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Shivering talk:Dredhwen

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Disappearing Dredhwen[edit]

For some strange reason, after I completed the Main Quest and traveled back to Passwall, I couldn't find her anywhere. Does anyone know what could have happend?

She could have been killed in the Battle for Passwall during Retaking The Fringe. --RpehTalk 04:18, 28 September 2007 (EDT)

No, thats not possible because after I completed that mission, I found her alive right next to Aurig Desha. Does anyone know if a specific command disables her? I have the 360 version, so I can't check the CS.Aldage 18:11, 5 October 2007 (EDT)

I'm almost sure she disappears now. I've beat the main quest twice and both times I've scoured every inch of the fringe and cant find her. Any more info would be welcomed.Aldage 18:27, 7 October 2007 (EDT)

My guess is just that she is prone to accidentally dying either during the Battle for Passwall or from encountering random creatures. I can't see anything that would disable her; I even checked whether or not she has a parent object that gets disabled, but there isn't one. She is not essential and her body is not marked as a quest object. In other words, she can easily die and if she dies her corpse will disappear. Her AI during/after the Battle for Passwall is to wander "widely" through the Fringe, so it seems quite possible that she could stumble across some type of enemy creature, even after the battle is completed. Even if she doesn't die, finding her could be difficult given that she wanders randomly over a large area. --NepheleTalk 02:35, 16 October 2007 (EDT)
There are two different worldspaces for the Fringe, the one which you can access before Retaking the Fringe and after the Main Quest is called SETheFringe and the destroyed Fringe is called SETheFringeOrdered. At stage 80 of Retaking the Fringe (SE08) Dredhwen is moved to SE08PasswallMarker which is in the cell PasswallExteriorOrdered01 (coordinates -10, -1) which is in SETheFringeOrdered. When she is in that worldspace her AI tells her to wander around. At the end of the main quest there is nothing that moves her back to SETheFringe which means that she will remain in the destroyed Fringe. If you are on the PC you can use "player.moveto 000131F9" without the quotes to find her afterwards. GroverPlayerB 10.55, 1 November 2007 (CET).
As an addendum to this bit, which I found out the hard way after wondering where she'd got to over the course of a couple of days, she can be summoned back to The Wastrel's Purse also using the moveto command and resumes her 24-hour duties as landlady/barmaid/vendor etc... I found her snoozing behind a rock in the alternate Passwall, but dragging her back to the rebuilt one appears to have caused no negative consequences.--Cbh 18:46, 15 March 2008 (EDT)
If you don't have access to any console commands, is it possible to prevent her from disappearing by casting a Command Humanoid spell on her, leading her out of the cell and ensuring she doesn't return until after the Main quest? Nifhelton 18:24, 1 July 2008 (EDT)
I guess it is possible, but you would have to protect her, and keep the spell active on her, until Passwall is rebuilt, which would be quite difficult.-Puddle TalkContribs. 18:32, 1 July 2008 (EDT)
Her AI is set up so that if she's not in the Ordered version of The Fringe, she will travel back to her spot in the inn, so although you could lead her out of the Fringe before it becomes ordered, she'd head right back once the spell wore off. –RpehTCE 00:50, 2 July 2008 (EDT)
There's an error in the final notes of this article. The NPC "SEDredhwenOrdered" does NOT appear in the game; the one you find in the Ordered Fringe is always the same Dredhwen with a wander package and not offering services. — Unsigned comment by Troybayliss (talkcontribs) on 24 February 2010

(/outdent) Corrected.. Good spot! --SerCenKing Talk 17:15, 24 February 2010 (UTC)