UESPWiki:Community Interviews/Rook
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Meet Rook (formerly Skyrimplayer), a Userspace Patroller here at UESP! To learn even more about them, visit their user page.

What's your role around UESP?
- I'm a Userpatroller. It's sort of like a semi-patroller. The main difference being that Userpatrollers are only capable of marking edits to made to any User space as patrolled. These spaces include the Userpage, and the User Talk Page.
- A Userpatrollers edits to userspaces are automatically patrolled.
How long have you been involved?
- I've been a member since about July 15th, 2012.
- I did have another account which I had made beforehand, but I never used it.
What's your favorite part of the site?
- The Community. Sometimes we can be a bit mean to each other, but when it comes down to it, the people are all pretty decent. And that's saying something.
Favorite Elder Scrolls game? quest? faction?
- Game: Oblivion, coming in slightly before Morrowind.
- Quest: Tie between Whodunit? (Oblivion) and the Forsworn Conspiracy (Skyrim)
- Faction: The Dark Brotherhood (Oblivion) or the Thieves Guild (Skyrim)
You meddled with the Daedric Princes, and now one NPC is forced to be your sidekick. Who would you choose?
- Teinaava (Oblivion)
- We'd be kicking all kinds of ass. Dark Brotherhood style.
Tell us one of your favorite things about Tamriel.
- The World. It's just so expansive and beautiful. You just want to get lost in it.
- And the dogs are pretty sweet too.
Tell us one thing that you've learned while being a member of UESP.
- I learnd butter grammerz anb spling.
- No seriously, look at my first few edits. And then look at my recent ones. HUGE quality difference.
What would you like to say to UESP readers and fans?
- To UESP: Keep improving, guys. We have a nice site here, let's keep it going until TES X!
- To my fans: I love you all, you beautiful people.