UESPWiki:Community Interviews/Velyanthe
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Meet Velyanthe, a Wiki contributor and Patroller! To learn even more about them, visit their user page.

What's your role around UESP?
- I'm primarily an editor on the wiki. I usually make small edits, tweaks and such, but if I really like an aspect of the game, I work on creating or expanding an article for it. I also search through game data from Morrowind and Skyrim to help answer questions and verify info. I run the UESP tumblr blog as well.
- I'm also a patroller, mentor, and blocker. As a patroller, I check over edits from other editors, usually those who are new or unregistered, just to make sure that they're factually and grammatically correct. As a mentor, I offer my time to help other users, new or otherwise, with questions they may have about the wiki and how to edit it. As a blocker, I can stop spammers if an admin isn't around to do so.
How long have you been involved?
- I've been involved since late December 2011. I used the site on occasion before that when stuck on a quest in Morrowind or Oblivion. After getting Skyrim, I checked out an article and saw it lacked an image, so I took and uploaded one for it. And thus I joined the wiki.
What's your favorite part of the site?
- Probably the IRC chatroom. It's been a great place for me to make friends, and I love helping out people who come by asking questions. As for the wiki itself, I'm a big fan of the random page button. It's pretty neat to find pages I never knew existed.
Favorite Elder Scrolls game? quest? faction?
- Oh man, my favorite game by far is Morrowind. The most memorable quest I've done there was retrieving the Bittercup for the Thieves Guild. It was tricky and difficult just getting to the place where it was, but so worth it in the end. Kind of like stealing the Elder Scroll in Oblivion; both excellent quests. My favorite faction, however, is the Imperial Cult. It's just so different from the other factions, and so simple compared to them... it stands out to me.
You meddled with the Daedric Princes, and now one NPC is forced to be your sidekick. Who would you choose?
- Modryn Oreyn, the Fighters Guild Champion in Chorrol from Oblivion. He might have a rough attitude to start with, but he is one of the most interesting characters in any of the games, in my opinion. Practical, and he's great with a sword. He'd be my first choice.
- Second choice would be Lucien Lachance. Awesome, smart, and deadly.
Tell us one of your favorite things about Tamriel.
- The vast and varying landscapes. That was one of my favorite things about Morrowind especially, and something I loved about Oblivion: You could go from a snowy or swampy area into a forest or grasslands anytime you wanted, and it would be a realistic transition while still providing variety and color. I've always loved the scenery in these games, and I think that's one thing I miss while in Skyrim. There may be variety, but it doesn't feel as magical.
Tell us one thing that you've learned while being a member of UESP.
- If we're talking about the games, it's that data is so much fun. I've spent more hours in Skyrim's construction kit than playing the actual game! But more pertaining to "wikiwork", I've learned not to pick up a large, "fun" project unless I intend to finish it. Also not to try doing anything big on the wiki during exams week.
What would you like to say to UESP readers and fans?
- Play the games and don't worry too much about the facts. Don't stress out about lore inconsistencies or Skyrim bugs. The Elder Scrolls are games, and should be enjoyed. And if you think something on the wiki is wrong? Fix it! Just relax, play the games, and cultivate a friendly atmosphere within the community. Don't take the games too seriously that they become less fun.