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An artifact is a unique and unusually powerful magical item. Many of the artifacts in Oblivion have appeared in previous Elder Scrolls games, as listed at the Lore article on Artifacts.

This is a list of artifacts that were added in the base game for Oblivion. For artifacts added by the Shivering Isles expansion, see its artifact page.

The definition used for artifacts on this article is that the item must meet all three of the following requirements:

  • Be unique in appearance.
  • Only appear once in the game.
  • Have a unique and/or useful enchantment.

Many of the artifacts are of Daedric origin. These items are formed from the essence of a Daedric Prince, providing the items with their power. Fifteen Daedric Artifacts in particular are identified by Martin, one for each of the fifteen Daedric quests. These artifacts are listed at Daedric Quests, and are the only artifacts that will be accepted by Martin for the Blood of the Daedra quest, even though other artifacts in the game may also be associated with Daedric Princes and therefore may be considered Daedric artifacts. These are also the only artifacts that count toward the "Artifacts Found" on your character's statistics pages.

Other artifacts are formed from the essence of an Aedra; these artifacts are known as Aedric artifacts.

In addition to the artifacts listed on this page, there are a few other items encountered in the game which could be considered artifacts, except that the items do not have an enchantment that can be used by the player. Therefore, from a gameplay perspective these items are not valuable, and their statistics are not detailed in this article. These items include:

Items that only appear once in-game but only fulfill one of the other two criteria for artifacts can be found at Unique Items.

Weapon Artifacts[edit]

Blackwater Blade[edit]

Blackwater Blade
Leveled Artifact: Blackwater Blade (0006B69B)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
(lore page)
Type Blade One Hand
Editor ID MS31BlackwaterBlade25
Damage Damage 24
Damage Damage 24 Health Health 725
Speed 1.0
Speed 1.0 Reach 1.0
Weight Weight 48 Value Value 6670
Absorb Fatigue 20 pts for 12 secs
Charge/Cost = Uses 8750/175=50
Blackwater Blade

The artifact Blackwater Blade is a one-handed blade, given to you by, or looted from, Selene during An Unexpected Voyage. It is similar in appearance to the fine steel longsword, but has a different pattern on the hilt, and also a different icon in the inventory.

For full leveled statistics, see the Blackwater Blade article.


Leveled Artifact: Chillrend (00068C01)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
(lore page)
Type Blade One Hand
Editor ID MS18Chillrend25
Damage Damage 21
Damage Damage 21 Health Health 615
Speed 1.2
Speed 1.2 Reach 0.8
Weight Weight 22 Value Value 4584
Frost Damage 20 pts
Weakness to Frost 35% for 20 secs
Charge/Cost = Uses 4160/52=80

The ice-based artifact Chillrend is a one-handed blade given as a reward for completing the quest The Killing Field, if both sons survived. Its appearance is similar to a glass shortsword, although it has a blue hue, slightly smaller grip, and longer blade.

For full leveled statistics, see the Chillrend article.


Leveled Artifact: Debaser (0006BD85)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
(lore page)
Type Blade One Hand
Editor ID MS29AgarmirsSword25
Damage Damage 24
Damage Damage 24 Health Health 705
Speed 1.0
Speed 1.0 Reach 1.0
Weight Weight 48 Value Value 6028
Drain Willpower 30 pts for 20 secs
Drain Endurance 30 pts for 20 secs
Charge/Cost = Uses 7200/120=60

The Debaser is found in the Imperial City, Green Emperor Way during the quest Unfriendly Competition. It is similar in shape to a fine steel shortsword but with darker coloration and engravings; also, its statistics such as speed and reach are those of a longsword, not a shortsword.

For full leveled statistics, see the Debaser article.

Ebony Blade[edit]

Ebony Blade
Daedric Artifact: Ebony Blade (00027109)
(lore page)
Type Blade; One Hand
Editor ID DAEbonyBlade
Damage Damage 23
Damage Damage 23 Health Health 800
Speed 1.0
Speed 1.0 Reach 1.0
Weight Weight 46 Value Value 6512
Absorb Health 8 pts
Silence 10 secs
Charge/Cost = Uses 3700/82=45
Ebony Blade

The Daedric artifact Ebony Blade is a katana (one-handed blade) that can be obtained by doing Mephala's Daedric quest.


