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(RefID: 0001E7D6)
Home City Winterhold
Store The Frozen Hearth
Race High Elf Gender Male
Level 6 Class Sorcerer
RefID 0001E7D6 BaseID 0001E7D5
Gold 500 (+1000 Master Trader)
Sells See Standard Merchandise
Buys Spells (Books, Clothing, Daedric Artifacts, Jewelry, Scrolls, Soul Gems, Spell Tomes, Staves)
Other Information
Health 92 Magicka 75
Stamina 58
Primary Skills Destruction, Illusion
Perks Augmented Frost (rank 1); Augmented Shock (rank 1); Mage Armor (rank 1); Magic Resistance (rank 1); Recovery (rank 1); Regeneration
Class Details CombatSorcerer
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Essential Yes
Voice Type MaleElfHaughty
Faction(s) College of Winterhold 0(Student); CrimeFactionWinterhold; DA01NelacarFaction; JobMerchantFaction; JobSpellFaction; ServicesWinterholdNelacar

Nelacar is a High Elf sorcerer and former member of the College of Winterhold, currently living in the Frozen Hearth inn in Winterhold. He was asked to leave the college due to some failed experiments. He will ask you to bring him Azura's Star, a powerful soul gem which will not be destroyed upon usage and can be refilled an unlimited amount of times. Nelacar will explain that a Dark Elf named Malyn Varen fell incurably ill, and as he studied the gem, he became increasingly insane, eventually seeking immortality through the use of the gem. During the quest The Black Star, when asking members of the College of Winterhold about an Elven mage who studies stars, all of the College members you ask will point you in the direction of Nelacar.

Nelacar views the Daedra as evil, including Azura, especially in light of what transpired with Malyn Varen.

He can be found inside The Frozen Hearth at all times. He will start his day at 6am and eat breakfast for one hour at 7am; he will then wander around both his room and the inn for the rest of the day, eating at 7pm and retiring to bed at midnight.

He wears apprentice robes of Alteration, an apprentice hood, and a pair of boots, and he carries an unenchanted iron dagger.

Related Quests[edit]


When starting a conversation with him:

"My days at the college are long behind me, but I prefer to stay close by."
"Dagur and I have an understanding. He gives me my privacy, and I make sure my experiments don't blow up his inn."
"I don't deal with any College applicants these days, so don't bother asking." (If you are not a member of the College of Winterhold)
"I don't like doing business with Azura's faithful. Make it quick." (If you chose to repair the star through Azura)
"Just glad all that business with Malyn is over with. What did you need?" (Finished the quest with Nelacar)
"Greetings, Arch-Mage." (After you become Arch-Mage of the College)

Speaking with him:

You're with the College?
"No. Gods no, not for years. I left Winterhold for some time, and returned to stay here at the inn."
Why would you live here at the inn?
"I still have research that keeps me busy, and being here in Winterhold ensures I have access to former colleagues."


"This, this is why people have a problem with your college, Nelacar."

Immediately upon entering The Frozen Hearth for the first time, Dagur can be heard reprimanding Nelacar due to his magical experiments:

Nelacar: "I'm sorry, could you describe the smell?"
Dagur: "Like some horrible monster was turned inside out, and then exploded. What did you do?"
Nelacar: "It was a minor miscalculation. I've already corrected it for future experiments."
Dagur: "This, this is why people have a problem with your college, Nelacar."

Later, Dagur continues to be suspicious of how safe Nelacar's presence is inside the inn:

Dagur: "Is everything well, Nelacar?"
Nelacar: "Oh yes, quite fine. My accommodations here continue to be just what I need."
Dagur: "And there haven't been any... problems?"
Nelacar: "Are you referring to your other customers? No, everything is quite alright. I expect a bit of animosity now and then."
Dagur: "I see. Well, let me know if things get out of hand."

