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Online:Unstable Morpholith

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"The instability inherent in the structure of some morpholiths makes them unsuitable for use as sigil stones, yet that doesn't stop certain Daedric Princes from trying. Imagine the surprise when said portals don't work."—Warlock Aldaale
Unstable Morpholith
ON-icon-pet-Unstable Morpholith.png
Unstable Morpholith
Type Flying Pet
Default Name Glimmerstone
Acquired From Combining Fragments obtained during Events
Category Non-Combat Pets (Flying Pets)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Unstable Morpholith is a special pet that can be summoned by combining three magical fragments bought from the Impresario. It is a Morphing Collectible; once summoned, the Unstable Morpholith can be transformed into various collectibles, including a skin, a personality, a mount, and finally a player home. Its default name is "Glimmerstone".

The base fragments and upgrade fragments were released incrementally throughout 2021 during various events that year. Once the final fragment for a particular upgrade was released, the subsequent event would switch to a new upgrade and the previous fragments were no longer available for purchase. All of these fragments were made available one last time during the 2021 New Life Festival.


The fragments were re-introduced in June 2023. Unstable Morpholith fragments are available at all times from the Event Merchant's Assistant, Philius Dormier. Philius will offer a selection of fragments with a cycling inventory as seasons change (lining up with start/end of an event when the seasonal change would happen in the middle of an event).

The seasonal rotation (subject to change) is as follows:

  • Spring (start of year): Doomchar Plateau fragments
  • Summer (middle of year): Deadlands Scorcher fragments
  • Autumn (after Zeal of Zenithar and before the Witches Festival): Deadlands Firewalker fragments
  • Winter (Witches Festival to the end of the year): Dagonic Quasigriff fragments

Base Pet[edit]

In order to acquire the base Unstable Morpholith pet, you must take part in several in-game events and buy three magical fragments. Fragments can only be bought with Event Tickets. All three fragments were introduced during the Midyear Mayhem 2021 event.

Item Description Price
ON-icon-fragment-Deadlands Flint.png Deadlands Flint The first of three components required to kindle an Unstable Morpholith. This mote can be further transformed with additional ingredients. When you have the Deadlands Flint, Rune-Etched Striker, and a Smoldering Fistful of Tinder: Use to combine and unlock the Unstable Morpholith pet collectable. 00000055Event Tickets
ON-icon-fragment-Rune-Etched Striker.png Rune-Etched Striker The second of three components required to kindle an Unstable Morpholith. This mote can be further transformed with additional ingredients. When you have the Deadlands Flint, Rune-Etched Striker, and a Smoldering Fistful of Tinder: Use to combine and unlock the Unstable Morpholith pet collectable. 00000055Event Tickets
ON-icon-fragment-Smoldering Bloodgrass Tinder.png Smoldering Bloodgrass Tinder The last of three components required to kindle an Unstable Morpholith. This mote can be further transformed with additional ingredients. When you have the Deadlands Flint, Rune-Etched Striker, and a Smoldering Fistful of Tinder: Use to combine and unlock the Unstable Morpholith pet collectable. 00000055Event Tickets
Summoning an Unstable Morpholith


Unstable Morpholith can be upgraded once you collect various upgrade fragments. There are four upgrades for the base Morpholith. Upgrade fragments could be bought from the Impresario during various events in 2021 for 000001010Event Tickets each.

Deadlands Scorcher Skin[edit]

"The glow of the Deadlands has seeped into your very essence, causing your skin to both redden and blacken. The brands of Mehrunes Dagon's realm blaze upon you. Do not fail him."
ON-icon-skin-Deadlands Scorcher.png
Deadlands Scorcher skin

The first upgrade released in Q1 was the Deadlands Scorcher skin, obtained by combining three different upgrade fragments with an Unstable Morpholith pet. The Unstable Morpholith will then morph into the Deadlands Scorcher skin.

