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Skyrim:A Few Words with You

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Walkthrough: written by Dreamshadow, not checked
Reward: written by Chezburgar, not checked
Do a favor by talking to someone about a problem.
Quest Giver: Radiant
Location(s): Radiant
Reward: Radiant
Disposition: =1 (QuestGiver)
ID: Favor013
I have a few words with you.

Radiant Options[edit]

This is a radiant quest which you can receive from any of the following six people. The person to whom you must talk is uniquely determined by the quest giver.

Quest Giver Target Reward
Carlotta Valentia Mikael Leveled amount of gold
Haran Ranmir One unenchanted leveled weapon and armor
Iddra Roggi Knot-Beard One unenchanted leveled weapon and armor
Octieve San Irnskar Ironhand Two-handed skill point
Omluag Mulush gro-Shugurz Leveled amount of gold
Scouts-Many-Marshes Torbjorn Shatter-Shield Two leveled fortify-skill potions or three leveled restoration potions

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to the quest giver.
  2. Talk to the NPC the quest giver wishes you to speak with.
  3. Persuade, bribe, intimidate, or brawl with the target NPC.
  4. Return to the quest giver.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Carlotta Valentia and Mikael[edit]

Carlotta Valentia is a food vendor who runs a stall at the Whiterun market. She gets a lot of attention from men in this city and half of them have proposed to her. However, all that matters is her daughter Mila and no man's going to get between them. The bard Mikael keeps going on about her and says he'll "conquer her as a true Nord conquers any harsh beast." You can talk to Mikael and help her deal with the trouble.

Mikael can be found at the Bannered Mare, performing or resting. You may tell him to leave Carlotta Valentia alone. He will tell you "I'm sorry, but that fiery widow is mine. She just doesn't know it yet." You can then choose between three options. You must pass an easy Speech check to persuade him.

Option Dialogue Reaction
She's not yours. Stop this nonsense. (Persuade) Passed: Maybe you're right. I guess I just didn't want anyone to think I couldn't handle one Nord lass. On my honor, I won't bother Carlotta ever again.
Failed: What did you just say? All I heard was the sound of jealousy.
Passed: Return to Carlotta
Failed: Nothing
Maybe we can come to an understanding. (Bribe) Passed: Bribing me? Well, a bard does need to eat. On my ancestor's honor, I won't trouble sweet Carlotta again.
Failed: I don't think so.
Passed: Return to Carlotta
Failed: Nothing
Leave her alone, or else. (Brawl) Passed: Whoa. Hey there. I didn't mean to make you upset. On my honor, Carlotta won't have to worry about me again.
Brawl: (Start a brawl)
  • Victory: You know how to throw a punch, I'll give you that.
    • You leave Carlotta alone, or this gets worse.
    • You win. On my honor, Carlotta won't have to worry about me ever again.
  • Failure: (Nothing)
Passed: Return to Carlotta
Failed: Brawl
Fine. Forget I asked. Already have. Nothing

Return to Carlotta and tell her Mikael won't be bothering her anymore. She will be a little surprised: "Really? You convinced that lute player to stop chasing me?" Then she will thank you and reward you with some gold.


Levels Reward
1–9 250
10–19 400
20–29 500
30–39 600
40+ 750

Haran and Ranmir[edit]

Haran runs The Frozen Hearth with her husband Dagur in Winterhold. You can find her working there all day long. As a frequent visitor to the tavern, Ranmir isn't so welcome. Haran may complain to her husband: "How long are we going to let Ranmir drink himself into a stupor? When will enough be enough?" If you talk to her about Ranmir, she will tell you "Ranmir beg a drink from you, yet? That's gold wasted, friend." Although she can understand he's had some troubles in his life, she can't have him drinking here without at least paying back some of the coin he owes.

Ranmir spends almost all his days drinking right in the tavern, explaining "Nothing to do here but drink till you forget you got nothing to do." If you ask him to pay Haran back for his drinks, he will be unhappy: "Who are you to say what I should do? I'll pay her back when I'm ready." Then you can choose between three options. You must pass an easy Speech check to persuade him.

Option Dialogue Reaction
You owe her gold. Pay it. (Persuade) Passed: You're right. What would my forefathers think if they knew I wasn't paying my debts? Tell Haran I'll bring her the gold I owe.
Failed: And I told you I'd pay it when I'm good and ready.
Passed: Return to Haran
Failed: Nothing
What if I pay it? (Bribe) Passed: I won't say no to that.
Failed: I'm not about to take on debts from some milk drinker I don't know.
Passed: Return to Haran
Failed: Nothing
Do it, or things get ugly. (Intimidate) Passed: Calm down there, friend. I'll pay! Tell Haran that she'll have her gold.
Failed: (Start a brawl)
  • Victory: What was that? Some kind of foreign move?
    • You ready to pay up now?
    • You got me, fair and square. Tell Haran I'll pay.
  • Failure: (Nothing)
Passed: Return to Haran
Failed: Brawl
Fine. Forget I asked. That's what I thought. Nothing

Return to Haran and she will admit "He's not a bad man, just bad with his coins and his drink." Then she will give you a weapon and a piece of armor in return.

