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Shivering talk:Weapons/Archive 1

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This is an archive of past Shivering talk:Weapons discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Duskfang and Dawnfang

I supposed we'll have to wait until we either get a new version of the Construction Set or someone figures out what you have to edit to make the files usable by the current version before we can confirm these numbers. At level 34, the sword weighs 50 lbs and seems to be tied for the second highest base damage rating of any one handed blade. Umbra is the highest, and the Sword of the Crusader has the second highest. Duskfang, Dawnfang, and the perfected amber/madness swords all give the exact same damage rating as the Sword of the Crusader. In practice, the Sword of the Crusader is a bit higher because of its innate Fortify Blade effect, but the new swords are still higher than either Goldbrand or the Ebony Blade. QuillanTalk 18:40, 29 March 2007 (EDT)

A separate matter on the same weapon: whether or not it levels with the player. Simply basing a hypothesis upon previous leveled gear, the usual break points are levels 5, 10, 15, and 20, sometimes with 25 and 30 also thrown in. Without the Construction Set, we'll need some lower level characters to get this weapon, advance in level, and report on if the stats change when they level, what levels they change, and what the stats are after the change. I think it will; this is the same thing that happened with the armor stand for the Crusader's Relics. QuillanTalk 10:58, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

A new Construction Set has been out since SI was released. Looking in CS, Duskfang/Dawnfang levels at 1,5,10,15,20,25,30. The usual. I'll put up the stats in a bit.--Lordbrian3 21:22, 3 April 2007 (EDT)

Durable Weapons

Right now, there's listings for Durable Glass Longsword, and Durable Daedric Longswords. Elsewhere in the UESP wiki, I've seen someone mention that they found a Durable Glass Axe. In my own play experience, using a starting character instead of an established one, I've come across a Durable Steel Axe. I believe that there may be Durable variants in several (if not all) materials in both the blade and blunt types. Anyone else have any evidence to support this theory?

I've come across a Durable Elven Mace, so I think you're right. QuillanTalk 09:20, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

I found a Durable Iron Shortsword as well.--Barfightbob 19:49, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

I found a Durable Steel Longsword in Blackroot Lair - so I'd definitely agree that there's a lot of them out there. --Madgreatgrandpa 06:39, 1 April 2007 (EDT)
Looking in the CS, I've found that there is a durable everything.(all base weapons from Vanilla Oblivion)--Lordbrian3 21:22, 3 April 2007 (EDT)

That includes Durable Bows not just blades and blunts --Necaradan666

Although I haven't found one myself; is the table's stats for thr Durable Daedric Longsword right? Its health, lower than Ebony? Also I'm quite dissappointed that there is no Durable Akaviri Dai-Katana... The Ancient Akaviri is basically the Durable version of the one-handed Akaviri so there is no need for another but I guess it makes sense; why would an Akaviri weapon be in SI.--Webdemon00 01:05, 2 September 2008 (EDT)

No, they were wrong. Now fixed. Thanks. –RpehTCE 01:47, 2 September 2008 (EDT)

Amber/Madness Weapons

Aside from looks and source, is there any difference between these? The only ones I've had made thus far are the perfect amber sword and the perfect madness sword, but the stats appeared to be identical (I'll have to confirm tonight once I get back home). For armor, obviously the difference is heavy/light versions, weight, and armor rating, but with the weapons they seemed to be the same.QuillanTalk 14:00, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

I put up charts of the differences at Amber Weapons and Madness Weapons. --Lordbrian3 21:22, 3 April 2007 (EDT)
Madness has the Axe and Claymore (1h blunt, 2h blade), amber has the hammer and mace (both blunt). otherwise I see no difference in the longswords, bows or arrows. Consider the following though: You will only be likely to wear one or the other with armour. This char I'm using amber armour for instance. So the only use for my madness ore...arrows. Quite powerfully enchanted arrows at that too. The only reliable source of such powerful arrows (although after going for mehun's razor my stocks of enchanted arrows is so high it may invalidate my point) -- Trit

I found a durable steel longsword too.

Swords of Order

We should include the 'fine' and 'perfect' swords of order here (those are the only two I have seen). They are used by the knights of order.