Daedric Artifact: Goldbrand (00027105)
(lore page)
Type Blade; One Hand
Editor ID DAGoldbrand
Damage Damage 25
Damage Damage 25 Health Health 900
Speed 1.0
Speed 1.0 Reach 1.0
Weight Weight 52 Value Value 6615
Fire Damage 22 pts
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/39=76

The Daedric artifact Goldbrand is a one-handed katana. Goldbrand is obtained by completing Boethia's Daedric quest. The blade is similar to the version found in Morrowind. See the book Tamrielic Lore for background on this item.

Mace of Molag Bal[edit]

Mace of Molag Bal
Daedric Artifact: Mace of Molag Bal (00027117)
(lore page)
Type Blunt; One Hand
Editor ID DAMolagBalMace
Damage Damage 25
Damage Damage 25 Health Health 1500
Speed 0.9
Speed 0.9 Reach 1.0
Weight Weight 45 Value Value 4900
Absorb Strength 5 pts for 0 secs
Absorb Magicka 5 pts
Charge/Cost = Uses 2200/50=44
Mace of Molag Bal

The Mace of Molag Bal is a Daedric artifact obtained as a reward for Molag Bal's Daedric quest. See the book Tamrielic Lore for background on this item.

Rugdumph's Sword[edit]

Rugdumph's Sword
Artifact: Rugdumph's Sword (0000BEA6)
Type Blade Two Hand
Editor ID FGC09RugdumphSword
Damage Damage 14
Damage Damage 14 Health Health 700
Speed 1.0
Speed 1.0 Reach 1.0
Weight Weight 28 Value Value 740
Absorb Speechcraft 5 pts for 5 secs
Silence for 5 secs
Charge/Cost = Uses 1500/38=39
Rugdumph's Sword

Rugdumph's Sword is a unique two-handed sword, given to you by Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak as a reward for completing the quest The Noble's Daughter. It is mostly identical in shape to a silver claymore but is of shorter length and has different coloration and markings.

Despite being a two-handed weapon, its reach, weight, damage, and speed are consistent with a silver longsword.


Leveled Artifact: Thornblade (0006B665)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
Type Blade One Hand
Editor ID MS13Thornblade25
Damage Damage 24
Damage Damage 24 Health Health 705
Speed 1.0
Speed 1.0 Reach 1.0
Weight Weight 48 Value Value 6760
Disintegrate Armor 120 pts
Charge/Cost = Uses 9000/150=60
The Thornblade

The artifact Thornblade is obtained in Cheydinhal as one of the two choices of rewards for completing The Wayward Knight quest, the other reward being the Staff of Indarys.

For full leveled statistics see the Thornblade article.


Artifact: Umbra (00026B22)
(lore page)
Type Blade; One Hand
Editor ID DAClavicusUmbraSword
Damage Damage 28
Damage Damage 28 Health Health 700
Speed 1.0
Speed 1.0 Reach 1.0
Weight Weight 45 Value Value 5508
Soul Trap 120 secs
Charge/Cost = Uses 2500/20=125

The artifact Umbra is an enchanted sword obtained by slaying its wielder, as in Morrowind. This time, however, it is a one-handed weapon carried by Umbra, a female Wood Elf located in Vindasel. She and the sword are encountered during Clavicus Vile's Daedric quest.

Although this sword is associated with a Daedric quest, it is not considered a Daedric artifact for the quest Blood of the Daedra or for your character's statistics page. See the book Tamrielic Lore for background on this item.

For more information, see the lore article or the main article on the sword found in the game.


Daedric Artifact: Volendrung (0009DB4F)
(lore page)
Type Blunt; Two Hand
Editor ID DAVolendrung
Damage Damage 20
Damage Damage 20 Health Health 3200
Speed 0.7
Speed 0.7 Reach 1.3
Weight Weight 60 Value Value 5362
Drain Health 5 pts for 20 secs
Paralyze 3 secs
Charge/Cost = Uses 2500/156=16

The Daedric artifact Volendrung is a gigantic and powerful two-handed Dwemer warhammer that can be obtained as the reward for Malacath's Daedric quest. It is enchanted with Drain Health and Paralyze.

For details, see the Volendrung page.


