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Legends:Loading Tips

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These loading tips appear when the game or a match is loading.

Loading Messages[edit]

Gameplay tips[edit]

  • A creature is wounded if its health has been lowered by damage or a card effect like Curse.
  • Actions of the Aldmeri Dominion with "Empower" become stronger each time damage is dealt to the opponent for that turn.
  • An Assemble bonus for your creature affects all the Factotums in your hand or deck.
  • Beast Form creatures change into their Werewolf forms when you break a rune.
  • Bretons use magical wards to protect themselves - and often get bonuses when they lose them.
  • Creatures with Slay get a bonus effect when they kill a creature on your turn.
  • Having trouble with fast decks? Try using more Prophecy cards to help turn the tables.
  • High Elves often give you bonuses for playing Action cards.
  • Imperials like to fill the battlefield with creatures, winning through strength in numbers.
  • Many Dark Elves have Last Gasp abilities; they'll do useful things for you when they die.
  • Many Khajiit get stronger when they hit your opponent. Try sneaking them through the Shadow lane.
  • Many Orcs get stronger when you have other Orcs.
  • Nords get bonuses as you destroy your opponent's runes.
  • The Daggerfall Covenant has some of the finest blacksmiths in Tamriel. Use items to your advantage!
  • Redguards are mighty warriors, who love to use weapons to defeat their foes.
  • Sheogorath's beloved Wabbajack can replace its target with any creature in the game - and even a tasty one that is not.
  • Shouts have three levels. When you play one, all your other copies of it are upgraded.
  • Some Argonians can give you more magicka - and others get stronger when you have enough.
  • Treasure Hunt abilities list cards you must draw on your turn to receive a bonus effect.
  • "Wax" and "Wane" trigger on odd and even turns, respectively. You can check the turn number by hovering over the Magicka counter.
  • When a creature Changes into another creature, it keeps its damage, items, and modifications.
  • When two creatures "Battle" they deal damage equal to their power to each other.
  • When your lane is full you can sacrifice a creature already there to play more creatures to the lane.
  • Your first moves in a battle are crucial. Make sure your deck gets off on the right foot by including cards that cost 1 or 2 Magicka.
  • Wood elves like to prey on wounded enemy creatures.

General Hints[edit]

  • As a(n) [your race], you'll sometimes earn extra [your race] cards when you level up.
  • As you gain ranks in the Solo Arena you'll face tougher challenges, but earn greater rewards.
  • Both lanes can hold four creatures, and each player can have up to four supports in play.
  • Cards with "Veteran" effects must survive when they attack to trigger their effect.
  • Cards with the green arrow icon are novices. As you level up you'll improve them.
  • Come back every day for a new guild quest.
  • Complete quests for a specific guild to earn titles and bonus quests for that guild.
  • Don't want to play a Prophecy from a rune break immediately? Drag it back to your hand to save it for later!
  • Double Cards are treated as one card until they leave your deck.
  • Each card has a colored quality gem. Epic (Purple) and Legendary (Orange) are the most rare.
  • Every 10 levels you'll earn an extra sack of gold, and upgrade a Legendary card.
  • Have a question? A glossary of game terms can be found in the Options menu.
  • Link your Bethesda and Twitch accounts and you can earn rewards for watching The Elder Scrolls: Legends.
  • Log in each day to earn a free Daily Reward. The more days you log in each month, the better your rewards.
  • Once per day, you can replace an uncompleted quest on the profile screen with a new random quest.
  • Reach the Mage, Warrior, and Thief in Ranked Mode each month to earn exclusive cards!
  • Select your avatar to emote your opponent. Or select their avatar to mute their emotes.
  • Starter Packs are one of the least expensive ways to boost the size of your collection.
  • Strong decks usually include a good mix of cheap and expensive cards, and at least 30 creatures.
  • The Chaos Arena is an occasional event that features the fun, random lanes of the Solo Arena in the Versus Arena.
  • Theme decks include epic and legendary cards to help build your collection.
  • There is a button in Soul Sight mode that will let you easily sell you extra cards.
  • Visit your profile to see your progress in ranked mode and arena.
  • You can change your title on your profile screen.
  • You can replay completed story chapters for fun, but you won's earn any rewards.
  • The end of life is not the end of usefulness! Creatures with "Consume" can use your discard pile to buff your creatures and terrorize your foes.
  • What good is a brand-new Recruit without its equipment? "Mobilize" items let you play them to an empty lane that instantly equip to a 1/1 Recruit.
  • The experienced combatants of the Guildsworn have "Expertise" effects that activate at the end of your turn if you played an action, item, or support.
  • The Collection supports searching by creature type. Find your Goblins, Dwemer, and Imperials!
  • Want to try out a new race? You can change your avatar from the profile page.
  • When a creature with Ward is dealt damage, the damage is reduced to 0 and the Ward is broken.
  • You can buy cards with Soul Gems. Use Soul Sight in Collection to see what's available.
  • You can change your title on your profile screen.
  • You can have up to three daily quests at a time. Complete them to make space for more.
  • You can replay completed story chapters for fun, but you won't earn any rewards.
  • You can share decks with your friends using Deck codes from the Export Deck function in the Collection.

