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User talk:Wrye

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Talk to the monkey!

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  • Need support for my mods and/or tools? Do not post here. Instead, go to the official forums, find the appropriate forum/topic and post there. For active tools/mods, there's is usually a RELZ (release) topic -- that's the best place to ask. But be sure to check the readme/manual first. (See Warning below.)

Wrye Archives

Monkey Humor[edit]

Moved from user page Odd Facts section

haha Wrye, you really took a leap of faith in linking those two screennames together, but I commend you on your intelligence and wit (although I'm much younger than 38). --Darkflame

Hey Britney. I'm hearing good things about the latest album, although other things are perhaps not going as well as they might. :lol:
For those not familiar... The "Britney is Darkflame" joke was based on this incident. Jeez. That was over two years ago! --Wrye 12:29, 10 November 2007 (EST)

Thanks for making my "laugh of the day" ;) 05:06, 30 October 2009 (UTC)

bash.log Causing crash?[edit]

For some reason I go to start Wyre bash and just before it finishes starting python.exe crashes. In the wxPython window I get an error saying it can't continue be it can't access the process because it is being used by bash.log. Any ideas on what is causing it and how to fix it? Andromada369 19:42, 23 January 2009 (EST)

I ought to post this as policy... Questions regarding Wrye Bash and any of my other mods/utilities should be asked on the official forums. --Wrye 19:53, 23 January 2009 (EST)

Come Back Soon[edit]

I hope we'll see you back in the run-up to TES V. –rpehTCE 10:43, 26 July 2009 (UTC)

Thanks! Hmmm... I think that I probably won't be very active for TES V. But I said the same thing about TES IV, so we'll see. But before then, I may be around a little bit for continued support of Wrye Bash, etc. But in that case, I'll probably just be acting as an editor. Maybe. Depends on how much other projects keep me busy. Cheers, and have fun with the site while I'm away! --Wrye 23:57, 28 July 2009 (UTC)


Hi Wrye! I know this is not about your mods,but can you help me with my Oblivion? I uninstalled a mod,and then,my game started to crash every time I tried to open it. I uninstalled all my other mods,and reinstalled the whole game twice,but no effect. It just keeps on crashing every time I open it. Can you help me with this? :) --Neekerisanni123 16:55, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Unfortunately, mysterious crashes are part of the Oblivion mod playing scene. There are some general techniques to try, but the best place to get that sort of info is the general forums. Solution will likely require a substantial amount of effort and patience on your part, however the end result can be substantially improved gameplay. Again, check the official forums - check for the FAQs pinned there and ask for help. Good luck! --Wrye 18:31, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

Wrye Mash Documentation[edit]

I know you're busy elsewhere, but we just had an edit ever-so-subtly pointing out that the documentation for Wrye Mash (I always want to type M*A*S*H) is a little senescent. Do you feel like updating it, or is there somewhere else that we could link to for the latest info? –rpehTCE 17:55, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Updated. Name: I think of it like "Rye Mash" (used in making whiskey). Also cause it "mashes" a bunch of different stuff together! --Wrye 21:49, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

Check User[edit]

Could you just confirm that my check user data on is correct on the UESPWiki:Administrator_Noticeboard#Rpeh.2C_De-Admin_Request?--Ratwar 07:08, 10 September 2009 (UTC)

Checking. Will post shortly. --Wrye 07:37, 10 September 2009 (UTC)

New Site[edit]

I don't suppose you have any webserver logs from the old site along with the HTTP_REFERER values? There are quite a few pages on here that link to ufrealms and no easy way of finding them. I've fixed one or two, but a list of referrers would be great if it exists. Thanks. –rpehTCE 10:27, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

Checking... You can do a Linksearch: [1]. Hmm... Only a page and a half. :) --Wrye 21:43, 10 December 2009 (UTC)
I've changed a few pages as a test and that works. Just changing to should work in all cases. And I'll be keeping that domain indefinitely, so that should stay good. --Wrye 21:54, 10 December 2009 (UTC)
I might get to it. But rpeh made a template for your site: {{WryeLink}}. –Elliot talk 21:57, 10 December 2009 (UTC)
Okay. Template sounds fine. And while I plan to keep indefinitely, I could always be incapacitated, resulting in the site going down. In which case, someone else might host the pages, with a template providing a fast fix. --Wrye 22:06, 10 December 2009 (UTC)
Okay, they are all converted. –Elliot talk 23:52, 10 December 2009 (UTC)

Save Files[edit]

Wrye, would you know the structure of .ess files? Or more-over, how one can read data on some specific things like the inventory or maximum health? 06:10, 13 February 2010 (UTC)

I may be out of date on this, but see Oblivion Mod:Save File Format. The general structure of the ess is well known, but specific records are much less well known. --Wrye 01:14, 4 March 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for the link. I have another question, when I do make something along the lines of a test.ess.txt file, I cannot find any of the headers mentioned inside the article. Is there a way to view them with the test.ess.txt file? Kestral 00:29, 6 March 2010 (UTC)
If you mean headers like you get for esp files... there aren't any. Thats part of what makes the ess file difficult to analyze/process compared to the esp file. Background: For Morrowind, the ess and and esp file formats were pretty much the same. For Oblivion, they're not. There are rough high level similarities, but at the low level they're encoded quite differently. You might look at Wrye Bash code to see Bash handles it (but of course, Bash is pretty complicated at this point). --Wrye 18:42, 11 March 2010 (UTC)