I've found others, it seems to be like the Ayeleid axes Aurorans have, as in the level of the Knight determines the sword quality. Tarnished, Simple, Pure, and a couple of others I can't recall. I'd also like to point out that Order, Golden & Dark weapons are like Daedric/Dremora weapons; they harm ghosts. Makes sense though, being that they are all daedra. --Barfightbob 19:45, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

There are definitely 'Immaculate' ones too. --Madgreatgrandpa 06:39, 1 April 2007 (EDT)

To be precise there are seven levels of Order Swords; Tarnished, Simple, Sterile, Primal, Pure, Immaculate, and Perfect. --Lordbrian3 21:22, 3 April 2007 (EDT)

I wasn't sure of the best place to ask this, but what is the "Enchant" rating on the Sword of Order?

It's the amount of charge the sword will have if you enchant it at an enchanting altar. All un-enchanted weapons have this stat listed. --TheRealLurlock Talk 22:52, 12 April 2007 (EDT)
The actual amount of charge a weapon will have when enchanted at an altar is overridden by the soul gem, however. The stat is therefore meaningless on unenchanted weapons and shouldn't be listed IMO. --Deathbane27 18:46, 14 April 2007 (EDT)

Perfect Order Swords definately do not appear by lvl 20. I never go above lvl 20 and after 3 times through Shivering Isles the highest i've seen is Immaculate.

Staff of Order

The priests carry staffs that can be looted. I believe they are called Crystal Staffs or maybe Staffs of Order. They do shock damage for a certain amount of time. Can anyone confirm? Dio 225

Crystal Staff. I forget the exact stats. Seems similar to the ones carried by the grummite magi in Xedilian.QuillanTalk 18:22, 3 April 2007 (EDT)

Ruin's Edge

I think it's it important to show what spells it gives. So far, at level 30 (when I recieved the bow), I've confirmed paralysis, burden, frenzy, demoralize, and silence. I think it's possible it has a damage spell as well, since a second bow strike once did more the first. Also, from now on, I'm checking all of the effects that are reflected on me (god bless flesh atronachs), so far I've gotten Ruin's Fury (200! magnitude frenzy spell) and Ruin's Fear (100 magnitude demoralize). It's possible magnitude and duration are random, but I don't think magnitude is, given by how even the effects came out. -- 00:40, 8 April 2007 (EDT)

I've checked the spell's effect script (SE05RewardSpellScript). Here are all the effects:
  • Paralyze 1s
  • Paralyze 15s
  • Demoralize 100pts 20s
  • Burden 100pts 20s
  • Frenzy 200pts 30s
  • Silence 20s
--Deathbane27 22:28, 11 April 2007 (EDT)

A glitch with Ruin's Edge: If the target is killed by the bow instantly(e.g. a combo of 100 marksman skill, 125% durability, powerful poison, sneak attack, 100 sneak skill) then the spell effect will rocket straight up as a target spell(green spiraling effect through the air) from the corpse. tested this on elytra in dunroot burrow kelp fens. Defender of Lainlyn 05:56, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

Dagger of Friendship

This dagger is under unique weapons, but it is not unique. It can be found anywhere and can be found more than once. I don't know the best way to change the article to reflect this.--Divine Crusader 02:42, 8 April 2007 (EDT)

Because it is the only non-levelled, randomly found weapon in the list, the "Unique" section seems the most appropriate place for it. -Deathbane27 09:37, 12 April 2007 (EDT)

Nelrenes's sword

Does anyone know the weapon id for nelrene's sword?

00081367 --Kia 20:35, 15 June 2007 (EDT)

Absence of Madness/Amber

Does anyone know why Amber and Madness weapons are missing from these charts, I cant find the information on here at all and I was looking for the weapons stats and ratings. If someone knows why they are missing, or knows if there anywhere else on here, it would be appreciated— Unsigned comment by (talk)

As it says right in the article, under the section titled "Amber and Madness Weapons", full details on those weapons are at Amber Weapons and Madness Weapons. --NepheleTalk 21:26, 7 June 2007 (EDT)

Fact Checking

I just did some rearranging of the information here, mainly because I liked the layout that Kia was putting together with Golden, Dark, and Grummite weapons each having separate tables of statistics. I think that makes more sense than having a section on "Grummite Weapons" (for example), that contains a list of the weapons but doesn't have any statistics.

But in the process, I noticed a few numbers that need to be double-checked/filled in, if anyone is able to (or else this will be a note to myself for a week from now when I've installed SI on the PC)

  • Form IDs are missing for several weapons
  • The Dark and Golden blunt weapons (maces and war axes) have some inconsistencies, and the stats were different in the two original tables
  • Is there a Durable Elven War Axe?
  • Is the "Glass Bow" supposed to be "Durable Glass"?

