlike some of the other denizens of that realm, Crystaljacks appear to be organic in nature, with shimmering skin that simply mimics the appearance of mirrored surfaces.
ON-pet-Dappled Cactus Bat.jpg Dappled Cactus Bat (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Nightfall Crate "Sometimes called Friends of the Caravan, these black-and-white bats migrate among cacti stands in arid regions. Trackers follow their guano to find hydrating, safe cacti when in need. Easily trained to be a companion."—Tanandra, Scholar-Errant
Dawnstar Dovah-Fly (page) Acquired:
ON-pet-Devoted Torchbug.jpg Devoted Torchbug (page) Acquired: Code redemption
Ascent of the Arcanist Reward Bundle
The Wood Elves say that to be followed by a friendly Torchbug is an infallible sign of good fortune. Of course, they also catch them, dry them out, and smoke them in pipes.
ON-pet-Dockside Paper Wasp.jpg Dockside Paper Wasp (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Stonelore Crate "Clearing wasps from the Betnikh docks falls to our youngest warrior. One such asked a mage to help her befriend the wasps, and she led them away. All but one settled elsewhere, instead choosing to follow her loyally. I see you have one now."—Stulga
ON-pet-Duskfire Nectar Bat.jpg Duskfire Nectar Bat (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Preview Crate: Nightfall "So colorful! And common around orchards, farms, and other places with cultivated fruit and flowers. A priceless companion for foragers and travelers since they can lead you to food."—Tanandra, Scholar-Errant
ON-pet-Dusklight Lunar Moth.jpg Dusklight Lunar Moth (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Akaviri Potentate Crate Quiet, tree-shaded lakes attract these blue-purple moths. Legends claim they glide on starlight and rest upon the Moons' reflections in the water. If one follows you away, good luck is said to bless your path.
ON-pet-Emerald Oak Nixad.jpg Emerald Oak Nixad (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Order of the Lamp Crate "Emerald Oak Nixads are known for their mischief. Their coloration allows them to hide in forests, waiting for unsuspecting travelers to pass by. Upon leaving, travelers will find their rations much lighter, especially sweets."—Gold Coast Field Guide
ON-pet-Evermore Painter's Moth.jpg Evermore Painter's Moth (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Unfeathered Crate "Of course I used pigment from local moths when painting Duke Blaise Guimard's portrait. Several of my artist friends keep sanctuaries for these colorful creatures. Perhaps my own little Springrain will help start mine."—Lady Alyna Talemelier's Journal
ON-pet-Eyebright Raven.jpg Eyebright Raven (page) Acquired: Pre-ordering Gold Road "The ravens of Rivenspire are some of the smartest in all of Tamriel. Something about surviving in such an inhospitable land, I think. This fine fellow has been my companion on many a long night in the study."—Lady Felyse Talemelier
Frostmoss Imp (page) Acquired: "Why do people insist on having imps about? And why especially these kind? They twist whatever you tell them to do into something that serves them best, not you. Only those with an extraordinarily firm hand should even bother with them."—Divayth Fyr
ON-pet-Frostshriek Imp.jpg Frostshriek Imp (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Sovngarde Crate "This devious little creature will drop the ambient temperature considerably when summoned. And mind your fingers—the little monster likes nothing better than to freeze them, break them off, and pop them into its mouth!"—Divayth Fyr
ON-pet-Galen Wisp.jpg Galen Wisp (page) Free
Acquired: Crown Store Wisps are sent from Y'ffre to herald the storms of Rain's Hand. To see one is to see the promise of new growth, new life, and a new chapter in nature's cycle.
