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Online:Thane Harvald

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Thane Harvald
Home Settlement Fort Amol
Jorunn's Stand
Location Nord camp
Northern gate
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
Thane Harvald

Thane Harvald is one of the thanes of Eastmarch and a trusted advisor to King Jorunn.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Sleeping on the Job[edit]

When you learn about the Skald King is at Fort Amol having important talks with the rest of the Pact leadership, you can wander into the camp to see some of the Pact leadership arguing over war strategies against the Stormfists. The thane will intervene between the bickering between Irnskar, Gelds, and Runs to remind them they need to learn to cooperate with each other:

Prince Irnskar: "Fildgor's troops sweep through the west as they press their assault. Our scouts report that they're fortifying their holdings in the east, as well."
Gelds Indoril: "So the Stormfists have you trapped. That's Nord tactics, for you. You can't win battles just by swinging your axe and yelling at the top of your lungs."
Prince Irnskar: "I would suggest you keep your jabs in check, Dark Elf. At least we don't hide behind the skirts of a supposed god-woman."
Gelds Indoril: "You dare insult my lady Almalexia? I would have your head on a pi —"
Runs-With-Quickness: "Will you two stop it? You whine more than my egg-brother, and he's newly hatched. We need to work together."
Prince Irnskar: "You will not tell me what to do, scaley one. I am the Prince of Skyrim!"
Thane Harvald: "Stop it! All of you! This is the kind of behavior that got us into this mess in the first place. We need to work together to figure things out. Together."

You can attempt to speak with him, but he'll politely inform you that King Jorunn isn't available.

If you didn't stop the Stormfists in Windhelm:
If you did stop the Stormfists in Windhelm:
"If you seek an audience, I must apologize. The King is busy and I don't know when he'll be available again."
"I must apologize. If you seek the King, he's currently busy within the city and cannot receive visitors. He has important matters to deal with, as you can well imagine."

The Pride of a Prince[edit]

Arrive at the camp at the behest of Lord Vurlop and you'll witness Thane Harvald arguing with Prince Irnskar that the prince should apologize for the disrespect shown towards their Pact allies:

Prince Irnskar: "The Nord don't need the help of the weakling Argonians and the cowardly Dark Elves. We can win this war on our own!"
Thane Harvald: "Your uncle Fildgor has allied himself with the Stormfist Clan and the Orcs, my Prince. We need all the help we can get. You need to apologize to the delegates and get them back to the table before this rift grows any wider."
Prince Irnskar: "Let the Pact shatter and fall for all I care! We need no one but ourselves! You grow old and weak, Harvald, like my father. This conversation is over."

After the Prince leaves, you will let the Thane know of the Stormfist infiltration. Harvald advises that letting both the prince and the Pact delegates know of the spies will be wise despite Vurlop's insistence that it should be discreet:

"The Prince and his hot temper! He decided to hold his own meeting while the King and the Pact ambassadors meet at the keep.
He managed to insult both the Dark Elves and the Argonians with his posturing and boastfulness!"
Lord Vurlop sent me to discuss an urgent matter with you. Discreetly.
"Talk freely. Thane Oda is as trustworthy as I.
But understand that I have enough trouble as it is and I don't need any more bad news. I have my hands full trying to figure out how to calm the Prince and get the Pact delegates back to the meeting."
Fildgor's spies have infiltrated Fort Amol and killed a handful of Nords and Dark Elves.
"And that's not what I wanted to hear.
The Prince will have to be told about this, of course. And the Argonian and Dark Elf delegates. They need to be able to protect themselves."
Lord Vurlop doesn't want the Prince to know.
"I can't keep secrets from my Prince, no matter how hot-headed he may be. I'll make him understand the seriousness of the situation.
But I doubt the Argonians and Dark Elves will listen. They were very angry when they marched back to their camps."
Maybe I can help.

You can ask him about what Irnskar did to anger the delegates before you try to convince them of the Stormfist threat in their midst:

"Perhaps, if you say that King Jorunn sent you. They might not forgive the Prince and return immediately, but they might listen to you.
They need to know that we value the Pact and their companionship. Do whatever it takes to make them happy."
What did the Prince do to anger the Argonians and Dark Elves?
"What does he always do? He opened his mouth and let words fall out. He said many terrible things and drove them away.
And all his father asked him to do was coordinate troop movements and battle plans while the council of war was in session."

Speak to him before leaving and he'll repeat:

"Do whatever it takes to make the Argonians and Dark Elves happy. We need to get them back here before more people start dying.
I won't allow the Prince's ignorance and ill-founded opinions to lead to the dissolution of the Pact."

After convincing the Argonians and Dunmer to return to talks with the Prince:

"I heard that you've been hard at work.
A powerful troll for the Argonians? Really? That's quite remarkable."
I convinced the Dark Elves and Argonians to return to the Prince's meeting.
"And I spoke to Prince Irnskar. He agrees that he might have been a little arrogant. Especially when I told him what you discovered.
Maybe now we can all get back to the business at hand instead of just throwing insults at each other."

