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Skyrim:Sun Damage

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SR-icon-spell-Vampire Bane.png Sun Damage
School Restoration
Type Offensive
ID xx01571b
Items Weapons
(Click on any item for details)
Auriel's Bow
Dawnguard Rune Axe

Enchanting description: <mag> points of sun damage. Undead targets take triple damage.

Sun Damage is one of the types of damage available in the game. Unlike most of them, it falls under the School of Restoration, rather than Destruction. Sun Damage is actually several different effects that are applied together to achieve the described effect. There are Sun Damage effects that damage the health of targets, and Sun Damage effects that deal damage only to undead targets. A weapon enchanted to deal Sun Damage will have both effects—the first for the stated damage, and the second for double that amount (against undead). As an example, Auriel's Bow enchantment has the effect of normal Sun Damage (DLC1SunDamage) at magnitude 10 and Undead Sun Damage (DLC1SunDamageUndead) at magnitude 20. A normal enemy will take 10 sun damage from a hit, but an undead will take 30 sun damage (10 normal + 20 undead-only).


Artifacts and unique items that use the effect but cannot be disenchanted include:

  • Auriel's Bow (xx015719; DLC1EnchSunDamage; xx01571B; DLC1EnchSunDamageUndead)

Items that inflict Sun Damage but use a different variant of the magical effect include:


The following spells use the Sun Damage group of effects. Following each spell is the specific variant of the effect that it uses:

Related Effects[edit]