Lore:Artifacts M
Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer[edit]
The Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer (also called the Mace of Aevar Stonesinger) is a prized Skaal artifact. According to legend, the eponymous hero used the mace to amplify the Song of the Earth, returning the Gift of the Earth and making the land rich again for the Skaal.
It is traditionally awarded to anyone who completes the Ritual of the Gifts, a sort of pilgrimage around Solstheim practiced by the Skaal. Though a magnificent and lethal stalhrim weapon which inflicts frost damage on foes, the mace is also extraordinarily heavy.
Mace of Molag Bal[edit]
The Mace of Molag Bal, also known as the Vampire's Mace, is a Daedric artifact attributed to Molag Bal, the Lord of Domination and Enslavement. Its enchantment drains the stamina and magicka of its victims and transfers them to the bearer. It also has been known to have the ability to transfer an enemy's strength to its wielder or trap their soul. It has been said to be a good weapon of choice for vanquishing wizards.
Many legends surround the mace, but its origins can be traced back to when Molag Bal deceived an Orcish blacksmith and enslaved him in pits of Coldharbour. The blacksmith was turned into a Soul Shriven and forced to forge the mace.
Due to Molag Bal's penchant for meddling in mortal affairs, he grants the mace to those he deems worthy but has also been quite free with his artifact. Molag Bal assumes that when such a powerful artifact falls into mortal hands, a trail of death and destruction is sure to follow. Some believe the mace to be an object of Daedra worship. Molag Bal's followers refer to it as the Master's Mace, and often swear by it.
Mace of Slurring[edit]
The Mace of Slurring was crafted near the end of the Second Era by Kyanka, a slightly deranged Altmer weaponsmith and enchanter. He had a rather warped sense of humor, and apparently delighted at the thought of reducing opponents to a gibbering mess before crushing them to death. However, the mace saw little use. It was known to drain eloquence of its victims.
Magebane is a Dunmeri glass claymore named for its magicka effecting enchantments, which make it an effective weapon against mages. It was found in an Ashlander burial cavern on Vvardenfell circa 3E 427.
By 4E 201 it, among many other artifacts, had come into the possession of a cult of Tribunal Temple heretics on Solstheim.
Majeel's Scroll[edit]
The Majeel's Scroll is a sacred ornament that dates back to the time of the Ra Gada. It is an item of importance to the Redguard culture and religion. Together with Sword of Shabnam and Lamp of the Satakalaam, they represent the aspects of the Redguard in body, mind, and spirit. The scroll represented the mind.
Together with two other relics, it was dedicated centuries before the time of the Three Banners War, back when the High Temple of Satakalaam was built. Since then, they have been the sacred tokens of Satakalaam's High Temple. Although all temples had relics to honor the gods, the Majeel's Scroll was specific to this temple.
The Manshrieker was the holy Orc weapon of war. According to the religious factions of the Iliac Bay it was a cursed, evil, magical weapon. It could infect its wielders with the Stomach Rot.
The Mantella was a massive green gem, a "Crux of Transcendence" that contained the "heart", or life force, of the entity known to Tamriel as the Underking. Twice, the Mantella was used to power the gigantic brass golem, Numidium—first by Tiber Septim when he conquered Tamriel, and again during the events of the Warp in the West.
The Mantella was lost after Tiber Septim's conquests. For most of the Third Era, the Mantella was hidden on a plane of Aetherius known as the Mantellan Crux. It was later located by Nulfaga the sorceress and recovered by an agent of the Blades, which led directly to the Miracle of Peace.
Mantle of Woe[edit]
Mantle of Woe is an enchanted robe associated with the dark arts. It was known for its corruptive nature and was imbued to grant its wearer great boons to magicka and art of conjuration at the cost of constant exposure to the Sun-based damage and reduction of defences of the wearer.
Mara's Blouse[edit]
Mara's Blouse is a piece of clothing associated with the Goddess of Love, Mara. It is a red blouse imbued with magical properties that protect the wearer from the effects of hostile spells.