Item Description Price First Available
ON-icon-fragment-Rune-Scribed Daedra Hide.png Rune-Scribed Daedra Hide A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith in the Deadlands Scorcher skin. 000001010Event Tickets Midyear Mayhem 2021 (January/February)
ON-icon-fragment-Rune-Scribed Daedra Sleeve.png Rune-Scribed Daedra Sleeve A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith in the Deadlands Scorcher skin. 000001010Event Tickets Tribunal Celebration 2021
ON-icon-fragment-Rune-Scribed Daedra Veil.png Rune-Scribed Daedra Veil A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith in the Deadlands Scorcher skin. 000001010Event Tickets Jester's Festival 2021

Deadlands Firewalker Personality[edit]

ON-icon-personality-Deadlands Firewalker.png
"You wandered the turbulent landscape of the Deadlands and proved your strength. Flame is now your feisty partner instead of a deadly foe, ready to face whatever grueling challenges Oblivion has to offer."
Deadlands Firewalker personality

The second upgrade released in Q2 is the Deadlands Firewalker personality, obtained by combining three different upgrade fragments with an Unstable Morpholith pet. The Unstable Morpholith will then morph into the Deadlands Firewalker personality.

Item Description Price First Available
ON-icon-fragment-Vial of Simmering Daedric Brew.png Vial of Simmering Daedric Brew A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into a Deadlands Firewalker personality. 000001010Event Tickets Anniversary Jubilee 2021
ON-icon-fragment-Vial of Bubbling Daedric Brew.png Vial of Bubbling Daedric Brew A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into a Deadlands Firewalker personality. 000001010Event Tickets Anniversary Jubilee 2021
ON-icon-fragment-Vial of Scalding Daedric Brew.png Vial of Scalding Daedric Brew A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into a Deadlands Firewalker personality. 000001010Event Tickets Midyear Mayhem 2021 (June/July)

Dagonic Quasigriff[edit]

"Burning ash and feathers dark, sharpened claws and rage—these hew close to the Razor Prince, or so explains a sage. Yet ere chaos warped this beast, Direnni crafted well. The Deadlands taints it with fell heat, impossible to quell."—Qilik the Skaafin
ON-icon-mount-Dagonic Quasigriff.png
Dagonic Quasigriff

The third upgrade released in Q3 is obtained by combining three different upgrade fragments with an Unstable Morpholith pet. The Unstable Morpholith will then morph into the Dagonic Quasigriff mount.

"When you have the Smoke-Wreathed Gryphon Feather, Black Iron Bit and Bridle, and Black Iron Stirrups: Use to combine to morph the Unstable Morpholith pet into a Dagonic Quasigriff mount".
Item Description Price First Available
ON-icon-fragment-Smoke-Wreathed Griffon Feather.png Smoke-Wreathed Gryphon Feather A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into a Dagonic Quasigriff mount. 000001010Event Tickets Pan-Elsweyr Celebration 2021
ON-icon-fragment-Black Iron Bit and Bridle.png Black Iron Bit and Bridle A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into a Dagonic Quasigriff mount. 000001010Event Tickets Year One Celebration
ON-icon-fragment-Black Iron Stirrups.png Black Iron Stirrups A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into a Dagonic Quasigriff mount. 000001010Event Tickets Bounties of Blackwood

Doomchar Plateau[edit]

"Forged in the fires of the Deadlands, this lava-ringed plateau features a stunning view of Daedric landmarks and a solid foundation on which to build your very own Daedric dwelling. Live dangerously within the realm controlled by Prince Mehrunes Dagon!"
ON-icon-house-Doomchar Plateau.png
Doomchar Plateau player home

The fourth upgrade released in Q4 is a Deadlands-themed player home. During this time, a "Gateway to Doomchar Plateau" portal was located at each Event Exchange and would teleport you to the house entrance in Malabal Tor so that it could be previewed.

Item Description Price First Available
ON-icon-fragment-Scorching Pillar.png Scorching Pillar A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into the Doomchar Plateau.. 000001010Event Tickets Witches Festival 2021
ON-icon-fragment-Searing Column.png Searing Column A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into the Doomchar Plateau.. 000001010Event Tickets Witches Festival 2021
ON-icon-fragment-Molten Key.png Molten Key A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into the Doomchar Plateau. 000001010Event Tickets Undaunted Celebration 2021
ON-icon-fragment-Profane Pedestal.png Profane Pedestal A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into the Doomchar Plateau. 000001010Event Tickets New Life Festival 2021
ON-icon-fragment-Unholy Tablet.png Unholy Tablet A component required to morph an Unstable Morpholith into the Doomchar Plateau. 000001010Event Tickets New Life Festival 2021


See Also[edit]
