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Oblivion:Fort Urasek

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Fort Urasek
(view on map)
# of Zones 2
Goblin Enemies, Marauders
Orc Adventurer
(1 boss-level Goblin)
Important Treasure
1 boss-level Fort Chest
Console Location Code(s)
FortUrasekExterior, FortUrasek, FortUrasek02
East of the Imperial City, near the intersection of the Red Ring Road and the Blue Road
Fort Urasek

Fort Urasek is a medium-sized fort east of the Imperial City containing goblins and marauders. It contains two zones: Fort Urasek and Fort Urasek Company Billets.



Key to Maps
Fort Urasek, Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel 14, 18
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Fort Urasek (editor name FortUrasekMapMarker). The entrance door is W of the marker, 110 feet away.
  • 0-1 Goblin is near the entrance
  • 1 Road Creature (Farmlands variety) is near the entrance
  • 1 Nirnroot is at location N on map
  • 1 Chest 04 is near the entrance
  • 1 Wilderness Chest 03 (non-respawning) is near the entrance
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 1 Lavender plant
  • Some of the above items are clustered at C: 1 Emerald, 1 Major Wound scroll, 1 Potion of Cure Poison, and 1 Ruby (these items are on the roof above the entrance; several jumps are required to retrieve them)

Zone 1: Fort Urasek[edit]

Fort Urasek

This is a tiny zone that nevertheless offers a couple of challenges for the unwary. Not far from the entrance is a dead marauder slumped over a minor loot chest. This may appear to be easy loot, but there is a Pressure Plate just in front of the chest that activates a Darts trap. In addition, investigating the body involves moving into the line of sight of up to two other enemies that occupy the area to the west. Melee characters shouldn't have a problem here, but stealthy ones are advised to be cautious.




Doors and Gates:


  • 1 Dead Marauder (wearing heavy boots and cuirass) at location F on map

Zone 2: Fort Urasek Company Billets[edit]

Fort Urasek Company Billets

This fairly large maze-like zone includes a few interesting features. The first thing you will see upon entering is a stack of logs on a bridge at G. With a little patience and timing, these can be pushed onto an enemy that patrols below, dealing a fair amount of damage. Follow the bridge past one or two other enemies and you might be lucky enough to encounter an Orc Adventurer at O. Low-level characters may benefit from tagging along with him, as there are quite a few enemies to fight in the area. The corridor ends in a T-junction with a minor loot chest; the northern path soon ends in a room containing an enemy, another minor loot chest, and a few food items, while the southern path leads back into the first chamber, this time at ground level. There are a few enemies to be dispatched here, and it is possible to use the two Darts traps at E on the north side of the northern large pillar for this effort. A minor loot chest is next to the same pillar.

Exiting the ground level of the chamber to the north leads to a sack (k) in front of a locked door (I); the sack contains the key. The door opens onto a battle between three goblins and two marauders. Either wade into the fray, or wait until one side is victorious and finish off the survivors. As the room contains an unlocked rusty door with three lockpicks on the floor, it seems fair to assume the marauders had just escaped from their cell. Search the minor loot chest in the cell, then leave the jail area via a passage to the west that leads to a bridge (F) back across the first chamber. The bridge will collapse at the north end, potentially dropping you into the Darts traps below. Continuing south on the bridge leads to the throne room, which will contain up to three enemies including the boss-level goblin. Once they are dead, do not sit in the throne, as this activates the Swinging Mace trap (H) on the ceiling.


  • 1 boss-level Goblin at location A on map
  • 1 Orc Adventurer (10% chance of appearing) at O
  • 1 Marauder Battlemage
  • 1 melee Marauder
  • 1 Goblin Chef (non-respawning)
  • 3-7 Goblin Enemies (each 80% probability Goblin, 13% Rat, 7% Mud Crab)
  • 1 archer Goblin
  • 2 melee Goblins
  • 1 Rat



Doors and Gates:

  • There is one door (at C) in/out of this zone, leading to the zone Fort Urasek
  • 1 Old Wooden Door at I (locked, opened by Urasek Lockup Key)


  • 1 Dead Goblin (may carry a lockpick) at location J on map
  • 1 bedroll at b