Online:No Second Chances

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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: written by Legoless, not checked

Quest Stages: written by MolagBallet, not checked
ON-qico-Group Dungeon.png Return the Pellingare siblings to the grave.
Zone: Stormhaven
Quest Giver: Yahyif
Location(s): Wayrest Sewers II
Prerequisite Quest: Blood Relations
Reward: Pellingare War Plate
1 Skill Point
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience
ID: 4813
Dungeon Group Size: 4
Master Pellingare is up to something
Master Pellingare, a Wayrest nobleman, has gone missing. His guards, Yahyif and Gedric, have come to the sewers looking for him after he was last seen heading into the undercity tunnels.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Yahyif and find the kidnapped peasants.
  2. Defeat Malubeth the Scourger.
  3. Defeat Uulgarg the Risen and (optional) Skull Reaper.
  4. Defeat Garron the Returned and the Forgotten One.
  5. Confront Master Pellingare, the defeat Allene and Varaine Pellingare.
  6. Speak to Gedric Serre for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Deja Vu[edit]

This quest continues on from Deception in the Dark, which resulted in the deaths of Allene and Varaine Pellingare. Speak to Yahyif once you've entered the sewers, and he will explain that the grieving Master Pellingare has ventured back into the sewers. Offer to help, and he and Gedric Serre will accompany your group into the dungeon. The sewers are swarming with skeletons, ghosts and hired necromancers.

In the third room of the dungeon, Gedric will stay behind to tend to the kidnapped peasants. The first boss is Malubeth the Scourger, a large harvester being summoned by Master Pellingare. She has the ability to drop two AoE hazards, and will periodically turn a translucent purple as she lifts a group member into the air. Unless this attack is interrupted by two people activating the two Daedric altars in the room, this attack will quickly drain a lot of health and will likely kill all but the hardiest builds.

The next boss is a skeleton called Uulgarg the Risen, a basic melee boss with a swinging attack and a powerful flame AoE. Once you've defeated him, your group can go to the west and fight the optional bone colossus boss Skull Reaper, or continue down the eastern passage.

Return of the Pellingares[edit]

Gedric confronts Master Pellingare

Once you jump down into the next room, Master Pellingare will instruct a lich to halt your progress. This lich is Garron the Returned, the next boss. Yahyif taunts the lich which launches a necrotic bolt at him, killing him. Garron the Returned will summon escaped soul adds, and has a powerful beam attack which he will teleport to the center of the room to cast. The second-last boss is a ghost called the Forgotten One.

The final boss fight of this dungeon is against the resurrected Allene and Varaine Pellingare. After confronting their father, Master Pellingare will agree to draw them out so that they can be returned to their rest. Veraine attacks with melee, while Allene uses a bow. Your group will periodically be teleported to the center of the room to fight Fiendish Nightmare and Hallucination bat adds. If you reduce one of the bosses' health to under 15% of the other's, they will receive a 20 second damage shield, meaning a DPS should be focused on each boss simultaneously. If your group is attempted to earn a Gold Undaunted Key for the Veteran Wayrest Sewers Pledge, fifteen of the nearby passive zombies will need to be killed during the fight with the Pellingares (not before).

At the end, Gedric will appear and will declare his outrage at Master Pellingare for causing the death of his friend Yahyif. You will be given the option to allow Gedric to kill him, or telling him to let the court decide. Either way, Gedric will reward you with a heavy cuirass named Pellingare War Plate, a skill point, and gold.

Quest Stages[edit]

No Second Chances
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
If Master Pellingare is in the sewers, he is likely farther inside.
Objective: Find Master Pellingare
We discovered several Wayrest citizens drugged and surrounded by necromancers. Gedric remained behind to look after the citizens as we press on.
Objective: Find Master Pellingare
We found Master Pellingare at some sort of ritual site in the sewers. Yahyif is speaking with him now. I should wait for them to finish.
Objective: Wait for Yahyif
We found Master Pellingare in the sewers, though he fled when Yahyif called out to him. Pellingare has locked a door behind him, blocking our pursuit.
Objective: Open Door
Pellingare was at a strange altar. Perhaps it holds a clue to opening the door.
Objective: Investigate Altars
Tampering with the altar summoned Malubeth the Scourger.
Objective: Kill the Malubeth the Scourger
We've found Master Pellingare alive and well, but he ran from us before he could be questioned. I should pursue him.
Objective: Find Master Pellingare
Pellingare was talking to a lich. Yahyif is understandably eager to get to the bottom of this. I should confront Pellingare.
Objective: Confront Master Pellingare
Yahyif is dead, and Master Pellingare is on the run. I should follow him.
Objective: Find and Confront Master Pellingare
Master Pellingare raised his children from the dead, and they, in turn, raised an undead army. Master Pellingare has agreed to help defeat them, though he insists he never meant for any of this to happen. I should meet with Master Pellingare up ahead to face his children.
Objective: Meet Master Pellingare
Master Pellingare is leading me to his children.
Objective: Follow Master Pellingare
Allene Pellingare and Varaine Pellingare have revealed themselves. They must be put down.
Objective: Kill Allene Pellingare and Varaine Pellingare
Gedric has caught up with us. He is clearly upset about Yahyif's death, and pieced together that Pellingare is responsible. I should speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Gedric Serre
Gedric blames Pellingare for Yahyif's death. If I allow him, he'll kill Pellingare himself. If I don't, he'll have to turn Pellingare in to the city for trial.
Complete one: Pellingare to Prison or Pellingare Dies
Finishes quest☑ (If you allow Gedric to execute Pellingare himself) I have decided it's best for Pellingare to meet his fate here at Gedric's hands.
Objective: Talk to Gedric
Finishes quest☑ (If you decide that Pellingare should be sent to prison)I have decided that Pellingare deserves a trial for his crimes.
Objective: Talk to Gedric
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.