Nelacar: "I say, you didn't hear any loud noises last night? No, ahh... explosion sounds?"
Dagur: "No, I certainly didn't! Is there a reason you're asking me?"
Nelacar: "No, certainly not. A small experiment may have gone awry, but clearly with no discernable consequences."
Dagur: "I... see. And is this something I need to worry about in the future?"
Nelacar: "Oh, I certainly hope not! That would be quite unfortunate for my research."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Black Star[edit]

When approaching Nelacar for the first time during the quest The Black Star:

I'm looking for an elven mage who studies stars.
"Who sent you? Was it the College? The Jarl? We agreed there would be no more questions."

You then have several options:

Your Choice Response
"A priestess of Azura sent me."
Passed: "Azura? Gods, it's all finally coming back to haunt me."
Failed: "You're working with the Daedra? Right. Now tell me the one about the Argonian Maid and the lusty baron."
"Look, I'm willing to pay.'"
Passed: "A few coins for my soul? If only you understood the irony."
Failed: "I don't think you understand. I'm not answering questions."
"I didn't agree to anything. Talk."
Passed: "Just calm down. I'll tell you everything."
Failed: "Do you think muscling me is going to work? I'm a wizard. An old. Elven. Wizard. Think about it."
"I misspoke. Forget I asked." Failed: "That's for the best."

In any instance where you pass, he will continue, saying:

"What do you know about soul gems?"
They're for enchanting, correct?
"They are. Except the gem is always consumed. They're frail. Except for one."
Soul gems? Why are you asking?
"That's what caused all the trouble. Soul gems are used in enchanting, but they break afterwards. Except one."
Don't change the subject.
"Soul gems are the subject, friend. They're used in enchanting, then they break. Except one."

Whichever option you pick, he will continue:

"Azura's Star. A Daedric artifact that allows any number of souls to pass through it. Some of us wanted to find out how. I was working under Malyn Varen, then. If only we knew what he was really planning."
What did Malyn do? / Get to the point.
"Malyn wanted to alter the Star. He was dying. Disease. He thought he could store his own soul inside. Become immortal. It drove him mad. Students started dying. Eventually, the College exiled him. He took a few loyal disciples to Ilinalta's Deep and vanished. Look, I don't care who asked you to find the Star, but don't take it back to Azura. The Daedra are evil. They're the reason Malyn went insane."
How does Azura's Star work?
"I mentioned how the Star is a soul gem, only it never gets depleted? There's another rule the artifact follows. You can only store white souls in the Star, belonging to the lesser creatures. Azura's magic won't allow black souls to enter it. As a mortal, Malyn's soul was black, so part of his work was breaking past Azura's rules. He was close before... well, I already told you."
How did the daedra drive Malyn insane?
"Azura is no ordinary Daedra. She commands an entire realm inside of Oblivion. The more Malyn worked on the Star, the more she was able to damn him. It started slowly at first. Malyn would see things that weren't there. Then he would yell at students over words they hadn't said. Then one day I walked in and Malyn had... killed a student, and in a horrific moment of inspiration, he started using her soul for his work."
It sounds like Malyn got what was coming to him.
"The College would agree with you, but do you have any idea how many innocent lives were cut short, just so Azura could have revenge? We're nothing to the Daedra. Pawns to move around, praise, and punish as they see fit."

Returning with the Star[edit]

"He did it. He actually managed to trap his own soul inside the Star."

Upon returning with the star, Nelacar will be in awe, stating:

