User:Legoless/Loremaster's Archive Questions

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Loremaster's Archive Questions
Questions submitted to the Loremaster's Archive

An Accounting of Werewolves

A certain cave in Eastmarch is inhabited by a tribe of goblins that the local Nords refer to as 'rieklings'. Are they really the blue-skinned natives of Solstheim, or are the locals getting their terminology mixed up?

Trail and Tide

“Esteemed Moon Bishop, in the wake of the horrific events that unfolded in the Reaper's March region, many non-Khajiiti citizens have been left to wonder at the true nature of the dro-m'Athra. The majority of your people refuse to speak of these dark spirits, who have long been deemed by scholars to be the inverse of the Khajiit. In a word, they are seen as Daedra. Is the Den of Lorkhaj therefore a realm of Oblivion? How did the Dark Mane become dro-m'Athra, and what did the Tharns hope to gain from trafficking with these forces?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

A Loathsome Civilization

“Most proficient Artificer, the grim fate of Bendu Olo's lost expedition members has recently come to light in the depths of Coldharbour. Was this Coral Tower encountered by the All-Flags Navy similar in nature to the other Towers of Nirn, or was it simply a Daedric perversion?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Songs of the Stars

“High Astrologer, the Scaled Court seem to believe that the Celestials are simply mortal Nedes whose near-divine power are the result of long-ago nirncrux experimentation within the Skyreach Pinnacle to harness the power of the stars. The late Regent of Serpentine Stratagems in particular seemed determined to prove this theory. Is this true? If so, did the Celestials simply take on the aspects of the constellations, or did they create them?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

All Things Guar

“I recently purchased a banded guar charger for riding into battle on the frontlines of Cyrodiil. For such a steep price, the beast has a remarkably foul temperament and I have been unable to find a guar-herd willing to help train him. Might this breed be related to the feral tiger guars of the Deshaan Plain, or are those monsters simply an old Legion myth?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Ranks and Hierarchy of the Daedra

“I summon you, Lyranth Foolkiller, Wehkehpneht-kamdo, and bind you with this paleonymic. Answer, or return to the Wellspring of Oblivion from whence you came!

“Despite your people's infinitely complex hierarchy, the mortals of Tamriel know next to nothing of your clans. The Kyn seem to readily provide details on the various ranks of your foul society once they've been coaxed a little, but even the Imperial Battlemages have failed to obtain any meaningful information on clan structure. The most well-known clan prior to the Planemeld identifies itself only as 'Dremora Clan', and is led by Lord Imago Storm, Oathkin of Mehrunes Dagon. Can you shed some light on the origins of the Foolkillers and the Deathbringers, and how they came to owe allegiance to Molag Bal? What are your clan's relations like with Imago and his ilk?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Rituals of the Divines

“Faithful brother, I know the war-torn Heartlands must be a long way from Kvatch, but would you care to discuss the various organisations of faith in the region? In particular, there are scant few details on Weynon Priory and the Claw of Akatosh, or the Knights of the Eight encountered deep in Aldmeri territory. As was seen at Gottlesfont, the ignorance of soldiers has already led to a significant loss of the Imperial Cult's heritage in Cyrodiil, and information on these historic monastic settlements would go a long way in protecting them from any further desecration until the Empire returns to greatness.” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Courting Practices in Tamriel

“Faithful Sibyl, with the Kothringi people all but gone from this world, a great cultural gap has appeared in the depopulated mangroves of their native Argonia. As a direct link to Dibella, surely you must feel the goddess's pain from the loss of some of her most devout worshippers. We know that the Lady of Love was held in high regard by the Kothringi, but historians regretfully know very little of their courtship traditions. Can you speak on their behalf, that we might honour their memory?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

An Interview with Haskill

“Would you mind speaking on the origins of yourself and Dyus of Mytheria? Excuse a mortal's ignorance, but you resemble a Breton manservant much more than any Daedra I've ever seen.” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

“Are the mortal inhabitants of the Shivering Isles subject to the effects of Time? Those who have departed Tamriel under Lord Sheogorath's wing seem to live for centuries in between Greymarches if the ravings of madmen are to be believed. Knowledge of their fate might help assuage the grief of certain members of the Mages Guild who have had recent dealings with the Madgod.” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Resistance in the Imperial City

