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Online:Azei at-Owynok

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Azei at-Owynok
Location Ancestor's Landing
Sunken Road
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower Present in Memory
Azei at-Owynok
Old look

Azei at-Owynok is a Redguard guide hired by Herminius Sophus to help him on his travels across Hammerfell and High Rock. Unbeknownst to Herminius, he is far more knowledgeable about artifacts than he lets on, and watches Herminius to ensure that he doesn't plunder the Alik'r. He is also accompanied by Latebrius, a pet monkey.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Past in Ruins[edit]

Before speaking with Herminius and starting the search for the sword:

"It is my task to show the Imperial the sights of Alik'r."

Once you have started the quest, you can ask Azei questions about the sword and where he would look for it.

"I'm glad that the Imperial has found someone else to talk to. His haughtiness is suffocating."
What do you know about Sword-Singer Navid's sword? / A sad tale, but what do you know of the blade itself?
"The sword in question is a wondrous object, and Herminius Sophus believes it will appear to those who have a connection with death or whatever lies beyond."
What sort of connection? / What connection does the sword have with death?
"The great scholar from Cyrodiil doesn't know. Imagine that?"
Is the sword powerful?
"The magnificent scholar believes that the sword is too damaged to be used anymore, if it even exists at all."
Why does he want the sword?
"He wants to preserve it in a safe warehouse in Cyrodiil, where all the other artifacts have been taken, I imagine."
Why do you work for him?
"If not me, another would surely stand here.
My advice to you is simply to look along the shore. Others searched inland and were disappointed."
I'll do that. Thanks.
Sophus said that this sword had a sad tale.
"Yes, indeed it does. It is a story of jealousy and betrayal. Have you not heard the ballad of Navid?"
I don't believe so.
"In the early days of the Ra Gada, a powerful Ansei named Yaghoub led a vanguard of thirteen great warriors—Sword Singers all. In those days, Redguard bonds of fellowship were even stronger than they are now. These men were as brothers."
Go on.
"One of the warriors, Navid, was strong but covetous. His dearest companion, Ihlqub, had met a woman named Sayeedeh whose beauty was legendary—hair like polished obsidian and eyes like darkest sapphires. Navid's jealousy grew and grew."
So he murdered Ihlqub?
"Yes. Just so. While Ihlqub stood on the beach stringing his legendary bow, Navid crept up behind and thrust his sword deep into Ihlqub's back. Before Ihlqub died it is said that he looked on Navid with such sadness that Navid's heart broke in two."
What happened then?
"Wracked with guilt, Navid fled to his tent, took up his grandest blade, and killed himself. When Sayeedeh heard of what happened, she threw herself into the water from the highest cliff.
She was not seen again."

Speaking to him again:

"Some things are best left undisturbed."

After you pick up the Ancient Blade from Na-Totambu's Landing and defeat the sword-cursed, Azei will run up to you and shout:

Azei at-Owynok "Friend, it is Azei! I must speak with you!"

You can then talk to him again. He is shocked that you managed to recover the sword.

"Did you recover the sword? We must speak before you go further with it."
What do you mean?
"I did not expect you would find it. Only those who are … different … are capable of such a feat.
What do you intend to do with it?"
Different? / What did you mean,"different?"
"Only those with the keenest senses can even see it, and only one without a soul should be able to take it from its resting place.
I do not know how you lifted it unless your soul … no matter. What is your intention?"
Then I'll put the sword back.
"That is wise. Sword-Singer Navid was buried at the Lion's Tomb, though he did not deserve such an honor. It was hoped the curse would fade in time, but instead the sword claims more victims.
The curse is his to bear. He must take back the blade."
I plan to give Herminius Sophus the sword.
"Even if Herminius Sophus escapes the vengeful spirits, he will take the sword to Cyrodiil. However cursed this sword may be, it is still a relic steeped in our history, our heritage. It must stay in the Alik'r!"
I will think on your warnings / That was the agreement. Whatever trouble follows him is his own.
"You bring only misery by removing that sword, wayfarer. Make the wise choice."
Wait. I thought you didn't know much about this place. (Appears after selecting Different?)
"A deception. I watch Herminius Sophus so he does not plunder Alik'r. I know more than his books have explained."
Can anything break the sword's curse?
"No, it is a deep, ancient curse. There is darkness in that blade that even the Divines would struggle to banish.
Sword-Singer Navid's spirit seeks to distance himself from the blade, but he is the source of its evil. He cannot keep shedding the burden to others."
Herminius Sophus sent me to find the sword.
"I urge you to reconsider. You do him no favors by giving him this blade.
You know the curse it bears. Anyone who carries the sword will be attacked by those tortured spirits. Only the dishonored one is not so bound."
I'll return it to Sword-Singer Navid, then.
"That is for the best. Leave it at the Lion's Tomb on the shore.
Then talk to Herminius Sophus before you leave; perhaps he will abandon his foolish search."
I will.