"Stendarr's Mercy. You found it. Azura's Star. Maybe this is my chance to make things right. I can finish Malyn's work, the way we had meant to before his madness. It would mean cutting the Star off from Azura. Only black souls would be able to enter it once we finished."
I'd like to think about it.
"All right, but hurry. Who knows if Azura is watching us?"
"Are you ready to give me the star?"
Let's do it.
"Give me a minute to examine the Star. I'll see what we need to do. These fissures and cracks aren't encouraging. Malyn obviously was growing more desperate once he left the College. He did it. He actually managed to trap his own soul inside the Star, but it's falling apart. It needs more souls to sustain itself. The Star is being used to sustain Malyn's soul. I can't fix it while that fragment of him is inside."
So we need to deal with Malyn somehow.
"Precisely. But it's not as simple as enchanting Malyn away. He's put up barriers. Souls are only allowed in, not out. If we were to... somehow... send a soul inside the Star. One that was ready to overpower Malyn from the inside...."
Won't that kill him?
"He's already dead. Worse, the enchantment keeping him intact requires black souls. I don't know how many people he must have killed. If we don't do something, the enchantment will eventually fade, and the Star will slip back into Oblivion. Azura will have the last laugh."
I don't like where this is going.
"I could soul trap you. Place you inside the Star. Then bring you back once Malyn has been dealt with."
You want to send my soul inside, don't you?
"A special type of soul trap. Placing you inside the Star without fully killing you. Once Malyn has been dealt with, I'll bring you back."

Regardless of what you choose, he will finish by saying:

"I understand if you need some time to prepare. Let me know when you're ready."

A Journey For The Soul[edit]

Before entering the Star, you have the option of asking Nelacar about how your fate will differ from Malyn's, to which he will say:

What's to keep me from ending up like Malyn?
"Malyn's soul is beyond hope because his body is dead. But I'll be keeping you just slightly alive on this end. But be careful. If you die inside the Star, your soul will be disrupted. There's nothing anyone can do for you if that happens."
What do I do once I'm inside?
"Malyn's soul should be in the Star. Theoretically, purging him will be just like killing a ghost anywhere else. I'll have a magical tether to your soul while you're inside. Once you're done, it'll be as simple as pulling you back into your body."
I'm ready to enter the Star.
"Okay. Stand very still. This might sting."

He will then affect you with magic, and continue his grave tone, saying:

"First, I'll need to grab hold of your soul. Now, take a deep breath."

Once you have defeated Malyn, you will hear Nelacar's voice in your head:

"Malyn's enchantments are broken. Hold on. I'm going to pull your soul out of there. Brace yourself."

Upon returning to The Frozen Hearth:

"Easy there. The numbness will pass. Just don't strain yourself. We've done it. The Star has been cut off from Azura, and Malyn's soul finally has some measure of peace, even if it is in non-existence."
What do we do with it now?
"Now? You could use it for what we meant it for. Using black souls for enchanting. The Black Star will never decay, but it can no longer hold the white souls of lesser creatures. You keep it. I'd sooner finally put this chapter of my life behind me. Congratulations. You've changed the fate of a Daedric artifact and lived."
If it's fixed, then it's mine.
"Go ahead. Take it. I'd sooner finally put this chapter of my life behind me. Congratulations. You've altered the fate of a Daedric artifact and lived."


He is able to cast the following spells:

Close Wounds, Fast Healing, Steadfast Ward
Chain Lightning, Fireball, Firebolt, Incinerate, Lightning Bolt, Thunderbolt
Oakflesh, Stoneflesh
Conjure Flame Atronach, Reanimate Corpse, Raise Zombie

Standard Merchandise[edit]

This is the merchandise found in Nelacar's merchant chest. These items are only available if purchased from the merchant; they cannot be pickpocketed or stolen. They are restocked every two days.

Count Item Details
1 Complete set of Novice Spell Tomes
1 Complete set of Apprentice Conjuration Spell Tomes
1 Complete set of Apprentice Restoration Spell Tomes
~4 Leveled Robes (enchanted) Max 5 (5@75%)
~9 Leveled Scrolls Max 12 (12@75%)
~23 Leveled Soul Gems (empty and full) Max 30 (30@75%)

Nelacar is seemingly the only spell merchant in the base game with a limited list of Apprentice tomes. His outfit and his best known spells run contrary to his specialty.


  • There is a High Elf mage named Nelacar in Morrowind, though it is never made clear whether they are the same person.