Iddra and Roggi Knot-Beard[edit]

Iddra is the innkeeper of the Braidwood Inn in Kynesgrove. She thinks highly of Roggi Knot-Beard as a storyteller and comments that he can keep everyone's spirits up. Although he owes Iddra a lot of coin for drinks, she keeps telling him not to worry about it. However, his "stubborn Nord blood" doesn't allow him to do so. She will eventually tell you "Damn fool doesn't have the coin to pay me back, so he just beats himself up over it, and then he gets thirsty, and it cycles all over again." If you can talk to Roggi, she'd feel better.

Roggi is a miner and he can be found inside Braidwood Inn or in the mining camp nearby. If you tell him to forget about all the coin he owes, he will get a little angry: "What do you think I am, a beggar? My family has always paid back every single coin we owed, going back to Tiber Septim's time." You need to choose between three options and must pass an easy Speech check to persuade him. If you have helped him before by retrieving his ancestral shield from a dungeon, he will agree with you: "I guess if you're telling me to stop worrying about it, maybe I should just let it go. Thank you, friend."

Option Dialogue Reaction
Stop being stubborn. Let it go. (Persuade) Passed: I guess you're right. A Nord shouldn't be so proud to turn down a kind soul's generosity. Tell Iddra I'll be fine.
Failed: No. I have my pride.
Passed: Return to Iddra
Failed: Nothing
What if I pay it? (Bribe) Passed: A true Nord would settle it himself, but at least this way Iddra gets her coin. Thank you. Tell her I'll be fine.
Failed: This isn't about me paying Iddra back, this is about me being able to pay her back with my own coin.
Passed: Return to Iddra
Failed: Nothing
Do I need to beat some sense into you? (Brawl) Passed: What? No. All right. I won't worry about the coin anymore, just stop giving me that look.
Brawl: (Start a brawl)
  • Victory: You throw a mean hook.
    • You ready to listen to reason now?
    • I get your point. Tell Iddra I'm sorry for being so stubborn about the coin.
  • Failure: (Nothing)
Passed: Return to Iddra
Failed: Brawl
Fine. Forget I asked. It's better that way. Nothing

Return to Iddra and tell her that Roggi won't be complaining anymore. She will say, "Roggi pawned a few of his things back when he still had things to pawn." Then she will reward you with a weapon and armor.

Octieve San and Irnskar Ironhand[edit]

Octieve San is an old warrior living in Solitude, frequently found in The Winking Skeever. As an elder, he enjoys his current life a lot: "Being old's not so bad. Daughter keeps me fed, and my working days are done." If you talk to him, he will tell you something annoying behind his relaxed life: "Take my advice. Never gamble. Damn Irnskar has me in debt up to the eyes." Too many drinking games, too many bets, and he is too old to ever raise the coin on his own. You may talk to Irnskar and give this old man a hand.

Find Irnskar and talk to him about forgiving Octieve's debts. He will insist, "Debts are debts. Either he pays them, or his kind do." Then you will have three options for him. In order to persuade him, you must pass an easy Speech check.

Option Dialogue Reaction
He's an old man. Let it go. (Persuade) Passed: Fine. You sound like a priest of Mara, but I get your point. Tell him to forget about the gold.
Failed: A debt. Is a debt.
Passed: Return to Octieve
Failed: Nothing
What if I pay it? (Bribe) Passed: Works for me. Tell Octieve the debt's settled.
Failed: Don't think so.
Passed: Return to Octieve
Failed: Nothing
Lay off the old man. Now. (Intimidate) Passed: All right, all right. Have it your way. Tell Octieve to forget about the debt.
Failed: (Start a brawl)
  • Victory: Backbiter.
    • Final warning. Leave Octieve alone.
    • All right. Tell the old man his debts are settled.
  • Failure: (Nothing)
Passed: Return to Octieve
Failed: Brawl
Fine. Forget I asked. That's what I thought. Nothing

Bring the good news to Octieve San and he will give you a one-point boost to your Two-handed skill and become a potential candidate for marriage.

Omluag and Mulush gro-Shugurz[edit]

Omluag lives in The Warrens and works at the smelter in Markarth. You may also find him in Silver-Blood Inn, enjoying some free time after a whole day's work. During his work, he will often say, "Can't talk. Mulush will beat me if I stop working." If you are interested in his trouble with Mulush, talk to him and he will tell you, "He's a damn tyrant. Always being goaded on by the Silver-Bloods to get more work out of us. They pay us next to nothing. We get beaten if we make a mistake, and where are our kind Nord rulers? What are they doing? Typical." If you are willing to talk to Mulush, he will be a little surprised: "You're going to try to talk sense into that Orc? I'll believe it when I see it."