Regardless of what you choose to tell Azei, he will run off in the distance.

After returning the sword, you can return to the camp. Azei will be waiting near the wagon.

"Some things are best left undisturbed."

When you speak to him after completing the quest if you returned the sword:

"Death comes to us all. May we face it with honor."

Present in Memory[edit]

Azei trapped in webs

When you get close to Azei, he will yell out:

"Can anyone hear me? Help me!"

When you approach you, he will say:

"Is that you, Herminius Sophus?"

Speaking to him before cutting him down:

"Cut me down before the spiders return!"

If this is your first meeting and you're starting the quest with him, he'll say:

"I beg of you to release me, for I am the unfortunate guide of a man named Herminius Sophus, a scholar who explores these very caves.
I must return to watch over him, for I fear he may take precious relics from these tunnels."
How did you get up there?
"As I set up camp in the central chamber of this cave, a large spider bit my leg.
I awoke to find myself in this unfortunate position, while the man I accompany wanders unattended."
Where is the spider now?
"Caves are often homes to such spiders. If you release me, it will likely feel the webs twitch, and present itself to you.
Free me, then please help me locate Herminius Sophus. He should not be left alone for very long."
Not a problem.

If you met him before and you want to start the quest from him:

"Truly the gods smile upon me to return you to my path.
Can you free me, and allow me the burden of watching over Herminius Sophus?"
How did you get up there?
"As I set up camp in the central chamber of this cave, a large spider bit my leg.
I awoke to find myself in this unfortunate position, while the man I accompany wanders unattended."
Where is the spider now?
"Caves are often homes to such spiders. If you release me, it will likely feel the webs twitch, and present itself to you.
Free me, then please help me locate Herminius Sophus. He should not be left alone for very long."
Not a problem.

Speaking to him again before you cut him down:

"Please, hurry! Who can say what Herminius Sophus has gotten his paws on while I've been stuck?"
You sounded concerned about him taking things. What things?
"Herminius Sophus claims to do research. Much of his research means breaking, entering, and taking. He sends everything to Cyrodiil.
Left to himself, he'd send entire ruins there, destroying much of our history."
Have you any idea which way he went?
"He wandered away from the central cavern, and I know he did not head south or he would have passed me by.
Therefore, he must headed north on one of the passages out of the main chamber."
Let's find him.

After freeing him and searching for Herminius:

"He wandered as a vulture circles its prey. But he truly has no sense of direction, and thus managed to wander farther away with each passing moment.
We must find him."

Once you find Herminius and before you speak to him:

"I know how it may seem for me to speak ill of the one who pays me my wages, but he is unable to see the desert for the grains of sand."

If you started the quest from Herminius and before you cut him down:

"Cut me down before the spiders return!"

If you found and started the quest with Herminius instead, he can then be asked what happened while you free him.

"Poisoned by careful. They are attracted to movement.
You were attacked by spiders?
"As we entered this passage, I stopped for a moment, and Herminius Sophus continued on.
Before I could turn around, a very large spider bit my leg and I fell, unable to defend myself."
Didn't Herminius Sophus come back to find you?
"There is a reason he hired a guide. I've heard him call for me, but it seemed he walked in circles and came no closer."
Will you continue to work with Herminius Sophus?
"Yes, for my duty is to protect innocents from predation. A spider's poison wears off, but research and collection by the untrained can never be healed.
I see Herminius Sophus walks with you. You will share my wage for doing my job."
Do you think you can walk?
"I am tired, and my muscles ache, but I am otherwise in good health. Had you not come along, however, the tale would certainly be different."

If you exit out of the conversation and before you turn in the quest, he will alternatively say:

"Truly the gods smile upon me to return you to my path. This is the second time that you have rendered your aid to me." (If you met him before)
Will you continue to work with Herminius Sophus? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

After completing the quest with Herminius Sophus, upon freeing Azei:

Azei at-Owynok: "Herminius Sophus, what happened to you? You are in a terrible state."
Herminius Sophus: "Are you aware of the danger I was in?"
Azei at-Owynok: "But where is your pack? And where is Latebrius?"
Herminius Sophus: "Latebrius! Latebrius? I've been wasting away like a common beggar, and you ask after the monkey?"
Herminius Sophus: "I shall write about how awful you are as a guide!"
Azei at-Owynok: "I must ensure he does not lose his way again."

Speaking to him after the quest:

"You've done me a great service in returning me to my vigil."

Publish or Perish[edit]

When you accept Herminius Sophus' request:

"I overheard what Herminius Sophus intends to do in order to pad out his research journal, and if I wasn't still sickened from this poisonous spider bite I surely would be now."

Before you speak to Herminius after you found the research notes:

"I have begun to wonder whether all scholars are as troublesome as this one."

Once you turn in the quest, Azei will be sitting in the camp and will remain critical of Herminius:

"It seems the only thing more loathsome than Herminius Sophus writing his own opinions for posterity…may be the opinions that he ends up recycling from the scholars who have died here."