ON-pet-Glimmergreen Dovah-Fly.jpg Glimmergreen Dovah-Fly (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dark Chivalry Crate "Respect the dovah-fly. They are the spirits of the ancestors given new life. They brighten the quiet tranquility of ponds and streams. What better afterlife is there?"—Druid Henneque Blakeley
Golden Eagle (page) Acquired: "These majestic birds of prey are capable hunters, sighting their prey from great heights before descending in near silence for the kill. This prowess makes them prized by hunters and nobles alike."—Feathered Fauna, Translated
ON-pet-Green Dragon Imp.jpg Green Dragon Imp (page) Acquired: Dragon Rise Event "Ha ha! Fooled you, didn't it? Looks just like a Baby Dragon, doesn't it? Well, there are no such things, and you should know better. It's just an Illusion Imp with a rather Peryite look to it. Baby Dragon, really!" —Abnur Tharn
ON-pet-Guild Conjured Wisp.jpg Guild Conjured Wisp (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Order of the Lamp Crate "Look, it may not have much personality, but it's entrancing, in its own way. It's happy to see you, I think. The students at the Mages Guild were very proud of this conjuration. The least you can do is act impressed."—Mage Student Hrantin
ON-pet-Haunting Netch.jpg Haunting Netch (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: New Moon Crate "Gah! Netches! Mine kept getting stuck behind closed doors. So my friend and I made this ghostly netch. Yours for a song, five-claw! Not at all necromantic. Promise!"—Lanjo, merchant
ON-pet-Hearthhome Moth.jpg Hearthhome Moth (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: All-Maker Crate These ponderous moths flap slowly between pools of moonlight, attracted by the glow. During the day, they either rest on shady tree trunks or follow behind those who make them feel safe. Their delicate wings are famously soft to the touch.
ON-pet-Hollowjack Netch.jpg Hollowjack Netch (page) 00300300 Crown Gems
00225225 Crown Gems ESO Plus Discount
ata]](?) Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store The Witches Festival, which celebrates horror and death, also has a regrettable tradition of wanton vandalism associated with it, especially among Tamriel's callow youth. The so-called "Hollowjack Netch" appears to be a victim of this practice.
ON-pet-Ice Nixad.jpg Ice Nixad (page) 00300300 Crown Gems
050005,000 Seals of Endeavor
00240240 Crown Gems Discounted
040004,000 Seals of Endeavor Discounted
Acquired: Crown Store There is some debate among naturalists as to whether the Ice Nixad is a separate breed that is mainly seen in the winter because it hibernates during the warm months, or whether it's just a winter phase of ordinary Nixads that sometimes stays year-round.
ON-pet-Lemondot Netch.jpg Lemondot Netch (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Wraithtide Crate "Do colors seem louder? Does music taste different? Does Tirdas have a personality? You're probably experiencing the synesthesic venom of the rare lemondot netch. Relax. It's harmless. A little new perspective never killed anybody."—Alinon the Alchemist
ON-pet-Long-Winged Bat.jpg Long-Winged Bat (page) Acquired: Given for free to those who watched the The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor announcement livestream on Twitch Add this cute bat to your menagerie. Not only does it eat pesky bugs, but it'll keep you company on your adventures!
ON-pet-Mara's Blush Butterfly.jpg Mara's Blush Butterfly (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Akaviri Potentate Crate Delicate in both form and color, this pink-hued butterfly flits around Elsweyr, Skyrim, Rivenspire—and around you! Tailor Medresi Grulathil looked to her own butterfly companion for inspiration while crafting ceremonial garb honoring Mara in Solitude.
ON-pet-Mead-Dancer Honeybee.jpg Mead-Dancer Honeybee (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Diamond Anniversary Crate "Bees are simple, really. They respect power. That's why they follow a queen. Just act like you're supposed to be in charge and they'll work for you. Show any weakness, any hesitation? That's when you get stung."—Hei Honey-Hands
ON-pet-Mint Swamp Jelly.jpg Mint Swamp Jelly (page) 00900900 Crowns
00720720 Crowns Discount
010001000 Crowns
00800800 Crowns ESO Plus Discount
0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Gloomspore Crate
Though the Argonians claim that they name each breed of Black Marsh Swamp Jelly for its hue rather than its taste, there's no denying that the Mint Jelly does have a gratifyingly refreshing flavor.
ON-pet-Monarch Butterfly.jpg Monarch Butterfly (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Baandari Pedlar Crate The migratory Monarch Butterfly is a common sight across all of southern Tamriel, and it's seen in the northern provinces during summer. The Monarch is said to represent the souls of the present, in contrast to the Ancestor Moth that represents the past.
ON-pet-Moorpecker Magpie.jpg Moorpecker Magpie (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dark Brotherhood Crate Few birds are as intelligent or vain as the Moorpecker Magpie. Prized by scholars and mages alike for their keen instincts and trainability, the birds can be huffy and prone to temper tantrums when not rewarded with shinies for their work.
ON-pet-Mossy Netch Calf.jpg Mossy Netch Calf (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dwarven Crate The greenish, or "Mossy" Netches, are most commonly found in the West Gash region of northwest Vvardenfell. The calves are docile, even for Netches, and will happily follow along behind anyone who smells of their favorite fungi.