Leveled Artifact: Witsplinter (0006B1C4)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
(lore page)
Type Blade; One Hand
Editor ID MS04Witsplinter25
Damage Damage 19
Damage Damage 19 Health Health 532
Speed 1.4
Speed 1.4 Reach 0.6
Weight Weight 10 Value Value 3895
Damage Magicka 35 pts
Drain Intelligence 10 pts for 20 secs
Charge/Cost = Uses 2940/49=60

Witsplinter is a dagger used by Faustina Cartia, leader of the Sirens gang in Anvil. You meet Faustina and have an opportunity to acquire Witsplinter during The Siren's Deception quest. The dagger looks like an Elven dagger but has different markings and engravings, as well as a slightly shorter handle and the gold tint of the handle replaced with red. Its statistics are dependent upon your character's level at the time when you obtain it.

For full leveled statistics, see the Witsplinter article.

Armor Artifacts[edit]

Apron of Adroitness[edit]

Apron of Adroitness
Leveled Artifact: Apron of Adroitness (000C5B4F)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
Type Cuirass, Light Armor
Editor ID MS14RytheApronAd25
Armor Rating Rating 12.5
Armor Rating Rating 12.5 Health Health 1100
Weight Weight 15 Value Value 3800
Fortify Agility 10 pts
Fortify Intelligence 10 pts
The Apron of Adroitness

The Apron of Adroitness is given as a reward for completing the quest A Brush with Death.

For full leveled statistics, see the Apron of Adroitness article.

Ayleid Crown of Lindai[edit]

Ayleid Crown of Lindai
Leveled Artifact: Ayleid Crown of Lindai (000BE5D4)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID MS27LindaiAyleidCrown25
Armor Rating Rating 0
Armor Rating Rating 0 Health Health 400
Weight Weight 1 Value Value 8350
Fortify Alteration 15 pts
Fortify Illusion 15 pts
Resist Magic 35%
The Ayleid Crown of Lindai

The Ayleid Crown of Lindai is a unique light helmet found in the ruins of Lindai during the Secrets of the Ayleids quest.

For more information, including full leveled statistics, see the Ayleid Crown of Lindai article.

Ayleid Crown of Nenalata[edit]

Ayleid Crown of Nenalata
Leveled Artifact: Ayleid Crown of Nenalata (000BE5D9)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
(lore page)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID MS27NenalataAyleidCrown25
Armor Rating Rating 0
Armor Rating Rating 0 Health Health 344
Weight Weight 1 Value Value 13100
Fortify Alteration 15 pts
Fortify Conjuration 15 pts
Reflect Spell 25%
The Ayleid Crown of Nenalata

The Ayleid Crown of Nenalata is a light helmet found in Herminia Cinna's house (Imperial City, Elven Gardens District) during the Secrets of the Ayleids quest.

For more information, including full leveled statistics, see the Ayleid Crown of Nenalata article.

Bloodworm Helm[edit]

Bloodworm Helm
Leveled Artifact: Bloodworm Helm (0007BE43)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
(lore page)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID BloodwormHelm25
Armor Rating Rating 4.5
Armor Rating Rating 4.5 Health Health 150
Weight Weight 5 Value Value 1255
Fortify Conjuration 12 pts
Bloodworm Helm

The Bloodworm Helm is a leveled light helmet encountered during The Bloodworm Helm quest in the Mages Guild questline. It must be given up after the quest and cannot subsequently be retrieved. The level 1-4 helm also allows you to cast the apprentice-level version of the Essence Drain spell when wearing the helm.

For full leveled statistics, see the Bloodworm Helm article.

Boots of Bloody Bounding[edit]

Boots of Bloody Bounding
Leveled Item: Boots of Bloody Bounding (000348AC)
(All statistics are for level 30+ version)
Type Boots, Light Armor
Editor ID DBLeatherBootsReward30
Armor Rating Rating 2.0
Armor Rating Rating 2.0 Health Health 75
Weight Weight 7 Value Value 3615
Fortify Acrobatics 18 pts
Fortify Blade 18 pts
The Boots of Bloody Bounding

The Boots of Bloody Bounding are given as a reward for completing The Renegade Shadowscale, which is an optional Dark Brotherhood quest. The boots are one of the two in-game appearances of Pit Armor, a set of armor that was designed but never put in the finished game, meaning that, had the armor been added to standard loot, this item would not have qualified as an artifact.

For full leveled statistics, see the Boots of Bloody Bounding article.

