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This is a list of all opponents and their decklists you can encounter during Practice matches in each difficulty.


Name Title Attribute/Class Theme
Blackmarsh Blitz The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Aggro
Blind Aggression The Victorious StrengthWillpower Crusader Aggro
Bloodhunter The Victorious StrengthAgility Archer Aggro
Covenant Quartermaster The Ironmonger StrengthIntelligenceEndurance Daggerfall Covenant Items
Death's Whisperer The Victorious IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer Undead
Dominion Lieutenant The Unvanquished IntelligenceWillpowerAgility Aldmeri Dominion Empower
Dunmer Deception The Victorious IntelligenceAgility Assassin Last Gasp
Dunmer Renegade The Victorious IntelligenceAgility Assassin Last Gasp
Dwemer Rising The Victorious Neutral Neutral Dwemer
Empire Bully The Tormentor WillpowerAgilityEndurance The Empire of Cyrodiil Creatures in both lanes
Gather the Dead The Victorious Endurance Endurance Undead
Guildsworn Expert The Skirmisher StrengthIntelligenceWillpower The Guildsworn Expertise
Hist Cult The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Ramp
Khajiit Offensive The Victorious WillpowerAgility Monk Pilfer
Marsh Smuggler The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Ramp
Motley Venture The Victorious StrengthAgility Archer Invade
Murkwater Assault The Victorious Agility Agility Goblins
Noble Commander The Victorious WillpowerEndurance Spellsword Guard
Pact Trooper The Resolute StrengthAgilityEndurance Ebonheart Pact Veteran
Revenant of Jode The Persistent IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer Consume
Servant of the Wise The Victorious IntelligenceWillpower Mage Supports
Shadows of the Lattice Follower of the Lattice WillpowerAgility Monk Wax and Wane
Skingrad Elite The Victorious WillpowerEndurance Spellsword Tempo
Slytongue The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Ramp
Srattol, the Rebel The Victorious StrengthEndurance Warrior Orcs
Strongarm The Victorious Strength Strength Aggro
Summerset Defender The Victorious Willpower Willpower Guard
Support of the Scholars The Victorious IntelligenceWillpower Mage Actions
Sureshot The Victorious StrengthAgility Archer Wounded
Swamp Stalker The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Ramp
Sylvan Majesty The Victorious WillpowerAgility Monk Animals
The Baron The Victorious Intelligence Intelligence Tempo
The Patient One The Victorious Endurance Endurance Guard
The Scholar The Victorious IntelligenceAgility Assassin Actions
The Wolfpack The Victorious Willpower Willpower Animals
Thornshield The Victorious WillpowerAgility Monk Health Gain
Titan of the Forge The Victorious StrengthIntelligence Battlemage Items
Warden of the Pass The Victorious StrengthEndurance Warrior Guard
Wardens of Camlorn The Victorious IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer Tempo


Name Title Attribute/Class Theme
Ancient Guardian The Victorious WillpowerEndurance Spellsword Tempo
Argonian Assault The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Ramp
Armed and Dangerous The Victorious StrengthIntelligence Battlemage Items
Beasts of the Wild The Victorious WillpowerAgility Monk Animals
Caller of Beasts The Victorious WillpowerAgility Monk Animals
Centurion The Victorious Willpower Willpower Tempo
Dres Champion The Victorious Intelligence Intelligence Tempo
Empowered Battlereeve The Vigorous IntelligenceWillpowerAgility Aldmeri Dominion Empower
Fateweaver The Victorious IntelligenceWillpower Mage Prophecy
Fire-Eyes The Victorious Strength Strength Aggro
Forgeborn The Victorious StrengthIntelligence Battlemage Items
Gatecrasher The Victorious StrengthWillpower Crusader Invade
Goblin Ascetic The Victorious WillpowerAgility Monk Goblins
Goblin Gathering The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Goblins
Grahtwood Defense The Victorious StrengthAgility Archer Wounded
Gromp, the Grim The Victorious StrengthEndurance Warrior Tempo
Guerilla Fighter The Untouchable StrengthAgilityEndurance Ebonheart Pact Veteran
Hand of Tyr The Victorious StrengthWillpower Crusader Aggro
Illen, Giftbearer The Victorious IntelligenceAgility Assassin Keywords
March of the Imperials The Victorious WillpowerEndurance Spellsword Tokens
March of the Undead The Victorious Endurance Endurance Undead
Mobilized for War The Blademaster StrengthIntelligenceEndurance Daggerfall Covenant Items
Moonlit Nuisance Moon Chaser WillpowerAgility Monk Wax/Wane
Nord Warfare The Victorious StrengthWillpower Crusader Aggro
Orc Stronghold The Victorious StrengthEndurance Warrior Orcs
Pickpockets The Victorious WillpowerAgility Monk Pilfer
Rootwalker The Victorious StrengthAgility Archer Animals
Savvy Guildmaster The Persistent StrengthIntelligenceWillpower The Guildsworn Expertise
Snapbite, the Starved The Victorious Willpower Willpower Animals
Spells of the Skywatch The Victorious IntelligenceWillpower Mage Actions
Stoutarm The Victorious IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer Ward
Swarming Tactician The Conqueror WillpowerAgilityEndurance The Empire of Cyrodiil Creatures in both lanes
Tethered Medium The Deadly IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer Consume
The Gambler The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Lethal
The Warden The Victorious IntelligenceWillpower Mage Shackle
Watch Your Step The Victorious IntelligenceWillpower Mage Tempo
With a Last Gasp The Victorious IntelligenceAgility Assassin Last Gasp


