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Oblivion talk:Vampirism/Archive 2

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This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Vampirism discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

The flight of the beast

Is there ever any instance where being a level 4 vampire will result in the inhabitants of a town attacking you, and driving you out of it? — Unsigned comment by Merco (talkcontribs)

I've had guards attack me once. I had just killed someone, and although I thought I hadn't been seen, I might have been. regardless, there was no option to go to jail or to pay, you would automatically resist arrest. I'll check whether this is only when you commit a crime. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Ok, checked it out. I pickpocketed a guard at full vampirism and got the normal message when I got caught. I then killed someone, and got the "Feeding time is over," message. So it seems to be to do with bounty. -Dan 9410 05:43, 17 March 2008 (EDT)

i hadn't done anything, in fact i had just got out of jail, nad when waiting in jail i became a full vampire, as soon as i left the prison, i talked to a guard and he said "get back monster" or something like that, so, sorry, no, you don't have to do anything to get the guards on you if you are a full vampire. — Unsigned comment by Osiris (talkcontribs)

Turning Others

Is there any way to turn others into vampires? Townspeople, guards, etc.? Either within the game or with the console commands? Thanks! — Unsigned comment by (talk)

No because theres no magic or items that have that power. — Unsigned comment by (talk)
It seems like there has to be a way of inflicting an NPC with a disease, just as vampirism is. — Unsigned comment by (talk)
Certain NPCs carry diseases and can infect the player (beggars, vampires), but there's no way of giving a new disease to an NPC without cheating or modding. --RpehTCE 15:38, 5 December 2007 (EST
Why was the first question signed by my name? I did not ask it. Roguelike
Sorry, Roguelike. Just an accident that happened when trying to sort out who said what. --NepheleTalk 23:45, 25 December 2007 (EST)
Thereis a spell if you use psb in the conole that gives you a spel called vampires gift that inflicts the Vampire disease and damage healt,I don't knoe If it works. Or using the CS to make a vampire looking character.--Puddle 17:26, 29 February 2008 (EST)
You can click on the target and type 'addspell _______' where the blank is Vampirism25's FormID. 19:30, 5 March 2008 (EST)

Tips/Recommendations For Vampires

Hello all, being a vampire has it ups and downs we all know. But the down can be conquered if approached in the right way.

The Ups.. Attribute Raises(probably the best perk of being a vampire) Extra Magical Spells(Eg. Embrace of the shadows,reign of terror etc etc.)

The downs....The biggest downside in being a vampire is The sunlight damage...Its annoying...potentially killing and disallows you to fast travel while taking damage. Another big downside is when your a full vampire your face changes and people refuse to talk to you.(This can be overridden)

weakness to fire 75%

Feeding-can be hassling.

Tips/Conquering the down sides.

If your a Dark Elf/Dunmer becoming a vampire has its up sides for example a dunmer has 75% resist fire and a vampire has weakness to fire 75%, so 75-75=0. Theres that problem done.

the sunlight damage can be overridden by simply keeping out of the sun. Often i use this trick. Normally shops close around 8.00pm so it gets dark(safe to fast travel) at around 6.30-7.00pm. Wait in a safe place ( Inn or shop) until around 6.30pm. Then you can go out and roam randomly or buy whatever you want without taking sun damage.

After you become a full vampire people avoid you and start to say ' No No Stay way from me!' theres a way to conquer this. A Strong Charm spell OR your 'vampires seduction' spell once a day can raise their disposition towards you to 100. No matter how much they think you're a vampire they WILL talk to you.

Ok, now if you don't want to become a full vampire you HAVE to feed, feeding...many options some of which harder to obtain then others. You can feed on mages/fighters guild members,beggars(probably the best source) and other randoms. A good way to have access to a reliable feeding source is to buy a house in Imperial waterfront district and sleep/wait till when the beggar near the wall goes to sleep..he's such an easy bite you just cant miss him. Note: If a guard sees you feeding it is considered an assault and you will be aressted for it. So try secluded places with little or no guards at all.

