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Tamriel Rebuilt:The Dwemer Staff

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Recently a dwemer ruin was discovered close to Ashamul and the cave-dwellers want a piece of its treasures.
Quest Giver: Feduran Vandal
Location(s): Palisnabat, Archtumz, Firewatch
Prerequisite Quest: Removing the Guard
Reward: Either 100 gold + 1 Mazte
or 515 gold
or Mzulangth's Fire Wielder
Disposition: Possible +13 (Gindaman)
ID: TR_m1_As_Dwemer
The staff in the destroyed caravan

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. After removing her problem, talk to Feduran Vandal.
  2. Investigate the newly-discovered ruin of Archtumz.
  3. Head to Firewatch to make inquiries at the Mages Guild.
  4. Track down the missing caravan.
  5. Decide who gets the unique staff.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Just Can't Get The Staff[edit]

Once you have solved Feduran Vandal's problem with the nosy guard, talk to her again. She will tell you a story involving an Imperial miner who came to Ashamul in a foul mood, having been recently expelled from the Imperial Archeological Society. He had attempted to steal a unique Dwemer Staff that had been unearthed in the ruins but was caught in the act. He wants the staff badly but told Feduran that she stood no chance of stealing it. The staff is located down a deep pit, and she doesn't have the levitation potions, nor the cash to obtain them. She asks you if you're interested in obtaining the staff for her.

All Mine[edit]

The ruin of Archtumz was found during mining operations in Palisnabat so you need to head there. Feduran will provide directions to the mine if you need them: "To get there, head out of Ashamul and take the road to Ranyon-ruhn, until you reach the root bridge across the river. Don't cross that, and instead head left and follow the river, until you reach a small mountain. The entrance to Palsinabat is on the northwest side of the mountain, and should be north and just a bit east of your position if you've followed my directions right."

Inside the mine, you'll quickly discover a problem: it is patrolled by an Imperial guard who doesn't want you hanging around and will escort you out. If you don't have the necessary Sneak ability, he's on his own and the only possible witness isn't close to where he usually patrols, so you can simply kill the him and proceed into Archtumz. The entrance is in the southwest corner of the mine at the bottom of a very deep hole, which is best navigated with Slowfall or Levitation if you don't have many hit points.

A New Old Ruin[edit]

Archtumz isn't large and is entirely deserted apart from one of the archaeologists, an Imperial named Jonas Artorius. The staff is nowhere to be found so talk to Jonas about it. He's a bit surprised to see you in the ruin and more surprised that you've heard about the staff, but will tell you that the staff has been put on a caravan to the Mages Guild in Firewatch for further investigation.

To The Guild[edit]

The Kagouti that destroyed the caravan

The fastest way to Firewatch is to head west out of Ranyon-ruhn along the main road, then use Divine Intervention once you get near Loen Doldal's Shack. However you get to the city, head to the guild hall and talk to local head man Gindaman. It turns out he's been expecting the regular caravan to arrive but it's very late. It seems something has happened to it on the way from Archtumz. There's nothing for it but to head back towards the ruin, looking for the missing caravan on the way. The road is long, but you will eventually run into the caravan just south of Doldal's shack, where it came to grief at the teeth of three Kagouti. Kill them and examine the wreckage, where you will finally find the staff: Mzulangth's Fire Wielder. Also in the wreckage is a dwemer goblet, a cog, a sword and a tube. Take these too.

The tube can be hard to spot; it is on the ground a short distance behind the cart.

The Choice[edit]

At this point you can decide who gets the loot. If you return to Feduran Vandal, she will give you 100 gold and a bottle of Mazte. Gindaman is rather more generous: you get 200 gold for the staff, plus 50 for the Ornate Dwemer Goblet, 40 for the Rusty Dwemer Cog, 75 for the Dwemer Tube and 150 for the Dwarven Shortsword. His disposition towards you increases with each object, for a final total of 13. If you talk to Feduran after this, her disposition drops by 20 each time you mention the staff. One other important difference is that the staff disappears from the game if you give it to Feduran, but remains in Gindaman's inventory if you return it to him. Of course, you can simply keep the staff for yourself, but this will not finish the quest.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Dwemer Staff (TR_m1_As_Dwemer)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Feduran Vandal has another small task for me to perform. She wants me to go to the cave of Palisnabat, and recover a special Dwarven staff that was found there.
20 In the Dwemer ruin of Archtumz, I discovered that the special Dwarven staff had been taken and moved to the Firewatch Guild of Mages, for a brief examination, before being sent off to the Imperial Archeological Society's headquarters in Cyrodiil.
30 At the Firewatch Guild of Mages, I discovered that the Dwemer staff had not yet arrived, and is actually quite late.
40 I found the caravan carrying the Dwemer staff on the road, attacked by kagouti. The driver had been killed, but the staff was still there.
50 Finishes quest☑ I gave the Dwemer staff to Feduran Vandal.
60 Finishes quest☑ I gave the Dwemer staff to Gindaman at the Firewatch Mages Guild.
65 Finishes quest☑ I have given all the Dwemer artifacts to Gindaman.