“Comrade, I don't believe we've had the pleasure. Very few reports have come from City Isle since the chains landed, but it's to my understanding that the Order of the Black Worm has been given an imperial charter after the recent exile of the Mages Guild. Is it therefore right to assume that the Necromancers are currently in control of the Arcane University and its Imperial Orrery? If not, has anything been done to protect the invaluable Mystic Archive from Coldharbour's flames?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Crafting and Woodworking

“Pacrooti, I must thank you for your last shipment of nightwood logs. However, I have to ask: where do you find this wood? In all my travels, I've never seen anything that resembles a living nightwood tree here on Tamriel. Is it just my untrained eye?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

“As most purists will tell you, ebony and malachite are traditionally held to be the quintessential materials to forge armor and weapons with, given their Lorkhanic nature. Recently, however, we've been seeing much greater use of more exotic metals at the forge. Everything from calcinium to voidsteel is being used to forge equipment nowadays, due to their supposed superiority. Is there some truth to this fad? If so, why did the old masters stop at ebony?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Effects of the Daedric Invasion

“Dearest Gabrielle,

According to the old annals, the ancient Akaviri spoke of the prophecy of Alduin, the mythical harbinger of the end times still revered by some Nords. This prophecy references 'the time after Oblivion opened' and the 'return' of the long-dead dragons.

As we know, Molag Bal's transliminal portals released armies of fiendish Daedric Titans into the skies above Tamriel, some of which must obviously still remain on Nirn. Does the Mages Guild have any indication of an approaching end to this kalpa? With the Alliance War raging on, what's to stop the other Princes from violating Alessia's Covenant?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Politics and the Imperial City

“Chancellor Tharn,

Before Mannimarco's recent departure from the City, what role did the King of Worms play in post-Soulburst Imperial politics? Your daughter Clivia has de jure regency following Emperor Varen's disappearance, but it is commonly claimed that Mannimarco is, in fact, the one who sits the Ruby Throne. Additionally, how does Clivia mean to reassert her right to rule, given that the Alliances sent forth a new pretender almost daily?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Archeology and Races of Tamriel

“Lady Laurent, I trust that you and Stibbons made it back safely from the Hollow City. It must be an exciting time to be an archaeologist, given the myriad of discoveries being made by these supposedly immortal adventurers who might otherwise have never returned to tell their tales. I was hoping you could provide some insight into the origin of two of these surprising discoveries.

Classic Imperial history is infamous for glossing over the various Ayleid cities that blossomed outside the Heartlands following the fall of White-Gold, but even the staunchest of Ayleid Revivalists admit that the Wild Elves never extended their borders beyond the Jeralls. And yet despite the millennia of Falmeri and Nordic rule over Skyrim, the ruins of an Ayleid outpost has seemingly been excavated beneath the ruined fort as Greenwall, in the centre of the Rift. How do we reconcile this discovery with the region's history?

My second question is in regards to a rather infamous den of outlaws beneath the streets of Belkarth. I'm sure a lady of your standing would have little to do with a place such as that, but the stonework within is of exceptional Nedic craftsmanship. The recently discovered Nedic city of Reinhold's Retreat, a crumbling ruin even before the first Yokudan set foot on Tamriel, is also located beneath Belkarth. Are these perhaps part of an interconnected and intact complex?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Modern and Historical Riding Mounts

“Lady Honnorah, my condolences for the destruction of your historic stables. I'm sure you must mourn the loss of so many Yokudan thoroughbreds at the hands of such Daedric savagery. Having experienced the perils of trafficking with these beings firsthand, how do you feel about the growing trend of using Daedra as mounts? There have been reports of riders atop fiery coursers as black as night and horselike atronachs composed of solid ice, and those brave few who have ventured into the Imperial City claim to have witnessed mortal horses corrupted by Molag Bal's heinous morphotype experimentation. Do these conjured beasts pose a danger to the general public? How has it affected honest horse traders and stud farmers such as yourself?” – Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Imperial Sewers

“Master Architect Julus, I trust this letter reaches you well.