Mara's Skirt[edit]
Mara's Skirt is a piece of clothing associated with the Goddess of Love, Mara. It is a red skirt imbued with magical properties that improve the vitality and health of the wearer.
Mask of Alkosh[edit]
The Mask of Alkosh is a holy relic of the Dragon-Cat Alkosh, his light willing it into existence to help mend the tapestry of time, and is worn by the champions of the Pride of Alkosh. It was first worn by the Ja'darri the Endless, the first champion of Alkosh and the founder of the Pride of Alkosh. A Dragon must awaken the dormant power within the mask before it can be used. When the mask is empowered, it imbues its wielder, known as a Mask-Bearer, with extraordinary power.
Mask of Almalexia[edit]
The Mask of Almalexia is the Daedric ceremonial War Mask (also known as a killing mask) of the Tribunal god Almalexia. It features serpentine aesthetics, fitting of the goddess's title of the Face-Snaked Queen.
It is one of the Masks of the Tribunal, the other two being the Mask of Sotha Sil, and Vivec's Ash Mask.
Mask of Sotha Sil[edit]
The Mask of Sotha Sil is the blessed mask (also known as the killing mask) of the Tribunal god Sotha Sil. It embodies his idea for a Anuvanna'si (Tamriel Final), whose one of many goals was where life would undergo a synthesis of organic and non-organic nature (akin to the Fabricants). Indeed, overtime, Sotha Sil's body would become more and more synthetic, and his mask also changed to undergo this transformation. His followers, the Clockwork Apostles, mimic this synthesis with modifying their bodies, as well as craft their headwear in the Clockwork God's image.
It is one of the Masks of the Tribunal, the other two being Almalexia's War Mask, and Vivec's Ash Mask.
Masque of Clavicus Vile[edit]
The Masque of Clavicus Vile (also known as The Masque of Clavicus or Mask of Clavicus Vile) is a helm which makes the wearer more popular wherever they might go by making them seem charming and trustworthy. Much like other Daedra and their artifacts, Clavicus seems to retain ultimate control of the Masque and may recall it without warning.
The best known story of the Masque tells the tale of Avalea, a noblewoman of some renown. As a young girl, she was grossly disfigured by a spiteful servant. Avalea made a dark deal with Clavicus Vile and received the Masque in return. Though the Masque did not change her looks, suddenly she had the respect and admiration of everyone. A year and a day after her marriage to a well connected baron, Clavicus Vile reclaimed the Masque. Although pregnant with his child, Avalea was banished from the Baron's household. Twenty-one years and one day later, Avalea's daughter claimed her vengeance by slaying the Baron.
Mechanical Heart[edit]

The Mechanical Heart, also referred to as the New Heart of Lorkhan, is a mechanical replication of the Heart of Lorkhan created by Sotha Sil. It first began development shortly after the events that occurred in 2E 882, where Dagoth Ur awakened and then ambushed and nearly killed the Tribunal during their annual pilgrimage to Red Mountain to renew their divine powers. The event resulted in the Tribunal being cut off from access to the Heart of Lorkhan, and the Mechanical Heart project would be conceived by Sotha Sil as a backup to ameliorate the loss of the original Heart of Lorkhan.
Mehrunes' Razor[edit]
Mehrunes' Razor (sometimes Mehrunes Razor), also called the Dagger of the Final Wounds, the Bane of the Righteous, and the Kingslayer, is a Daedric artifact created by the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. This powerful ebony dagger has the ability to kill instantly, as there is a small chance that Dagon will claim the souls of those struck by the Razor. It is Daedric in appearance, emblazoned with Daedric script and seemingly able to drink the light that hits it.
Memory Wand[edit]
The Memory Wand is an artifact created by the Daedric Prince of Madness, Sheogorath. It is intended to be used by him for the fun of causing a victim to go mad by altering, deleting, and causing them to relive painful memories. This can be done in such a way that the victim will question their own reality. Its physical appearance is describable as a large metallic rod adorned with a double sided figure of a horned madman, with blue flames coming out of its head.