ON-pet-Mustardseed Moth.jpg Mustardseed Moth (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Sunken Trove Crate Known for its brilliant yellow hues, this moth flits through the deciduous fall forests of Cyrodiil almost unseen. Each year, some fly beyond the Heartland's borders in all directions, as if trying to escape the war-torn province.
ON-pet-Nectarthief Nixad.jpg Nectarthief Nixad (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Celestial Crate The Nords absolutely loathe these particular nixads since they interfere with their bees—and thus mead production. In an effort to help, Solitude's Mages Guild trained them to take instruction, making them into companions. Need a drinking buddy?
ON-pet-Orchid Nixad.jpg Orchid Nixad (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Storm Atronach Crate The rarest of these fay creatures is the Orchid Nixad, said to be sacred to the goddess Dibella, and found only in wild places hallowed to her worship. It's known that the Empress Tavia had an Orchid Nixad as a friend and companion.
ON-pet-Orchid Whisper Moth.jpg Orchid Whisper Moth (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Stonelore Crate The Dragonstar Caravan Company first found these brilliant moths while traveling from Evermore. Though attracted to the campfires, they didn't burn themselves. Instead, they settled on the caravan's goods, then followed them as if guarding them.
ON-pet-Passion Dancer Blossom.jpg Passion Dancer Blossom (page) Acquired: Combining Fragments obtained during Events Allow the passion of Dibella to lead you in a dance of her choosing and, in return, she may gift you with boon of one of her lively blooms. These frolicsome flowers flourish in the presence of energetic adherents like you.
ON-pet-Pellucid Swamp Jelly.jpg Pellucid Swamp Jelly (page) Acquired: Bounties of Blackwood Event, 33% threshold reward A favorite of veterinarians and beast masters across Tamriel, these netches are prized for their clear gelatinous outer membranes that allow students to view its organs from a distance.
ON-pet-Phoenix Moth.jpg Phoenix Moth (page) Acquired: Complete Guardian of Y'ffelon "Druids say the moths are ash made manifest. They leap from the flames of Mount Firesong and flutter away on the breeze. Nonsense! I've seen a moth ignite and then emerge from the coals like a cocoon."—Feather-Brained Teeska
ON-pet-Pink Torchbug.jpg Pink Torchbug (page) Acquired: Code redemption Some followers of Stendarr claim that those who see a Pink Torchbug must perform great acts of charity and mercy by sunset the following day. If they please Stendarr, the pleasant little creature might follow them for a time.
ON-pet-Plum Swamp Jelly.jpg Plum Swamp Jelly (page) 00900900 Crowns
010001,000 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store The Plum Swamp Jelly is the rarest of the so-called "Flavor" Jellies, and seeing one is considered by many Argonians to be a sign of good fortune. It's not at all unusual for an Argonian to wear a Plum Jelly's feeler as a "Good Luck Tentacle."
ON-pet-Pocket Watcher.jpg Pocket Watcher (page) 00300300 Crown Gems
00200200 Crown Gems
050005,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store "Some keep so-called Pocket Watchers as pets, playing off the name of those Pocket Mammoths seen in Wrothgar. Even at their smaller size? Still not the wisest move. Small Daedra are still Daedra, after all, and thus beyond our ken. "—Warlock Aldaale
ON-pet-Purple Torchbug.jpg Purple Torchbug (page) Acquired: Twitch drops Madness follows the Purple Torchbug, or so some claim. Others believe that those who once held Sheogorath's attention attract these insects. Either way, perhaps Sheogorath's dubious blessing touched them.
ON-pet-Regal Dovah-Fly.jpg Regal Dovah-Fly (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Flame Atronach Crate Many a Vvardenfell youngster growing up in the swamps of West Gash or the Bitter Coast remembers spending happy hours playing "dodge-dovah" with these hovering bug-buddies! If hand-raised from larval form, they can become devoted companion animals.
ON-pet-Regal Dragon Imp.jpg Regal Dragon Imp (page) Acquired: Complete The Dragon's Wrath Those who have watched this particular imp's mimicry wonder how it survived seeing the Dragon that inspired its antics. Regardless, awe others by making this imp your companion.
ON-pet-Rosy Netch Calf.jpg Rosy Netch Calf (page) 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Storm Atronach Crate The reddish, or "Rosy" Netches are native to the foyadas of the Molag Amur region of Vvardenfell, where they live in a semi-wild state subject to the occasional round-ups of the Netchimen. The calves, sulfurous odor aside, are quite adorable.
