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Skyrim talk:Werewolf/Archive 3

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This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Werewolf discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Curing Werewolfism / witch head bug?

Is anybody else experiencing a bug during which you cannot cure your werewolf condition? I completed the optional objective (Which I'm learning is a pain in the tush most times) during the quest when you cure Kodlak of his condition, and completely wiped out all 5 of the witches. I went back (with four extra witch's heads) to cure my werewolfism, but nothing happens when I activate the blue flame. And also, I found out, that the four extra heads (4 pounds each = 16 pounds) are quest items and therefore undropable.

And since I'm on the 360, there's no way of me consoling my way out of this. Anybody have a clue as to how I should go about curing my werewolfism, and hence ridding myself of these burdensome... heads? A Well nights rest would sure be great right about now The Lost 03:08, 16 November 2011 (UTC)

Hey man, i had the same bug on PC. I did some quests and sold all but one witchhead to someone (don't know, why the "thats a quest item, can't sell!" didn't pop up). With only one Witchhead it worked for me. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:16 on 18 November 2011
I am pretty sure once you finish the main quest line for the Companions guild, the witch heads are no longer counted as quest items. After completing all Companion quests, I was ablee to throw the rest of my witch heads into storage containers in my house. ( 06:17, 27 November 2011 (UTC))
I've got the same bug. A few things i've learned:
- pulling all companions to the cave one by one to stand right next to flame (in case those heads are somehow assigned to people) - doesn't work.
- number of whitchheads in your inventory does not matter - flame won't activate.
- whitchhead becomes a quest item if i drop it and then pick up agan. Then it's impossible to drop it. If i travel around for a bit (one door between maps should be enough), i can drop it again.
- removing Beast form spell with a console will not cure you.
So i've got a bit of a headache with this 'curing lycanthropy' thing.. perhaps, if nothing else, somebody have any idea how to cure it properly through console? RuncZ 22:20, 28 November 2011 (UTC)
Theres a console code on the main page, along with a solution. Turns out, you must cure Vilkas and Farkas before you can cure yourself. Until you cure them two, the heads are quest items.
It seems like they are only quest items after you pick them up, after completing the quest in which you cure Kodlak. Meaning, you must cure Kodlak, then pick up a witch head. If your carrying extra witchheads when you finish the Kodlak-cure quest, they are not quest items. They must be dropped first, then picked up again. It's the picking up after the quest completion that signifies them as quest items. Hope you can understand and follow that. The Lost 00:20, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Wonderful.. exactly what i need. Thanks :) RuncZ 23:09, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

() My method of curing Lycanthropy:
1) Cure Kodlak
2) Do 2-3 radiant quests for Vilkas or Farkas (until they ask you to help them with a personal matter)
3) Accepting that task will start the quest Purity
4) Go to Ysgramor's tomb and cure Vilkas or Farkas
5) Repeat steps 2-4 for the other companion (Vilkas or Farkas)
6) After curing both of them, you can now throw a witch head onto the fire and cure yourself. -- 18:15, 21 January 2012 (UTC)

You can also just throw a witch head in the fire immediately after curing Kodlak, and your character will be cured. I've tested this on both PC and Xbox throughout many of the updates, and it works. Voraxith 18:26, 21 January 2012 (UTC)
I need help. I have a bug - can't cure myself (PC v1.4)
1)Kodlak cured. (After curing Kodlak fire was active but i wanted to cure my lucantropy later, because of Aela's "werewolf totems" quests)
2)Farkas AND(!) Vilkas cured.
3)Righ after curing last companion (Vilkas) I left Ysgramor dungeon for some time (for completing all 3 quests "collecting werewolf totems" for Aela)
3)And, after collecting all totems, when i desired to cure myself and visit Ysgramor dungeon again (alone) curing fire is no longer active for me :(
4)Witch heads (4) still in inventory, but when i drop them and pick up again they are became quest items again (undroppable). But i can't use them to cure, neither when they are droppable nor undroppable.

It seems I am not the only one who have same problem. What's the reason? Bug or my mistake somewhere? -- 04:23, 23 February 2012 (UTC)

Have you tried Aela the Huntress being present? Any time I have cured a character she was there, either because of being there when I cured Kodlak or later as a follower. Trying doesn't hurt. --Anubis Priest 22:17, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
Can you cure yourself of lycanthopy any time after the Purity quests?--DarthWeezie 11:58, 26 April 2012 (UTC)

Disease immunity bug?