A VERY VERY easy way to feed, avoid sunlight and possibly have he access to a thieves guild doyen(he can pay of your bounty) is to BUY A HOUSE IN IMPERIAL WATERFRONT DISTRICT. This will deal with mainly all your problems of being a vampire.

doing quests while being a vampire sucks the most because normally you have to fast travel tot he location. waiting till night time fixes this problem but still your visibility is limited.

hope this helped you guys who have some trouble with becomeing a vampire. Note: Always make sure you have a cure dieses spell/potion if you want to purposely want to become a vampire because if you dont like it after 72 hours thers no turning back....

(Remember - You only take sun damage when you are above 25% vamp., and you only go up in vamp. level if you rest or wait, but you don't when you fast travel, and if you have a maxed character, the 20 points in strength, for example, is worthless unless you have not raised it by leveling. Just a few more tips :) --Voyevode 18:14, 21 December 2007 (EDT)

Here is another tip, but it only works if you have Mastery level in Restoration, at least 500 magicka, and access to a spellmaking alter. Go to the spell making alter and make a spell that restores health 8, 9 or 10 pts (I did 10 just so I had some extra health to play around with and it keeps the magicka cost realitively lower then if you go up to 11 but 8 will do just fine since thats how much you get hurt from the sun at 100% vampirism) for 120 seconds on self. You can name it anything you want but I would recommend a name that allows you to easily tell its for preventing sun damage (for instance I named mine "sunscreen"). This spell costs between 400 and 500 magicka to use but it counters the sun damge for 2 minutes, if anything else it gives you some more time to get out of the sun. Also if you only have around 500 magicka carry a single welkyand stone with you and some scrolls (or arrows) to duplicate the stone with, and then you can pretty much stay safe from the sun as long as you want.
Oh yeah by the way Voyevode, the plus 20 in strength still does help you even if your strength is 100 already, so does the plus 20 in speed, willpower, acrobatics, and athletics. Any of your attributes (Strength, Intelligence, Willpower, Agility, etc etc) if raised over 100 still increase the effect and acrobatics and athletics are the only skills that have any extra effect over 19:16, 8 May 2008 (EDT)xBlink N Die

Different page for monsters?

Is there a different page for the enemy Vamps? I was looking for some ideas on how weak they are to fire etc and couldnt find any... thanks DragonFlame 15:40, 28 December 2007 (EST)

Sorry, we haven't gotten to documenting the enemy vampires properly yet, in part because a decision needs to be made about how to organize the pages.... You can piece together some of the info, if you want. They use the standard classes, as listed at Classes; they have all the same attribute bonuses, skill bonuses, and abilities as the player at 100% vampirism. So, for example, they have 50% weakness to fire and 20% resist normal weapons. They also have the Embrace of Shadows and Hunter's Sight spells, but not the Reign of Terror or Vampire's Seduction spells. I hope that helps! --NepheleTalk 16:44, 28 December 2007 (EST)

Trivial Questions

I've already had and cured vampirism, so I can't try this out. I was wondering if you talk to the vampire hunters in the "Information at a Price" quest when you're a vampire, if they'll react. Also, I completed the quest before the mage's guild mission where you first meet the count, he doesn't react in any way or even recognize me. He treats me like a foolish stranger, even though I'm the one who cured his wife! And I was wondering if they'res anything special about Argonians in the vampire lore, because they seem to react with more hostility than other races. And there's also the whole 'blood of an argonian' thing. And of course, there are no argonian vampires in the game. -thanks

The vampire hunters may do the typical "Stay away from me!" routine if you're at 100%, but otherwise they won't have any problems.
The developer's didn't seem to put much thought into the quest order when they made that quest, so the Count will never recognize you at first when you do the quest.
I'm not sure, but I don't think that Argonians hold signifigence in vampire lore, and I think the extra hostility probably doesn't really mean anything. I think Argonian vampires were left out of the game either due to time constraints (the curse of game developers everywhere), or they didn't want to.
Note that if an Argonian player becomes a vampire, they get pale and red eyes, but no fangs or that "Monkey Face" thing, which seems to support the time "constraints/didn't want to" theory. --Darth NANAME 14:00, 6 July 2008 (EDT)