Have you ever heard of OblivionGuruESIV?[edit]

He's apparently an electronic musician who is of expert level at oblivion, and makes oblivion videos. Look him up on youtube I'd link, but I don't wanna look like a spammer haha

Your site has been hacked[edit]

All the pages and files in your hosted mods section except for "ROV World.html" have been replaced with the following code, making them redirect to some useless spam site, which is, as you can probably imagine, rather annoying.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
        <META http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=">

        <!-- 404 Not Found -->
        <!-- The file specified (/ could not be found on this server. -->
        <!-- tigershark/3.0.128 at <A href=""></A> -->

        <!-- XXXXXX  Extra bytes to force IE to display this page  XXXXXX -->
        <!-- XXXXXX      (instead of its internal error page)      XXXXXX -->


What's interesting is that the .zip files are still .zip files, yet they are interpreted as html. 11:50, 8 April 2011 (UTC) Another affected (effected?) page is "Cathedral%2520vs.%2520Parlor.html", which is, in a way, even more disappointing and annoying. 12:03, 8 April 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the note! Fortunately, thats probably not a hack. (I let my hosting payment lapse -- and DirectNic probably removed the high bandwidth files, resulting in the redirect.) I'll see what I can do. Will likely take a few days. --Wrye 21:13, 10 April 2011 (UTC)

Bash download link on WryeMusings[edit]

I noticed that the old instructions on your site are still linked to the ufrealms domain, up to you if anything is done about that.

Choco chip cookie.png
You have been given a cookie!

Your dedication and diligence to the wiki has not gone unnoticed. A user has seen the progress you've made, and has given you a cookie because of it. Good work! The user had the following to say:

Thanks a lot for your incredible contributions to the games.

Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 13:22, 23 August 2011 (UTC)

Cathedral vs Parlor[edit]

Hi. I am a big fan now since 2006, and wanted to shoot you a link to our site, which is dedicated to modding Skyrim, and we present some of your work there. We took over your "Cathedral vs Parlor" documentation to expose it more and in an attempt to keep this ideology alive and prominent among new modders ... selfishness and greed abound (even where money is not concerned for some reason O_o).

No changes as of yet to the doc ... mostly want to expose it to our community and evolve/apply it to Skyrim modding (in accordance with your statements in the same document).

PM me over there if you are so inclined. Z929669 (talk) 07:32, 21 March 2014 (GMT)

It's almost 3 years since Wrye last posted here, so you are unlikely to recieve a response from this way. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 03:00, 22 March 2014 (GMT)
Mirroring the "Cathedral vs. Parlor" doc is fine, editing or changing it is not okay. (It's specifically an opinion piece, you can't change it without stating something which isn't my opinion.)
PS. 99.99999% retired :) Wrye (talk) 18:35, 28 March 2014 (GMT)

Greetings Wrye[edit]

Hi Wrye thanks for the response in the Beth PM. I did respond there since it's probably a better place to talk anyway. I gave all the links you requested, hope they help.

Sharlikran Sharlikran (talk) 07:29, 16 November 2014 (GMT)

Is Wrye Musings site down for good?[edit]

First, thank you for all your contributions to TES over the years. I just happened to notice all my links to are dead. According to WHOIS, it appears the domain is owned directly by DirectNIC (for at least 11 months if I am reading it right), so I assume that Wrye Musings is no more. I can't blame you. You kept those pages out there for years. Just looking for some verification. -- DeJuan N. Onley (talk) 14:57, 14 October 2015 (UTC)

I've proposed {{WryeLink}} for deletion. —Legoless (talk) 14:47, 21 May 2016 (UTC)
I am planning on getting Wrye Musings up again. Shoudn't be too hard... Just a matter off getting around to it. Nudge me again if it's not done by the end of June. --Wrye (talk) 21:19, 21 May 2016 (UTC)
Great, thanks for getting back to us! —Legoless (talk) 22:55, 26 May 2016 (UTC)

Monkey Avatar[edit]

Wrye we spoke once before, and I wanted to continue working on Wrye Mash. I still have a copy of that conversation where you agreed to that since it's under GNU and that I could call it Wrye Mash or Sharlikran's Wrye Mash but it wasn't required. You also mention in other places on the UESP Wiki that you hope others pick up the project. Valda has Wrye Flash for Fallout 3 and Fallout NV and I help maintain those versions. I only started working on Wrye Mash recently but I have contributed a lot to the Wrye Bash project also.

If you have a moment, I am being accused of violation of intellectual property by the current maintainer of Wrye Bash. He doesn't like me having an organization on GitHub called Wrye-Bashers, which to me was simply plural for Wrye Mash/Flash/Bash. I also used the Monkey icon because it's part of the program, not to be offensive in anyway. I may not use the old name I had chosen now, but I was wondering if I have your permission to use your Monkey avatar and some name similar to Wrye Bash/Mash/Flash? His post is at the link below.

