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Online:The Tharn Speaks

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This quest cannot be started if the prologue quest The Demon Weapon is present in your quest journal. In order to start this quest, The Demon Weapon must be completed or abandoned.

ON-qico-Instance.png Help the Chancellor uncover some new information at a Worm Cult lair.
Quest Giver: Banekin
Prerequisite Quest: Castle of the Worm
Next Quest: Halls of Torment
Reward: Tharn Family Ring
1 Skill Point
Leveled Gold
Achievement:The Tharn Speaks
XP Gain: Very High Experience
Solo Solo Only: Partly
Abnur disguised as a guild mage
Abnur Tharn seeks an audience with me away from the Harborage. I should see what he wants.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Travel to the Mages Guild in Vulkhel Guard, Daggerfall or Davon's Watch.
  2. Talk to Abnur Tharn.
  3. Activate the three Speaking Stones in the Worm Cult lair.
  4. Talk to Abnur Tharn.
  5. Talk to Varen in the Harborage.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

When you approach a major city after completing the last quest, you should get a quest telling you to go to the Mages Guild in your alliance's first major city (Vulkhel Guard, Daggerfall or Davon's Watch). Inside the guildhall, the quest will update; now you need to talk to Abnur Tharn. Tharn is dressed like a mage in blue and white robes.

"I can't be strutting around the city wearing my Imperial regalia, can I? Your concern about my fashion sense is touching, but irrelevant."—Abnur Tharn

Tharn questions why you trust Varen and tells you about Varen's plan to re-form the Five Companions. Sai Sahan is special, not only because he is a missing companion, but because he knows the location of the Amulet of Kings.

Depending on your faction, Tharn will tell you that Mannimarco keeps his important documents in Wormroot Depths (Aldmeri), Norvulk Ruins (Daggerfall) or Knife Ear Grotto (Ebonheart).

You agree to meet him inside the secret Daedric lair. You can choose to ask him about himself or what he will do now. He is from a family of advisors and politicians. His daughter, Clivia, the Empress Regent, along with his nephew, Javad, are devout servants of Molag Bal. He laments the loss of his family's name from the history books due to his defection, but he says he remains focused on ensuring the survival of the Empire.

"I will find the amulet, one way or another."

Inside the lair, you need to find and use three Speaking Stones. The order you choose doesn't matter; the first stone shows a brief projection of Sai Sahan and the other two are of Mannimarco.

"The Redguard's iron will cannot be overcome with standard interrogation techniques. Physical tortures appear to be useless. I have therefore instructed the Daedra to move Sai Sahan into the Halls of Torment. The Duchess will be most pleased to have a new…guest."—Mannimarco

Talk to Abnur Tharn. The Halls of Torment is Coldharbour's most nefarious prison, whose prisoners face apparitions of things they fear the most. He will need to do some research before you can enter the Halls, so he asks you to go to the Harborage and tell Varen what you found.

Talk to Varen in the Harborage. He will help Tharn look for a safe way to break Sai Sahan out of the Halls of Torment. He gives you a reward.


  • Prior to the One Tamriel update, this quest could not be started until level 25.


  • Due to Abnur Tharn's appearance in the prologue quest The Demon Weapon, this quest cannot begin while that quest is in progress but incomplete.
    • Either completing the Elsweyr prologue quests, or dropping The Demon Weapon and then fast-travelling to your starter city, should allow the main quest to continue.

Quest Stages[edit]

The Tharn Speaks
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
A small Daedric creature told me to go to the Vulkhel Guard/Daggerfall/Davon's Watch Mages Guild. It must be one of Tharn's servants.
Hidden Objective: Banekin Gate
Objective: Travel to the Mages Guild
I arrived at the Mages Guild. I should speak with Abnur Tharn.
Objective: Talk to Abnur Tharn
Abnur Tharn has asked me to travel to a place called the Norvulk Ruins in Stormhaven/Wormroot Depths in Grahtwood/Knife Ear Grotto in Deshaan, which he believes to be a place that Mannimarco keeps a cache of secret information.
Objective: Search for Information in Norvulk Ruins/Wormroot Depths/Knife Ear Grotto
I appear to be getting the last bit of information from the speaking stones. I should wait until everything plays out and is revealed.
Objective: Watch the Vision
I read all of the books. I should talk with Abnur Tharn again and see what he has to say.
Objective Hint: If I leave the cache location, Tharn will head back to the Mages Guild.
Objective: Talk to Abnur
Abnur has suggested that I return and tell Varen the news while he continues his research.
Objective: Talk to Varen Aquilarios
Finishes quest☑ I should finish up my business with Varen Aquilarios.
Objective: Talk to Varen Aquilarios
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.