Online:Essence Drain

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Not to be confused with the deprecated Vampire skill, Drain Essence.
ON-icon-skill-Restoration Staff-Essence Drain.png Essence Drain
Line Restoration Staff
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I 1 5
Rank II 2 34
Essence Drain I(WITH RESTORATION STAFF EQUIPPED) You gain Major Mending for 2 seconds after completing a fully-charged Heavy Attack, increasing your healing done by 16%. You also heal yourself or an ally within 12 meters of the target for 25% of the damage inflicted by the final hit of a fully-charged Heavy Attack.
Essence Drain II(WITH RESTORATION STAFF EQUIPPED) You gain Major Mending for 4 seconds after completing a fully-charged Heavy Attack, increasing your healing done by 16%. You also heal yourself or an ally within 15 meters of the target for 50% of the damage inflicted by the final hit of a fully-charged Heavy Attack.

Essence Drain causes your heavy attacks with a Restoration Staff to heal either you or a nearby ally for a portion of the damage done and increases your healing done for a short duration.

Patch Notes[edit]

  • This passive ability now also grants you the Major Mending buff for 1.5/3 seconds after completing a fully-charged Heavy Attack at Ranks I/II.
  • Increased the duration of Major Mending from this passive to 2/4 seconds, up from 1.5/3 seconds.
  • This passive now heals a friendly target within 12 meters of the enemy you Heavy Attacked, up from 6 meters.
  • Increased the healing done to 25/50% of the damage done, up from 15/30%.
  • Fixed an issue where the passive could Critically Strike, despite the initial hit already being able to do that. No double crits allowed at the dinner table.