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Online:Renoit Leonciele

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Renoit Leonciele
Home Settlement Kerbol's Hollow
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Renoit Leonciele

Renoit Leonciele is a Breton who traveled to Kerbol's Hollow with his sickly husband Draven. It has been a week since Draven entered the village and Renoit has been getting worried.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

You can find him camping outside the entrance to the Kerbol's Hollow. When you approach him, he will say "He's too sick to travel again if this fails!"

Speaking to him:

"It's the waiting that's the worst. If Kerbol has some magical cure, why doesn't she just give it to my husband? To all of these poor souls!
Are you also waiting to see Kerbol?
Not me. Who's Kerbol?
"She's the village's mayor. They say Kerbol can cure any disease, but once cured, you can never leave the village.
I'm not sick, but my husband Draven is. And if we have to live in a hovel for the rest of our lives to save him, that's fine by me."
Where is this village?
"That's another strange thing. It's hidden, through the cave up the hill.
Kerbol will send for me eventually, but I'm worried. It's forever without him. Could you take a look and make sure Draven's all right? I have some gold. I can pay you."
I'll take a look around.

You can ask him some questions after starting the quest.

"You need to talk to the guard by the entrance by the cave entrance before you go. They don't take kindly to unexpected visitors.
Draven's my husband—tall, handsome fellow. Tell him I'm still waiting."
What kind of illness does Draven have?
"To be honest, we don't know. He doesn't like to talk about it, even to me.
Last month he locked himself in our basement and refused to come out! As if he was afraid I'd catch it from him!"
How did you two hear about this village?
"I'd heard about a legendary village where all illness is cured, ever since I was a lad. When Draven got sick, I needed to find it, or learn whether it even existed. Spent nearly all our gold until I did.
And here we are at last!"
How long have you been waiting for him?
"Draven entered the village a week ago. Kerbol says it's part of the treatment, to see how the patient fares without his or her family.
She sent someone to tell me it won't be much longer. I can't wait to be with my husband again!"

Investigating the Village[edit]

After you find Draven, who seems to be doing fine, Renoit will enter the room, having become suspicious of the villagers and the cure.

Renoit Leonciele: "Draven! What's going on? No one will tell me a thing!"
Draven Leonciele: "Come and sit, dear. Everything will be all right."
Renoit Leonciele: "I can't be the only one who thinks something strange is going on!"
Renoit Leonciele: "Kerbol and the lot of them! They're some kind of cult!"
Draven Leonciele: "Renoit … let it rest. Soon I'll be better—doesn't that count for something?"

Speak with Renoit.

"I don't trust anyone in this town. Why won't they tell me exactly what the cure is? Why can't we leave town afterwards?
And if they have a remedy, why can't they tell me what's wrong with Draven?"
Draven seems to be content with this.
"Draven's desperate for a cure! He'll believe anything. Anyone. I know you're got your own business, but I could use someone on my side.
If you could have a look around, or maybe ask people about this place … I don't know. I'm at a loss."
I'll see if I can figure out what the cure actually is.
"Thank you. I'll talk to Kerbol directly and see if she'll tell me anything. So far, she's kept all the details to herself, and you can see what Draven's like.
When you have something concrete, let me know. It'd do a lot to ease my mind."
What kind of illness does Draven have?
(Copy of question from above)

Speaking with him again:

"Forgive me if I seem rattled. Between Draven's illness and all this mystery, I'm jumping at shadows.
Please do what you can to find out how Kerbol cures these people."

After you have investigated the village and discovered some of its secrets, you can return to Renoit with the news. However, a new problem has come up, Draven has been taken by Arienne Kerbol to initiated into the village.

"That's not right. Something strange is going on in this town! You've seen it, haven't you?
They just took Draven away for their "initiation." It's like some kind of cult!"
Where did they take him?
"There's a winding path just past the village. Kerbol and a handful of others took him up that way.
They said they didn't have a spare robe for me, or some such nonsense."
I found some robes earlier while I was investigating the village.
"Enough for both of us? No? Then you use them as a disguise. Kerbol's too familiar with my face by now, and she'll recognize me whatever I wear.
They're binding him to the village forever. I don't understand yet. Make them stop before it's too late."
I'd better head up there now.
"Keep out of sight. They wouldn't even allow me to watch so I doubt you'd be welcome there without your robes.
If you hurry, you can make it before they arrive. Make sure they don't hurt Draven!"

Speaking to him again:

"If Kerbol harms a hair on Draven's head, I'll never forgive myself."

The Ritual and a Choice[edit]

When you find the Ritual Site and disrupt the ritual, Draven will turn into a werewolf and you will be forced to subdue him so he can be brought back to the village. Renoit will be confused by the rush of activity and it will be up to you to break the news.

"What's happened? Some of the people in town are acting strangely."
The ritual failed. Draven's turn into a werewolf.
"What? That was his disease all along? Why didn't he tell me?
We have to go after him! He's probably frightened out of his mind! What was Kerbol thinking?"
Kerbol was trying to seal his form. I had to subdue him.
"Kerbol has a lot of explaining to do! Sealing his form? What does that even mean?
Gods, I pray Draven's all right!"

At this point, Arienne Kerbol will emerge from the Town Hall to speak to the crowd. Speaking to him before her speech is over:

"I didn't trust Kerbol before, and I certainly don't trust her now. But why didn't Draven trust me?"