The War Council[edit]

Continuing on from the previous conversation, both you and Lord Vurlop will help provide further security to Jorunn in light of the Stormfist infiltration:

"With the Pact working together again, we should be able to sniff out Fildgor's spies easily enough.
Now my only concern is for the King. He's surrounded himself with our strongest warriors, but the element of surprise gives Fildgor an advantage."
You believe the King's in danger?
"After what you said the Stormfists have already accomplished, how can we trust anyone on the other side of the keep's gate?
I know King Jorunn requested privacy for his meeting with the ambassadors, but I can't just assume everything is all right."
So you're going to send more soldiers up to the keep?
"Actually, Lord Vurlop suggested that you two take care of it. I need to keep the Prince in line, and we don't want to tip our hand to the Stormfists.
Besides, I know you can handle yourself. Get in there and secure the King."
We'll go check on things.

If you ask him further why more troops shouldn't be sent to the king, he will comment such overly defensive measures will embarrass the king:

"The gates have been sealed since we arrived, but Lord Vurlop should be able to open them.
King Jorunn was adamant that no one disturb the meeting. I imagine that whatever they are discussing in there, Fildgor is definitely at the heart of it."
Shouldn't we send more troops to protect the King?
"King Jorunn is guarded by a squad of soldiers he selected personally. I'm sure everything is fine. Still, we can't be too careful, but I don't want to embarrass the King needlessly. You and Lord Vurlop can handle this. I have faith in you."

A Council of Thanes[edit]

During the quest, Prince Irnskar asks you to convince Thane Harvald to join the war council. Due to the previous incident in Fort Amol, Harvald's perception of the prince has plummeted. You can try to persuade him that Irnskar has changed his ways.

"I'm a little busy at the moment. Come back later."
Prince Irnskar would like you to attend the war council.
"Would he now? And I suppose I should just jump at his command? Why should I do that?
He's demonstrated nothing but hard-headedness and brashness since before his father was poisoned."
[Persuade]Prince Irnskar seeks your wisdom and advice. He's done being impulsive.
"I suppose for the sake of my friendship with Jorunn, I should give the Prince a second chance. I'll meet with him.
Have you talked to the other thanes yet?"
Not yet.
"The I suggest you seek out Oda Wolf-Sister next. She's a fine woman, if a bit odd. Very fond of wolves.
Good luck finding her, though. She's usually wandering around in the woods, communing with her beloved wolves."
I'll seek out Thane Oda next.
"Not that you asked, but if you want my advice, talk to Oda's housecarl. Jaema tries to keep track of her thane, which isn't an easy task. Last I saw, she was up at the front gates looking for her master.
Now go. I'll meet with Irnskar shortly."
The Prince is trying to make amends.
"I'm not convinced he's acting in the kingdom's best interest. I trust King Jorunn. He's a man who listens and plans.
But he allowed his son to run wild and independent for too long. And look at the trouble it's brought us!"
What can I do to change your mind?
"You're as pushy as the Prince. Very well. Take this dispatch to King Jorunn.
He's in the Dark Elf tent, being tended to by their healers. I want to hear what he has to say on the matter."

If you choose to deliver the dispatch, he will still ask you to find Thane Oda to have attend the council:

"Back already? Did you see King Jorunn?"
King Jorunn wants you to know that he's in control.
"Well, I expressed my concerns. I suppose, for the sake of my friendship with Jorunn, I should give Irnskar the benefit of the doubt. I'll meet with the little snot.
Have you talked to the other thanes yet?"
Not yet.
"You should probably talk to Thane Oda Wolf-Sister next. Oda is a fine woman, if a bit odd. She's very fond of wolves. Very fond.
She's probably outside the fort, communing with her four-legged friends."
I'll seek out Thane Oda.
"If you want my advice, and not that you asked, talk to Oda's housecarl, Jaema. She tries to keep track of her thane, which isn't an easy task. Last I saw, she was up at the front gates, searching for her master.
Now go. I'll find Irnskar shortly"

During the war council, he will express his displeasure of Fildgor controlling Nurnhilde's body:

Thane Oda Wolf-Sister: "Fildgor's at Skuldafn with the Crown of Freydis and the body of Queen Nurnhilde. For what purpose?"
Prince Irnskar: "The Orcthane plans to use them at the dragonshrine to usurp my father's throne."
General Yeveth Noramil: "A necromantic ritual, perhaps?"
Eyes-of-Steel: "The Crown is a powerful artifact. I shudder to think what the Orcthane can accomplish with it."
Thane Harvald: "I don't like the idea of that bastard using our fabled crown. And I hate that he has our beloved queen's body."

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