Enchanted Armour Creation

This pertains to Vampirism. It is also a 2 part question. I play on the XBOX 360 and I have every plugin installed except for SI

  1. I have accidentally become a vampire, but cured myself at Deepscorn Hollow. I completed Mehrune's Razor and kept the beating heart, as my complete set of perma-bound armour was "fortify strength" enchanted and I was able to force the gate. If I eat the heart, will I contract vampirism again, despite me already curing it?
  2. If I make a new character to be a vampire, I can use Frostcrag Spire to stir up some nice enchanted perma-bound armour. However, I want to be able to walk around in daylight as a vampire. What would be the best enchantment to use on a full set of *permanent* Bound Armour (Helm, cuirass, greaves, boots, gauntlets, 2 rings and a necklace) that would keep the sun from killing me instantly? Maybe a fortify health, or a CE healing spell on the armour?

Thank you for reading and hopefully for an answer. ImmortalKaine 02:37, 17 January 2008 (EST)

On your first question;
Eating the Beating Heart will only give you the Porphyric Hemophilia disease. If you have already been a Vampire, and been cured from it, then the disease will only act like a normal disease (Drain Fatigue 5pts on Self). You will not become a Vampire again.
As for your second question;
It appears that there is no way you can counter Sun Damage. The only thing you could try is Resist Magic enchantments, but I doubt they will work (effectively). However, as you can see here, you will only suffer Sun Damage if you haven't fed for over 24 hours and slept afterwards. The Sun Damage increases the longer you don't feed, but feeding once will reset you back to no Damage. --Timenn < talk > 06:02, 17 January 2008 (EST)

has anyone tested resist magic? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

I have tried everything to try to counter the sun damage (no resist magic and resist fire do not work), theres no way to actually stop it but if you go to a spell-making alter you can make a pretty effective heal spell, the one I created (I named it sunscreen lol) heals 10 hp for 120 seconds giving you 2 minutes of no damage since the 10 cancels the 8 caused by the sun, the only downfall to this is it requires master level in restoration and uses a lot of magic (between 400 and 500 magicka). The best way to help with the magic is to carry a welykand stone and a couple scrolls that are exactly alike so you can duplicate the stone, and use the stone when you need the more magic. Also I do not know how I did it but I am still considered 100% Vampire but people dont act like im infected, I am not hurt by the sun, i still have the attribute and skill bonuses, I still have the weakness to fire, but i just made a couple of rings that resist fire and did the constant enchant glitch. If you want to read more about this look at "Did quest for the cure and used cure, Still Vampire!!! (well kinda)" down below. 02:04, 8 May 2008 (EDT)xBlink N Die

just make a piece of armor that fortifies health 8 points (constant effect)

That means you will live a whole second longer in the sun than before if you're 100% vamp.--Drake3555 01:01, 24 July 2008 (EDT)

Face Resetting

I've moved this note from the main article:

  • There is a bug where your facial structure resets to the default values that you got in the beginning, before Valen Dreth starts talking to you in your cell. For example, if you made your character have angry eyes with a frown and this bug occurred, then your character won't look angry nor will he/she have the frown; it's completely reset. This bug will occur every now and then, and it's completely random. The bug however, does not alter the complexion or shadowing you gave our character in the beginning. If you gave your character blushed cheeks and "eye liner", then he/she will have that even though the facial structure has reset. This bug does not effect the gameplay whatsoever, but it might be a nuisance to those who want their character to have a certain facial configuration. Also some helmets becomes unwearable because of the head model. If you wear them you'll have it on, but two tan things sticks out the side, like the model didn't plan want to accept it.