Escutcheon of Chorrol[edit]

Leveled Artifact: Escutcheon of Chorrol (0006BDFE)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
(lore page)
Type Shield, Heavy Armor
Editor ID MS16BEscutcheonofChorrol25
Armor Rating Rating 22.5
Armor Rating Rating 22.5 Health Health 1500
Weight Weight 36 Value Value 17500
Fortify Endurance 10 pts
Reflect Damage 35%
The Escutcheon of Chorrol

The Escutcheon of Chorrol is one of the possible rewards for completing the quest Sins of the Father. It closely resembles an ebony shield, but has the Chorrol emblem, the Great Oak, embossed on the front.

For full leveled statistics, see the Escutcheon of Chorrol article.

Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw[edit]

Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw
Daedric Artifact: Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw (000A5659)
(lore page)
Type Helmet, Heavy Armor
Editor ID FGD09BearclawHelm
Armor Rating Rating 7.5
Armor Rating Rating 7.5 Health Health 3750
Weight Weight 14 Value Value 3350
Fortify Agility 10 pts
Fortify Endurance 10 pts
Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw

The Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw is an artifact given to you by Modryn Oreyn as a reward for completing the Fighters Guild quests, at the end of The Hist. In addition to its enchantments, this helmet is also notable for its extremely high health (for comparison, a daedric helmet has only 1350) and its unique design.

Morrowind players might recognize this as a reference to that game, being that it was the reward for a Daedric quest where the player was to eliminate the Oreyn bloodline and retrieve the helm. If you ask Modryn about the helm, he will tell you that it was retrieved by Malacath after the Daedra Prince mistakenly believed the Oreyn line to have ended but was later returned to the Oreyn family by a stranger. See the book Tamrielic Lore for more background on this item.

Masque of Clavicus Vile[edit]

Masque of Clavicus Vile
Daedric Artifact: Masque of Clavicus Vile (000228EE)
(lore page)
Type Helmet, Heavy Armor
Editor ID DAClavicusMasque
Armor Rating Rating 7.5
Armor Rating Rating 7.5 Health Health 750
Weight Weight 15 Value Value 3400
Fortify Personality 20 pts
Masque of Clavicus Vile

The Daedric artifact the Masque of Clavicus Vile is a heavy helmet that can be obtained as a reward for Clavicus Vile's Daedric quest.

See the book Tamrielic Lore for background on this item.

Saviour's Hide[edit]

Saviour's Hide
Daedric Artifact: Saviour's Hide (00027107)
(lore page)
Type Cuirass, Light Armor
Editor ID DASaviorsHide
Armor Rating Rating 12
Armor Rating Rating 12 Health Health 1000
Weight Weight 3 Value Value 6250
Resist Magic 25%
Saviour's Hide

The Daedric artifact Saviour's Hide is armor obtained as a reward for completing Hircine's Daedric quest. See the books Tamrielic Lore and Tal Marog Ker's Researches for background on this item (although some details are different, since these books were initially written for Morrowind).

Spell Breaker[edit]

Spell Breaker
Daedric Artifact: Spell Breaker (000897C2)
(lore page)
Type Shield, Heavy Armor
Editor ID DASpellBreakerShield
Armor Rating Rating 17
Armor Rating Rating 17 Health Health 1500
Weight Weight 18 Value Value 16500
Reflect Spell 30%
Spell Breaker

Spell Breaker is a heavy shield that you can get from Peryite's Daedric quest. See the book Tamrielic Lore for background on this item (although some details are different, since this book was initially written for Morrowind).

Its stats are similar to that of an Orcish shield, though it offers slightly more protection and is significantly more durable. It also contains a powerful spell reflection enchantment. Being an item of Daedric property, it can be used to open a doorway to Mankar Camoran's Paradise during the main quest.

Clothing Artifacts[edit]

Draconian Madstone[edit]

Draconian Madstone
Artifact: Draconian Madstone (0001C172, 0007304D)
(lore page)
Type Amulet
Editor ID MS12Madstone or MS12MadstoneAfter
Weight Weight 1 Value Value 3000
Resist Disease 50%
Resist Poison 50%
Draconian Madstone

The Draconian Madstone is an ancient artifact of the Akaviri. Although it is said to give the user complete immunity to poison, it really only grants 50% resistance. Last seen at Pale Pass, this amulet is the objective of the quest Lifting the Vale.

The Construction Set lists two separate madstones, because the ID of the madstone changes when you give it up at the end of the quest. The weight and value in the table are actually those for the post-quest madstone (during the quest it is a weightless quest item, value 2000 gold). The appearance and enchantments are unaltered, however.

