Skyrim Mod:A Tale of Blood and Snow/Aenar

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Added by A Tale of Blood and Snow
Location Quarra Lair
Race Nord Gender Male
Level PCx1.25 (range=30-75) Class EncClassBanditMelee
RefID N/A BaseID N/A
Other Information
Race Details Vampire, Undead
Morality No Crime Aggression Aggressive
Essential Yes, if on the Quarra side
Voice Type DVAenarVoiceType

Aenar is a Nord Vampire of the Quarra Clan.

Alongside Agrius and Haesmar, Aenar is one of the few surviving members of the original Quarra. In the clan's new form, he serves as their blacksmith and armorer; responsible for taking Dwemer metal and reforging it into new armor in the style of the equipment used by the Dwemer of Vvardenfell. To that end, he will often task fledglings with salvaging material from their new home in the ruins of Stone Garden, and sometimes other ruins across Skyrim in search of artifacts that could further the Quarra's plans for Skyrim.

He sells Dwemer automaton loot, Quarra Clan Robes, Heavy Quarra Armors, Heavy Quarra Boots, Heavy Quarra Gauntlets, Heavy Quarra Helmets, and spell tomes for Break and Shatter, Daedric Daggers, and Rain of Blood.


Aenar's life as a mortal is long forgotten, left behind after he became a member of the Quarra. He served as one of the clan's hunters for many years, right up until the clan's decline in the late 3rd Era. When Raxle Berne was confirmed dead, Aenar was dispatched to Bleakrock Isle in pursuit of several Berne members. At the same time, the Quarra founder Volrina would be killed, and Aenar would regret being away from Druscashti when he should've been there to fight for her.

During the catastrophic events of the Red Year began, Aenar would evacuate Vvardenfell with the surviving remnants of the Quarra to the nearby island of Solstheim. When approached by a messenger from the Volkihar, Aenar would join the rest of the clan in their mission to aid Lord Harkon's expedition to the ruins of Bthar-Zel. After the task was done, Aenar would settle into the ruins of Stone Garden, beneath Pinemoon Cave alongside the rest of his clan.

Related Quests[edit]

Faction Quests[edit]

Favor Quest[edit]

Special Quest[edit]

Radiant Quests[edit]


  • If you have the Legendary Dungeons: Dwarven Delves creation installed, Aenar will comment on how the alchemists' activities have made it impossible for the Quarra to salvage dwemer material from the main areas of the ruins. This will lead to miscellaneous objective to explore the Stone Garden and put an end to the mortals' and constructs' activities, leading to the creation's dungeon quest.