ON-pet-Scintillant Dovah-Fly.jpg Scintillant Dovah-Fly (page) Acquired: Enter the Brass Fortress for the first time The Dovah-Fly is a common sight in the oil-slick ravines of the Clockwork City. While its ornate clockworks are a wonder to behold, it's hard to shake the feeling that it's always watching you.
ON-pet-Screaming Midyear Nixad.jpg Screaming Midyear Nixad (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dark Chivalry Crate "Why. Can't. They. Keep. Quiet? Arkay blesses them with their own cycle, but every few years they claw their way back into Greenshade. And what do they do once they get here? Scream. Constantly."—Hasinel, Lament of the Midyear Screech
ON-pet-Sea Sapphire Dovah-Fly.jpg Sea Sapphire Dovah-Fly (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Iron Atronach Crate Often accompanying ships as they leave port, each blue-purple iridescent Dovah-Fly chooses a person to follow. Each night, the whirr of its gently flitting wings pull its chosen one to slumber, and at sunrise it lightly lands on its "pet" to wake them up.
ON-pet-Seht's Dovah-Fly.jpg Seht's Dovah-Fly (page) 010001,000 Crowns
00800800 Crowns Discounted
00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Dragonscale Crate
These are clearly fabricants, clockwork simulations of living creatures, with the distinctive appearance of the handiwork of Sotha Sil. But if so, how did they escape Clockwork City? What powers them? And why do they make such loyal pets? No one knows.
ON-pet-Senchal Horned Owl.jpg Senchal Horned Owl (page) Acquired: Combine 10 <a href='//' class='eso_item_link eso_item_link_q4' itemid='211128' quality='4' >Horned Owl Feathers</a> "This one has always admired the owls around here. Very wise creatures. Most do not get too close, even when offered treats. Most, but not all. This is Hooty. A very clever name, yes? What else does one call a pet owl?"—Traveling Merchant J'margo
ON-pet-Sepulchral Swamp Jelly.jpg Sepulchral Swamp Jelly (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dark Brotherhood Crate "Things that sink in the swamp never truly leave the cold embrace of the muck. Their tormented ends infuse the very land itself, haunting and changing the few living creatures that survive in that wretched place."—Swamp Songs: A History
ON-pet-Shadowswift Bat.jpg Shadowswift Bat (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Nightfall Crate "Normally you don't see these black bats because they prefer caves and other areas avoided by people. However, if trained, these fellows consider you a member of their colony and hate to leave your side."—Tanandra, Scholar-Errant
ON-pet-Snow Throat Fruit Bat.jpg Snow Throat Fruit Bat (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Nightfall Crate "Pure white, these bats, making them hard to see in wintry conditions. But give one a bit of banana, and it'll stick close to you for a while. With a constant diet of bananas and other fruits? You are its boon companion."—Tanandra, Scholar-Errant
ON-pet-Soulfire Dragon Illusion.jpg Soulfire Dragon Illusion (page) Acquired: Events "After much knowledge-seeking, I learned to summon an illusion of a small, fiery Dragon to follow me. While it's not the same as the real thing, that endears me to it more. Who wants a real Dragon around, after all?"—Ninaleon Sightbinder the First
ON-pet-Springlight Moth.jpg Springlight Moth (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Sovngarde Crate Originally from the Tenmar Jungle, these green moths spread via caravans and carry the scent of fresh spring rains with every flap of their wings.
ON-pet-Stainedwing Bat.jpg Stainedwing Bat (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Mirrormoor Crate The wings on these bats are mesmerizing, though difficult to spot during the day. When backlit by the light of Tamriel's moons, they seem to ignite in the sky. The illusion draws insects, a happy feast for the Stainedwing Bat.
ON-pet-Stainedwing Butterfly.jpg Stainedwing Butterfly (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Order of the Lamp Crate Despite their magnificent and fragile appearance, these butterflies are quite resilient. They've been known to cling to their chosen master through thick and thin, even in the midst of battle.