Although you must give up the Draconian Madstone at the end of the quest (in exchange for a reward), it is subsequently possible to steal it back: it is kept in a display case in the Great Hall at Bruma (opening the very hard display case is not a crime, but taking the Madstone is).

Gray Cowl of Nocturnal[edit]

Gray Cowl of Nocturnal
Daedric Artifact: Gray Cowl of Nocturnal (00022E81)
(lore page)
Type Hood
Editor ID TGGrayFoxCowl
Weight Weight 2 Value Value 0
Wearer becomes the Gray Fox
Detect Life 120 ft
Fortify Sneak 25 pts
Feather 200 pts
Gray Cowl of Nocturnal

The Daedric artifact Gray Cowl of Nocturnal is a hood that was supposedly stolen from Nocturnal over 300 years ago. Whoever wears this hood takes on the identity of the Gray Fox: the wearer's fame, infamy, and bounty all become those of the Gray Fox. Any crimes committed (or good deeds done) are attributed to the Gray Fox rather than to the character wearing the hood. The cowl can be acquired at the end of the Thieves Guild questline by completing the quest The Ultimate Heist.

See Gray Cowl of Nocturnal for more details

Jewel of the Rumare[edit]

Artifact: Jewel of the Rumare (000C89CB)
Type Ring
Editor ID SQ09RingReward
Weight Weight 1 Value Value 2550
Water Breathing
Fortify Athletics 4 pts
The Jewel of the Rumare

The Jewel of the Rumare is a ring given to you by Aelwin Merowald as a reward for completing Go Fish. Its appearance is similar to a gold ring.

Necromancer's Amulet[edit]

Necromancer's Amulet
Leveled Artifact: Necromancer's Amulet (0007BE2B)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
(lore page)
Type Amulet
Editor ID MGNecromancersAmulet25
Weight Weight 0.4 Value Value 0
Drain Strength 25 pts
Drain Endurance 25 pts
Fortify Willpower 14 pts
Fortify Intelligence 14 pts
Fortify Conjuration 12 pts
Fortify Magicka 130 pts
The Necromancer's Amulet

The Necromancer's Amulet is encountered during The Necromancer's Amulet quest, but it must be given up at the end of the quest and cannot subsequently be retrieved. It is an artifact that has appeared in previous Elder Scrolls games.

For more information, including full leveled statistics, see the Necromancer's Amulet article.

Ring of Eidolon's Edge[edit]

Ring of Eidolon's Edge
Leveled Artifact: Ring of Eidolon's Edge (0006BD6F)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
(lore page)
Type Ring
Editor ID MS43RingofEidolonsEdge25
Weight Weight 0.2 Value Value 3700
Fortify Block 15 pts
Fortify Blade 15 pts
The Ring of Eidolon's Edge

The Ring of Eidolon's Edge is given to you by Rosentia Gallenus as a reward for the Leyawiin side quest Whom Gods Annoy.

For full leveled statistics see the Ring of Eidolon's Edge article.

Ring of Khajiiti[edit]

Ring of Khajiiti
Daedric Artifact: Ring of Khajiiti (00027110)
(lore page)
Type Ring
Editor ID DARingKhajiiti
Weight Weight 1 Value Value 4775
Chameleon 35%
Fortify Speed 10 pts
Ring of Khajiiti

The Daedric artifact Ring of Khajiiti is a ring that can be obtained as a reward for Meridia's Daedric quest.

See the book Tamrielic Lore for background on this item.

Ring of Namira[edit]

Ring of Namira
Daedric Artifact: Ring of Namira (0001C10A)
(lore page)
Type Ring
Editor ID DARingNamira
Weight Weight 1 Value Value 10300
Reflect Damage 12%
Reflect Spell 10%
Ring of Namira

The Ring of Namira is a Daedric artifact that can be obtained as a reward for successfully completing Namira's Daedric quest.

Ring of Sunfire[edit]

Ring of Sunfire
Leveled Artifact: Ring of Sunfire (0006B68D)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
Type Ring
Editor ID MS23RingofSunfire25
Weight Weight 0.2 Value Value 11275
Reflect Spell 25%
Resist Disease 35%
Ring of Sunfire

The Ring of Sunfire is a leveled ring obtained as a reward for completing the Imperial City quest Order of the Virtuous Blood. It provides protection against both disease and spells.

For full leveled statistics, see the Ring of Sunfire article.