If Renoit is spoken to after the speech, he will say

"Who does she think she is? She'd better cure Draven as she promised."

After speaking with Kerbol in the Town Hall, Renoit will come in to tend to his husband.

Renoit Leonciele: "What've you done to my husband?"

If you speak with him before asking Draven about the ritual, he will regret coming to the Hollow, saying:

"He's exhausted! I really wish we'd never come to this place."

When you speak with Draven, you will be given a choice, you can side with Draven and Renoit or side with Arienne Kerbol and the village. Once you have spoken with Draven, Renoit will leave the Hall, saying:

Renoit Leonciele: "I've heard enough! I'll be outside."

You can speak to him outside before talking to Arienne:

"I don't trust anyone in this town. Why won't they tell me exactly what the cure is? Why can't we leave town afterwards?
And if they have a remedy, why can't they tell me what's wrong with Draven?"

Breaking the Spell[edit]

If you decided to help Draven free himself from the spell, you can speak with Renoit outside, to lay out what has happened and to ask him for any ideas.

"What will happen to Draven now? I don't understand any of this."
Everyone in this town is a werewolf, including Kerbol.
"Her too? That explains it. Kerbol has a spell over this entire town. These people are all mindless drones!
If we're to save Draven, we must break this spell for good. I think I know what to do."
What's your plan?
"The gate on this side of town leads to a cave entrance. It was guarded the last time I saw it, but with have the town gone, maybe we can get through.
Kerbol doesn't want anyone up there. We've got to destroy whatever she's hiding on the hill."
I should talk with Kerbol one last time.
"Don't let her cast a spell over you. She's clouded everyone's judgement in this town. If you talk to her, she'll convince you to kill Draven.
Don't let her kill my husband."
You're right. What's your plan?

You can then lead Renoit up the slopes to a cave which has a hanging display made out of skeletal and emitting a red aura—this is the spell focus.

Renoit Leonciele: "What is this?"
<Runs up to the focus.>
Renoit Leonciele: "This has got to be the source of the spell. Let's destroy it!"

Once you destroy the focus, Renoit will hear something:

Renoit Leonciele: "Quiet … I think I hear something."
Draven Leonciele: "Renoit! Stay back!"
Renoit Leonciele: "It's Draven! It's got to be! Come on!"

Head up the hill to the stone altar. You'll see Draven kneeling by one of the posts. Arienne Kerbol is standing in front of the altar in her werewolf form. Once you have defeated Arienne Kerbol, Renoit will lead Draven away.

Renoit Leonciele: "Let's go. There's nothing left for us in this town."

Draven transforms into a werewolf.

Renoit Leonciele: "Draven? Oh, you're … back to a werewolf."
Renoit and Draven.

You can find Renoit and Draven below the shrine. Renoit will be chasing Draven who is currently in werewolf form.

Renoit Leonciele: "Draven, wait!"
<He catches up to the werewolf.>
Renoit Leonciele: "We can't go through the town. Not after what's happened."

Renoit will sit on a nearby rock and Draven will settle beside him. You can then speak with Renoit.

"I'm glad we put a stop to this madness. And look! Draven knows me. He knows both of us. That gives me hope."
What will you two do now?
"Draven needs to learn how to control his … power. I don't know where we'll go while he does. Somewhere far away from anyone else, where no one will question us.
If this is the life we must lead together, I'll gladly run with him."

After receiving your payment, you can ask him some questions before leaving the two.

"There's a lot I don't understand about what happened, but at least Draven and I are together, the way we belong."
Do you have any idea how Draven became sick in the first place?
"No, and now that I know what it is, it doesn't matter. I've known him all my life. This is the first time he's ever kept anything secret from me."
It was a pretty big secret.
"We'll need to work on talking over our troubles with each other, instead of hiding our problems. Our lives will be different, but I'm sure other couples have issues too."

Saving the Village[edit]

If you decided to save the village, you will have to use Renoit as bait to lure Draven to the Shrine so he can be killed to protect everyone else in the village.

"We must hurry, before Kerbol does anything more to hurt my husband!"
I understood. I need you to come with me, though.
"Is he all right? That Kerbol didn't hurt him, did she?"
Don't worry. I'll take you to him. [Lie]
"All right, I'll stop my questions. Lead on, friend."
Not exactly, but the ritual she started needs to end.
"How? I'll do anything to save Draven any more pain. He's ashamed of this disease, but it's not his fault.
Is there anything I can do? Anything at all?"
Kerbol said we must lure Draven away from the village.
"All right, I'll stop my questions. Lead on, friend."
I want to help save Draven, not Kerbol.
I've changed my mind. I want to help save Draven.
"What did he say to you?"
He told me to tell you everyone in the village is a werewolf, even Kerbol.
Conversation continues as it would if you decided to Break the Spell in the first place

Renoit will start to follow you. You need to lead him up the hill west of town, go through the cave and head up the mountain to the stone altar overlooking Kerbol's Hollow.

Renoit Leonciele: "Draven? What's happened!"
Renoit Leonciele: "You'll pay for this, Kerbol!"

Kill Draven and Renoit will shout:

Renoit Leonciele: "No! What've you done?"

He'll then run off and fade into the distance.