Legends:Practice/The Patient One

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The Patient One
The Victorious
Class Endurance Endurance
Difficulty Novice
Theme Guard
Prophecies Prophecy 3x Fharun Defender, 3x Sparking Spider, 1x Lurking Mummy, 2x Portcullis, 1x Dark Harvester
Attributes Endurance 32Neutral 18
Rarity Common 42Rare 6Epic 1Legendary 1

Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
2 Neutral Dwarven Spider Creature (Dwemer) 0 0 3 1Common Common Guard
2 Endurance Healing Hands Action 0 1Common Common Heal a creature, then give it +1/+1.
2 Neutral Maple Shield Item 0 1Common Common +0/+3
1 Endurance Suppress Action 0 2Rare Rare Silence a creature.
2 Endurance Deathless Draugr Creature (Skeleton) 1 1 1 1Common Common Last Gasp: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton.
3 Endurance Colovian Trooper Creature (Imperial) 2 2 2 1Common Common Guard
3 Endurance Fharun Defender Prophecy Creature (Orc) 2 1 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
2 Endurance Hist Speaker Creature (Argonian) 2 2 2 1Common Common While Hist Speaker is in play, your max magicka is increased by 1.
3 Endurance Oldgate Warden Creature (Breton) 2 0 5 1Common Common Guard, Regenerate
3 Neutral Stalking Crocodile Creature (Reptile) 2 3 2 1Common Common
1 Endurance Blackrose Herbalist Creature (Argonian) 3 2 4 3Epic Epic At the start of your turn, heal another random friendly creature.
3 Endurance Dark Guardian Creature (Skeleton) 3 2 5 1Common Common Guard
When your opponent draws a Prophecy from a rune being destroyed, draw a card.
3 Neutral Dwarven Sphere Creature (Dwemer) 3 2 3 1Common Common Summon: Shackle an enemy creature.
1 Endurance Imperial Armor Item 3 1Common Common +0/+6
1 Endurance Plea to Kynareth Action 3 2Rare Rare Heal all friendly creatures in a lane, then give them all +1/+1.
3 Endurance Tree Minder Creature (Argonian) 3 1 1 1Common Common Guard
Summon: Gain +1 max magicka.
2 Endurance Northpoint Lieutenant Creature (Breton) 4 4 2 2Rare Rare
3 Neutral Sparking Spider Prophecy Creature (Dwemer) 4 2 3 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
2 Neutral Gristlehide Dreugh Creature (Dreugh) 5 3 5 1Common Common When Gristlehide Dreugh takes damage and survives, draw a card.
1 Endurance Lurking Mummy Prophecy Creature (Mummy) 5 2 6 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
2 Neutral Portcullis Prophecy Creature (Defense) 5 0 9 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
1 Endurance Mountain Tyrant Creature (Giant) 6 6 6 2Rare Rare Guard
1 Endurance Wrath of Sithis Creature (Spirit) 6 5 6 2Rare Rare Summon: Your opponent's cards cost 1 more next turn.
1 Neutral Dark Harvester Prophecy Creature (Dreugh) 7 2 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
Summon: Gain 4 health.
1 Endurance Swamp Leviathan Creature (Reptile) 7 8 8 1Common Common
1 Endurance Volkihar Lord Creature (Vampire) 9 7 7 4Legendary Legendary Drain