Spelldrinker Amulet[edit]

Spelldrinker Amulet
Leveled Artifact: Spelldrinker Amulet (00095A70)
(All statistics are for level 30+ version)
Type Amulet
Editor ID MG12Amulet30
Weight Weight 0.5 Value Value 10450
Spell Absorption 26 pts
The Spelldrinker Amulet

The Spelldrinker Amulet is given on advancement to the Evoker rank after completing the Mages Guild quest Ulterior Motives.

For more information, including full leveled statistics, see the Spelldrinker Amulet article.

Weatherward Circlet[edit]

Weatherward Circlet
Leveled Artifact: Weatherward Circlet (0006BD75)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
Type Ring
Editor ID MS29ThoronirsRing25
Weight Weight 0.4 Value Value 4100
Resist Fire 35%
Resist Frost 35%
The Weatherward Circlet

Weatherward Circlet is a ring given to you by Thoronir as a reward for the quest Unfriendly Competition.

For full leveled statistics see the Weatherward Circlet article.

Staff Artifacts[edit]

Hrormir's Icestaff[edit]

Hrormir's Icestaff
Artifact: Hrormir's Icestaff (00002DDF, 00047372)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Editor ID TG05HrormirsIcestaff / HrormirsIcestaff
Health Health 30
Health Health 30
Weight Weight 12 Value Value 1239
Frost Damage 10 pts in 30 ft on Target
Light 30 ft for 30 secs on Target
Chameleon 1% for 30 secs on Target
Charge/Cost = Uses 1000/97=10
Hrormir's Icestaff

The artifact Hrormir's Icestaff is a staff that causes Frost Damage, Light, and Chameleon. It is stolen from the Arch-Mage's quarters during the quest Misdirection for the Thieves Guild, but is returned after the quest. The two IDs correspond to the version of the staff that you retrieve during the quest (the first ID) and the version of the staff that you can obtain after the quest is complete (the second ID). The quest version is a quest-specific item (cannot be dropped) and has a quest-related script; otherwise, the two staves are identical. For more information, see the full article.

Sanguine Rose[edit]

Sanguine Rose
Daedric Artifact: Sanguine Rose (000228EF)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Editor ID DASanguineRose
Health Health 100
Health Health 100
Weight Weight 10 Value Value 1330
Sanguine Rose for 20 seconds
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/300=10
Sanguine Rose

The Daedric artifact Sanguine Rose is a staff awarded at the end of Sanguine's Daedric quest. It looks like a normal staff with a rose made of wood at the top and with thorns coming from the base.

It summons a random Daedra who attacks the person or creature targeted by the spell (the spell must hit a person/creature in order to work). The summon may be any type of Daedra. If you are lucky enough to summon a Xivilai, it will also summon a Clannfear as soon as it spawns. After killing all enemies in the area, the Daedra may turn on you, but it only exists for 20 seconds before disappearing, and can be prematurely canceled by using another summoning spell.

See Sanguine Rose for game-specific details. The lore article provides more historical information.

Skull of Corruption[edit]

Skull of Corruption
Daedric Artifact: Skull of Corruption (00027116)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Editor ID DASkullCorruption
Health Health 100
Health Health 100
Weight Weight 10 Value Value 1270
Corruption for 30 secs
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/150=20
Skull of Corruption

The Daedric artifact Skull of Corruption is a staff given as a reward for completing Vaermina's Daedric quest. It creates an identical clone, including any equipment, of almost any NPC you hit with it.

The target NPC will usually be immediately hostile to their double. Firing the staff at a friendly NPC is considered an assault, even though it doesn't actually hurt the NPC; however, if the clone kills the NPC this will not count as a murder by you. What follows is the target NPC fighting with their clone, and maybe with you too. The clone then disappears after thirty seconds.

The staff can only be used on NPCs, not creatures. It will not work on anyone who is considered a guard, defined as those classes with the "guard" flag set: Dark04 Prison Guard, Guard, Guard Archer, and Guard Battlemage (also includes Dark Seducer and Golden Saint if Shivering Isles is installed).

For additional information, see the Skull of Corruption article.

Staff of the Everscamp[edit]

Staff of the Everscamp
Artifact: Staff of the Everscamp (0004F790)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Editor ID MS43EverscampStaff
Health Health 30
Health Health 30
Weight Weight 12 (0) Value Value 0
Summons four permanent Everscamps
Damage Speed 20 pts to staff's bearer
Charge/Cost = Uses N/A
The Staff of the Everscamp

The Staff of the Everscamp is a Daedric staff associated with Sheogorath. Once the staff is activated by reading its engraved rune, four non-hostile Everscamps appear and follow the staff's bearer. The staff's bearer is no longer able to put down or get rid of the staff.

