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Online:Eastmarch Antiquities

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This is a list of all of the Antiquities that are found in the Eastmarch.

ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Nord: Leg Greaves Value 13
Reginus Buca
Thankfully, Harald emphasized practicality, thus sparing the Nords from the same dark period of preposterously proportioned cod pieces found in High Rock around this time.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Nord Style)
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-furnishing-Eastmarch Map 02.png Name Antique Map of Eastmarch Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
Skyrim, the Old Holds. Eastmarch, specifically--the former heartland of the Nord Empire.
Verita Numida
Windhelm in particular is the oldest human settlement in all of Tamriel. One wonders what stories and treasures have been forgotten in this ancient land.
Reginus Buca
I'm reminded of one: There's an old Nordic legend about how the hero Wuundig fought a mighty Daedra here and melted it with a flaming hammer. The hot springs of Eastmarch are what's left of the monster.
Type Furniture
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Name Nord Copper Shield Boss Value 250
Verita Numida
A decorative shield boss, Nordic, mid-4th century First Era. Nord shields grew larger over time in the later years of the Nordic Empire, and accomplished warriors began to adorn the center boss with scrollwork and natural designs.
Lovely! The stylized leaves in the design appear to represent ash trees, renowned for the strength and durability of their wood. Perhaps the owner held a special reverence for the Kynesgrove and sought the Keepers' blessing?
Ugron gro-Thumog
This belonged to a fighter, not a priest. The ash-leaves are also emblems of Shor's hall that lies in a distant grove of Sovngarde, guarded by god-touched heroes; the bearer of this shield meant to find death in battle and join their ranks.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Simple
  • Accessible by default
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Name Wolf-head Brooch Value 1,000
Reginus Buca
This is unusual. One might attribute it to Haafingar heraldry, but I think it's far older than Solitude's standard. In the Old Way of the Nords, the She-Wolf embodied commitment and fertility; I suspect this brooch belonged to ancient sword-maiden.
Gabrielle Benele
Sorry, but that animal's face does not say "commitment and fertility" to me. The snarling expression reminds me of carved doorposts I've seen near the River Yorgrim. I think this brooch is a warlike thane's house emblem.
Warlike? No, cursed! The connection is clear: the brooch is the emblem of a family whose lords are werewolves. The Jurgalds ruled Lower Yorgrim for centuries, and they embraced Hircine's curse. Could this be the cloak-clasp of a Jurgald thane?
Type Treasure
Difficulty Intermediate
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Name Aligned Dwarven Plates Value N/A
A series of connected ebony plates and Dwarf-metal accents? It almost resembles the structure of a snake. I've heard tales of similar creatures in the Clockwork City. By Auri-El, if I ever make it to that place, I'll faint on the spot!
Type Mount Fragment (Ebon Dwarven Wolf)
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral Nord: Shields Value 13
Reginus Buca
Eschewing the need for buoyancy made Nord heavy infantry second to none in their resilience, except arguably the Orcs. One account claimed that one of these shields could crumple and Elven cuirass with a full speed charge.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral Nord Style)
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Name Royal Ivory Hilt Value 5,000
Ugron gro-Thumog
No common warrior could afford a sword-hilt of mammoth ivory. The dragon-head motif also marks this as the heirloom of a royal line. The metal here is bronze, not gold--a weapon of war, not a lord's decoration. This, then, is what's left of a battle-sword belonging to a Nord king or prince from the time of the Ysgramor Dynasty. I wish I could have seen the blade itself. It must have been marvelous. By Nord standards, at least.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-furnishing-Sacred Chalice of Ysgramor.png Name Sacred Chalice of Ysgramor Value N/A
Here's a pretty cup. Sturdy, too! This predated the rise of Harald by a few centuries at least. Difficult to identify the figure on the side with certainty, but here's a good rule of thumb: if the artwork predates Harald, it's a depiction of Ysgramor.
Reginus Buca
Can't say I approve of such a sweeping principle, but it does tend to be correct. This certainly features Ysgramor, flanked by Atmoran runes. The Draconic silhouettes and ruby inlays clearly indicate this chalice belonged to someone of high station.
Verita Numida
One of Ysgramor's heirs, no doubt! We identify Harald as the thirteenth in Ysgramor's line, but his forebears likely adorned their weapons, armor, even their silverware with Ysgramor's image. His face would lend legitimacy to any official act.
Type Furniture (view furnishing)
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-furnishing-Carved Whale Totem.png Name Carved Whale Totem Value N/A
Ugron gro-Thumog
A whale totem, eh? The Nord god, Stuhn, still has totemic roots. Never seen something like this hewn from opal, though. You typically only see this kind of stone in Elsweyr. Can't imagine the Atmorans traded with the Khajiit prior to the Dragon War.
I recognize the Stuhn connection, but this statue feels less devotional than other Stuhn-precursor carvings I've seen. It feels like a purely aesthetic exercise. See the whorls supporting the whale? Do they look like clouds to anyone else?
Reginus Buca
Amalien, these rumors of flying whales are patently absurd. Nord warriors "cross the whalebone bridge" to reach Sovngarde. Flying whales are just a cultural metaphor for the transition from Nirn to Aetherius. In any case, they look like waves to me.
Type Furniture (view furnishing)
Difficulty Master
‎‎Lead Overland mobs in various zones, including:
  • Eastmarch (giant, mammoth)
  • The Rift (mammoth, sabrecat)
  • Malabal Tor (Timber Mammoth)
  • Western Skyrim (bristleback, mammoth, sabrecat)
  • Cyrodiil (Mammoths)
ON-icon-fragment-Snowy Sabre Cat Fur Strip.png Name Snowy Sabre Cat Fur Strip Value N/A
Over the years, many artists have imagined Snow Elf attire as being made of fashionable furs from head to toe. Long fur capes, decorative hats, fluffy boots .... The stitching on the sides suggests these were made for clothes.
Reginus Buca
Snowy sabre cats would have been abundant in the areas Snow Elves nobles inhabited, especially at the time. It's not out of the question to say they could have been the main source of material for clothes and a variety of other resources.
Verita Numida
I'm no tailor, but I do have an eye for style. These are cut in such a way that they would be the inner lining of either a hat or possibly even gloves. You can clearly see where the outer layer was pulled away from the stitching.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Snow Treaders)
Difficulty Master