ON-pet-Stoneglow Imp.jpg Stoneglow Imp (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Dark Chivalry Crate "Don't let those icy blue eyes fool you. It's their claws you need to keep an eye on—they can shatter stone, leaving behind nothing but glowing rubble. Thankfully, they're actually quite good-natured creatures once they imprint on you."—Divayth Fyr
ON-pet-Stonewisp of Truth and Law.jpg Stonewisp of Truth and Law (page) Acquired: Combining Fragments obtained during Events Mage faithful of Julianos create these unique creatures as a form of devotional art. The wisp represents orderly aesthetics, a sense of balance, and focused energy. It also makes for a beautiful focusing tone while meditating.
ON-pet-Swamp Jelly.jpg Swamp Jelly (page) Acquired: Collecting and combining the seven Swamp Jelly runebox fragments found in Cyrodilic Collections Daily Contract Recompense containers Though obviously related to the netches of northeast Tamriel, the swamp jellies of southern Black Marsh also have a disquieting resemblance to aquatic jellyfish. Natural philosophers have no adequate explanation for this.
ON-pet-Sylvan Nixad.jpg Sylvan Nixad (page) 00700700 Crowns
00560560 Crowns Discounted
0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Psijic Vault Crate
Once a common sight in Cyrodiil's Great Forest, the Sylvan Nixad is now most often encountered in the glades and meadows of the Gold Coast. Once tamed, they make charming companions, loyal and easy to care for.
Tenmar Magpie (page) Acquired: Carnaval Crate Brilliant hues mark this vibrant magpie, whose primary habitat lies within the Tenmar Forest. Locals sometimes train them to signal the location of fallen prey for easier retrieval.
ON-pet-Tourmaline Swamp Jelly.jpg Tourmaline Swamp Jelly (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Iron Atronach Crate The Argonian who named this multihued jelly claims inspiration from the mineral, though some note she was calling it a "watermelon jelly" first. Oddly enough, some find its flavor resembles that of the fruit.
ON-pet-Turquoise Nixad.jpg Turquoise Nixad (page) 00700700 Crowns
00560560 Crowns Discounted
0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Flame Atronach Crate
Scholars think the iridescent blue Turquoise Nixad must have inherent magical properties, because those wings certainly aren't big enough to enable it to fly. Yet fly it does, flitting about like a beautiful human-shaped hummingbird moth.
ON-pet-Unstable Morpholith.jpg Unstable Morpholith (page) Acquired: Combining Fragments obtained during Events "The instability inherent in the structure of some morpholiths makes them unsuitable for use as sigil stones, yet that doesn't stop certain Daedric Princes from trying. Imagine the surprise when said portals don't work."—Warlock Aldaale
ON-pet-Vampiric Dragon Imp.jpg Vampiric Dragon Imp (page) Free
Acquired: Crown Store: Player Appreciation Bundle This imp, after being caged by Vampires, freed itself and can now join you in your journeys. Easily spooked, it often changes into a Vampiric Dragon form, hoping to seem fiercer than it is.
Vashabar Petal Moth (page) Acquired: "I think Y'ffre has a lesson for us in all his creations. Moths especially. It's easy to overlook them. But they remind us how to be soft. How to move lightly through the world, and how to follow the light."—Gundelion of Vashabar
Vivec's Promise Butterfly (page) Acquired: Like the Warrior-Poet himself, this striking butterfly is bisected by two distinct color palettes. The Tribunal's faithful consider it a good omen to see one of these creatures, and a blessing from Lord Vivec himself if one chooses to follow you.
White Butterfly (page) Acquired: (?)
ON-pet-White Torchbug.jpg White Torchbug (page) Acquired: (?) Some believe that gaining Meridia's favor is like gripping a double-edged blade tightly with bare hands. Yet, if you perform an action she likes, she may gift you with a White Torchbug—perhaps the least worrisome of her favors!
ON-pet-Witches Festival Ghost Netch.jpg Witches Festival Ghost Netch (page) Acquired: Combine 10 Possessed Shreds While it's unclear whether this little netch understands the nuances behind the Witches Festival's many traditions, its joyous tootling is reason enough to let it join in the celebrations.
ON-pet-Xylo Pollen Bat.jpg Xylo Pollen Bat (page) 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Ragebound Crate These brown-furred bats pollinate flowers along the Xylo River. Without them, nature's web in the Valenwood would be deeply disrupted. Plus they look adorable when they sneeze.
ON-pet-Yoltoor Dovah-Fly.jpg Yoltoor Dovah-Fly (page) 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Ragebound Crate Shimmering like fire, these dovah-flies dart around port cities, eating many of the nuisance insects that pester transported livestock. Recently, merchants started training and selling them to help others with insect issues.


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.