To get back your old appearance, drink the cure potion whilst wearing the Cowl of Nocturnal.

My reasons for moving it are that a) there's no indication of when the bug happens and b) it's one of the worst bits of English I've ever seen. If somebody can convince me this happens in the un-modded game and that they can describe it properly then please add it back to the main article. –RpehTCE 02:21, 29 January 2008 (EST)

Geting infected while sleeping

What i think about the sleeping in places, getting infected is, those people must activated Dark Gift quest, so vincente comes and bites em anywhere right?--¦Æ¦ 22:45, 8 February 2008 (EST)

Vicente Valtieri will only bite you in the sanctuary. At that point you get given porphyric hemophilia but don't become a vampire until three days later. I hope that answers your question. –RpehTCE 01:48, 9 February 2008 (EST)
My thought on these people waking up a vampire is they dont pay close attention to diseases when they get them and didn't realize they had the disease and eventually poof they are a vampire!!! 02:21, 8 May 2008 (EDT)

Freddy Kreuger visited me

I contracted the vampire disease 1 week ago i kept sleeping to get more vampire powers, during the late stage of vampirism i got nightmare #8,9,10 somehow when i got one of them i died suddenly when i woke up is that normal? --Umbacano 10:37, 23 February 2008 (EST)

Umm...were you sleeping outside? I don't think it's normal for the dreams to actually damage you, but I'm not entirely sure. –Eshetalk22:53, 23 February 2008 (EST)

No, i wasn't sleeping outside i was indoor at my house.--Umbacano 12:43, 24 February 2008 (EST)

Did you have any poisons on you from potions?--Marleysexton 12:46, 24 February 2008 (EST)

Nope.--Umbacano 03:25, 26 February 2008 (EST)

It's either a glitch, which is unlikely, or something may be up with your system (assuming that you are playing on a PC). There may have been a damaging effect active before you went to sleep which killed you during sleep and could only act the script when the game "re-activated", but as I remember it, the game won't let you sleep if you're taking damage. Hmm... What exactly happened. Did you wake up, and then just suddenly flop to the ground without warning? More information please. --HMSVictory 15:32, 26 February 2008 (EST)
I have to agree with HMSVictory here. There is nothing in the VampScript that would cause you to die, and nothing in the dream segment of the script that damages you or kills you. You either had some negative effect on you that killed you, or you may have been standing in a bugged spot and when you woke up you suddenly took a insane amount of fall damage which killed you. It's possible that some kind of weird random bug like that may have killed you. It is possible to sleep while taking damage. For example you could have accidentally clicked on a poison apple, gone to sleep, and woken up dead. --Shalley303 16:14, 26 February 2008 (EST)
You might have got a visit from "The Conjurer" who comes with the spell tomes plug-in, although he looks for you outside it does sometimes allow him to get into buildings, like Frostcrag Spire is the most commonly known. 02:18, 8 May 2008 (EDT)

Talking to other vampires

When you become a vampire and you enter a a vampire den do the vampires present attack you or talk to you? Just wondering.— Unsigned comment by (talk)

No. Other vampires react as normal. There's a call to a function called IsVampire (I seem to recall) that must return 0 before the standard vampire reactions occur. –RpehTCE 09:27, 18 March 2008 (EDT)

Argonian Vampires?

Can Argonians even get Porphyric Hemophilia? Because of there resist desease thing? — Unsigned comment by W1n3r1 (talkcontribs)

Not through normal combat, but maybe through eating the Beating Heart. I can't test that right now but I've marked this as a Good Question instead. –RpehTCE 04:30, 22 March 2008 (EDT)
Why not? They only have 75% resist disease. --Gaebrial 09:46, 31 March 2008 (EDT)
Yes, they definitely can become vampires in the normal way - it's just 75% less likely per hit due to their disease resistance. So you'll need to let yourself get hit an average of 4x as much before it happens. Alternatively, there's also the Dark Brotherhood guy who offers to make you a vampire after doing a few quests. --TheRealLurlock Talk 09:52, 31 March 2008 (EDT)