Also, the format of the tables for the Dark Seducer Weapons is different from that for Golden Saints and Grummites (I happen to like the format used for the Dark Seducer table more). --NepheleTalk 17:47, 27 June 2007 (EDT)

OK, I answered my own questions and updated the page accordingly. In case anyone was wondering, yes, the values for the Dark/Golden War Axes are correct as far as I can tell, even though there are some distinctly screwy values. --NepheleTalk 01:14, 3 July 2007 (EDT)

Grummite weapons

Just to clarify, if you cannot obtain Grummite bows, can you obtain Grummite arrows? (Without mods or the console)

Yep. Grummite archers tend to carry iron bows and grummite arrows. --Saruuk 08:45, 15 August 2007 (EDT)

Weapon Images

I like that there are these composite images with each set of weapons (madness, amber, dark, golden, order, grummite) at the bottom of the page. However, the majority of these sets contain arrows. Madness, amber, dark, and golden arrows each have a unique quiver model, as well as unique arrow models. Is it possible someone could modify these images to include these aspects?— Unsigned comment by Maratanos (talkcontribs)

Ly'ssane Verification

May I ask for a recheck on the files between the unique bow Ly'ssane and the Golden Bows? According to the description of Ly'ssane, it's a weaker version fo a Golden Bow. But according to the current stat tables, Ly'ssane has double the durability and slightly better damage than a Golden Bow.Dark Spark 19:48, 18 December 2007 (EST)

Yep, the stats for Ly'ssane, the Golden Bow, and the Worn Golden Bow are all correct. Appearance-wise they don't match up, either: Ly'ssane uses the same icon and model as an Elven Bow. Finally, I can't find anything within the game that provides any type of description of Ly'ssane, let alone anything to suggest that it's supposed to be a Golden Bow. So I'm going to delete the text from the article suggesting that it's related to a Golden Bow. --NepheleTalk 23:31, 18 December 2007 (EST)

Crystal Staves?

I'm level 38 and the Priests don't carry Crystal Staves the only weapon they do use is a bound ebony dagger. So is there any other way or do I just need the visit more Obelisks to obtain a Crystal Stave? --Morgoth

Yes. I can't get you the exact figures at the moment but not every priest carries such a staff. Keep trying until you find one. –RpehTCE 03:29, 14 April 2008 (EDT)

Dark Longsword

Why is it so difficult to get a dark longsword? The guards always carry bows and maces. I have a worn dark longsword but I really want a regular one. Is there any guaranteed way to get one? BTW I have already done the whole main quest.--Imperial Scum 20:46, 27 April 2008 (EDT)

i think its based on level. because if your level 6 all the golden saints carry maces. i feel your pain! im dieing to get a golden shortsword. someone should make a list to tell you what levels the weapons appear at. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Nope. You can't get one if you've already completed the Main quest. And even if you hadn't; you can't even get one during "Retaking the Fringe." You need to be at a very low level and lucky enough to find one in Cylarne. I've been searching for it as well and started over from scratch 3 times just for SI but no Dark Longsword anywhere...--Webdemon00 01:38, 2 September 2008 (EDT)

Are you sure because my friend got a dark longsword at level 39 at a ruin im pretty sure i'd like on too but i went to that ruin and found nothing--LuciusZelgius 19:53, 22 November 2008 (EST) Testing hall if your on pc. That's where i got mine. --TheElderScribe--a

At level 4 if u side with the saints to light the flame. The. Seducer will have longswords The seducers ad saints are opposite in their wepons the higher level or saints are blade for seducers blunt just depends on what u want

Grummite Dagger

Is there a place I can go where I can definately find a Grummite Dagger? I think I remember a camp that had one on a table, but I'm not sure. Are Grummites the only source of unenchanted daggers? Shadownet Ninja 15:26, 22 June 2008 (EDT)

Nevermind, I found the camp I was thinking of.Shadownet Ninja 22:49, 22 June 2008 (EDT)
For the record, the camp in question is Hardscrabble Camp. The only other guaranteed dagger is underwater in one of the flooded buildings in Flooded Camp. –RpehTCE 01:13, 23 June 2008 (EDT)

Order Weapons

I noticed the Order Weapons picture is wrong. The Stave in it is a Grummite Crystal Staff. I think someone should get a new picture.

The Grummite Crystal Staffs that are found in Xedilian look exactly the same as Crystal Staffs that are foun on Priests of Order.