As a Werewolf I still managed to contract a disease, Rattles (from a Dwemer spinning blade trap if you were interested), despite the 100% disease resistance. Just thought I'd share. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:04 on 4 December 2011

The Skyrim 1.2 Patch causes all resistances, including disease, to become useless. I was wondering if this allows werewolves to become vampires? -13ryce 05:53, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
This isn't specific to 1.2. My werewolf character contracted Rockjoint from a pendulum-blade trap in 1.1. - ND — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:32 on 5 December 2011
I just got Witbane. I got it from a bear-trap so maybe they broke the disease resistance with regards to traps only because I still don't get any diseases when I tangle with bears and wolves and I sometimes let them swipe at me a lot because I am building up my bow skill and will continue to use it on packs of wolves and bears even after they've closed distance --DagmarH 23:16, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
I also got a disease from a trap and it was not cured even after using the werewolf power to transform. I got Brain Rot (Drains 25pt of Magicka) from a swinging trap door while in human form. -Xbox, latest patch (3 something? can't seem to look it up), female Khajiit character. I am adding this to the bugs section. Hopefully someone can figure out the exact nature of the bug. --Amsuko 02:49, 17 January 2012 (UTC)
I'm on the xbox with the newest patch and I got Bone Break Fever (drains 25 stamina) from the pendulum blade trap in Dead Man's Respite while in human form. However, like Dagmar said, whenever I fight creatures (skeevers, wolves, bears, etc.) I have yet to catch a disease from them.-- 13:03, 28 February 2012 (UTC)

() On PC with latest patch. I have got bitten by a skeever, received a sudden -30 health that would not go away and had to use the console to restore the 30 points: it has happened on multiple characters with health, stamina and magika reductions, but only when a werewolf. I have summized that as a part of the werewolf immunity bug I can get a disease's effect, but the name and ability to cure it does not appear. --Anubis Priest 22:14, 4 March 2012 (UTC)

dark botherhood

i transformed in front of the dark brother hood and they didnt turn hostileJ'Skar 04:19, 23 January 2012 (UTC)

Err, yes and Babette is a vampire, it's not new knowledge, considering the fact that the Dark Brotherhood has a werewolf member... Astrid's Husband. Oh and also the Thieves Guild will give you the same results. Farkas The Wolf 20:39, 23 January 2012 (UTC)
And my spouse and housecarls don't care either... --Anubis Priest 22:22, 4 March 2012 (UTC)

Health Regeneration Tips

Obviously, drinking potions, casting Magic Armor, or Cloak will help, but are there any other tips for helping your werewolf?

  • The Lady Stone (25% faster health regeneration)
    • I did not notice any health regeneration if I had not fed while in werewolf form. (I'm already aware that 25% of nothing is nothing, but we should all know that Bethesda math does not work that way.)
    • Once you have regeneration working, does this effect stack or multiply with other effects?
  • Ring of Namira: Feed before transforming (Doesn't work -see note below)
  • Does Sailor's Repose (healing spells cure 10% more) stack or make any difference to effects from the Lady Stone or Namira's ring or the werewolf regeneration after feeding OR the werewolf health boost after feeding? --Amsuko 22:33, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
I haven't tried it, but what about eating one of the health regeneration foods just before transforming? 1 health/second isn't much, but since they last for 720 seconds... - ND — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:11 on 13 February 2012
Your spouse's Homecooked Meal is definitely helpful. However, I can update that the Ring of Namira was only helping due to the bug where equipment doesn't un-equip properly. It has a noticeable effect where you can regenerate health even if you haven't feed in werewolf form. However, this only happens sometimes, so I'm sure it was due to the bug where sometimes the ring is still equipped. --Amsuko 16:26, 4 March 2012 (UTC)

Werewolves can weild 1-Hand weapons and it raises that skill!

Atleast on 360. Here's what you do. Hotkey a bow or a 2-hander to left or right d-pad. Now equip a 1-handed weapon to your right hand in the menu. Press the hotkey to equip your bow. Then press it again to unequip your bow. You should be back to the 1-handed weapon you equiped manually. If you are, you are ready to go. Equip your bow again using the hotkey. Transform into a werewolf and you will hear the sounds of your weapons being unequipped. You should now either be holding that 1-handed weapon or it will be holstered on your hip. You can sheath/unsheathe it and everything and it actually doesn't look bad in the werewolf's hand and the animation looks okay.