Thanks, I dont really want to be a vampire because it is so hard to find people to feed off of in the day time…so i guess being an argonian is good for me and thanks argonian for the reply — Unsigned comment by (talk)

"If you are planning to become a vampire, one good race to choose is Dunmer, because the 75% Resist Fire will offset the vampire's weakness. However, in the same way, Argonian vampires have downsides, as their natural resistance to disease is rendered unnecessary by the vampiric resistance, which is also 100%." should be edited as Argonians, Redguards, Bosmer, and Altmer all have 75% resist disease. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Good point. I have taken out the comment about argonians and resist disease, as it isn't really a 'downside'. --Gaebrial 05:39, 10 April 2008 (EDT)
And besides that the 100% disease resistance you get from a vampire is not right anyhow you can still get diseases (don't know why) so those classes are a good idea, because their disease resistance adds up with the vampires, and its a lot easier to get rid of the weakness to fire then it is to get the 100% disease resistance (just wear the ring of flame and you will be at 25% resistance instead of 75% weakness). 18:54, 8 May 2008 (EDT)xBlink N Die

By the way, Argonians have RESIST, as I just stated a few minutes ago in above article 100% resistance means it is much harder to get diseases not impossible Drake3555 23:49, 14 May 2008 (EDT)

Maybe I missed something...

Nobody seemed to mention the problem of being a vampire and trying to complete the mage's guild storyline... Anyone else panic like I did? Vampire = 100% resistance to paralyze... Good thing I have a brain! (and some reflect spells) — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Or maybe I missed something??? I don't remember any point in the Mages Guild where you must be paralyzed. What exactly is the problem that you are trying to describe? --NepheleTalk 14:49, 26 April 2008 (EDT)
I think what he's trying to say is that you can't be paralyzed by the King of Worms at the end. Although I have absolutely no idea if 100% paralisis resistance would effect anything considering it is a script.--Imperial Scum 18:41, 9 May 2008 (EDT)

Page for NPC vampires

I was hoping to try and start off this page soon, but it would be usefull if anyone else who knows a lot on this topic would tell me all they know about NPC vampires so I can add that to my current knowledge. Just to ensure I do not miss anything when I start writing…---Bartimeaus77 16:57, 27 March 2008 (EDT)

Notable vampires are already listed on Oblivion's Vampire article. --Michaeldsuarez (Talk)/(Contribs) 21:02, 27 March 2008 (EDT)
I think we should probably split the Notable Vampires to a separate page. Like the template uptop says, we should split this into a few smaller articles. Ocylith 10:43, 15 April 2008 (EDT)

my skin is burning!!!!!!!

i was having the dreams dream one where he dreams of the person being bit and the second dream where he finds his pearants dead i went and killed rufio when i heared the second dream for some reason when i left the inn of ill omen smoke started coming from my person his life keeps on going down untill he dies and his skin goes red what is going on please someone help me please please. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Are you quite high in the stages of vampirism? If so you will not be able to go outside during the day without getting sun damage. --Volanaro 14:31, 11 April 2008 (EDT)

Not being funny but what made you think that being a Vampire would not cause sun damage? What vampire films have you been watching??? ----Bartimeaus77TalkContibsEmail 16:10, 13 April 2008 (EDT)

3 day wait to become a vampire?

Hopefully I'm editing this right, but I'm getting a little confused about some of the information. Specifically, about the bit saying 3 days have to pass after catching polyphoric hemophilia before you can become a vampire. There probably should be a little more detail about this -- does this mean that resting is safe until your 3 days are up, and you won't become a stage 1 vampire? Or that you have 3 days to cure the disease before you'll become a vampire, no matter what? I've always become a vampire the first time I rest after catching polyphoric hemophilia, one time mere hours after becoming infected, but I'm starting to think that it's just a glitch I'm having? TheNightTerror 06:17, 17 April 2008 (EDT)