There are only two ways to get rid of the staff: find someone else who is willing to take it, or return to its original location, namely the shrine of Sheogorath in Darkfathom Cave. Rosentia Gallenus has accidentally activated the staff and enlists your help in getting rid of it during the quest Whom Gods Annoy.

For full details, including several exploits associated with the staff, see the Staff of the Everscamp article.

Staff of Indarys[edit]

Staff of Indarys
Leveled Artifact: Staff of Indarys (0006B671)
(All statistics are for level 25+ version)
Type Staff
Editor ID MS13StaffIndarys25
Health Health 100
Health Health 100
Weight Weight 5 Value Value 3920
Damage Strength 10 pts on Target
Shock Damage 70 pts on Target
Charge/Cost = Uses 9000/300=30
The Staff of Indarys

The Staff of Indarys is one of the possible rewards given to you by Count Andel Indarys for completing the quest The Wayward Knight. You get to choose whether to receive this staff or Thornblade.

For full leveled statistics see the Staff of Indarys article.

Staff of Worms[edit]

Staff of Worms
Artifact: Staff of Worms (0004A24E)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Editor ID MGStaffofWorms
Health Health 100
Health Health 100
Weight Weight 10 Value Value 0
Reanimate for 30 seconds
Charge/Cost = Uses 5000/22=227
The Staff of Worms

The Staff of Worms is a powerful staff held by Mannimarco, the King of Worms. It is a reward for completing the Mages Guild quest Confront the King. When used, it will revive the corpse of a targeted NPC. The reanimated corpse will become your ally.

For additional information, see the Staff of Worms article.


Daedric Artifact: Wabbajack (000228F0)
(lore page)
Type Staff
Editor ID DAWabbajack01
Health Health 100
Health Health 100
Weight Weight 10 Value Value 1330
Wabbajack for 10 seconds
Charge/Cost = Uses 3000/300=10

The Daedric artifact Wabbajack is a staff given as a reward for completing Sheogorath's Daedric quest. It transforms any non-NPC creature into another random creature for 10 seconds. It is highly unpredictable, as any gift from the Madgod would be. Only one creature may be Wabbajacked at any time (but you can repeatedly Wabbajack the same creature if you wish).

For more details see the page on Wabbajack.

Other Artifacts[edit]

Azura's Star[edit]

Azura's Star
Daedric Artifact: Azura's Star (00000193)
(lore page)
Type Soul Gem
Editor ID AzurasStar
Weight Weight 0.7 Value Value 2500
Azura's Star

Azura's Star is a Daedric artifact that can be obtained by completing Azura's Daedric quest. It is essentially a reusable grand soul gem. When you enchant an item or recharge an enchanted weapon using Azura's Star it becomes empty, but the Star itself remains in your inventory. It cannot hold non-player character (NPC) souls; black soul gems are necessary for that. See the Lore entry on Azura for information on the history of Azura's Star.

For details see the Azura's Star page.

Oghma Infinium[edit]

Oghma Infinium
Daedric Artifact: Oghma Infinium (000228F1)
(lore page)
Type Book
Editor ID DAOghmaInfinium
Weight Weight 0.0 Value Value 0
+10 to two Attributes
+10 to three Skills
Oghma Infinium

The Oghma Infinium is a book which is obtained upon completion of Hermaeus Mora's Daedric quest. When you read the book, it increases three skills and two attributes by 10 pts each, permanently. Which skills and attributes depends which of three paths you choose when you use it. You may only choose one path, then the book disappears.

For more details see the Oghma Infinium page.

Skeleton Key[edit]

Skeleton Key
Daedric Artifact: Skeleton Key (0000000B)
(lore page)
Type Lockpick
Editor ID DASkeletonKey
Weight Weight 0. Value Value 5000
Fortify Security 40 pts on self
Skeleton Key

The Skeleton Key is an unbreakable lockpick that increases your Security skill by 40 pts whenever the key is in your possession. You can receive this key by completing Nocturnal's Daedric quest. The Skeleton Key's effect is not a typical skill boost, because the Fortify Security effect is implemented as an ability.

For details, see the Skeleton Key page