This issue was raised again on the Forums, is there something that can be done to fix it or make it clearer? --OblivionDuruza 12:59, 28 July 2011 (UTC)
The issue above has been addressed for a while now. As for the confusion on the forums, I've moved the grummite stave table under "Order Weapons" in an effort to make it clearer. --Legoless 13:53, 28 July 2011 (UTC)

Worn Golden Waraxe

Just got one during the battle on the Fringe. However, for some reason, I can't equip it. I'm in Xeddefen right now looking for the spire, but I am unable to wield this particular Waraxe. ImmortalKaine 20:28, 23 July 2008 (EDT)

This happens on my game too. Try dropping the weapon, then pick it back up. This worked for me.--LordDagon 11:44, 2 September 2008 (EDT)

Are Grummite weapons made from madness ore?

I was just thinking about Grummite weapons and i wondered is there any link about Grummite weapons being made from madness ore(Since there is always large desposits of the stuff in Grummite lairs)?

I think not. Crafting Madness Ore is a rare trade, I don't think the Grummites are able to do that themselves. Furthermore their weapons don't look like Madness weapons. --Timenn < talk > 10:34, 29 October 2008 (EDT)

Staff of banishment

I found a staff called the staff of banishment. I didnt find it on this site and i have no idea what one of its effects are. They are Paralyze for 10 seconds, banishment for 10 seconds, and invisiblity for 10 seconds all are on target. Any clue on what "banishment" is? I used it on a summon lich and it reflected it so i had banishment in my stats. When i looked at my stats it said banishment, effect enchantment.

Help would be apreciated :) — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 1 January 2009

Typing in "Staff of Banishment" in the search box on the left side of any wiki page would lead you to the article describing the staff. --NepheleTalk 18:25, 1 January 2009 (EST)

Resist Normal Weapons

A discussion has been going on, apparently on every talk page except the one where it seems (to me) relevant. To assemble the facts, as I understand them:

I'd recommend also adding a link to the Shivering Isles weapons page. There's plenty of unenchanted weapons on that page that aren't really mentioned here. --BFG 0:12, 25 December 2008 (EST)
I can understand why you rolled back the change I made on the weapons page (suggesting that a link to SI weapons be added). However, there's a backstory to this you're probably not aware of.
A question recently came up in the forums as to whether SI weapons were considered "normal weapons" for the purpose of "resist normal weapons" calculations. More than a dozen people weighed in with no definitive conclusion; furthermore the weapons' "normal" status is not stated clearly anywhere on UESP. (A big part of the reason for this is that it's not apparent that the "resist normal weapons" page encompasses SI. SI isn't mentioned, or linked to, at all there.) It wasn't until we did in-game tests that we figured it out.
When I added a comment to the SI weapons page to clarify this, it was nevertheless removed for being "redundant". My next course of action thus was to suggest adding an SI weapons link to the Oblivion weapons page. The Oblivion weapons page is itself linked to the "Resist Normal Weapons" page, so I thought this would sufficiently clarify the issue.
Anyway, to avoid having this question come up again, and to improve the UESP, I believe a change needs to be made either to the Weapons, SI Weapons, or Resist Normal Weapons page to clarify this. Your call.
Thanks, "BFG"
I'm sorry, but I checked my contributions and I don't see the rollback I apparently made. Which page was it on? DaedryonTCE 04:10, 31 December 2008 (EST)
No problem! It was on the "Oblivion Talk:Weapons" page. I believe I see what the issue was--you removed it simply because it was a reply to a very old post, which is valid. Still, I would like to see some change made per the discussion point. Thanks, BFG

OK, so you'd to see "some" change made... but I'm at a loss to figure out what needs to be done or why. Because I don't understand how you can say that "the weapons' "normal" status is not stated clearly anywhere on UESP."

The Shivering:Weapons page uses the exact same format as Oblivion:Weapons for indicating normal weapon resistance: an asterisk (*) next to the item's name, with a note under every applicable table stating "Weapons marked with an asterisk ignore Resist Normal Weapons effects, in other words, they will cause damage to creatures such as ghosts that are immune to most unenchanted weapons." I'm really not sure how much more clearly it can be stated -- especially since it's the exact same way the information is provided for standard Oblivion weapons.

Furthermore, the only SI non-enchanted weapons not listed on the Shivering:Weapons page -- namely Amber Weapons and Madness Weapons -- have pretty clear statements at the top of each page. For example, "(unenchanted) Amber weapons never ignore Resist Normal Weapons effects, and therefore are unable to inflict damage on creatures such as ghosts."

