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Skyrim:Elemental Flare

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SR-icon-spell-Fire.png Elemental Flare
SR-icon-book-SpellTomeDestruction 02.png
Added by Arcane Accessories
School Destruction Difficulty Novice
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Aimed Equip Either Hand
Spell ID FExxx850 Editor ID ccBGSSSE014_Oblivion_Elemental01Flare
Base Cost 45 Charge Time 0.5 seconds
Duration 0+2 seconds Range 468.75 feet
Speed 117.1875 ft/s Max Life 4 seconds
Magnitude 15 points Area 15 feet
Tome ID FExxx862 Tome Value 65 Value
Appears in random loot at level 10+
Purchase from
The projectile and subsequent explosion of an elemental spell
An elemental explosion for 15 points of fire damage, 15 points of shock damage, and half as much damage to stamina.

Elemental Flare is a novice level Destruction spell that deals fire and shock damage, with half as much magic damage being dealt to stamina and half as much shock damage being dealt to magicka, over an area, upon projectile impact. The projectile deals fire and stamina damage, and burns targets, dealing 20% of the immediate fire damage and half as much stamina damage over 2 seconds, while the resulting explosion deals shock and magicka damage over 1 second.


  • Elemental Flare, deals 15 points of magic damage (see Bugs) and 7.5 points of stamina damage in 15 feet; targets receive a burning effect that lingers, dealing an additional 3 magic damage and 1.5 stamina damage for 2 seconds.
  • Shock (FExxx860; ccBGSSSE014_HazardShockSpell01), deals 15 points of shock damage and 7.5 points of magicka damage for 1 second.
  • Shock damage explosion enchantment (FExxx83F; ccBGSSSE014_EnchShockDamageExplosion01), deals 8 points of shock damage and 4 points of magicka damage for 1 second.

With the associated perks unlocked:


  • Novice Destruction, reduces the spell cost by 50%.
  • Aspect of Terror, raises the level that targets can be demoralized to level 109; if both the Aspect of Terror and Intense Flames perks have been unlocked.
  • Augmented Flames (Rank I), raises the damage dealt by the Elemental Flare effect to 18.75 points of magic damage and 9.375 points of stamina damage, with 3.75 points of magic damage and 1.875 points of stamina damage being dealt as additional damage for 2 seconds.
  • Augmented Flames (Rank II), raises the damage dealt by the Elemental Flare effect to 22.5 points of magic damage and 11.25 points of stamina damage, with 4.5 points of magic damage and 2.25 points of stamina damage being dealt as additional damage for 2 seconds.
  • Augmented Frost (Rank I), raises the damage dealt by the Elemental Flare effect to 18.75 points of magic damage and 9.375 points of stamina damage, with 3.75 points of magic damage and 1.875 points of stamina damage being dealt as additional damage for 2 seconds.
  • Augmented Frost (Rank II), raises the damage dealt by the Elemental Flare effect to 22.5 points of magic damage and 11.25 points of stamina damage, with 4.5 points of magic damage and 2.25 points of stamina damage being dealt as additional damage for 2 seconds.
  • Augmented Shock (Rank I), raises the damage dealt by the Elemental Flare effect to 18.75 points of magic damage and 9.375 points of stamina damage, with 3.75 points of magic damage and 1.875 points of stamina damage being dealt as additional damage for 2 seconds. This perk also raises the damage dealt by the Shock hazard to 18.75 points of shock damage and 9.375 points of magicka damage for 1 second. Moreover, it raises the damage dealt by the shock damage explosion enchantment to 10 points of shock damage and 5 points of magicka damage for 1 second. In addition, this perk raises the damage dealt by Disintegrate to 250 points of shock damage for 1 second; if the Disintegrate perk has been unlocked.
  • Augmented Shock (Rank II), raises the damage dealt by the Elemental Flare effect to 22.5 points of magic damage and 11.25 points of stamina damage, with 4.5 points of magic damage and 2.25 points of stamina damage being dealt as additional damage for 2 seconds. This perk also raises the damage dealt by the Shock hazard to 22.5 points of shock damage and 11.25 points of magicka damage for 1 second. Moreover, it raises the damage dealt by the shock damage explosion enchantment to 12 points of shock damage and 6 points of magicka damage for 1 second. In addition, this perk raises the damage dealt by Disintegrate to 300 points of shock damage for 1 second; if the Disintegrate perk has been unlocked.
  • Destruction Dual Casting, increases the spell effectiveness by 2.2x and increases the spell cost by 2.8x; if dual-casted. This raises the damage dealt by the Elemental Flare effect to 33 points of magic damage and 16.5 points of stamina damage, with 6.6 points of magic damage and 3.3 points of stamina damage being dealt as additional damage for 2 seconds.


  • This is an extremely powerful spell at novice level due to the way its multiple elements interact with perks and items that buff elemental damage, its ability to double dip into the Aspect of Terror perk bonus, and the flat 15 damage shock hazard that is spawned on impact. It starts out doing nearly twice as much damage as the apprentice level Firebolt and Lightning Bolt for roughly the same cost, and escalates from there as more perks are taken. Check the exact damage calculation on the Elemental Blast page.
  • Elemental Flare will damage both friend or foe in its area of effect, although, it will not damage the caster. With this in mind, take care when using the spell in the company of followers who tend to fight at close range, as even protected NPCs can be killed in this manner.
  • For Deep Freeze Paralyze, Disintegrate, and Perk Impact Stagger to take effect, the spell projectile must hit the target, not just the explosion alone.
  • It is sometimes recommended to aim at a target's feet, instead of their body, so that dealing damage from the explosion effect is almost guaranteed. This also avoids the situation of missing a direct hit and dealing no damage whatsoever.
  • Like most Destruction spells, it can be used to detonate runes or oil slicks from a safe distance. Also, casting the spell, or merely having it ready to cast in an area with flammable gas will result in the ignition of the gas and a subsequent explosion.
  • This spell also appeared in the Spell Tomes official add-on for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.


  • This spell actually deals magic damage, not fire damage, despite what the description states. While it looks like fire and is affected by Augmented Flames, it ignores fire resistance (and weakness) and can only be countered by magic resistance, wards and spell absorption. The shock damage component is properly affected by shock resistance. ?
  • The listed damage is only correct for the fire (magic) damage component. The shock damage component is a separate enchantment that may deal a different amount of damage, and there is an unaccounted for 15 damage shock hazard as well. ?
  • The spell does not deal frost damage but still scales with frost perks. ?
  • Like all explosive spells in the game, the explosion uses line of sight (LoS) rules to calculate which targets in the blast radius are hit. Targets can be shaded from the explosion by even small terrain or other enemies, resulting in no damage. ?