You can find Mulush right near his workers, monitoring their work. If you talk to him, he will realize you're not one of his workers and ask your business here. You can ask him to leave Omluag alone. He will only give you a series of questions: "What? Are you telling me how to treat my workers? Do you have any idea how much metal the Silver-Blood family wants us to smelt?" You can then choose between three options to reach your goal. You must pass an easy Speech check to persuade this smelter overseer.

Option Dialogue Reaction
You're working him to death. Lay off. (Persuade) Passed: All right, all right. You sound like a damn Legion officer, but I get it. I'll give him a break. This better not hurt our quota.
Failed: I'm in charge of the smelter. Not you. So why don't you lay off?
Passed: Return to Omluag
Failed: Nothing
Maybe we can come to an understanding. (Bribe) Passed: I guess I can spare him a few beatings. Deal.
Failed: The only thing I understand is you bothering you.
Passed: Return to Omluag
Failed: Nothing
Then we do this the hard way. (Brawl) Passed: Wait. You win. I'll ease off on the beatings, just leave me alone.
Brawl: (Start a brawl)
  • Victory: Damn outsider. Why couldn't you just mind your own business?
    • Leave Omluag alone. This is my final warning.
    • All right. I'll lay off him. Just leave.
  • Failure: (Nothing)
Passed: Return to Omluag
Failed: Brawl
Fine. Forget I asked. Idiot. Nothing

Tell Omluag that you convinced Mulush to ease up a bit. He will be very excited and give his a week's wages to you as your payment. "I don't believe it. Someone sticking up for us."


Levels Reward
1–9 250
10–19 400
20–29 500
30–39 600
40+ 750

Scouts-Many-Marshes and Torbjorn Shatter-Shield[edit]

Scouts-Many-Marshes is an Argonian dock worker in Windhelm. He and his clansmen can be seen working around the Windhelm docks. Although race prejudice is quite common in this city, he wishes the Nords, Argonians and Dunmer here got along better. If you talk to him about his trouble, he will tell you something about their boss, Torbjorn Shatter-Shield. He wants everything for nothing and clings to every septim. "He says an Argonian's labor is only worth a tenth of a 'proper Nord worker.' My people are not slaves!" They have no chance to negotiate with him themselves, but you may try to talk to Torbjorn for him.

You can find Torbjorn in the city, staying in his house or drinking at Candlehearth Hall. You can ask him to pay the Argonians a fair wage. If you have done him a favor before, by either bringing him an Amulet of Arkay or an alcoholic drink, he will listen to you: "Well, my friend, if you think those boots needs more coin, I'll make it happen. But I'm doing this for you, not them." Otherwise, he will refuse without hesitation: "Those boots aren't worth the septims I do pay them. I'm not giving them coin I could give to good, Nord workers." Then you may choose between three options to change his mind. You must pass an easy Speech check to persuade him.

Option Dialogue Reaction
They'll work harder if you pay them more. (Persuade) Passed: Bold words, but true. Fine, you win. I'll pay the Argonians more coin.
Failed: They don't work now. Why should I waste more money?
Passed: Return to Scouts
Failed: Nothing
What if I invest in their future? (Bribe) Passed: Paying the wages yourself? Well, I won't say no to gold. By my family's honor, this money will go to the Argonian workers.
Failed: What future?
Passed: Return to Scouts
Failed: Nothing
Pay them, or things will get ugly. (Intimidate) Passed: Easy. Maybe I was being too harsh on them. By the honor of Clan Shatter-Shield, they will be paid fairly. You have my word.
Brawl: (Start a brawl)
  • Victory: Damn boot-lover.
    • You pay those Argonians fairly, or else.
    • I yield. By the honor of Clan Shatter-Shield, the Argonians will be paid as much as any other worker.
  • Failure: (Nothing)
Passed: Return to Scouts
Failed: Brawl
Fine. Forget I asked. That's what I thought. Nothing

Return to Scouts-Many-Marshes with the good news and he will be impressed. For your help, he will then give you either two fortify-skill potions or three restoration potions that he was saving.


  • The Prima Official Game Guide calls this quest "A Good Talking To".
  • Because this is a favor quest which affects the quest giver's disposition, it will count towards the "Help the People" part of the thane quest for the quest giver's hold.
  • If you have managed to build a friendly disposition with the targeted NPC to speak with, usually by doing quests given by them, the quest can simply skip the need for you to persuade or intimidate the targeted NPC.


  • Either possessing one of these quests in the quest log or having completed one, may potentially stop you from being able to marry Scouts-Many-Marshes. If you were intending to marry him, complete his task first, get married and then start the other quests.
  • The Two-handed skill point awarded by Octieve may not be given.
  • You may still receive Irnskar Ironhand as a target even if he is dead.

Quest Stages[edit]

A Few Words with You (Favor013)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Objective 10: Talk to <Alias.ShortName=Target> about <Alias.ShortName=Questgiver>
Objective 15: Tell <Alias.ShortName=Questgiver> that <Alias.ShortName=Target> is taken care of
20 Finishes quest☑
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 200.
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage Favor013 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest using resetquest Favor013.