So could someone possibly explain why this is a source of so much uncertainty? And what needs to be done to make it less confusing? --NepheleTalk 21:38, 3 January 2009 (EST)

Grummite Bow Fix

From what I can tell from the version history of the Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch, the Grummites with Iron Bows are now told to use Grummite Bows. So where the main article says "these bows are not actually in the game", the usual "this is fixed in the Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch" tag should be put on it. Sorry if this is wrong XP — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 10 January 2008

No, you're right. Thanks for pointing it out. The tag has been put in. --Timenn < talk > 06:49, 10 January 2009 (EST)

Bone Arrows/Gatekeeper Bone Arrows

Would anyone here happen to know how exactly these two unique sets of arrows are leveled? The page states that they are leveled, but not at what levels you can receive the various strengths of the arrows. I'm definitely being obsessive here, but for the sake of myself and other OCD perfectionists it would be very helpful to add this information (should anyone have it). Thank you in advance to anyone who can add this information. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 22 February 2009

Both of them are 1; 2-3; 4-5; 6-8; 9-11; 12-15; 16-19; 20+ –RpehTCE 03:57, 22 February 2009 (EST)

Someone might want to edit the values for the bone arrows. The table gives 9 possible levels (8-16) instead of the (correct) 8 levels (9-16) as given for the gatekeeper bone arrows. Thanks. 03:12, 12 April 2011 (UTC)Marcus

Thanks for pointing out the error, but it's actually 8-15. Now fixed. You can make this kind of change yourself, though - this page doesn't appear to be protected. rpeh •TCE 13:54, 12 April 2011 (UTC)

Grummite Weaponry Leveled Lists

The "random grummite weapons" are said to be leveled in this page, so what exactly are the levels for the dagger, cudgel and cleaver? — Unsigned comment by Remorse1994 (talkcontribs) on 25 March 2009

That's a good question. I can't check right now but I've flagged it for action. –RpehTCE 16:30, 25 March 2009 (EDT)
I've looked on the construction set and found the levels for Grummite weaponry.Remorse1994 13:26, 24 August 2009 (UTC)


I had a bug a few months ago. All the weapons with the name "of the Dynamo" had not only the effect Shock Damage,but also Soul Trap! I wonder what caused this bug...but it's fixed in my game now.--Neekerisanni123 11:08, 8 April 2009 (EDT)

It's a bug introduced by the Shivering Isles and fixed by the USIP. See the notes at Oblivion:Generic_Magic_Weapons#Shock_Damage. --NepheleTalk 11:57, 8 April 2009 (EDT)

Golden Saint/Dark Seducer weapons

Where can you find them without needing to kill a guard? With exception of the battle at Passwall before Xedelfen? SwedishBerzerker at 20:14, 3 July 2009 (UTC)

Nowhere. –rpehTCE 22:20, 3 July 2009 (UTC)
Thanks for a pretty quick reply! But you can achieve all Golden Saints weapons and all Dark Seducer weapons by killing them or making something else kill them right? SwedishBerzerker at 22:26, 3 July 2009 (UTC)
In theory, yes. They're mainly leveled though, so it might take some time. –rpehTCE 07:52, 4 July 2009 (UTC)

Dagger of friendsip assault

If you hit someone with the Dagger of Friendship, since it probably does no damage, will it count as an assault?--Arch-Mage Matt 00:26, 3 November 2009 (UTC)

I suposse, since you're attacking an NPC, so it doesn't matter if you restore his/her health or it doesn't inflict any damage.--S'drassa 01:51, 3 November 2009 (UTC)

Breath Net

There is a unique club added by Shivering Isles called 'Breath Net' as listed in the Construction Set. It has a script attached to it, but I do not what it does. It seems to be for testing. 02:32, 1 December 2009 (UTC)

The only thing the script does is to remove the weapon from a duplicate of the player. Similarly, the test container that you're seeing simply contains all weapons found in Shivering Isles. Breath Net seems to be part of an abandoned quest as far as I can tell. —Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 18:22, 1 December 2009 (UTC)

Unenchanted Dawnfang/Duskfang missing

I just noticed while writing Grommok gro-Barak's inventory that the blade he carries isn't present here. It's basically an unenchanted version of Dawnfang/Duskfang with EditorID SE03AdventurerSword and BaseID 00013441. I would add it myself but because of my good ol' Italian CS, I don't know the English name. :) --SerCenKing Talk 13:20, 12 February 2010 (UTC)

Wrong level listing?

