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Tamriel Rebuilt:Feduran Vandal

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Feduran Vandal (TR_m1_Feduran Vandal)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Ashamul
Location Cave Hall
House Vandal Cave Dwelling
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 7 Class Smuggler
Other Information
Health 74 Magicka 90
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Feduran Vandal

Feduran Vandal is a Dark Elf smuggler who lives in the caves of Ashamul.

Locals will tell you that she has been a bit jumpy lately, something that might bear investigation. Despite her less than honest occupation, she is popular with some people who believe that, along with Gildaves Nerethi, she is one of two people who help the community stay afloat. Others are less fond of her, and believe her schemes will bring nothing but trouble.

She wears a common shirt with matching skirt and shoes. She wields a chitin dagger.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.

Her cave dwelling is locked (45), but inside and to the immediate right, there are a large amount of crates. The only oddly colored one contains moon sugar, and nestled in between the crates there are two Dwemer mugs and a Dwemer tube.

Related Quests[edit]

House Telvanni[edit]



  • Background:
"I'm, %Name, an independent woman and a specialized trader. If you need something that is somewhat out of the ordinary, I can try to obtain it for you. For a fee, of course. Though I must say, you look rather like the kind of person who helps me in acquiring items for my customers. I'm also the guartender here."
  • geography of Morrowind:
"Sunad Mora is like the flesh around the bone made by Boethiah's Spine. It's a cape that sits between Dagon Urul to the west and the Telvanni Isles to the east. The lowlands are verdant, rolling hills; while the highlands are rocky and abrupt. When it's not too foggy, you can get a good view of the region from Aegondo Point, a good walk to the north of here."
  • little advice:

If Disposition is at least 60:

"There is a submersed dwemer ruin, Manrizache, east of Bal Oyra. To go there, one needs to have several water breathing potions. But that's more a blessing than a curse, because it has hindered previous looters, so an enterprising archaelogist should greatly benefit from such an expedition."
  • my trade:
"My trade doesn't concern you. I do what I have to do when I have to."

If Disposition is at least 60:

"My trade? Yes, I'm a trader of sorts. Can't afford to keep an inventory, but when I get a customer for a rare, hard-to-find item, I search it, acquire it, and sell it with a good benefit."
"To get there, head out of Ashamul and take the road to Ranyon-ruhn, until you reach the root bridge across the river. Don't cross that, and instead head left and follow the river, until you reach a small mountain. The entrance to Palsinabat is on the northwest side of the mountain, and should be north and just a bit east of your position if you've followed my directions right."

Trouble in Ranyon-ruhn: Beast of Burden[edit]

  • hire a pack guar:
"So, you want to hire a pack guar? Normally, I'd just sell one to you, but right now I have bigger things on my mind. Perhaps I might let you in to a little secret."

If you have completed the quest 'Removing the Guard':

"Well, seeing as you helped me remove the guard, sure, you can have one for free. How generous is that? I'll bring him out to your man when you send him down."
  • little secret:
"You seem a trustworthy sort. Look, I'll lay it on the line for you. I'm a smuggler. And I don't like the fact that we've just recently got a guard here now at Ashamul. I want you to help me remove the guard."
"I seem to remember you were doing a little task for me, hmmm? You remove the guard, you get a guar. Simple as that."

If you ask her about this before asking her about hiring a pack guar:

"I don't trust you."

Removing the Guard[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Have you been able to remove the guard, %PCName?"

If you refused to help her:

"I have nothing to say to you." Goodbye
  • guar thief:
"Yes. Well, I have two ideas. Primarily, I suspect Galdasi Thendas, that good for nothing failure of a thief up at Ranyon-ruhn. She's an awful thief, but I bet she could steal something that would follow her, and she was down here looking shifty a couple of months ago. Ask the guards there. But if it's not her, perhaps try Tel Ouada, where rumors have also been circulating. Ask around, see what people know."

If you have slain the guar thief:

"Well done. You should now congratulate the guard on his job being done... This will make our life a lot simpler."
  • little secret:
"I don't trust you yet."