Name Title Attribute/Class Theme
Ahnassi The Victorious WillpowerAgility Monk Pilfer
Ahnassi's Messenger The Victorious WillpowerAgility Monk Pilfer
Alcus, the Mad The Victorious StrengthIntelligence Battlemage Aggro
Blind Crusader The Victorious StrengthWillpower Crusader Aggro
Brotherhood Listener The Victorious IntelligenceAgility Assassin Last Gasp
Brutalbolt The Victorious Intelligence Intelligence <2-cost/Actions
Death Lord The Victorious IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer Prophecy/Undead
Deft Swordsman Covenant Warmage StrengthIntelligenceEndurance Daggerfall Covenant Items
Fighters Guild Paragon Guildsworn Campaigner StrengthIntelligenceWillpower The Guildsworn Expertise
Grahtwood Marksman The Victorious StrengthAgility Archer Wounded
Grizzled Veteran Pact Guerilla StrengthAgilityEndurance Ebonheart Pact Veteran
High King Emeric The Victorious IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer Tempo
Imperial Praefect The Victorious WillpowerEndurance Spellsword Tokens
Ironheart The Victorious StrengthWillpower Crusader Token Aggro
Kha, the Everlasting The Victorious WillpowerAgility Monk Health Gain
Laying Siege Dominion Ambassador IntelligenceWillpowerAgility Aldmeri Dominion Empower
Marching Orders Imperial Tactician WillpowerAgilityEndurance The Empire of Cyrodiil Creatures in both lanes
Murkwater Defender The Victorious Agility Agility Goblins
Odahviing The Victorious WillpowerEndurance Spellsword Ramp/Guard
Qit, the Limber The Victorious Agility Agility Move
Red Bramman The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Ramp
Riften Marauder The Victorious StrengthWillpower Crusader Aggro
Rightful Heir The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Hand Buff
Rihad Battlemage The Victorious StrengthIntelligence Battlemage Items
Savage Warchief The Victorious StrengthEndurance Warrior Orcs
Shadow Necromancer The Victorious IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer Undead
Shifty Lookout The Quick Clawed WillpowerAgility Monk Pilfer
Silent Watcher The Victorious Neutral Neutral Dwemer
Sinew and Soul The Lich IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer Consume
Sparkslinger The Victorious StrengthIntelligence Battlemage Actions/Aggro
Stormscout The Victorious Willpower Willpower Tokens
Summerset Archmage The Victorious IntelligenceWillpower Mage Actions
Swarmleader The Victorious AgilityEndurance Scout Goblins/Silence
The Bully The Victorious Strength Strength Aggro
The Chameleon The Victorious IntelligenceAgility Assassin Ward
The Scavenger The Victorious IntelligenceWillpower Mage Supports
The Traitor The Victorious IntelligenceAgility Assassin Shackle
The Woodsman The Victorious StrengthAgility Archer Charge
Undead Warlord The Victorious Endurance Endurance Undead
Who Beckons Oblivion The Victorious StrengthIntelligence Battlemage Invade
These decks do not appear in practice mode as they are (wrongly) assigned as "false" in the files.

Retired Decks[edit]

The following decks are removed from the game and are not possible to encounter anymore.

Name Title Attribute/Class Theme Original Difficulty
Dwemer Defense The Victorious Neutral Neutral Dwemer Adept
Elsweyr Gardener The Victorious IntelligenceWillpower Mage Items Expert
Fire Swindler The Victorious StrengthAgility Archer 0-cost Expert
High King's Guard The Victorious IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer Ward Expert
Keymaster The Victorious IntelligenceAgility Assassin Keywords Adept
Master of Illusions The Victorious IntelligenceAgility Assassin Keywords Expert
Orc Might The Victorious StrengthEndurance Warrior Orcs Expert
Small-Time Swindler The Victorious StrengthAgility Archer 0-cost Adept
Stoneshard Might The Victorious StrengthEndurance Warrior Orcs Adept
Swords of Elsweyr The Victorious IntelligenceWillpower Mage Items Adept