I'm level 6 and took down some Knights of Order and the only weapon they dropped was the Tarnished Order Sword. Any clue why that is?-- 09:09, 13 June 2010 (UTC)

As I recall, the NPCs use their level to calculate what they have, not yours. All Knights of Order are at least 4 levels below your level, meaning that they were only level 2 at most. That's probably why you got a Tarnished Order Sword. Robin Hoodtalk 18:18, 13 June 2010 (UTC)

Golden Waraxe?

I've played the shivering isles a few times but i never saw one, where can you find one and at what level? -- 22:53, 13 June 2010 (UTC)

You'll find them on various Golden Saints at levels 1–3. Robin Hoodtalk 21:03, 17 June 2010 (UTC)
Thank you -- 18:27, 21 June 2010 (UTC)

Syndel's Boltcaster

I've just found in CS an unused leveled staff "Syndel's Boltcaster". His ID (SE03SyndelShockStaffXX) suggests that it has been intended for Baiting the Trap quest, but is not found anywhere in the game. Is this mentioned anywhere here? - ZuTheSkunk 12:03, 27 June 2010 (UTC)

The only mention I can find on the site is here. If you want to add it, go ahead - it seems we've missed that one. rpeh •TCE 16:56, 27 June 2010 (UTC)

apostle dagger

there is an editor only dagger, but it is referenced, 4b080. it has a reach of 2. i don't know how to find it in game, but someone with sufficient editor proficiency could. 00:04, 29 September 2010 (UTC)Squiros

That dagger is found in the game. You fund them in the Main Questline int he Howeling Halls.--Corevette789 01:26, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
it turns out that in the main quest, the daggers are apostle daggers: 19FD0. however, dagger of the apostle: 4b080 are only found in the tonytest cell. thus making it unavailable in normal play. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 13 June 2011

Dark Seducer Weapon Damage

I just recently found a Dark Bow and some Alluring Dark Arrows. The bow does 7 damage and the arrows do 9. But on this website, it says that the bow does 11 and the arrows do 13. Am I looking at the wrong statistics?

Dark seducer/golden saint weapons

Are there any guaranteed weapons? im looking for dark longsword, mace and axe to display. And also looking for golden mace and shortsword. 19:29, 6 January 2011 (UTC)

Only one way to obtain these weapons: killing a dark seducer/golden saint with the weapon you want. The weapon they carry depends on your level: 1-3 golden waraxe/dark shortsword, 4-8 golden mace/dark longsword, 9-15 golden shortsword/dark waraxe, 16+ golden longsword/dark mace. ~ Dwarfmp 21:09, 6 January 2011 (UTC)
EDIT: Though if you're not interested in the quality, you can get worn versions during Retaking The Fringe, but only from 1 kind, depending on what you're duke/duchess from. These look exactly the same as the real thing~ Dwarfmp 21:12, 6 January 2011 (UTC)

Durable Weapons

````Can i find durable weapons other then random loot for example like shops? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 17 January 2011

Nope. Random loot only, I'm afraid. rpeh •TCE 07:39, 18 January 2011 (UTC)

Frail Dark Bow?

(PS3 user) Is this weapon available in-game? I notice there isn't a corresponding "frail golden bow" so it seemed odd. What's the story on this item? Leveled? Unique? Construction set only? I have the other available weapons, but I missed this one. 18:09, 3 March 2011 (UTC)Marcus

It's part of a leveled list used by the Dark Seducer guards, so they should have them, as long as you are level six or below. . mxk101Talk 18:25, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

Thanks. 04:28, 4 March 2011 (UTC)Marcus

Will i be unable to get every weapon in shivering?

If i'm above a certain level? Sorry if this question is answered already but I don't see a leveled lists for shivering and assume it is similar to oblivion. For example, will durable iron longsword stop appearing as loot/treasure if i'm a certain level, or will it just be unlikely and still be available from shopkeepers. DTM 00:43, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

All the durable stuff should be available at any level. The only weapons limited by level are some of the Golden and Dark ones (Golden Mace and Dark Longsword I think?). They only appear during the quest 'Retake the Fringe', but only if you're at a low level, and even then you'll only be able to get one of them (depending on which region you're allied with). Legoless 17:07, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

Depending on how high your level is, you'll also probably miss out on some of the weaker order swords, the lower-power order staves, and the weakest of the grummite arrows and gatekeeper bone arrows (all versions have the same generic name). And if you're REALLY obsessive, all of the amber and madness armor come in various strengths; so by starting very early and visiting the two smiths as your character levels up, it's possible to end up with multiple versions of each, all with different names and stats ("perfect" versions being the best, I think). 17:43, 20 April 2011 (UTC)Marcus

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