Skyrim:Paralyze (spell)

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SR-icon-spell-Paralyze.png Paralyze
School Alteration Difficulty Expert
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Aimed Equip Either Hand
Spell ID 0005ad5f Editor ID Paralyze
Base Cost 450 Charge Time 0.5
Duration 10 sec. Range 469 ft.
Speed 121 ft/s Max Life ~4 sec.
Tome ID 000a26e8 Tome Value 685
Appears in random loot at level 35+
Purchase from (Alteration lvl 65+)
Targets that fail to resist are paralyzed for 10 seconds.

Paralyze is an expert level Alteration spell which causes Paralysis on its target for 10 seconds.




  • Stability and Alteration Dual Casting perk effects stack rendering its duration to 33 secs, if cast with both hands.
  • Magic resistance reduces the spell's duration by given percent.
  • Targets that are immune to paralysis may still be staggered.
  • Although Paralyze is an Expert-level spell and only supposed to be in random loot at around levels 35+, rarely it can be found in "boss chest" loot at levels 30 and under.
  • Dragons, Dwarven automatons, Ghosts, and most hovering creatures are entirely immune to Paralyze and all other forms of paralysis.
  • Fortify Alteration potions increase the duration of the Paralyze spell. If you utilize the Fortify Restoration glitch, it is possible to make Fortify Alteration potions which will vastly increase the duration of the Paralyze spell, and any other Alteration spell, even without the Stability or dual casting perks.


  • If you Soul Trap a paralyzed target, they may get up and play their walking animation upon death. ?
  • Killing someone who is paralyzed may result in them not being able to be looted. To avoid this bug, you can paralyze someone and then attack them until their health is very low, then when they begin to stand back up, land the killing blow/spell. ?