After you catch Polyphyric Hemophilia, it is safe to rest for 72 game hours. After that time, you will wake up having a "nightmare". You'll also notice that it says you've gained "Vampirism" which is a permanant effect unless you do the Cure for Vampirism quest. Hope this is descriptive enough. Ocylith 08:29, 17 April 2008 (EDT)
That's bizarre, because this time around I decided to go ahead and become a vampire just for fun. Since I was planning on it I know for a fact that I was healthy before getting the message that I'd been infected. The very first time I rested after seeing the message, probably no more than 20 hours, (I entered the vampire cave at dawn and left at dusk, then still had to find a place to rest) I had the vampire nightmare and became a vampire. It couldn't have even been 24 hours, let alone 72. TheNightTerror 17:04, 18 April 2008 (EDT)
Weird, although I think I read somewhere else that this happened to someone else. I'm afraid that I'm unable to help at all with this, because I've always had to wait 3 days.

--Ocylith 17:41, 18 April 2008 (EDT)

Did quest for the cure and used cure, Still Vampire!!! (well kinda)

I did the quest for the vampires cure and used my potion, but it is still showing 100% vampirism in my menu, and I still have the spells and skill and attribute bonuses. I also still had the fire weakness but I used the unlimited enchant glitch to get it back up to 100% resist fire. The funny thing is I cannot feed on people, even my sleeping prisoner in Deepscorn Hollow, guards do not attack me and people talk to me normal, and no matter what I am not affected by the sunlight even the glare isn't showing up. My face looks older but I don't look like a vampire anymore. It is cool and all but I am kind of baffled. If anybody knows how I did this or finds out how I did it can you please tell me so I can do it with other characters. Oh by the way I'm playing the GotY edition on Xbox 360. I am also going to see if I can find out how I did it on a new character I just created, if I do find it out I will post how I did it right here in this question so other people know how to do it. 23:28, 7 May 2008 (EDT)xBlink N Die

A Brotherhood Betrayed

Should this quest be added to the main page in the related quest sections? I know there aren't actually any vampires, but the presense of the self-proclaimed "vampire hunter" does beg the question.--Imperial Scum 18:48, 9 May 2008 (EDT)

Preventing Vamprism

Thanks to whoever added the idea to use Mandrake Root!! Can't get that info at Gamefaqs. With the great pic on that article of where to find it, this was a much better solution than scrambling to find a potion, and since I had been infected on a Thieves Guild quest, the chapel was going to be of no help either. 03:58, 23 May 2008 (EDT)

Clannfear claws are also good way to have cure disease with you, and you're at lowish level (so clannfears appear). Usually every time I close an oblivion gate I take few claws with me from there. Bad sides of the claws are weight and hardship to get at later levels... But they're worth a try.

Sleeping to Avoid Damage

Just a quick note: On the Notes section, it states that "If you are outside a town and being damaged by sunlight, try to find a bed to sleep on. You can sleep until 8pm in order to stop taking damage." This is either: a)Misleading if the author intended the bed to be inside a house, cave, etc. or b)Wrong, since if you are taking constant damage while you are sleeping you will wake up dead. Figgy 23:51, 31 May 2008 (EDT)

Feeding not always illegal?

((((((it is not always illegal, i fed on a guard, and he just asked me what i needed. also, i fed on people in front of others, while they were looking, not in the dark brotherhood sanctuary, and in front of guards, without penalty)))))). — Unsigned comment by (talk)

  • You are allowed to feed on any Dark Brotherhood people without penalty. Jamesb 13:53, 19 July 2008 (EDT)

Penalty For The Hate?

The page says that occasionally gaurds will attck you on site if you are a 100% vampire. However I am just curious as to whether you would incure a bounty if you killed them, seeing as though they attcked you first?Bambobo 12:44, 27 June 2008 (EDT)

human blood

is drinking human blood(from potion) the same thing as feeding? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

I've tried it before... didn't work for me, anyway. --GuildKnightTalk2me 22:49, 3 July 2008 (EDT)
There is no scripting on the human blood potions so there's no way they can ever simulate feeding. You just get the Drain Fatigue and Resist Poison effects. –RpehTCE 01:08, 4 July 2008 (EDT)

No Sun damage?