Also I'm working on a GitHub repository which is a read-only archive of the Sourceforge Oblivionworks site. I'm taking classes in web design so I can add a style-sheet to it and make it more like a website then a Git of Svn repository. I'd like to add your Wrye-Musings to it as well. May I have permission to do that? If so is there a zip file I can get of all the Wrye-Musings content? --Sharlikran (talk) 02:39, 16 October 2017

As before, my apologies for the late reply. Also best wishes to you and your family. :)
First, a straight up thank you to everyone who has worked on Wrye Bash and variations thereof. It's been a long time since I've touched any of that, and I'm actually rather humbled by the work that everyone has done. Thank you all for continuing the work and the name.
Code and Forks: The code is under GPL, which allows for forks, but counts on the social pressure to reduce their likelihood. This runs two ways: discouragement against making a new fork, but also encouraging folks to cooperate and get along well enough to not drive members away. In short, don't be a dick, work well with people, and appreciate folks who are helping. All that being said, unfortunately forks are sometimes necessary. I hope you all will work things out, but I understand if it doesn't work out.
Regarding the name: I don't have any IP problem with using the name "Wrye Bashers" or the monkey avatar for the project. (Naturally you should not present yourself personally as "Wrye".) However, as WrinklyNinja pointed out, it's desirable to avoid confusion between different forks. I don't think that "Wrye Bashers" is particularly confusing for what you want to do, but it's maybe a little bit confusing. Hard to say. I'll just trust your judgement on that.
Note: "Wrye" is already established/accepted as the base name for this program and its variations. So I have no problem there. I had originally thought that new developers would use their own names on the variations (e.g. Bob's Bash), but I'm fine (in fact pleased, and complimented) that developers have instead stuck with "Wrye".  :)
Again, I hope folks can sort things out and not fork. And again, I'm humbled by and appreciative of the people who have carried Wrye Mash/Bash/Etc forward. I hope they have and show the same appreciation for each other.
Re: Wrye Musings website. I don't mind a backup being kept, though (to avoid confusion) please don't put it online unless the original goes offline. Sorry, I don't have a zip of it. (And fixing it up, even just a little, is one of the things on my long backlog of "to be done".) At least it is up and running now! :) Wrye (talk) 18:29, 3 November 2017 (UTC)
Thank you for the kind words for my family.
Thank you for letting me use the Avatar and for permission to host Wrye Musings if it ever goes down. I had hoped there was a zip file because as I started looking through it and some pages take me to other pages I had never seen. I want to be sure to preserve all the things Wrye as much as I can. The more and more I look at them I see how much work went into that and it's just too precious to ever loose. For me it's like an homage to you and your work. A fortress of solitude amidst all the strife.
Keeping the Wrye Name: That's just out of respect to you. I don't think anyone would want to call it Bob's Mash or Sharlikran's Mash. Even with xEdit which you probably know as TES4Edit we always do our best to recognize Elminster as the original author and that we are just carrying the torch. I was comparing some of the Wrye Bash code recently and even the locale routine was the same until 295. From your version 84 until 295 it never changed. As I go through the code trying to add better Unicode support to Wrye Mash, I am able to compare version 295 and use is as a guide. I can even compare up until about 304.4 and only then does the refactoring effect how easy it is to compare everything. The base code you designed and worked on up until you no longer had time to do so continues to be present to this day. So it really is your code and I don't think anyone would want to draw attention away from that by calling it Bob's Mash or whatever.
It's just been a lot to deal with. I'll figure something out but not sure it will ever be satisfactory. I have been reading your Wrye Musings and I see the no take-backs rule followed by your idea of not having to deal with idiots rule. I think it will take this young dog a while to learn all your tricks. I don't know how I'll get through it but I will try. Thanks again for the response I appreciate it.
Sorry for all the changes. I wanted to get some things off my chest and move on but I want to be respectful of your talk page so I removed as much as I could. Again sorry for all this. --Sharlikran (talk) 14:39 4 November 2017
Getting a little long here. I'll try sending to an old email I have for you. --Wrye (talk) 18:43, 5 November 2017 (UTC)
Note: Sharlikran and myself have moved the continuing conversation over to email. However, the above serves as public record on my position re "Wrye Bash" name, etc. --Wrye (talk) 23:21, 5 November 2017 (UTC)

I have just started work on a Wiki site and I need to officially ask permission for using Wrye Text but I don't know exactly how to ask.

Here goes. I would like permission to use Wrye Text and expand on Wrye Text for use on a Wiki. Currently only a few pages are built from that method but I am having fun with it. Also, I am creating documentation to allow users to submit Wrye Text documents for use in building other guides for those overwhelmed by CSS and HTML. I have made some alterations and will be adding a bit more to provide blockquotes or spoiler buttons. I hope all is well for you. I sent you a link in your email. Take care.

Sharlikran (talk) 22:00, 6 January 2020 (GMT)