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User talk:Lukish/Arc 2011

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I noticed you were working on trying to clean up the Oblivion:Gripes articles. Since these articles are currently one of the worst this site has to offer I can only applaud you on the daring task. Various editors have suggested a course of action for the articles over the years. May I suggest reading up on the discussion Proposal for Redesign? Perhaps you have some good suggestions. --Timenn-<talk> 14:18, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Max Fatigue[edit]

I saw one of your previous edits about fortify fatigue and the damage formula. I was wondering if you knew how they affect one another, since it was in my understanding that it was simply the current fatigue/Max fatigue and so you cannot increase a weapon's base damage. I this correct, or can you increase your maximum weapon damage? --Nordickie 18:50, 20 September 2009 (UTC)

You can increase the skill's effectiveness over 100% with fortified fatigue over "max fatigue" however, in Morrowind, weapon damage is based on stats, not skills. Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 23:00, 20 September 2009 (UTC)

Atronach Forge[edit]

What exactly is it you're trying to do with the references? rpeh •TCE 09:58, 22 November 2011 (UTC)

I was trying to reduce links to the source note pages, but this way looks better, it was a bad idea to begin with, thanks :) Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 10:00, 22 November 2011 (UTC)
actually, I thought there would be more sources with multiple recipes on them, but it's done now, so all is well. Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 10:15, 22 November 2011 (UTC)


Congratulations, you're now a patroller! Welcome to the team... now get to work ;) --NepheleTalk 16:47, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Congrats on your patrollership! --Legoless 19:52, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Aw, okay. :| Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 23:34, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

Namespace Templates[edit]

I'm afraid edits like this are the wrong way round. Usually we want to expand the template into the markup. The {{MW}}, {{OB}}, etc templates are there as a convenience and always get expanded by RoBoT when things are quiet. rpeh •TCE 21:15, 1 December 2011 (UTC)

Seems counterproductive, it's easier to use the wiki in editing and in finding things when the templates are used. Otherwise why have them? Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 21:18, 1 December 2011 (UTC)
The template was created before the namespace shortcuts existed, and was only ever intended to reduce the amount of typing editors had to do when adding lots of links. Right from the start, RoBoT has expanded the template because that's what was always intended. We probably don't need them these days. rpeh •TCE 06:10, 2 December 2011 (UTC)

Re: That made no sense, are you sure you know what you're saying?[edit]

No, I don't! I was wondering if you could give me some pointers regarding my gobbledygook? Purist approach for me has been very difficult to define. In essence, Tamriel does not have comprehensive maps. If they did people wouldn't be offering to put locations on your map. Tamriel does not have GPS. Thus the quest map indicators are very munchkin. Tamriel also does not have teleporters. That makes fast travel a little munchkin too although it does allow for time traveled. Anyway, with the map found on the tomb at noon, the only way to know for a fact that is Lake Arius Caverns is to use the mapping and GPS features, or search the environs around where the tomb map indicated. IE, the game forces the player to cheat. To better explain. I started my present game of Oblivion acting as natural and normal as possible. I used no fast travel or map and went entirely by recognizing scenery or using road signs, to finding places. (I would add, the game could use some helpful people that can give you directions.) This game I began on June 1st, 2010. I spent the first 6 months mostly lost. But what the heck, it's a lovely game with some fabulous scenery. Anyway, without using the Munchkin accessories and using the game as a place to take a stroll during breaks in my work, I only started the main quest line, getting Martin to Cloud Ruler Temple, 3 days ago. Using this 'purist' approach, I have extracted 698 very enjoyable playing hours. My problem is trying to explain this. Sort of the ultimate in anti-spoilers approach to playing the game and getting far far more out of the game than the normal person ever does, and I have put the developers eye for detail to good use, appreciating many things that few people bother with. This make any sense at all? Sniffles 06:55, 5 December 2011 (UTC)

So are you saying you like to play without looking at the map? I'm pretty sure maps are a normal thing in Tamriel, as are compasses. If you think the map markers which indicate quest objectives ruin the atmosphere, you are not alone. It's one of the main gripes people have about the game, but considering the developers designed the game with the quest compass in mind, there aren't many cues or indicators to help someone like yourself find something without a big map marker.
Terms like "munchkin" and "purist" aren't used on articles because they are too vague, and are jargon which most people don't know the meaning of. I'm assuming you know the meaning of Munchkin since you used it properly just now, but I do not believe it was even properly used in your attempted contribution. So with a quick revert for quality control, we can make changes and eventually build a better addition which isn't reverted. I'm sure looking forward to seeing more valued edits from you, just try to be clear and concise, as I know you can be.
I believe that after you click the glowing map, some NPCs actually do tell you it's at the lake north of Cheydinhal. If you'd like to discuss this quest further, I'd suggest its talk page where everyone can join in with their input. Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 07:37, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
Thanks much for the reply and info. In fact, I do have a map and use it, and I use a compass. I got rid of the quest marker with some mod ages ago. Then a friend hacked a mod for me he never finished that essentially screws up the compass. What it actually does is makes the compass wrong unless my character strips completely naked and drops all accessories. It was supposed to screw up the compass when you are wearing metal, but he never got the thing that sophisticated. Anyway, a compass is useless unless you know exactly where you are so I only used it when in towns where I have a container to put my stuff in. But now that I have undroppable quest items, the compass doesn't work at all. That's okay. I now can find out where I am by sight recognition of the scenery! BTW, how the heck do I get rid of the Fork of Horripilation? Sniffles 08:28, 5 December 2011 (UTC)

() Complete Shivering:The Fork of Horripilation? That sounds like just the kind of mod I'd make, lol. Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 08:16, 5 December 2011 (UTC)

I got this silly fork and the game won't let me get rid of it! By the by, ever played Welkynd Stone Golf? (I mentioned this to KitKat and I suspect she now thinks I'm completely bonkers. Sniffles 08:28, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
Are you sure she isn't wrong? I have not played that no... I have played "Goblin Bowling" which I'm hoping is a bloodier sport. Lukish_ Tlk Cnt 08:32, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
Of course she isn't wrong. Anyway, you get a fistful of Welkynd Stones because they are easy to find. A dead wolf is also pretty good. Get a friend to join you at the controls. We start at the entrance to Imperial City, taking turns blasting the stones with our favorite spells. The course we use is past Skingrad to Anvil. Then across country to Chorrol, Around Chorrol and up the back road to Bruma. Down the main road and over to Cheydinhal. Across country again to Cracked Wood Cave then down the road to Leyawin. Up the road to Bravil then back around to where you started. The cross country treks are nasty! Staying on a road is the way to go. With a little luck you can make the entire circuit in about 8 to 10 hours. That trip from Anvil to Chorrol is a huge beetch unless you find the route that avoids all serious climbing up or down. Sniffles 08:50, 5 December 2011 (UTC)