It appears there are actually 3 equipment states. Whatever you have equiped to Left D-Pad, whatever you have equipped to Right D-Pad, and whatever you have equipped when you unequip either of those. Whatever is in this hotkey-unequipped-state will be equiped when you transform. You only want to equip a 1-handed weapon in your right hand since nothing will show up in the left hand, and a torch you don't even want to know (it flies on the ground between your legs lol).--RumblePen 11:04, 6 March 2012 (UTC)

Rested/Well-rested bonus lost even after game is restored to pre-werewolf state

Wondering if anyone else has encountered this bug: I saved my game before becoming a werewolf. I became a werewolf in the Underforge, unlocked the Blood Oath achievement (this is playing on an Xbox360), and cleared out Gallows Rock. I decided I wanted to restore the game pre-werewolf and loaded a game before Skjor asks you to meet him in the Underforge after dark.

My game does not show the Beast Blood effect, but I am not able gain rested or well-rested bonuses any more. It's as if my character is suffering the costs of having Beast Blood without ever actually obtaining the effect.

Can anyone else confirm? 19:44, 10 March 2012 (UTC)Baer

I can confirm the Werewolf bug in which you have gone through the cure but after still cannot gain a well rested bonus post cure. This is still present in the v 1.4.27 version of the game. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:00 on 25 March 2012

Are werewolves considered undead?

Are werewolves classified as undead in the game data? i.e will the Necromage perk affect them? Could someone with the PC version check for me please? (Eddie The Head 13:34, 7 April 2012 (UTC))

They are supernatural not unnatural, though they sort of have similar origins to vampires (daedric princes) but they are not undead. 01:30, 4 May 2012 (UTC)

dont get hp when feed

when im in low hp and feed in werewolf form in dont get hp and im just new wit the form is it that i need to level up or somthing or is it a bug pls help — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 9 April 2012

It's a bug, I believe your describing the disappearing corpse bug. It's never happened to me while feeding, but this is probably the cause.--Ninja1eye 18:22, 16 June 2012 (UTC)


if you are a Kajeet, is the extra 15 unarmed damage still added when you are a werewolf? please let me know Subhogue 21:20, 16 April 2012 (UTC)

No your racial abilities are removed while in Werewolf form.--Vukodlak 04:50, 13 May 2012 (UTC)

Random encounters still sort of work...

So I ran into another odd/funny bug. I had shifted to beast form because I had a long run to Saarthal and right after I arrived a random npc ran up to me and instead of fighting he engaged me in conversation and handed me an enchanted weapon before I could attack or be attacked. I realized this was the random encounter where a thief has you hold an item and lie/mislead/be honest with the victim. So, after receiving the blade, while in beast form, the thief ran and hid behind a nearby rock. A few moments later, still in beast form, the victim ran up and asked about the thief. Playing a selfish/evil character, I pointed out the thief to the victim ... Apparently this satisfied the requirements for the encounter and their scripting went back to normal at this point, because they both attacked me together immediately after yelling at each other. Not a game breaking bug, but it was pretty hilarious to have a bandit hand off a weapon to a random werewolf and have a civilian ask the same werewolf for help ... Really damages the whole "werewolves are terrifying" image ... Or that was one important weapon! Cronos 03:53, 16 May 2012 (UTC)

Full Moon Rising?

Was reading the page to check the updates and came across a part called full moon rising, which is supposedly a constant effect, is this real or fake? can anyone confirm or disprove it? Mr.Scryer217.137.157.197 02:18, 17 May 2012 (UTC)

It looks real, it seems to work every night tho not just on a full moon like it says, even if your inside and cannot see the moon. It looks like increase some stats by 50%. You can also add the effect with the console using player.addspell 000E5F64 — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 02:46, 17 May 2012 (UTC)
But i have never once in all my werewolf playthroughs seen an active effect called "full moon rising" (and i check my active effects often) or see any of my stats increased by 50, only health and stamina go up by 100 in beast form only and that is do with simply being a werewolf and not anything to do with the moon phases.

as a console (xbox) user, i cannot see active effects in beastform due to the lack of menu, while it could be possible, it could use some more proof. However there is a lunar forge that has some lunar weapons than can be disenchanted to learn lunar enchantments, maybe the editor thought it was to do with werewolves by mistake. Mr.Scryer. 11:05, 17 May 2012 (UTC)

I have been searching the google and it does not seem to exist outside of a console command, the fact the strategy guides do not even mention it and no one has heard about it until now puts it's existences in doubt, said people only heard about it from this site and are equally as confused about it as i am as they have done this and

so while the spell or magic effect might exist, it seems it does not exist in-game without console commands and thus i recommend the page be edited to put the "full moon rising" into notes instead of where it is now. 13:48, 19 May 2012 (UTC)

