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A page concerning the canonicity of one Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits.


"I answer, forced by the vexatious constraints of your vulgar conjuration, Legoless, but rest assured that your name shall be duly entered in my Oghma of Inevitable Retribution."

"Legoless. You again. Curse this vile spellcraft you employed to contact me. It has sent your cursed name to the top of my Oghma of Inevitable Retribution list, mortal. Still, the magic compels me to answer. To some extent."Lyranth the Foolkiller


"Indeed, such is their heritage, Legoless! But if you think a banded guar is a handful, you should try mounting a golden-eye—if it will let you!"Esqoo of Dhalmora


"Oh, of course, 'Doyen,' because assuaging the grief of mortals is so important to me."

"I have had similar questions about my 'nature' from Alessandra, Legoless, and an Unnamed One, so I suppose I must address the matter. I am a Vestige, all that remains of a mortal from your world who 'mantled' Sheogorath during an event in a previous time."Chamberlain Haskill

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"Scholarly Legoless: Though it's difficult to think beyond the current crisis while Tamriel's skies are raining Daedra and Dark Anchors, the Mages Guild acknowledges the necessity of it, and indeed has a few Researchers devoted to the task."

"Rohais, please refer to my answer above to Doyen Legoless as regards possible interference from other Daedric realms."Gabrielle Benele

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"Alas, Sir Doyen, you are ill-informed, but you are probably not to blame—the Alliance spy services put so much effort into disparaging and discrediting our recent governing nobility that it should come as no surprise that credulous folk believe their lies."Chancellor Abnur Tharn

See Also[edit]

Haskill quoted


Apocryphal Texts[edit]