Mentor's Ring[edit]
The Mentor's Ring is a prized possession for any apprentice to magic. It lends the wearer the ability to increase their intelligence and wisdom, thus making their use of magic more efficient. The High Wizard Carni Asron is said to be its creator, and he loaned it to apprentices while they were studying under him. After Asron's death, the ring and several other of his possessions vanished and have been circulated throughout Tamriel.
Mephala's Teacher[edit]
Mephala's Teacher is a Daedric club that is believed to be associated with the Daedric Prince Mephala. Legends state that she used the club to punish her obstinate followers to remind them that discipline is required for executing great schemes. The implement itself has two enchantments, which freeze and tire out the victim respectively.
Meridia's Beacon[edit]
Meridia's Beacon is a magical magna-geode shaped stone associated with the Daedric Prince Meridia. The Lady of Infinite Energies is known to speak to those in possession of the beacon and uses it to influence and compel those who hold onto the Beacon.
Meridia's Brilliance[edit]
Meridia's Brilliance is a magical magna-geode shaped stone associated with the Daedric Prince Meridia. It is a relic from the Kilkreath Temple that radiates with Meridia's light. It possesses the ability to channel her divine radiance, and it was also believed that it could cleanse undead corruption and seal off the temple when necessary.
Mnemic Egg[edit]
The Mnemic Egg is an Argonian relic that can act as the physical link between the Argonians and the Hist. It is a sacred symbol of birth and life, containing the memories and wisdom of the Hist. The Mnemic Egg takes the form of a seed infused with Hist sap, which visibly flows and pulsates throughout the Egg.
When a Hist tree dies, the death is described as the tree being "born backwards." That is to say, the death of a Hist creates a Mnemic Egg. The memories of that Hist and its Argonians are all contained within the Mnemic Egg. The Hist share a collective consciousness; they have the ability to communicate with one another, and to feel what another Hist is feeling. As a result of the Hist's shared connection, and the fact that the Mnemic Egg is a physical vessel for all of the memories of the dead Hist that birthed it, the Mnemic Egg can be used as a gateway into the collective consciousness of all Hist Trees. This also means that in the wrong hands, a Mnemic Egg can be used to sever the Argonian connection to the Hist.
Moon-and-Star, or by its full name the great Ring of the Ancestors, One-Clan-Under-Moon-and-Star, is a Dwarven ring of the Chimer hero Nerevar. The artifact was forged by one of the smiths of Dwemer Sorcerer-priest Kagrenac and blessed by the Daedric Goddess Azura. The ring lent Nerevar supernatural powers of persuasion and indisputable proof of identity, since any other who tried to wear it would be killed instantly. The Moon-and-Star helped Nerevar unite the warring Chimer clans, and form the First Council which included the Dwemer.
Moon-and-Star played a role in the Nerevarine Prophecies, and allowed the Nerevarine, the reincarnation of Nerevar, to again unite the Great Houses and Ashlander clans, this time in the battle against the forces of Dagoth Ur.
Moonlight Blade[edit]
The Moonlight Blade is a crescent moon-shaped blade associated with both Azurah and the extinct Order of the Hidden Moon. This ancient Khajiiti order was said to have been gifted the blade by the Mother Goddess herself, who plucked the blade off her own Moon-Staff to be used as a weapon. The order were charged to guide, protect and redeem their people's souls — both pure and those corrupted by Namiira. The Moonlight Blade was considered a sacred tool for this duty. While on its own the blade was a deadly weapon against the Dro-m'Athra, in the hands of those who knew the Order's secrets, the Moonlight Blade could cut through liminal barriers, both the mundane and those between worlds — in particular, the ushering of souls to their fated afterlife.
