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User talk:Daveh

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Note: Feel free to leave me a message here or e-mail me at

Archive 1: 2007
Archive 2: 2008
Archive 3: 2009
Archive 4: 2010
Archive 5: 2011
Archive 6: 2012
Archive 7: 2013
Archive 8: 2014
Archive 9: 2015
Archive 10: 2016
Archive 11: 2017
Archive 12: 2018
Archive 13: 2019
Archive 14: 2020
Archive 15: 2021

ESO+ for editors?[edit]

Hello! I heard that wiki editors can get ESO+ from the wiki, I was curious if I qualify for that? If not that's totally fine. (my eso @ is eeriesnow, the same as the wiki) Eeriesnow (talk) 22:05, 22 January 2022 (UTC)

We certainly do! While there is no hard requirements you are on the low end of edits but I'm willing to pay for 6 months of ESO+ and after that we'll see. If you can e-mail me or talk to me on Discord @Reorx we can arrange the method. Thanks! -- Daveh (talk) 13:55, 24 January 2022 (UTC)

Missing Map Feature[edit]

Hi Dave. I just wanted to point you towards this discussion, just in case you're not watching the page. Robin Hood(talk) 20:42, 7 July 2022 (UTC)

Would like to contribute ! <3[edit]

Hello, I'm a very active ESO player on console and I'd love to contribute to the map by edit adding in missing markers such as treasure chest, thieve troves etc. I love the map option and I'd love to help add to it. I'm available here, email, twitter or discord also :) - Passionkillz (talk) 04:10, 24 October 2022 (UTC)

ESO things[edit]

Hello there! Got a couple things to ask.

1) What do you think of adding the Tales of Tribute pin icon to esomap roster? ON-icon-TalesofTribute.png Right now they're using Misc, where marked.

2) Would I qualify for "ESO+ for ON editors", and is ESO+ the only possibility there? --DaExile (talk) 19:01, 5 February 2023 (UTC)

1 is a good idea. Will try to remember to do that Monday. Would love to pay for your ESO+ at least. We also offer to buy or reimburse game copies (or expansions) for active editors. Give me a PM on Discord (@Reorx) or e-mail me. -- Daveh (talk) 22:20, 5 February 2023 (UTC)

Translation to Spanish[edit]

Hi, Dave. I have been using the wiki for years but I recently created an account because I would like to help translate the page into Spanish. Where can I start? or who can I talk to? --MarioVdz (talk) 10:47, 29 June 2023 (UTC)

We do have the Portugese project at but no Spanish project planned at the moment (unsure how similar Spanish/Portugese is). If you can get a few more people interested we can consider starting a spanish translation wiki. Feel free to talk with us on Discord anytime. -- Daveh (talk) 13:43, 29 June 2023 (UTC)

ESO Sets, Skills Update[edit] Hello! After the new update, I have to wait a long time for updates on these pages. Tell me, when will the 43rd update be? How long do you usually update them? Thank you. AlexL (talk) 07:46, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Should be today or tomorrow. I was just prior to the 43 update release so I couldn't get a head start on item mining like I usually so which takes +10 days. Usually I try to get the data updated within a day or two of the update. -- Daveh (talk) 13:25, 28 August 2024 (UTC)

Web developer for editor help[edit]

Hi Dave,

I love fiddling with builds in the ESO build editor, and saw that you're looking for help. I'm a software engineer for my day job, and I'd love to help out. Two things I'd love to do are making the UI work for mobile, and supporting multiple loadouts with the same build (e.g. same skill / CP purchases, different armor / CP slottables). I sent you an email so you've got my contact info, and I'm @trexarming on Discord. Cheers!

UESP Android app[edit]

Can u please incorporate a offline downloadable option? I go on long hunting trips with no internet and on my downtime play Skyrim a lot. Similar to offline map downloads maybe create a Pro version thats completely offline with ability to download full guides on a per game scenario that has no Google Play dependencies and allow the option to download a full desktop website version. I have a nice android tablet and use the desktop website which fits perfectly. Ive tried download a full offline website version using some apps out there but cant get it to work. Im well aware that downloading a full game guide and extras would eat alot of storage, im and most are would be ok with that. Or if you could send me a offline copy of website or instruct me on how to download the full offline desktop website would work too

Cheers looking forward to hearing from you.

Ied be more than happy to make a sizable donation if 1 or all of my inquiries could be met.Elite-NSX (talk) 14:23, 24 February 2025 (UTC)

Good idea and one we've been wanting to do for a while. A bunch of technical issues that makes it hard but not impossible. -- Daveh (talk) 16:06, 23 February 2025 (UTC)

U could jus mak it simple in the meantime for me and send me a link to download the entire website for offine use similar to HTTrack website copier. Or if different a archived version to download. Ill gladly send $50 thro paypal for a quick solution PLZElite-NSX (talk) 14:24, 24 February 2025 (UTC)