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(RefID: 0001C18E)
Home City Winterhold
Store The Frozen Hearth
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 4 Class Food Vendor
RefID 0001C18E BaseID 0001C184
Gold 100 (+1000 Master Trader)
Sells See The Frozen Hearth
Buys Innkeeper (Food, Raw Food)
Other Information
Health 75 Magicka 60
Stamina 60
Primary Skills Speech, Two-handed
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Voice Type FemaleCommoner
Faction(s) CrimeFactionWinterhold; Favor013QuestGiverFaction; The Frozen Hearth Services; TownWinterholdFaction; Winterhold Frozen Hearth Faction

Haran is a Nord food vendor in Winterhold. She and her husband, Dagur, run the town's inn, The Frozen Hearth. At 9am, she starts her long working day at the inn, only stopping to go to sleep at 2am in the inn's cellar along with their daughter, Eirid.

She wears a set of farm clothes and boots. She also carries an iron dagger and a selection of common items and gold. If anything happens to Dagur, she will take over his duties at the inn.

Befriending Haran allows you to sleep for free in a bed at The Frozen Hearth, gaining the Well Rested status.

Related Quests[edit]


Her greetings can be:

"Just say the word if you need a drink or something to eat."
"Something I can get for you?"
"If you need a drink, just say the word."
"We may not have as much to offer as Whiterun or Solitude, but we'll do what we can to make your stay a pleasant one."
"Ranmir beg a drink from you, yet? That's gold wasted, friend."
"If you're here for the College, don't let the folks in town bother you. Just try and keep to yourself."
"The Mages at the College keep to themselves for the most part, so we don't see much of them."
"Most of our business comes from folks traveling to and from the College."

Speaking to her:

Why is it so empty here?
"You mean the inn, or Winterhold? Suppose it's the same answer, either way. Winterhold's fallen on hard times, to say the least. Most folk packed up and left years ago. A few of us are either too stubborn or too crazy to go, so we do our best to make a living."
Nice place you have here.
"It's not much, but we get by. Very little money passes through Winterhold anymore, but if there's one thing you can count on, it's folks needing a drink now and then."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

A Few Words with You[edit]

Despite the lack of people in Winterhold, Haran and Dagur still get constant business from the nearby College of Winterhold and Ranmir. She is in need of a favor to help get this Ranmir to pay his tab. If you inquire further about what is wrong with Ranmir she will be blunt and tell you that:

"He owes this tavern enough coin to burn it down, build it back up, then burn it down again just for laughs. He's had some troubles in his life, but I can't have him drinking here without at least paying back some of the coin he owes."
What if I talk to Ranmir?
"Go right ahead. He just might be sober enough to listen to you."
Sorry to hear that.
"I'm sure we'll get our gold at some point. Not like he has anywhere to go."

When you've convinced Ranmir and go to inform her that he's agreed to pay his debts, she will be grateful:

Ranmir's agreed to pay his debts.
"Thank you. He's not a bad man, just bad with his coins and his drink. My husband Dagur could tell you stories, there. I have a couple of Ranmir's things that he traded to us back when he was still paying regularly. I say you've earned them."

She'll give you a weapon and a piece of armor in return.


During this quest she will say:

"Please, whatever you did, just make it stop!"

Drowned Sorrows[edit]

Do you know where I could find Isabelle Rolaine?
"Oh, no. Dagur's been talking at you, hasn't he? Gotten you roped into his little plan to fix Ranmir's life? I'll tell you what I told him -- stay out of it. It's none of your business. Those aren't folks you want to get tangled up with."
I'm just trying to help.
"You'll wind up getting yourself killed. Dagur shouldn't have said a word about it. I love the man, bless his heart, but he doesn't know the whole story."

She will then follow up by saying:

"One night Ranmir was in here like always, drinking himself to death. When I told him there was no more Honningbrew, that he'd drank it all, he got angry. He ranted at me, how I didn't know what he's been through, how Isabelle broke his heart when she ran off with some thief named Vex... He said he'd even gone to Riften to try and find the bastard. I think maybe he was hoping they'd just kill him, and that'd be the end of it. Dagur never heard any of this, and I chose to keep it to myself. I'm only telling you so you don't get into trouble. Riften and thieves means trouble. Just leave it alone."
What do you know about it?
"Enough to know that it's not worth it. Ranmir's a good boy, and he doesn't deserve what fate pushed his way, but there's only so far I'll go to risk my neck."

If spoken to again:

Is there anything else you can tell me about Isabelle Rolaine?
"No there isn't. And I suggest you leave it at that. I don't want to see anyone get hurt over this."

New Allegiances[edit]

If you have joined the Volkihar vampiresDG, you will eventually be given a mission to turn a target into a vampire. Haran is one of the three targets for this quest.

When you meet her for the first time after you've turned her into a vampire, she will thank you for turning her:

"I never knew the darkness held such colors, or the night air smelled so sweet. You have given me a great gift."
"Please, make use of my coffin whenever the need arises."

Afterwards, she can be found greeting you with:

"My brother/sister in darkness. While it's good to see you, we'll keep up appearances, yes?"


Haran may discuss with Dagur about various things:

Haran: "I understand Eirid's been playing 'Hunt the Elf' again."
Dagur: "It's just children playing, Haran. I wouldn't fret over it."
Haran: "I'm not 'fretting.' I don't want Eirid playing those sorts of games!"
Dagur: "All right, all right. I'll speak to her."
Dagur: "I understand Korir has been complaining about our customers again."
Haran: "What of it? It's our inn, and they cause him no harm."
Dagur: "I believe he was suggesting their presence causes him harm."
Haran: "Well, then he's welcome to eat and drink at home, isn't he?"
Dagur: "Are we running low on mead?"
Haran: "No. Even Ranmir can only drink so much." or "No, without Ranmir around we're running out of stock far less often than we used to."
Dagur: "Let's just keep an eye on the supply. It's such a chore to restock."
Haran: "I suppose that's a benefit to having so few customers."