Mora's Whispers[edit]
Mora's Whispers are pauldron artifacts of the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. With its enchantment, its wearer learns faster. Knowledge literally becomes power, as the more you have accumulated, the more beneficial that it is to you. The shoulderpads are an amalgamation of the body parts of the many Daedra that inhabit Apocrypha. Skin from a Lurker provides for the armor-sheath, rune-etched tentacles from Watchers protrude the sides, living eyes are embedded throughout, and sinews taken from Seekers are sewn into it.
Mortuum Vivicus[edit]
The Mortuum Vivicus was a powerful weapon created by the Daedric Prince Molag Bal. It was a massive spell that was capable of holding and harnessing thousands of souls, and could destroy all of Tamriel if it were released. It had no physical form, instead appearing as a large orb of cold light. It was originally given as a gift to the Ayleid King Anumaril of Abagarlas, a Daedraphile settlement on City Isle that was dedicated to Bal.
Muatra,[nb 1] meaning Milk Taker, is a spear wielded by Vivec, one of the living gods of the Tribunal. In his younger years, Vivec had a chance encounter with the Hortator of the Chimer Indoril Nerevar, telling Nerevar that he would make a legend of the netch longhook in his possession and that it would be his weapon of choice in Nerevar's guard. The longhook was in his possession from the days of his youth where he bonded with his father Irdri who was a netchiman by trade.
During the event known as the Pomegranate Banquet in which Vivec and Molag Bal made an unholy union, Vivec noticed his body was tenderly used and pointed this out; Molag Bal replied, stating that his love was accidentally shaped like a spear. Vivec bit new words onto Molag's spear so it could give more than ruin. Disaster was struck when the Chimer, Demons, and Monsters who bore witness to this took out their spears and imitated this biting which caused the earth to crack, spawning a new terrible race that was born of the biters and caused destruction. Vivec, however, had learned a new secret from Molag Bal when he had bitten him, and thus was able to change his own spear into a more terrible thing.
Vivec named his new spear Muatra. The spear in this new form had the ability to turn anyone Vivec touched with it barren and wither them to bones. Vivec used Muatra to destroy many things, including: the biters and their progeny; his own progeny he created with Molag Bal, including eight particularly powerful children who escaped his initial wrath; the last of the N'chorbal, which were terrible rock-skin bugs native to Vvardenfell; and, according to some legends, even Nerevar himself. Muatra, along with Vivec's Lyre, is often depicted in shrines and tapestries as the harp and spear are symbols of Vivec.
Mysterium Xarxes[edit]
The Mysterium Xarxes was a tome written by Mehrunes Dagon, who scribed it in "the deserts of rust and wounds". It was an artifact of great—and evil—power. The Xarxes was said to have a vile corrupting influence; reading from the book required magical protection from its powers, even merely handling it was said to be dangerous. Because of the hazards it poses to its reader, this book was classified as a Tract Perilous.
The book was given by Dagon to Mankar Camoran. After studying the tome, Mankar wrote the Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes (also known as the Mythic Dawn Commentaries). Inspired by the prophecies and promises within the book, Mankar founded the Mythic Dawn, a Daedric cult devoted to Mehrunes Dagon. The Xarxes acted as the cult's holy book, and was stored in the Mythic Dawn's hidden shrine in the caverns beneath Lake Arrius in Cyrodiil. Using the power of the book, Mankar created Gaiar Alata, or "Paradise", an alternate realm where the souls of Mythic Dawn cultists went in death.
In 3E 433, following the Mythic Dawn's assassination of Emperor Uriel Septim VII and all of his legitimate heirs, the Blades infiltrated the cult and stole the Mysterium Xarxes from their shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. It was taken to Cloud Ruler Temple, where Martin Septim, the illegitimate son of Uriel and the heir to the throne, translated the Xarxes and discovered a way to create a portal to Camoran's Paradise. The ritual required a Great Welkynd Stone, a Great Sigil Stone, a Daedric artifact, and an Aedric artifact. The Hero of Kvatch entered Gaiar Alata and defeated Camoran, retrieving the Amulet of Kings. The Mysterium Xarxes was destroyed in the process.