I recently played Oblivion and got bit my character got to the point where I couldnt go outside at all now it seems that I am no longer affected by the sun, I can go outside and I dont get the glare or anything.

You fed on someone. Doing so will temporarily reset the effects, so you won't be affected by the sun for a while. --Darth NANAME 13:43, 6 July 2008 (EDT)

Moved from Article

* Once you start the cure for a vampire quest you must finish by using the potion and no other way i used the font in deepscorn hollow before cureing januses wife and now they are all glitched in there

Reason: Needs to be rewritten and how exatctly are they all glitched in there? -- LordDagon 10:59, 10 July 2008 (EDT)

Can't become vampire

Ive become pretty accustomed to doing almost everything in the game with the nocturnal cowl since im a thief. So i figured, what the heck, why not be a vampire and get some extra stat boosts since npc's should still see me as the grey fox? But that wont seem to happen. I have let myself catch it from vampires in caves, and tried Vicente Valtieri's Dark Gift, but nothing is working. Ive done it in the past on other characters, so i know what to look for, and ive never cured vamparism on this character. Its been a month's time in the game since the dark gift and a week since the vampire cave, where it said i contracted phorbic hemophilia, and i have slept, but nothing happens. I think it may have partially activated some of the codes, because "wild" vampires no longer attack me, they just talk and stuff. So is there any way to use a console command, or edit the save file to fix this without being stuck at 50%?

It is possible that you are using cheat codes, TGM prevents you from getting any diseases, but otherwise i don't know. Maybe there is a scripteed issue, maybe it has something to do with your race.

I didnt think of that, its possible i had tgm on, but i do remember it saying "you contracted phorbic hemophilia". I will definately try again, this time ill be sure all cheats/mods are off(although i have no mods editing items or my character).


Is it possible to die as a vampire from not feeding?Jamesb 13:16, 18 July 2008 (EDT)

Technically, no, but remember, if you do not feed on people, you will become weaker and weaker to the sun until you reach 100% vampirism, so it can kill you if you underestimate the damage of the sun.-Puddle TalkContribs. 11:19, 18 July 2008 (EDT)

Face Bug

I remember the face loading bug from the last time I played as a vampire; it actually put me off doing it again. But I'm amazed there isn't a patch to fix this problem, as surely it's caused simply by the game looking in the wrong place for the face attributes upon its original load. Does anyone know of such a patch? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

I'm pretty sure there are a few different fixes available for this, but the only one I know of off-hand comes included with the Unofficial Patch. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 19:20, 24 July 2008 (EDT)

Something's gone wrong

I contracted Porphyric Hemophilia while doing the quest named Azura. I want to avoid becoming a vampire so I tried a several temples (each said "Repent your crimes, wicked one!"), drank a Cure Disease potion (no effect), ate a Mandrake Root (still no effect). I'm out of ideas except for a Cure Disease spell but I have a feeling that won't work either. I didn't sleep, no vampire skills just the disease. I use no mods except for the UOP. Any ideas? 13:24, 22 July 2008 (EDT)

Okay, I somehow figured it out. If I take a Cure Disease potion / root / spell the disease will not be cured on the spot but after sleeping. Altars won't work and even within the 72 hours sleeping triggers the vampirism (if no cure was taken before it). If someone can confirm it, please update the article. 20:54, 22 July 2008 (EDT)
Also, the "repent your crimes, wicked one!" means you either have too much infamy, or have a bounty on your head.