The CK confirms that it is not in-game. Vely►Talk►Email 14:57, 19 May 2012 (UTC)

Werewolf types

Ok this a strange situation here because i seem to be the only one who has encountered werewolf brutes, it seems the people here who most likely had this game since it was out has not encountered one and does not believe they exist and thus it got removed from the page, so has anyone else out there encountered a werewolf type? i.e werewolf brute, werewolf beastmaster, werewolf skinwalker etc i found the werewolf brute in a cage in a silver hand base and i just found this, not sure if it can be truly counted as a source but here it is 14:10, 19 May 2012 (UTC)

Okay, I have just traveled to Driftshade Refuge and confirmed that a caged werewolf was named "Werewolf Brute" in gameplay. I may have seen the 'Savage' variety before as well, if I remember correctly, but none of the others. I'll tweak the page to reflect some of this information, but it would be great to know whether or not the other types can actually be found in regular gameplay. Vely? ABCface 14:50, 19 May 2012 (UTC)
My replies are in the earlier conversation. Vely►Talk►Email 14:55, 19 May 2012 (UTC)
Just saw that, thanks! ABCface 15:00, 19 May 2012 (UTC)
It is a shame that one can only rely on the silver hand bases to see the types and if you go in a base too early, it locks to your early level and so you will never encounter the higher level ones. I usually level to over 30 before doing the companion quests which is presumably why i find them often. Mr.Scryer. 15:05, 19 May 2012 (UTC)

No difference in male/female werewolf character models

And someone keeps saying otherwise. This must be the third time I've had to edit the Notes section and someone who doesn't know what they're talking about keeps writing that female werewolves are smaller than males, when in fact there is no difference whatsoever and they use the exact same character model. This is becoming infuriating.

-Anonymous — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:32 on 26 June 2012

Its the same character model but the height scale is different, why you've never noticed this is beyond me. But I could tell immediately my female werewolf was shorter than my male. I've also taken the liberty of snaping a couple pictures, one with a male Nord in beastform standing next to Aela and another with a female Nord in beastform standing next to Aela. The male is noticeably larger. --Vukodlak 19:37, 26 June 2012 (UTC)
Where are those pictures? You are mistaken and that information is false; even on the official forums, Bethesda has confirmed that all werewolves use the same character models. An employee whose user name is "vsions," an art director at BGS, even stated in the forums that he wished they had more time in development to make different werewolf models based on race, gender and other traits.
-Anonymous — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:22 on 26 June 2012
The same model and the same size are two different things. Yes they use the same model for male and female but the scale on male werewolfs is set LARGER. Here is a link of a female Nord in the form of a werewolf, followed by a male. I took these pictures from my iphone
  • icon02w.png [Female Nord]
  • icon0q.png [Male Nord]
I'm on the ps3 so my ability to take screen shots is quite limited. But as you can clearly see there is a significant size difference between male and female werewolves in beastform.
--Vukodlak 21:39, 26 June 2012 (UTC)
Here are two pictures from the exact same angle and position.
SR talk-Confirmation-werewolfsize.jpg
The one on the left is a female dunmer, the one on the right is a male dunmer. When using the sexchange console command on the PC one can see a noticeable change in size. Changing race does not play nice with remaining a werewolf so I was unable to confirm whether the model size for werewolves is tied to gender or to player character size (race and gender). Coronus 22:07, 26 June 2012 (UTC)

() According to CSList, male height is 1.13 and female height is 1. Game data says the note on the page is true, so the note will remain in place. Also, edit warring is not appropriate, so please discuss more thoroughly on the talk page (waiting for consensus from others) before repeatedly undoing changes in the future. Thanks. ABCface 22:11, 26 June 2012 (UTC)

When you change into beastform your race changes to werewolf, this why you lose racial abilities as the wolf. So race would never be a factor in it only gender which can have different sizes and models based on race. Thanks to above for bringing in more definitive evidence then I could provide on my own. Should the scale for males and females in beastform go in the notes section?
--Vukodlak 22:19, 26 June 2012 (UTC)
The evidence was actually already provided in an edit summary a couple weeks ago here, but since it's obviously a note some users doubt, I think your idea of adding the scale to the note is a good one. I'll go ahead and add the information. ABCface 22:30, 26 June 2012 (UTC)
Why not just compare a female werewolf directly with a male werewolf such as sinding by standing both a female and male werewolf nect to each other?-- 15:55, 27 June 2012 (UTC)
There's not actually a need to compare anything any longer. Not only is the information in game-data, but multiple players have verified it in-game already. ABCface 21:06, 27 June 2012 (UTC)

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