Collection Hints[edit]

  • Complete quests for a specific guild to earn titles and bonus quests for that guild.
  • Each card has a colored quality gem. Epic (Purple) and Legendary (Orange) are the most rare.
  • Link your Bethesda and Twitch accounts and you can earn rewards for watching The Elder Scrolls: Legends.
  • Low on gold? Complete your daily quests and play Casual or Ranked games in Play Mode!
  • Reach the Mage, Warrior, and Thief in Ranked Mode each month to earn exclusive cards!
  • Starter Packs are one of the least expensive ways to boost the size of your collection.
  • Theme decks include epic and legendary cards to help build your collection.
  • Unique cards have an orange gem at the top. You can have only one copy of each unique card in a deck.
  • You can have up to three daily quests at a time. Complete them to make space for more.


  • As the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, Astrid often recruited new members for the shadowy guild.
  • Boethiah is the Daedric Prince of deceit, conspiracy and secret plots.
  • Clockwork City is a mechanical creation of Sotha Sil whose location is shrouded in mystery.
  • Dawnbreaker is a sword forged by the Daedra Prince Meridia to strike down the undead.
  • Euraxia Tharn took control of Rimmen by assassinating the Khajiiti King Hemakar and his family.
  • Factotums are mechanical humanoid automatons created by Sotha Sil for Clockwork City.
  • Khamira was the daughter and only surviving relative of King Hemakar after the events of the Frostfall Coup.
  • Shadowmere is a mysterious horse once owned by Lucien Lachance of the Dark Brotherhood.
  • People often mistake Alfiq for house cats. It's a mistake they only make once.
  • Ta'agra is the language spoken by the natives of the province of Elsweyr, the Khajiit.
  • The Aldmeri Dominion is ruled by the Thalmor, a shadowy cabal dedicated to Elven supremacy.
  • The Argonians revere a race of sentient trees in the Black Marsh known as the Hist.
  • The Dark Brotherhood is a guild of paid assassins who receive their orders from the mysterious Night Mother.
  • The Black Dragon is a member of the Order of the Hour. She has been known to kill members of the Dark Brotherhood.
  • The Fabricants of Clockwork City are melded from both organic and mechanical components.
  • The Great War began when the Aldmeri Dominion sent the Emperor the heads of a hundred Blades.
  • The Order of the Black Worm is a necromancer cult led by Mannimarco.
  • The province of Skyrim is divided into Holds, and each of them is governed by a Jarl.
  • The renegade dragon priest Miraak, Dragonborn used the Bend Will shout to subjugate his old masters.
  • The Telvanni archmage Divayth Fyr has four daughters - who are actually clones of himself.
  • The Wabbajack is the most beloved toy of Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of madness.
  • Vaermina is the Daedra Prince of dreams, nightmares and evil omens.
  • Volendrung, the Hammer of Might, was forged by the ancient Dwemer in a long-forgotten age.
  • Zumog Phoom was once a ranking member of Mannimarco's Worm Cult. Following the end of the Planemeld, many of the Cult's necromancers flocked to his side.

Chaos Arena[edit]

  • Any time a storm is occurring, Sheogorath can be summoned with an offering of yarn, lettuce, and soul gems.
  • At the end of every era, Sheogorath becomes Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order, actually his true form.
  • Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration.
  • Haskill is the Chamberlain of the Shivering Isles, although Sheogorath doesn't trust him to do his job.
  • If you ever find yourself in New Sheoth, share a strawberry torte with Sheogorath.
  • Sheogorath is fond of skipping rope and death threats. He hates indecision. Or maybe he doesn't.
  • Some of Sheogorath's favorite things are riding narwhals, sleeping in honeycombs, and drinking babies' tears.
  • The Madgod is a family title that Sheogorath passes down from himself to himself every few thousand years.
  • The Shivering Isles are wonderful, except when they are horrible. Then, they are HORRIBLY WONDERFUL!
  • The two communities of Sheogorath's Shivering Isles are known as Mania and Dementia.
  • You must not dare to interrupt Sheogorath, because only he can interrupt himself, which he does, often.


  • A Gauntlet is a tournament you can enter with a constructed deck to earn rewards.
  • A Gauntlet "Run" continues until you get a set number of wins or losses. Some Gauntlets allow multiple Runs.
  • Allegiance is a Gauntlet using decks with cards from only one attribute (and Neutral cards).
  • Grand Melee is a larger event that provides better rewards than regular Gauntlet.
  • Leaderboards rank the players in a Gauntlet and provide extra rewards for the highest ranks.
  • Noble is a Gauntlet using decks built with only common and rare cards.
  • Pauper is a Gauntlet using decks built with only common cards.
  • Rumble in Skyrim is a Gauntlet using decks with only Heroes of Skyrim cards.
  • Singleton is a Gauntlet using decks with no more than one copy of each card.


  • There's no glory in practice. You can't complete quests or earn titles here.
  • You can test your deck in Practice mode, but you'll earn better rewards in Play mode.


  • "And if we are nothing but characters in an elaborate game played by unknown entities, well, why aren't I having any fun?" — Haskill
  • "Even Gods dislike the absolute, for it stinks of something larger than themselves." ― Sotha Sil§
  • "Imagine a perfect, cloudless midnight, cold as winter ice and shrouded in shadow. That is Sithis." ― Lucien Lachance
  • I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee and got shackled.
  • Khajiit doesn't need to be followed!
  • Khajiit has wares, if you have coin.
  • My cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do I get? Loading tip duty.
  • Only burglars and vampires creep around after dark. So which one are you?
  • The best techniques are passed on by the survivors.
  • The Ruby Throne sits empty, bringing death to all who try to claim it.
  • Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.
  • What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?


Contrary to this loading tip, Solo Arena opponents are not based on your rank, as explained here.
§This quote was originally from Sotha Sil's Last Words from the "Dwem, little dwemer of me..." thread on the official Bethesda forums.

See Also[edit]