Could someone change the photo under feeding? its just disgusting now.— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 23 July 2008

Please can you provide a reason why you feel this "photo" is "disgusting"? 12:25, 23 July 2008 (EDT)
A [[Template:FixImage|FixImage]] tag has been added to the image in question, which is the proper way to request that an image be improved. Also, as pointed out by the second contributor, if you believe that an article or image needs to be fixed, it's best to provide some objective reasons, not just that you personally find an image "disgusting." For other editors to fix the problem, they need to know what specifically needs to be changed. --NepheleTalk 19:46, 23 July 2008 (EDT)
I'm going to assume for the moment that the OP is objecting to the fact that there's one scantily-clad male feeding on another scantily-clad male. Certainly, it seems a little bit odd that the player would be wearing only his loincloth while feeding, so that seems a reasonable assumption, and also suggests that the image uploader was going out of his way to make it a sexual context. While I'm obviously the last to suggest that this is somehow undesirable <g>, there is the question, however, of whether or not the person on the bed can be found in only a loincloth in-game. Apart from Sanguine's Quest, where all the guests are upper-class, I don't recall ever seeing anybody else naked (for all intents) in the game except for the player. If this picture cannot reasonably be duplicated in an unpatched game, then it's definitely inappropriate on that basis. Of course, you can use the spell Sanguine gives you outside the context of the quest, as I recall, but it's certainly not "the norm". --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 19:00, 24 July 2008 (EDT)

Thanks robin that was what i meant121.216.248.146 06:34, 25 July 2008 (EDT)

I'd be careful of the language you use in the future - I'm not surprised that the word "disgusting" triggered the response it did. If you meant that the original image couldn't be found in game and that a more representative one should be produced, you could have made it much clearer. –RpehTCE 06:48, 25 July 2008 (EDT)

Preventing Vampirism

(moved from the article)

There is also another alternative way. After being infected, you could find a bed and rest for ONLY ONE HOUR. After you do so, the disease will disipate from your body and you will suprisingly be cured of your imminent affliction.

I've moved this simply because extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof (and good spelling :) ). There's nothing to suggest this is true. Perhaps the poster would care to follow up? –RpehTCE 15:25, 25 July 2008 (EDT)

I will test this and tell you if it is true, this should take a while, being as i am going to do the Dark Brotherhood quest again, but whatever. Jesus lover 23:54, 27 July 2008 (EDT)

I have tested this theory and found it to be false. sleeping for one hour after contracting vampirism does not prevent vampirism, however, never sleeping again does. Hope this helps! Jesus lover 01:20, 28 July 2008 (EDT)

Feeding and Sneaking

Ok, I put this in the article but it was deleted. I find when I sneak up to someone and feed on them, I am not in sneak mode afterwards. Can anyone confirm this? Jamesb 21:56, 25 July 2008 (EDT)

Yes, this happens every time, the only reason i can get for this is that the game thinks that you needed to sneak up to your victim to not wake them, but when you leave it doesn't matter anymore. Jesus lover 16:05, 28 July 2008 (EDT)

Imaging problem

Twice now I have had female elves, one bosmer, one dunmer, that have contracted Vampirism. After their first stint at 75-100%, their appearance becomes very masculine, not just elderly. Even after reverting to 25% this new face remains. It will randomly revert, sometimes after repeatedly reloading an old save, sometimes when I exit or enter a building/city/dungeon/etc. Then it will randomly return to the oddly masculine features, again this occurs after reloading an old save, and/or entering or exiting a building. I deleted the bosmer after this happened repeatedly, now I am having the same problem with my dunmer in whom I have invested a great deal more time. Does anyone have any suggestions? I play on 360, and I have no mods or updates. 22:48, 28 July 2008 (EDT) Lady Grey

That tends to happen sometimes. If I remember correctly, nothing can really be done other than saving and reloading. Anyone care to correct me if I'm wrong? DaedryonTCE 22:54, 28 July 2008 (EDT)
One of the solutions I've had success with with some of the vampirism face issues is to load an old game, from before your vampirism, then immediately load your latest game. I don't know if that will help with this particular problem or not, though, or if it even applies to the 360. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 11:09, 29 July 2008 (EDT)
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