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Online:Crossing the Chasm

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ON-qico-Zone Story.png Secure the Chasm and gain access to Molag Bal's personal domain.
Zone: Coldharbour
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Objective: The Chasm — Help the combined forces secure the Chasm.
Quest Giver: King Laloriaran Dynar, Sir Cadwell
Location(s): The Hollow City, The Chasm, Grunda's Gatehouse
Prerequisite Quest: The Army of Meridia
Next Quest: The Harvest Heart
Reward: Molag Grunda's Girdle
High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: High Experience XP
ID: 4701
Cross the Chasm to reach the Fist of Stone
The army has been gathered and the time has come to take the battle to Molag Bal! But to reach the planar vortex at the heart of the Dark Lord's inner sanctum, we have to cross the well-defended Chasm.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Cadwell.
  2. Destroy the four focus stones at the Chasm.
  3. Talk to Cadwell, then enter the portal to the Chasm Second Tier.
  4. Close the eastern and western portals.
  5. Talk to Cadwell at the Gatehouse.
  6. Unlock the door.
  7. Defeat the enemies in Grunda's Gatehouse.
  8. Talk to Vanus Galerion outside.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Speak to King Laloriaran Dynar in the Chapel of Light, who will give you a brief rundown on the assault plan. As Cadwell knows the region well, he will be your guide when you lead the attack on the Chasm.

Find Cadwell, who is located in front of the gate north of the Chapel of Light. He says the army needs to break some focus stones before they can cross the Chasm.

You need to destroy four focus stones. Before then, you can talk to Gathwen, if you want: she will give you further details about the Chasm and the operation. The focus stones are gray with a red aura around them, and surrounded by Dremora before they are destroyed.

Once you destroy the last focus stone, Darien rushes through the portal close-by, with Walks-in-Ash following behind him. Cadwell tells you that Molag Grunda is sending reinforcements through two portals in the Chasm's second tier, and you need to close them. Waves of Daedra will come of out each portal, which you have to clear before Darien and Walks-in-Ash will close the eastern and western portal, respectively, for you.

Unlocking the Gatehouse[edit]

Talk to Cadwell at the Gatehouse. He tells you that the party has wrested control of the Chasm, and he himself can't wait to see Molag Grunda.

Upon entering through the door, you will see a large span before the gatehouse. As you cross the span, Cadwell mentions a trick to entering the gatehouse; when you finish doing so, Cadwell remembers you need to start the flywheels located in the northern and southern antechambers. Each antechamber has a lever, which is guarded by a few Daedra and a Xivilai. You need to activate the lever to start the flywheel.

Activate the chain next to the Gatehouse door to unlock it, then enter. Upon entering Grunda's Gatehouse, Molag Grunda will sic her pet flesh atronach, Tiny, on you. Kill Tiny, then Grunda herself.

Once you kill Grunda, the troops start to rush into the gatehouse and through the northern door. Follow them outside, then talk to Vanus Galerion. He tells you that the army has secured the Chasm and can now move troops from the Hollow City to the front lines.


  • Although accessible, the Chasm is devoid of enemies until Cadwell is spoken to and followed into the area.
    • The focus stones also don't exist then.
    • Finally, the portal to the second tier many NPCs refer to is already accessible then. However, the door to the gatehouse at the end of the path is still locked. After speaking with and following Cadwell, the portal is removed from the area.
  • Despite being accessible beforehand, the named soldiers that went ahead as well as the portals won't exist on the second tier before speaking with Cadwell.
  • The barrier blocking the path to the gatehouse won't exist before reaching the related objective, despite the area being accessible beforehand.
  • Enemies are removed from the area after completing the quest and clearing this location.
  • There is a skyshard to the right of the western portal in the Chasm Second Tier.


  • There is a random chance that the focus stones must be interacted with twice to be destroyed. ?
  • Gathwen vanishes without any magical effects after speaking to the forces once on the second tier. ?
  • The NPCs closing the portals vanish from sight instead of running off afterward. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

Crossing the Chasm
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to locate Cadwell and find out what the scouts have learned about the situation at the Chasm.
Objective: Talk to Cadwell
Latest start I should follow Cadwell out of the Hollow City and head toward the Chasm.
Objective: Go to the Chasm
According to Cadwell, the army can't cross the Chasm until the focus stones have been destroyed. I better get to it!
Hidden Objective: Talk to Gathwen
Objective: Destroy the Focus Stones: x/4
I destroyed the focus stones. Now we're in control of this section of the Chasm and the portal that leads to the second tier. I should talk to Cadwell and make sure things are good here before I head upstairs.
Objective: Talk to Cadwell
Objective Hint: Enter the Portal
Molag Grunda is sending waves of reinforcements through a pair of portals on the second tier of the Chasm. I need to locate the portals and close them before the Fighters Guild and Mages Guild troops are overrun.
Objective: Close the West Portal
Hidden Objective: Enter the Portal
Objective: Close the East Portal
Now that the portals are closed and the reinforcements have been dealt with, I should head over to the gatehouse.
Objective: Talk to Cadwell at the Gatehouse
The door ahead opens upon the bridge the [sic] leads to Molag Grunda's gatehouse. I should follow Cadwell inside.
Objective: Enter the Gatehouse Span
I need to cross the span to reach the gatehouse.
Objective: Cross the Span
According to Cadwell, I must activate two flywheels before I can enter the gatehouse. I should look for the first flywheel on the north side of the Chasm and activate it.
Objective: Start the North Flywheel
According to Cadwell, I must activate two flywheels before I can enter the gatehouse. I should look for the second flywheel on the south side of the Chasm and activate it.
Objective: Start the South Flywheel
I activated the flywheels. Now I must unlock the gatehouse.
Objective: Unlock the Gatehouse
Now that the gatehouse is unlocked, it's time to put an end to Molag Grunda.
Objective: Kill Molag Grunda
With Molag Grunda defeated and the Chasm under our control, I should find my way out of this place and meet up with the others.
Objective: Exit the Gatehouse
I should leave Grunda's Gatehouse and meet up with Vanus Galerion.
Objective: Meet Vanus Galerion Outside
Finishes quest☑ We control the Chasm and I've exited the gatehouse. Now I should talk to Vanus Galerion and find out how we should proceed.
Objective: Talk to Vanus Galerion
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.