Online:Dead-Water Tribe
The Dead-Water Tribe, or the "Naga-Kur" in Jel, as they more commonly refer to themselves, are a tribe of Nagas residing in their village in northwestern Murkmire.
Unlike the tribeless Nagas that inhabit the region, the Naga-Kur are proud warriors, deeply entrenched in tradition. They are feared by neighboring tribes due to their brutal ways and are considered hostile to outsiders.
However, some members of the tribe defend their undiplomatic nature, claiming that outsiders "mistake a show of strength for hostility" and that what outsiders "call inhospitable, we consider prudent."
The Dead-Water Tribe are led by their aged and irascible war-chief, Raj-Kaal Seelan, while their novice warriors are trained by their ka-deelith, Mewah-Jez, who prepares them to walk the Path of the Lily, a series of warrior trials.
Following the completion of Death Among the Dead-Water, Kishi will be appointed as a ka-deelith alongside Mewah-Jez, whose ineffective teaching methods he has criticized as leading numerous young warriors to their deaths.
For historical information, see the lore article.
- Blackguard Caravan — An unmarked camp in central Murkmire, east of Blackrose Prison. (map)
Dead-Water Village — A settlement found in western Murkmire. (map)
Lilmoth — A city found on the coast of Oliis Bay in southeastern Murkmire. (map)
Path of the Lily — A winding canyon which can be found west of Dead-Water Village in Murkmire. (map)
- Tomb of Many Spears — A cave found in the far northwestern corner of Murkmire, located northeast of Dead-Water Village. (map)
Related Quests[edit]
- Death Among the Dead-Water: Rescue the Naga-Kur from self-destruction.
Death and Dreaming: Join a dream-wallow ritual and learn the truth about the Remnant of Argon.
- Death-Hunts: Get started on the challenging Death-Hunts in Murkmire.
Grave Circumstances: Banish a necromancer on behalf of the Naga-Kur.
Grave Expectations: Purge the corrupted roots of Bok-Xul on behalf of the Naga-Kur.
Grave Mementos: Banish a necromancer and collect the bones of fallen Naga-Kur warriors.
Old Baubles: Kill a powerful miregaunt and collect some antiquities.
Old Enemies: Kill a powerful miregaunt and burn some supply caches.
Old Growth: Kill a powerful miregaunt and gather some nightbloom vine for the Naga-Kur.
Missing in Murkmire: Help Famia Mercius find missing expedition members.
By River and Root: Guide the trapped spirits of the Root-Whisper tribe back to the cycle of rebirth.
- The Skin Taker: Track down a serial killer in Murkmire.
The Swamp and the Serpent: Pursue a traitor through Deepmire.
Whispers in the Wood: Work with the local tribes to find out more about a mysterious Argonian relic.
- Some members of the tribe are mentioned in name only: Tsojei and Kaal Dreenjee.
- Itan-Eajal is a former member of the tribe, who joins the Root-Whisper Tribe after it is brought back to their village.