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Tamriel Rebuilt:Amelphia Tarramon

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Amelphia Tarramon (TR_m3_Amelphia Tarramon)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Mages Guild: Basement
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 5 Class Alchemist Service
Gold 150 Mercantile Novice (5)
Sells Ingredients, Apparatus, Potions
Other Information
Health 45 Magicka 146
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Mages Guild 1(Apprentice)
Amelphia Tarramon

Amelphia Tarramon is a Breton alchemist and an Apprentice in the Mages Guild. She can be found in the basement of the Old Ebonheart branch of the Mages Guild. Her interests include alchemy and exotic liquors.

She wears a common robe and a pair of common shoes. She carries the potions and ingredients that she restocks as a merchant.

Aside from her natural bonus and resistance to magicka, and her ability to shield herself for short periods, she knows the following spells: Absorb Intelligence, Commanding Touch, Frost Shield, Reflect, Sotha's Mirror, Spell Absorption, Strong Feather, Summon Least Bonewalker, Summon Scamp, Summon Skeletal Minion, Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather, Vivec's Feast, and Weak Spelldrinker.

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]


  • Background:
"I'm Amelphia Tarramon, an Apprentice in the Mages Guild. I recently moved here to Old Ebonheart to practice my alchemy and study unique Morrowind ingredients. I'm afraid my potions are no match for Narusya's, the other alchemist in town, but I can give you a Mages Guild discount! If you join the Guild, that is..."

If you are a member of the Mages Guild:

"I'm Amelphia Tarramon, an Apprentice in the Mages Guild. I recently moved here to Old Ebonheart to practice my alchemy and study unique Morrowind ingredients. I'm afraid my potions are no match for Narusya's, the other alchemist in town, but I can give you a Mages Guild discount!"
"Darvonis is a little village in the Sundered Scar. I wouldn't recommend going that far east unless you had some good reason; folk out there don't take kindly to tourists."
  • duties:

If you have been expelled from the Mages Guild:

"You have been expelled, %PCRank. I'm sorry, but you have to make amends before you ask for duties."
"One of the alchemists in Helnim told me a tincture of Hamum Roots and mole crab shells would enhance my reflexes. I went through my whole batch of Hamum Roots and could only conclude that alchemist had no idea what she was talking about!"

Mages Guild: Restocking[edit]

"Okay, okay, I know Amethysts can be found outside of Morrowind, but it's still important I get one! Have you tried a pawnshop or a jeweler's? I guess you could also find them as offerings in the Dunmer ancestral tombs, but, um, don't tell anyone I said that."
  • duties:
"I think I might have something you can do. I've been experimenting with some alchemical ingredients that you can only find on the mainland of Morrowind, and I've run out of three of them. You could help replenish my stores."
"I still need two Ornada Eggs, one Hamum Root, and one Amethyst to replenish my stores."
  • Hamum Root:
"You can find Hamum Root on any Hamum plant on the mainland of Morrowind. Though you can usually find them growing north of Darvonis. I hear there's a more local farmer to the east of here who's planted a row. If you're very polite, you could probably take some samples from her crops."
"Mole crab shells and Hamum Roots mixed together makes nothing of use, I've undoubtedly proved it now."
  • Ornada Eggs:
"Ornadas are insect-like creatures found only on the mainland of Morrowind. Only the queens carry the eggs, and they can be quite rare, so you might be better off shopping at some of the local alchemists or publicans to find the eggs."
  • replenish my stores:
"I've run out of Hamum Roots, Ornada Eggs, and Amethysts. If you could bring me back one Hamum Root, two Ornada Eggs, and one Amethyst, I should be set until Arquebald can order more through his own connections."
"Let me see... no, I don't think you have what I need. Keep looking!"
"Yes, that's what I need! Will you give the ingredients to me now?"
  • Yes, take them.:
"Excellent! I'll just take those off your hands. Thanks for the help, %pcname. If you want any more duties, just let me know." (Removed a Hamum Root, 2 Ornada Eggs, and an Amethyst from your inventory)
  • On second thought, no.:
"Well, if you insist, I guess."
"I'm sorry, I don't have anything to compensate you with. Maybe you could talk to Arquebald Vene? The Mages Guild should cover things like that, right?"
"Thanks again."

If you have been expelled from the Mages Guild:

"You have been expelled, %PCRank. I'm sorry, but you have to make amends before this can proceed further."

Mages Guild: Four Types of Liquor[edit]

  • Advancement:
"Journeyman f-f-for sure. ...hic!"
  • amethyst:
"Oooh, shiny..."
  • Background:
"What? My backside is... what??"
  • duties:
"I'm trying to get Journeyman before my pen pal on Vvardenfell. I'm doing a report on four types of Morrowind liquor. Can you help me?"
"I'm--hic!--all out of duties for you... Have you--hic!--tried talking to Arquebald Vene? ...hic!"
"The native brandy is called greef. Like shein, it's made from comberries, not grapes."
"Hic! Good shtuff. ...hic!"
  • Mages Guild:
"I once belonged to a Mages Guild. ...hic!"
  • make amends:
"You could alwaysh offer them shome booze? ...hic!"
"It's a Morrowind beer made from saltrice. I'm told it's more common the further south you go, being that saltrice is one of the major exports of Great House Dres. Most Dunmer belonging to House Dres aren't exactly friendly enough for me to go up and ask for some, though."
  • Morrowind liquor:
"You'll help? Wonderful! The four types of liquor I'm looking for are Mazte, Sujamma, Shein, and Greef. You can find them in pretty much any tavern in Morrowind."
  • Morrowind lore:
  • my trade:
"Have any more sujamma on you? ...hic!"
"Oooh, special Nerevaraveraneva... uh... shtuff."
  • Ornada Eggs:
"I think I'm going to be sick..."
  • shein:
"It seems the only wine they have in Morrowind is made out of comberries. I want to see how it compares to the grape wine in Cyrodiil."
"Hic! Good shtuff. ...hic!"
  • Soul sickness:
"Sick? Me?? Hic! Well... maybe. You...? ...hic!"
  • sujamma:
"It's supposed to be very potent, but I'm not sure what it's made out of. Perhaps one of the local roots?"
"Hic! Good shtuff. ...hic!"
"Ish that you?"

Mages Guild: When Interiors Don't Match Their Exteriors[edit]

  • Old Ebonheart Mages Guild:

After completing the quest 'Restocking':

"Maniel told me about a previous attempt to make the guildhall larger. Apparently there are old rooms locked away that don't exist in this plane. An aquarium, a greenhouse, a crystal mine... it sounds incredible."

After completing the quest 'Four Types of Liquors':

"You know about the p-... previous attempt to expand the guildhall, right? They locked the extra rooms away, but they're still here!"
  • previous attempt:
"Everyone keeps saying to stay away from that place. I heard Arquebald's door leads there if you have the right key."
"Found the key did you? Have you tried it on Arquebald's door yet?"
"Did you find anything interesting in there? I've been thinking about writing another report."

If you have completed the quest 'Four Types of Liquor':

"I bet Arque... b-bald has that key sh-stashed away somewhere!"
"You're good at finding things, %PCName! You found my m-materials, you found the k-key. Have you tried it on Arquebald's door?"
"Did you f-find any more liquor in t-there?"


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.