I was hoping you could offer some insight into the sewer systems beneath the Imperial Palace. Obviously this section of the city substructure can be difficult to accurately map due to the underlying Ayleid architecture, but recent intelligence suggests that all three Alliance forward bases are positioned close to passages leading directly to manholes in Green Emperor Way.

Most sewer maps assert that the Barathrum Centrata drainage pit is located directly below White-Gold Tower, but scouts report nothing but 'unending legions of Daedra' in this highly-contested chamber, and zero surface access. Are the Alliance generals mistakenly pushing deeper underground in their haste to take the Ruby Throne? What is the intended function of these mysterious side passages, and where exactly do they lead in relation to the Palace District?”

– Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

The Maelstrom Arena - Part One

“Fa-Nuit-Hen, Multiplier of Motions Known, I offer the soul of this fallen warrior as sacrifice, and in return request only a drop of your knowledge. My questions for you today are threefold:

Firstly, I must ask of your nature. Which of the Princes sired you? We know of your involvement with Vivec, but is it true that you also taught new Motions to dissident Redguards who rejected the Ansei?

For my second question, I'd like to inquire into the matter of your Aedric counterparts. Many obscure texts describe Morihaus-Breath-of-Kyne as a Demiprince, but this is hard to reconcile with what little we know of Daedric Demiprinces such as yourself.

Lastly, I hope that you could provide some information on the pocket realm of Infernace, home of the highly intelligent Flame Atronachs. Even the most inexperienced mortal conjurer knows of the existence of this realm and its endless supply of fiery guardians, but it has rarely been visited due to the extreme conditions within. Does it have a clan structure? We know that the Flame Atronachs can collectively swear allegiance to a Prince, but how do such alliances affect this plane politically?”

– Legoless, Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Murkmire Q&A

To the esteemed Jee-Lar of Cyrodilic Collections,

What is the name of the region surrounding the city of Gideon? Some sources name this area as Murkmire, but we now know Murkmire is located far to the southeast.

Does the term "Saxhleel" apply to Naga?

If scholarly writings are to be believed, amber plasm is similar in nature to chaotic creatia. Does this lend credence to the theory that the Hist originally came from a realm of Oblivion? If so, do Argonian historians know anything about this realm?

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Dragons in the Second Era

The opening of the Halls of Colossus is known to have awoken the great dragon Maarselok from his slumber beneath the mountains of Tenmar. Has this event caused other, similarly forgotten dragons to return to the skies of Tamriel?

The skeletal remains of Thurvokun were recently reanimated in the mines of Fang Lair by the foul Blackmarrow Cult, his ancient bones used as a vessel for the soul of their leader. Does this imply that Thurvokun's own soul was devoured by a fellow dov at some point in the past, or could he rise again?

Are the lower levels of the Battlespire occupied by the famed Dragonne Papré during the Second Era?

In light of the recent draconic threat to the Dominion's capital in Grahtwood, is there a real risk of Elsweyr's dragon menace spilling out onto wider Tamriel in the years and decades to come?

Is there any record of Jills being sighted during the Second Era?

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Mehrunes Dagon & Daedra in the Second Era

Lyranth, Foolkiller, Wehkehpneht-kamdo! By these words I summon you!

I understand you were recently taken captive by Baron Zaudrus within the mines of Deshaan. What manner of foul Daedra was this creature, and how could it so easily overpower the infamous Dread Lady?

I have heard rumors of a fearsome Daedra that stalks the swamps of Blackwood. Firsthand sightings claim to have seen a Ruinach. What purpose would such a creature have for coming to Tamriel?

The Truth in Sequence speaks of "Sarmissonays'um ghoul-things" falling in chunks from Dagon's body during his attack on Mournhold. Does this refer to the creation of Ruinachs? If so, is there any truth to their claim of Dagonic pedigree?

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Bretons & High Isle

To the esteemed Lady Arabelle,

Who were the original inhabitants of the Systres?

Do the traditions of the Stonelore druids predate the Direnni Hegemony?

I have heard tales of strange crustaceans and coral beasts native to the Systres. These creatures are unknown to the people of Tamriel—how have the Breton residents of High Isle adapted to this alien land?

Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Tamriel's Dungeons

Guildmate Dhulef,

Rumours abound of an underwater observatory built by the Dwemer at Graven Deep. Was this the work of Rourken's clan? What business did the Dwarves have with the ocean floor?

According to the Undaunted, the darkness within Elden Hollow led to the dark domain of Bogdan the Nightflame. Is this realm without light a plane of Oblivion? What danger does this Daedra pose?

I have heard reports of the Ascendant Order attempting to tame Gryphons on the Coral Aerie islet off the coast of Summerset. The Welkynars of Eton Nir must raise gryphons from birth and train many long years to ride such a beast—how do these rogue knights plan to do so in time for their mad campaign?

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

The Druid Circles of Galen

Druid Laurel, I hope this note finds you well. Please do not be alarmed by the raven; it is a most faithful messenger bird.

From speaking to the good people of High Isle, I have noticed they are possessed of a strange set of syncretic beliefs. Many islanders I have spoken to profess devotion to the Eight Divines, but often harbor a deep respect for Y'ffre and druidic culture. Is worship of the Divines compatible with the True Way? I cannot imagine the local clergy at the Temple of the Winds are too pleased by nature worship.

Do the Stonelore Circle struggle to maintain a presence on Amenos, given that the jungle seems to be overrun by pirates and banished criminals? I haven't noticed any major druidic camps on the island.

Do you believe druidism has a future on mainland Tamriel, perhaps among the wyrds of High Rock?

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

House Telvanni


My dealings with the Telvanni to date have largely been relegated to Sadrith Mora and other minor holdings on Vvardenfell. Is Necrom the largest Telvanni city on the mainland, or are there other Dark Elven capitals of note that remain outside the Ebonheart Pact?

Honour to your House,
—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

The Arcanists

Respected Arcanist,

Our scholars have spent many long years attempting to make sense of the ever-shifting scripts of Apocrypha, but no meaningful translation has ever been achieved. What is this strange runic alphabet? Is it simply a language unknown to Tamrielic academia, or do you derive some measure of power from its application? I am hopeful that a runemaster such as yourself might shed some light on the matter.

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Infinite Archive

Esteemed archivist,

Have you ever come across a tome from the Great Library of Jyggalag? All the knowledge that was once contained within its halls has supposedly been lost, but surely the Prince of Secrets remembers. Or does Hermaeus Mora take umbrage at the suggestion that the threads of fate can be accurately predicted through logical deduction?

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Malacath and Maelstrom

Madam, I trust you have received my payment.

Much of Prince Malacath's realm is spoken of in metaphor, from the Spine of Ashpit to the towering steel walls of the Ashen Forge. Are these tangible places, or is the mortal understanding of this plane not to be taken literally?

I have heard tell of a Daedric vault located somewhere within the whirling realm of Maelstrom, containing the relics of Fa-Nuit-Hen. Is this the resting place of the Flame Monarch's Crown, the Demiprince's most well-known possession?

Have any whispers reached your ears in Fargrave regarding the current whereabouts of Saresea, the multichronal Psijic?

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits


Hail, Votary.

A Templar once attempted to teach me some basic sun magic. I'm afraid I will never master the art of forming a javelin out of sunlight, but it did make me wonder: can starlight be harnessed in a similar way? I know the Ayleids used the stars as a source of magicka, but imagine the kinds of flesh magic that could be attempted under the black light of Xero-Lyg...

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

The Clockwork City

Three blessings, Archcanon.

Are the Clockwork Apostles counted among the Temple faithful? It seems to me that there is little communication between the two, despite both groups venerating Seht.

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Tamriel's Holidays


I have heard many Heart's Day retellings of the Legend of the Lovers, each one closer to fiction than fact. Who were Polydor and Eloisa? Is there any mention of them in the historical record, or is it just a holiday tale?

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits

Elder Scrolls & Moth Priests

Venerated Sister,

Your order pays a heavy toll in the pursuit of prophetic understanding. Is blindness inevitable for all who read the Scrolls, or is this a limitation of our mortal eyes? I have seen Elder Scrolls in the libraries of Apocrypha; I fear what an immortal Daedra would do with such knowledge, should they learn how to read the fjyrons of mortal souls.

—Legoless, Tiger-Doyen of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits