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Online:Markarth Achievements

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Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Markarth's Master Burglar.png Markarth's Master Burglar 10 Steal the Luxurious Safebox from Vlindrel Hall.
ON-icon-achievement-Red Eagle's Flight.png Red Eagle's Flight 10 Jump from the highest point in the Lost Valley Redoubt.
ON-icon-achievement-Saint Pelin's Avenger.png Saint Pelin's Avenger 10 Kill 100 Gray Host enemies in the Reach. Title: Vanquisher of the Gray Host
ON-icon-achievement-Savior of the Reach.png Savior of the Reach 50 Complete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of the Reach. Title: Guardian of the Reach
Darkstorm EmeraldDarkstorm Emerald
ON-icon-achievement-Ill-Gotten Gains.png The Reach Larcenist 15 At the Markarth Outlaws Refuge in the Reach, receive 20,000 gold for fencing items.
ON-icon-achievement-DLC Master Angler.png The Reach Master Angler 5 Catch all 12 rare fish in the Reach and Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png The Reach Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 6 Skyshards in the Reach and Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Ancestral Reach Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Ancestral Reach style book, obtained by following antiquity leads that are occasionally found by opening treasure map chests.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Arkthzand Armory Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Arkthzand Armory style book, acquired by completing delve and world boss daily jobs in the Reach.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Nighthollow Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Nighthollow style book, acquired by completing harrowstorm daily jobs in the Reach.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Wayward Guardian Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Wayward Guardian style book, acquired by completing Wayward Guardian daily jobs in the Reach.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-A Friend In Deed.png A Friend in Deed 10 Help Melina Cassel build confidence by encouraging her to persevere through her struggles.
ON-icon-achievement-Offerings to the Old Spirits.png Offerings to the Old Spirits 10 Make an offering at each of the four ritual stones in the Reach. Title: Spirit Seeker
ON-icon-achievement-Master of Storms.png Master of Storms 10 Disrupt the harrowstorm at each ritual location in the Reach. Title: Covenbreaker
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png The Reach Master Explorer 15 Discover and clear all caves and striking locales in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Discover Locales.png The Reach Pathfinder 10 Discover all of the striking locales in the Reach and Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern.
ON-icon-achievement-Welcome to the Reach.png Welcome to the Reach 5 Enter the Reach for the first time. Hat: Arkthzand Anfractuosity Shroud
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png The Reach Cave Delver 10 Discover and clear both explorable delves in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Briar Rock Ruins Explorer 5 Explore and clear Briar Rock Ruins.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Gloomreach Explorer 5 Explore and clear Gloomreach.
World Bosses
ON-icon-achievement-Defender of the Reach.png Defender of the Reach 15 Defeat both world bosses in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Dynastor Deposed.png Dynastor Deposed 10 Defeat the Dwarven Dynastor Supreme at Sentinel Point.
ON-icon-achievement-Weaned From Darkness.png Weaned From Darkness 10 Defeat Voidmother Elgroalif at Four Skull Lookout.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Crow-Eye Savior.png Crow-Eye Savior 10 Complete the "After the Storm" quest in the Reach. Head Marking: Reach Rebel Face Markings
ON-icon-achievement-Lothid Clan Liberator.png Lothid Clan Liberator 10 Complete the "By Love Betrayed" quest in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-The Reach Grand Adventurer.png The Reach Grand Adventurer 50 Complete 12 unique quests in the Reach and Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern.
ON-icon-achievement-Novice Reach Harrowstorm Harrier.png Novice Reach Harrowstorm Harrier 5 Complete 1 harrowstorm daily job from Nelldena in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Expert Reach Harrowstorm Harrier.png Expert Reach Harrowstorm Harrier 10 Complete 10 harrowstorm daily jobs from Nelldena in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Master Reach Harrowstorm Harrier.png Master Reach Harrowstorm Harrier 15 Complete 30 harrowstorm daily jobs from Nelldena in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-The Reach Monster Slayer.png The Reach Monster Hunter 5 Complete 1 world boss daily job for Gwenyfe in Markarth within the Reach zone.
ON-icon-achievement-The Reach Monster Hunter.png The Reach Monster Slayer 10 Complete 10 world boss daily jobs for Gwenyfe in Markarth within the Reach zone.
ON-icon-achievement-The Reach Monster's Bane.png The Reach Monster's Bane 15 Complete 30 world boss daily jobs for Gwenyfe in Markarth within the Reach zone.
ON-icon-achievement-Diplomatic Aide.png Diplomatic Aide 5 Complete 1 daily job for Bralthahawn of the Arenthian diplomats.
ON-icon-achievement-Diplomatic Agent.png Diplomatic Agent 10 Complete 10 daily jobs for Bralthahawn of the Arenthian diplomats.
ON-icon-achievement-Diplomatic Specialist.png Diplomatic Specialist 15 Complete 30 daily jobs for Bralthahawn of the Arenthian diplomats.
ON-icon-achievement-Wayward Guardian Hireling.png Wayward Guardian Hireling 5 Complete 1 Wayward Guardian daily job from Ardanir in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Wayward Guardian Oathsworn.png Wayward Guardian Oathsworn 10 Complete 10 Wayward Guardian daily jobs from Ardanir in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Wayward Guardian Ally.png Wayward Guardian Ally 15 Complete 30 Wayward Guardian daily jobs from Ardanir in the Reach.
Main Quest Line
ON-icon-achievement-Ravenwatch Ambassador.png Ravenwatch Ambassador 10 Complete "The Despot of Markarth" quest in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Reach Ritualist.png Reach Ritualist 10 Complete the "Blood of the Reach" quest in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Subterranean Scholar.png Subterranean Scholar 10 Complete "The Study of Souls" quest in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Witness to Prophecy.png Witness to Prophecy 10 Complete "The Awakening Darkness" quest in the Reach. Hat: Witchwise Headdress
ON-icon-achievement-Nighthollow Explorer.png Nighthollow Explorer 10 Complete "The Dark Heart" quest in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Protector of Markarth.png Protector of Markarth 10 Complete the "A Feast of Souls" quest in the Reach. Title: Champion of Markarth
Body Marking: Reach Rebel Body Markings
Requires Greymoor
ON-icon-achievement-Nowhere Beyond Your Reach.png Nowhere Beyond Your Reach 10 Complete the "End of Eternity" quest in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Peered Into the Abyss.png Peered Into the Abyss 10 Complete the "Kingdom of Ash" quest in the Reach. Non-Combat Pet: Somnolent Void Rot
ON-icon-achievement-A Bridge Between Kingdoms.png A Bridge Between Kingdoms 15 Complete the "Second Chances" quest in the Reach. Title: Hero of Skyrim
ON-icon-achievement-Taking up the Mantle.png Taking up the Mantle 10 Speak to Verandis in Blackreach after completing Second Chances. Title: of House Ravenwatch