If Disposition is at least 80:

"You seem a trustworthy sort. Look, I'll lay it on the line for you. I'm a smuggler. And I don't like the fact that we've just recently got a guard here now at Ashamul. I want you to help me remove the guard."
  • remove the guard:
"Yeah, I just can't do anything with that guy around. So what do you say? Will you help?"
  • Sure.: "Excellent. Now, I have a plan for how we can do this. The important thing is, I don't want Mithras to just replace this guard with another one. He's here on the pretense that there were a few guar thefts in the area a while back. So let's call Mithras' bluff. Find the guar thief, so Mithras has no excuse to keep his guard here."
If you have started the quest 'Alchemical Slander':
"Excellent. Now, I have a plan for how we can do this. The important thing is, I don't want Mithras to just replace this guard with another one. He's here on the pretense that there are guar thieves in the area. So let's call Mithras' bluff. Find the guar thief, so Mithras has no excuse to keep his guard here. Alternatively, you could kill two birds with one stone."
  • What do you mean?: "Well, I've heard about what's going on at Ranyon-ruhn, with you trying to find an excuse to get rid of that slanderous fetcher, Sinsal Nedriem. Why not tell the guard that he was the thief? That way you get rid of the guard, and Sinsal at the same time."
  • I will not aid your immoral deeds, thief.: "Pah, worthless fetcher. Get out of here." Goodbye (Disposition down by 50)
  • Not right now.: "When you're ready, I'll be here."
"Any luck, %PCName?"
"So, you've killed the guar thief? Excellent, now just report your success to the guard."
"So the guard is going to be relocated? Excellent work, %PCName. Life can return to normal for me from now on! Here, take some gold for your efforts." (Disposition up by 10, and you receive 50 gold)
"Thanks for your help, %PCName."

The Dwemer Staff[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Seeing as I know you a little better, I have another little job you might be able to help me with, %PCName. A client wants me to recover a special Dwarven staff. Are you interested?"
"Have you been able to recover that special Dwarven staff yet, %PCName?"
  • special Dwarven staff:
"Yes. A rather grumpy Imperial barged into Ashamul a few days ago, and being the nice girl I am, I took him into my house for a drink to calm down. Once he was through his mazte, he calmed down a bit, and spun me a tale of how he had just been expelled from the Imperial Archaeological Society for attempting to steal this staff from one of their latest investigations."
  • Continue: "Well, it turns out that those miners over at Palisnabat struck lucky, and managed to dig up some old Dwemer ruin. Hoping to get a share of the loot, they called in the Society. Of course, they all got chucked out, and the Society got to work. Soon, our man discovers some fancy Dwemer staff, and tries to make off with it. He's caught and expelled, but he wants this thing badly. That's where I come in. After his little tale, I offered to get the thing for him. However, he said I'd never be able to."
  • Why's that?: "The ruin is down some large pit, and I don't have the levitation spells to get there, and I can't afford potions, as he rightly guessed. However, he told me how to contact him, in case I did manage to get in there. And that's where *you* come in. I want you to get down there, and find that staff. Are you up for it?"
  • Sure.: "Excellent. Do you need directions to Palisnabat?"
  • Not yet.: "No? A shame. If you're still interested, come back later."
"Any luck finding the staff?"
"It's been sent to the Firewatch Mages Guild? Hmm. It's a risk, %PCName, but see if you can find it there."
"It's expected at the Firewatch Guild of Mages but hasn't reached them yet? Strange... Try searching the road between Palisnabat and Firewatch, see if anything's happened to the caravan."
"This is the staff my client wanted? Excellent work, %PCName. Here, take some mazte, and this gold as well. I hope that's worth your trouble." (Removed Mzulangth's Fire Wielder from your inventory, and you receive 100 gold and a jug of Mazte)
"Thanks for your help, %PCName. My client will be pleased with this."

If you gave the staff to Gindaman:

"I heard what you did. You ruined a good job for me there." (Disposition down by 20)