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Antiquarian Chase.png Antiquarian Chase: The Reach 50 Acquire the Mythic Items discovered by the Antiquarian Circle during your adventures in the Reach.
ON-icon-armor-Pearls of Ehlnofey.png Pearls of Ehlnofey 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Pearl of Ehlnofey, in the Reach.
ON-icon-armor-Ring of the Pale Order.png Ring of the Pale Order 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Ring of the Pale Order, in the Reach.
ON-icon-achievement-Dwarven Scarab.png Dwarven Scarab 50 Find all the fragments in Bthar-zel, in Blackreach, and assembly the Dwarven Scarab antiquity.

Vateshran Hollows[edit]

Achievement Points Description Reward
Needed for Hero of the Unending Song
ON-icon-achievement-Hero of the Unending Song.png Hero of the Unending Song 50 Complete the listed achievements for Vateshran Hollows. Title: of the Undying Song
ON-icon-achievement-Vateshran Hollows Conqueror.png Vateshran Hollows Conqueror 50 Defeat all challengers in Veteran Vateshran Hollows. Bust: Maebroogha (page)
Skin: Void Pathosis
Title: Spiritblood Champion
ON-icon-achievement-Crushing Disappointment.png Crushing Disappointment 10 Defeat Zakuryn the Sculptor and Flesh Abomination after destroying 5 or more Banekin with a single blow from the Flesh Abomination's Pulverize three times in Veteran Vateshran Hollow.
ON-icon-achievement-A Blinding Flash.png A Blinding Flash 10 Destroy 5 Watchers within a single Wounding Portal during the Iozuzzunth battle in Veteran Vateshran Hollows.
ON-icon-achievement-Give That Back.png Give That Back 10 Retrieve a stolen "Blessing of the Grove" buff from a Blessed Spriggan 20 times in Veteran Vateshran Hollows.
ON-icon-achievement-You Missed!.png You Missed! 10 Avoid Rahdgarak's blockable Clobber attack by grappling away from it in Veteran Vateshran Hollows.
ON-icon-achievement-Dormant Defeat.png Dormant Defeat 10 Defeat the Magma Queen while never sealing a dormant volcano in Veteran Vateshran Hollows.
ON-icon-achievement-Fire in the Belly.png Fire in the Belly 10 Absorb 20 pyres ignited by the Pyrelord in Veteran Vateshran Hollows.
ON-icon-achievement-Missed Me by That Much.png Missed Me by That Much 10 Defeat Maebroogha the Void Lich after only destroying Void Trap Shades while they are being detonated.
ON-icon-achievement-Unbroken Vigor.png Unbroken Vigor 50 Complete Veteran Vateshran Hollows in a single attempt without dying or leaving the arena.
ON-icon-achievement-Grave Robber.png Hollows Hustler 50 Complete Veteran Vateshran Hollows within 45 minutes. The timer starts when entering any wing for the first time.
ON-icon-achievement-Strength from Within.png Strength from Within 50 Complete Veteran Vateshran Hollows without using Sigils during combat.
Needed for Honor to the Spiritblood
ON-icon-achievement-Honor to the Spiritblood.png Honor to the Spiritblood 50 Complete the listed achievements for Vateshran Hollows. Void PitchVoid Pitch
ON-icon-achievement-Scattered Spirits.png Scattered Spirits 10 Locate the three missing Essences throughout Vateshran Hollows and collect every Remnant of each type.
ON-icon-achievement-Seeker of the Hollows.png Seeker of the Hollows 10 Locate and defeat all of the hidden challengers in Vateshran Hollows.
ON-icon-achievement-Fire Walker.png Fire Walker 10 Using any Brimstone Orb, travel ten kilometers through lava.
ON-icon-achievement-Trapped Between Worlds.png Trapped Between Worlds 10 Spend 10 minutes affected by the Wounding Portal.
ON-icon-achievement-High Flyer.png High Flyer 10 Grapple 500 times.
ON-icon-achievement-Vateshran Hollows Vanquisher.png Vateshran Hollows Vanquisher 15 Defeat all challengers in Vateshran Hollows. Trophy: Maebroogha (page)
ON-icon-achievement-The Vateshran's Chosen.png The Vateshran's Chosen 50 Complete Veteran Vateshran Hollows within 45 minutes without using a single Sigil and without dying. The timer starts when entering any wing for the first time. Title: Spirit Slayer